172 research outputs found

    Support for energy-oriented design in the Australian context

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    There is a need for decision support tools that integrate energy simulation into early design in the context of Australian practice. Despite the proliferation of simulation programs in the last decade, there are no ready-to-use applications that cater specifically for the Australian climate and regulations. Furthermore, the majority of existing tools focus on achieving interaction with the design domain through model-based interoperability, and largely overlook the issue of process integration. This paper proposes an energy-oriented design environment that both accommodates the Australian context and provides interactive and iterative information exchanges that facilitate feedback between domains. It then presents the structure for DEEPA, an openly customisable system that couples parametric modelling and energy simulation software as a means of developing a decision support tool to allow designers to rapidly and flexibly assess the performance of early design alternatives. Finally, it discusses the benefits of developing a dynamic and concurrent performance evaluation process that parallels the characteristics and relationships of the design process

    Closing the loop of design and analysis: Parametric modelling tools for early decision support

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    There is a growing need for parametric design software that communicates building performance feedback in early architectural exploration to support decision-making. This paper examines how the circuit of design and analysis process can be closed to provide active and concurrent feedback between architecture and services engineering domains. It presents the structure for an openly customisable design system that couples parametric modelling and energy analysis software to allow designers to assess the performance of early design iterations quickly. Finally, it discusses how user interactions with the system foster information exchanges that facilitate the sharing of design intelligence across disciplines

    What information is necessary to assess the environmental impacts of deconstruction?

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    4D modeling - the simulation and visualisation of the construction process - is now a common method used during the building construction process with reasonable support from existing software. The goal of this paper is to examine the information needs required to model the deconstruction/demolition process of a building. The motivation is the need to reduce the impacts on the local environment during the deconstruction process. The focus is on the definition and description of the activities to remove building components and on the assessment of the noise, dust and vibration implications of these activities on the surrounding environment. The outcomes of the research are: i. requirements specification for BIM models to support operational deconstruction process planning, ii. algorithms for augmenting the BIM with the derived information necessary to automate planning of the deconstruction process with respect to impacts on the surrounding environment, iii. algorithms to build naive deconstruction activity schedules

    Evaluating neutral, preferred, and comfort range temperatures and computing adaptive equation for Kano region

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    Provisions of international comfort standards may not be appropriate for all climates, it is therefore imperative to evaluate comfort requirements of indoor occupants in all regions, particularly where comprehensive standards are lacking. As part of an ongoing study on comfort in higher education facilities in Kano, involving lecture theatres and laboratories, an Indoor Environmental Quality field study was conducted by collecting a total of 1382 questionnaires in addition to physical measurements, covering a period of 10 months. In addition to measurements of air speed, air and radiant temperatures, relative humidity, a comfort survey was undertaken where activity levels and clothing insulations were obtained. Two neutral temperatures were arrived at based on operative and indoor running mean temperatures, 27.4 °C and 28.1 °C respectively. Similarly a comfort zone of 22 °C to 32 °C was realised. The results revealed that the adaptive equation using the weighted running mean outdoor air temperature had the highest coefficient of determination, with regression coefficient of 0.6, which is nearly twice those of ASHRAE 55 and EN 15251. The evaluated neutral and preferred temperatures show that subjects are comfortable even at 32 °C in naturally ventilated buildings in Kano regio

    National guidelines for digital modelling : case studies

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    These National Guidelines and Case Studies for Digital Modelling are the outcomes from one of a number of Building Information Modelling (BIM)-related projects undertaken by the CRC for Construction Innovation. Since the CRC opened its doors in 2001, the industry has seen a rapid increase in interest in BIM, and widening adoption. These guidelines and case studies are thus very timely, as the industry moves to model-based working and starts to share models in a new context called integrated practice. Governments, both federal and state, and in New Zealand are starting to outline the role they might take, so that in contrast to the adoption of 2D CAD in the early 90s, we ensure that a national, industry-wide benefit results from this new paradigm of working. Section 1 of the guidelines give us an overview of BIM: how it affects our current mode of working, what we need to do to move to fully collaborative model-based facility development. The role of open standards such as IFC is described as a mechanism to support new processes, and make the extensive design and construction information available to asset operators and managers. Digital collaboration modes, types of models, levels of detail, object properties and model management complete this section. It will be relevant for owners, managers and project leaders as well as direct users of BIM. Section 2 provides recommendations and guides for key areas of model creation and development, and the move to simulation and performance measurement. These are the more practical parts of the guidelines developed for design professionals, BIM managers, technical staff and ‘in the field’ workers. The guidelines are supported by six case studies including a summary of lessons learnt about implementing BIM in Australian building projects. A key aspect of these publications is the identification of a number of important industry actions: the need for BIMcompatible product information and a national context for classifying product data; the need for an industry agreement and setting process-for-process definition; and finally, the need to ensure a national standard for sharing data between all of the participants in the facility-development process

    Can B.I.M be civil?

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    After many years of development BIM (Building Information Modelling) is starting to achieve significant penetration into the building sector of the construction industry. This paper describes the current status of BIM and the drivers that are motivating the change from 2D CAD to BIM within the building sector. The paper then discusses what the implications of the technology underlying BIM may be for the civil construction sector of the construction industry. A project carried out by the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation is used as an example of this technology as well as several international examples

    Process based synthesis to evaluate design flexibility in airport terminal layout

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    Flexible design concept is a relatively new trend in airport terminal design which is believed to facilitate the ever changing needs of a terminal. Current architectural design processes become more complex every day because of the introduction of new building technologies where the concept of flexible airport terminal would apparently make the design process even more complex. Previous studies have demonstrated that ever growing aviation industry requires airport terminals to be planned, designed and constructed in such a way that should allow flexibility in design process. In order to adopt the philosophy of ‘design for flexibility’ architects need to address a wide range of differing needs. An appropriate integration of the process models, prior to the airport terminal design process, is expected to uncover the relationships that exist between spatial layout and their corresponding functions. The current paper seeks to develop a way of sharing space adjacency related information obtained from the Business Process Models (BPM) to assist in defining flexible airport terminal layouts. Critical design parameters are briefly investigated at this stage of research whilst reviewing the available design alternatives and an evaluation framework is proposed in the current paper. Information obtained from various design layouts should assist in identifying and defining flexible design matrices allowing architects to interpret and to apply those throughout the lifecycle of the terminal building

    BIM support for disaster response

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    The introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to the design, construction and operation of buildings is changing the way that the building construction industry works. BIM involves the development of a full 3D virtual model of a building which not only contains the 3D information necessary to show the building as it will appear, but also contains significant additional data about each component in the building. BIM represents both physical and virtual objects in a building. This includes the rooms and spaces within and around the building. The additional data stored on each part of the building can support building maintenance opera- tions and, more importantly from the perspective of this paper, support the generation and running of simula- tions of the operation of the building and behaviour of people within it under both normal and emergency scenarios. The initial discussion is around the use of BIM to support the design of resilient buildings which references the various codes and standards that define current best practice. The remainder of the discussion uses various recent events as the basis for discussion on how BIM could have been used to support rapid recovery and re- building

    Information dependencies between architects and services engineers for early design evaluation: a framework for an energy design tool for architects

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    Effective strategies for the design of effi cient and environmentally sensitive buildings require a close collaboration between architects and engineers in the design of the building shell and environmental control systems at the outset of projects. However, it is often not practical for engineers to be involved early on in the design process. It is therefore essential that architects be able to perform preliminary energy analyses to evaluate their proposed designs prior to the major building characteristics becoming fi xed. Subsequently, a need exists for a simplifi ed energy design tool for architects. This paper discusses the limitations of existing analysis software in supporting early design explorations and proposes a framework for the development of a tool that provides decision support by permitting architects to quickly assess the performance of design alternatives

    Active buildings: What can we do about buildings that simply stand still?

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    This paper presents background of our research and result of our pilot study to find methods for convincing building users to become active building participants. We speculate this is possible by allowing and motivating users to customise and manage their own built environments. The ultimate aim of this research is to develop open, flexible and adaptive systems that bring awareness to building users to the extent they recognise spaces are for them to change rather than accept spaces are fixed and they are the ones to adapt. We argue this is possible if the architectural hardware is designed to adapt to begin with and more importantly if there are appropriate user interfaces that are designed to work with the hardware. A series of simple prototypes were made to study possibilities through making, installing and experiencing them. Ideas discussed during making and experiencing of prototypes were evaluated to generate further ideas. This method was very useful to speculate unexplored and unknown issues with respect to developing user interfaces for active buildings