495 research outputs found

    The experimental realization of a two-dimensional colloidal model system

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    We present the technical details of an experimental method to realize a model system for 2D phase transitions and the glass transition. The system consists of several hundred thousand colloidal super-paramagnetic particles confined by gravity at a flat water-air interface of a pending water droplet where they are subjected to Brownian motion. The dipolar pair potential and therefore the system temperature is not only known precisely but also directly and instantaneously controllable via an external magnetic field B. In case of a one component system of monodisperse particles the system can crystallize upon application of B whereas in a two component system it undergoes a glass transition. Up to 10000 particles are observed by video microscopy and image processing provides their trajectories on all relative length and time scales. The position of the interface is actively regulated thereby reducing surface fluctuations to less than one micron and the setup inclination is controlled to an accuracy of 1 microrad. The sample quality being necessary to enable the experimental investigation of the 2D melting scenario, 2D crystallization, and the 2D glass transition, is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    How the Replica-Symmetry-Breaking Transition Looks Like in Finite-Size Simulations

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    Finite-size effects in the mean-field Ising spin glass and the mean-field three-state Potts glass are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. In the thermodynamic limit, each model is known to exhibit a continuous phase transition into the ordered state with a full and a one-step replica-symmetry breaking (RSB), respectively. In the Ising case, Binder parameter g calculated for various finite sizes remains positive at any temperature and crosses at the transition point, while in the Potts case g develops a negative dip without showing a crossing in the g>0 region. By contrast, non-self averaging parameters always remain positive and show a clear crossing at the transition temperature in both cases. Our finding suggests that care should be taken in interpreting the numerical data of the Binder parameter, particularly when the system exhibits a one-step-like RSB.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Crystal nuclei and structural correlations in two-dimensional colloidal mixtures: experiment versus simulation

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    We examine binary mixtures of superparamagnetic colloidal particles confined to a two-dimensional water-air interface both by real-space experiments and Monte-Carlo computer simulations at high coupling strength. In the simulations, the interaction is modelled as a pairwise dipole-dipole repulsion. While the ratio of magnetic dipole moments is fixed, the interaction strength governed by the external magnetic field and the relative composition is varied. Excellent agreement between simulation and experiment is found for the partial pair distribution functions including the fine structure of the neighbour shells at high coupling. Furthermore local crystal nuclei in the melt are identified by bond-orientational order parameters and their contribution to the pair structure is discussed

    Exactly Solvable Models: The Road Towards a Rigorous Treatment of Phase Transitions in Finite Systems

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    We discuss exact analytical solutions of a variety of statistical models recently obtained for finite systems by a novel powerful mathematical method, the Laplace-Fourier transform. Among them are a constrained version of the statistical multifragmentation model, the Gas of Bags Model and the Hills and Dales Model of surface partition. Thus, the Laplace-Fourier transform allows one to study the nuclear matter equation of state, the equation of state of hadronic and quark gluon matter and surface partitions on the same footing. A complete analysis of the isobaric partition singularities of these models is done for finite systems. The developed formalism allows us, for the first time, to exactly define the finite volume analogs of gaseous, liquid and mixed phases of these models from the first principles of statistical mechanics and demonstrate the pitfalls of earlier works. The found solutions may be used for building up a new theoretical apparatus to rigorously study phase transitions in finite systems. The strategic directions of future research opened by these exact results are also discussed.Comment: Contribution to the ``World Consensus Initiative III, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA, February 11-17, 2005, 21

    High-resolution measurement of the time-modulated orbital electron capture and of the β+\beta^+ decay of hydrogen-like 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions

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    The periodic time modulations, found recently in the two-body orbital electron-capture (EC) decay of both, hydrogen-like 140^{140}Pr58+^{58+} and 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions, with periods near to 7s and amplitudes of about 20%, were re-investigated for the case of 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} by using a 245 MHz resonator cavity with a much improved sensitivity and time resolution. We observed that the exponential EC decay is modulated with a period T=7.11(11)T = 7.11(11)s, in accordance with a modulation period T=7.12(11)T = 7.12(11) s as obtained from simultaneous observations with a capacitive pick-up, employed also in the previous experiments. The modulation amplitudes amount to aR=0.107(24)a_R = 0.107(24) and aP=0.134(27)a_P = 0.134(27) for the 245 MHz resonator and the capacitive pick-up, respectively. These new results corroborate for both detectors {\it exactly} our previous findings of modulation periods near to 7s, though with {\it distinctly smaller} amplitudes. Also the three-body β+\beta^+ decays have been analyzed. For a supposed modulation period near to 7s we found an amplitude a=0.027(27)a = 0.027(27), compatible with a=0a = 0 and in agreement with the preliminary result a=0.030(30)a = 0.030(30) of our previous experiment. These observations could point at weak interaction as origin of the observed 7s-modulation of the EC decay. Furthermore, the data suggest that interference terms occur in the two-body EC decay, although the neutrinos are not directly observed.Comment: In memoriam of Prof. Paul Kienle, 9 pages, 1 table, 5 figures Phys. Lett. B (2013) onlin

    Neuronal Na+ Channels Are Integral Components of Pro-Arrhythmic Na+/Ca2+ Signaling Nanodomain That Promotes Cardiac Arrhythmias During β-Adrenergic Stimulation

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    SummaryAlthough triggered arrhythmias including catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) are often caused by increased levels of circulating catecholamines, the mechanistic link between β-adrenergic receptor (AR) stimulation and the subcellular/molecular arrhythmogenic trigger(s) is unclear. Here, we systematically investigated the subcellular and molecular consequences of β-AR stimulation in the promotion of catecholamine-induced cardiac arrhythmias. Using mouse models of cardiac calsequestrin-associated CPVT, we demonstrate that a subpopulation of Na+ channels, mainly the neuronal Na+ channels (nNav), colocalize with ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and are a part of the β-AR-mediated arrhythmogenic process. Specifically, augmented Na+ entry via nNav in the settings of genetic defects within the RyR2 complex and enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA)-mediated SR Ca2+ refill is both an essential and a necessary factor for arrhythmogenesis. Furthermore, we show that augmentation of Na+ entry involves β-AR–mediated activation of CAMKII, subsequently leading to nNav augmentation. Importantly, selective pharmacological inhibition as well as silencing of Nav1.6 inhibit myocyte arrhythmic potential and prevent arrhythmias in vivo. Taken together, these data suggest that the arrhythmogenic alteration in Na+/Ca2+ handling evidenced ruing β-AR stimulation results, at least in part, from enhanced Na+ influx through nNav. Therefore, selective inhibition of these channels and of Nav1.6 in particular can serve as a potential antiarrhythmic therapy

    Discovery and Cross-Section Measurement of Neutron-Rich Isotopes in the Element Range from Neodymium to Platinum at the FRS

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    With a new detector setup and the high-resolution performance of the fragment separator FRS at GSI we discovered 57 new isotopes in the atomic number range of 60Z78\leq Z \leq 78: \nuc{159-161}{Nb}, \nuc{160-163}{Pm}, \nuc{163-166}Sm, \nuc{167-168}{Eu}, \nuc{167-171}{Gd}, \nuc{169-171}{Tb}, \nuc{171-174}{Dy}, \nuc{173-176}{Ho}, \nuc{176-178}{Er}, \nuc{178-181}{Tm}, \nuc{183-185}{Yb}, \nuc{187-188}{Lu}, \nuc{191}{Hf}, \nuc{193-194}{Ta}, \nuc{196-197}{W}, \nuc{199-200}{Re}, \nuc{201-203}{Os}, \nuc{204-205}{Ir} and \nuc{206-209}{Pt}. The new isotopes have been unambiguously identified in reactions with a 238^{238}U beam impinging on a Be target at 1 GeV/u. The isotopic production cross-section for the new isotopes have been measured and compared with predictions of different model calculations. In general, the ABRABLA and COFRA models agree better than a factor of two with the new data, whereas the semiempirical EPAX model deviates much more. Projectile fragmentation is the dominant reaction creating the new isotopes, whereas fission contributes significantly only up to about the element holmium.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the neutron capture cross section of the s-only isotope 204Pb from 1 eV to 440 keV

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    The neutron capture cross section of 204Pb has been measured at the CERN n_TOF installation with high resolution in the energy range from 1 eV to 440 keV. An R-matrix analysis of the resolved resonance region, between 1 eV and 100 keV, was carried out using the SAMMY code. In the interval between 100 keV and 440 keV we report the average capture cross section. The background in the entire neutron energy range could be reliably determined from the measurement of a 208Pb sample. Other systematic effects in this measurement could be investigated and precisely corrected by means of detailed Monte Carlo simulations. We obtain a Maxwellian average capture cross section for 204Pb at kT=30 keV of 79(3) mb, in agreement with previous experiments. However our cross section at kT=5 keV is about 35% larger than the values reported so far. The implications of the new cross section for the s-process abundance contributions in the Pb/Bi region are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, article submitted to Phys. Rev.