105 research outputs found

    Chronic accessibility and agenda setting : interface between psychology and communication in a study about beauty

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o automatismo e a acessibilidade crônica, por meio da comparação entre a comunicação formal (mídia) e a informal (discurso verbal), testando a hipótese do agenda setting como uma possibilidade de investigação. O Estudo 1 foi realizado por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas a grupos diferentes de mulheres. O Estudo 2 foi de análise de conteúdo de revistas femininas baseado nas categorias encontradas no Estudo 1. Os resultados suportam parcialmente a proposta teórica de agendamento e sugerem três dimensões discursivas: Finalidades da Beleza, Aspectos que Impactam no Cuidado, Tipos de Cuidado. A mídia não influenciou como se esperava. As frequências são diferentes entre o discurso midiático e o verbal.The present research aims to investigate automatism and chronic accessibility, through a comparison between formal (media) and informal (verbal discourse) communication styles, providing evidences for the agenda setting as mean for investigation. In Study 1, semi-structured interviews were made in different groups of women. In the second study, the content of feminine magazines was analyzed, based on the categories found in the latter. Results partially support the theoretical proposal of agenda setting, and suggest three discursive dimensions: Beauty Finality, Aspects that impact in Care, Types of Cares. Results also suggest that media does not have the expected influence. Different frequencies were found for the meiotic and verbal discourses.El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el automatismo y la accesibilidad crónica, mediante la comparación entre la comunicación formal (medios de comunicación) y la informal (discurso verbal), testando la hipótesis del agenda setting como una posibilidad de investigación. El Estudio 1 fue realizado con entrevistas semiestructuradas a grupos diferentes de mujeres. El Estudio 2 fue de análisis de contenido de revistas femeninas, embasado en las categorías encontradas en el Estudio 1. Los resultados corroboraran parcialmente la propuesta teórica del agendamiento y sugirieran tres dimensiones discursivas: Finalidades de la Belleza, Aspectos que impactan el Cuidado y Tipos de Cuidado. Los medios de comunicación no influenciaran como se esperaba. Las frecuencias son diferentes entre el discurso verbal y el de los medios de comunicación


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    Pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi telah dianjurkan oleh semua pihak. ASI tidak hanya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan energi bayi, tetapi juga memberikan makronutrien dan mikronutrien yang penting untuk tumbuh kembang bayi. Walaupun demikian, cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif belum dapat dikatakan optimal. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya pengetahuan ibu mengenai kandungan nutrisi ASI dan faktor ibu yang bekerja. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada ibu menyusui mengenai kandungan ASI dan pemberian ASI perah (ASIP). Kegiatan dilakukan secara online melalui Zoom. Kegiatan berupa seminar atau penyuluhan dengan menghadirkan 3 topik dan 3 narasumber. Evaluasi keberhasilan kegiatan dilakukan dengan menilai suasana diskusi dan memberikan pertanyaan tertutup melalui pra dan pascates. Sebanyak 29 ibu menyusui mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan rerata usia 29 tahun dan sebagian besar bekerja (80%). Para peserta antusias memberikan pertanyaan kepada para narasumber. Hasil evaluasi pra dan pascates menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan ibu menyusui sebesar 31% (p=0,000). Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa edukasi kandungan ASI dan pemberian ASIP berhasil dilakukan dengan baik. Edukasi mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu menyusui. Edukasi atau penyuluhan dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan atau pemahaman masyarakat.Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Kata kunci: ASI, ASIP, edukasi, nutrisi, pengetahuan ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding for babies has been recommended. It fulfills the baby's energy needs and provides nutrients that are necessary for baby's growth and development. However, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding has not yet been sufficient, that is affected by the mother’s lack of knowledge about breast milk and the mother’s occupation. This community service aims to provide education to breastfeeding mothers about the content of breast milk and expressed breast milk to the breastfeeding mothers. The activities were performed by presenting 3 experts using online Zoom. Evaluation was done by assessing the atmosphere of the discussion and establishing closed questions through pre and post-test. A total of 29 breastfeeding mothers have participated in this activity with an average age of 29 years and most of them have job (80%). The participants were actively asking questions to the speakers. The results of the pre- and post-test evaluation showed that there was an increase in knowledge of breastfeeding mothers by 31% (p=0.000). It concludes that community service in the form of education activities on the content of breast milk and breastfeeding has been successful. Education or outreach activities has been proven to increase public’s knowledge and understanding of certain topic. Keywords: breast milk, education, expressed breast milk, knowledge, nutritio

    Modification of monolithic stationary phase using human serum albumin as chiral separation

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    Enantiomers can have different pharmacological effects. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to separate pure enantiomers that have a beneficial biological activity. The purpose of this study was to modify a monolith column in stationary phase with Human Serum Albumin (HSA) for use in separating chiral compounds by HPLC. In this work, poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) (poly(GMA-co-EDMA)) and poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate) (poly(GMA-co-TRIM)) columns were in-situ co-polymerized inside a silicosteel tubing. A total monomer ratio (% T) and crosslinking agent (% C) 40:25 and 28:12 were applied for the preparation of poly(GMA-co-EDMA) and poly(GMA-co-TRIM), respectively. The porogen used was 1-propanol, 1,4-butanediol, and water in a ratio of 7:4:1 (v/v) and AIBN as an initiator (1% of the total monomer). The column was polymerized at 60 °C for 12 h, then immobilized with various concentrations of Human Serum Albumin (HSA). The monolithic poly(GMA-co-TRIM) column modified with HSA 1 mg/ml was successfully applied to separation of the enantiomers of citronellal using an acetonitrile and water (50:50, v/v) as the mobile phase at 0.05 ml/min. The permeability of this optimized monolithic column was 0.0018 Darcy


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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan di Desa Dahari Kecamatan Talawi Kabupaten Batubara pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2023. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi sosialisasi dan penelahaan persepsi masyarakat terhadap Undang-undang ITE dalam menggunakan media sosial yang baik dan benar. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi sosialisasi penyuluhan hukum terhadap Undang-Undang ITE dalam penggunaan media sosial yang baik dan benar bagi masyarakat desa Dahari Indah bermanfaat bagi masyarakat untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan, membentuk karakter anti narkoba, perubahan kesadara diri untuk menjauh dari teman yang menyalahgunakan pengguna media sosial dari hal yang negatif, serta terbentuknya karakter pemuda yang anti terhadap penyalahgunaaan media sosial di Desa Dahari Indah, KecamatanTala, Kabupaten Batubara. Sedangkan persepsi masyarakat terhadap Undang-undang ITE dalam menggunakan media sosial yang baik dan benar di Desa Dahari Kecamatan Talawi Kabupaten Batubara adalah baik  Kata Kunci: Persepsi, UU ITE, Sosialisas

    Preparation and utilization of monolithic column as HPLC stationary phase for alkyl benzene separation with low mobile phase usage

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    One of the long-known separation methods is chromatography, such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This separation essentially uses column containing particle-packed which generates high flow-resistance and low mass transfer. As matter of fact, it has an impact to high amount mobile phase usage. Meanwhile, organic polymer monolithic column has been widely used as alternative due to its high mass transfer. In addition, the resulting column has stability over wide pH range, high temperature, shrinkage and swelling of the reservoir. The aim of this research was to produce monolithic column which able to utilized for separation with low amount of mobile phase usage. Preparation of monolithic column begins with pretreatment of polyetereterketone tubing column inner wall. It conducted by activating the inner wall with H2SO4 49% (v/v), followed by vinylization with glycidyl methacrylate. Furthermore, pretreated column filled by polymer mixture consisted of 30 wt% of monomers glycidyl methacrylate:trimetilolpropane trimethacrylate 4:1 (w/v), 70 wt% of pore-forming agents (1-propanol/1,4-butanediol/water 7:4:1 w/v), and α,α’-azoisobutyronitrile 1 wt% of total monomers amount. The polymerization conducted at 60 °C for 12 h. Produced column connected to HPLC then applied to separate toluene and amylbenzene. The result shows both compounds successfully separated by 7.5 μL/min flow rate of acetonitrile:water (75:25) at 84 and 132 min respectively

    Preparation of Poly-(GMA-EDA-β-CD-co-TMPTMA) Monolith as High Performance Liquid Chromatography Chiral Stationary Phase Column

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    An enantiomer molecule consisted of the chiral atom has different structure conformations, which exhibit different activities as well. Yet, its separation considerably difficult since ordinary separation could not separate both molecules. One of the popular enantioseparations which are often used was using organic polymer monolithic column modified by ethylenediamine-β-cyclodextrin (EDA-β-CD) as the enantioseparations site. The aim of this research was to produce chiral stationary phase column for enantioseparations of (±)-citronellal. It was conducted by preparing monolithic column using monomer glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) as crosslinker, 1-propanol, 1,4-butanediol, and water as pore-forming agents (porogens) in the presence of α,α'-azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as radical initiator inside polyetheretherketone (PEEK) tubing. It was then modified with EDA-β-CD synthesized from β-CD. Finally, it was installed as a high-performance liquid chromatography column. The result shows the produced chiral stationary phase column could separate (±)-citronellal at a retention time of 44.76 and 45.71 min

    Pemanfaatan Radiografi Panoramik Untuk Estimasi Usia Identifikasi Forensik: A Review

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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Radiografi panoramik merupakan salah satu jenis radiografi yang digunakan dalam proses identifikasi odontologi forensik. Keunggulan penggunaan radiografi panoramik dalam proses identifikasi odontologi forensik yaitu sederhana. Akurasi radiografi panoramik dalam pengukuran anatomi telah ditetapkan dalam berbagai penelitian,  dan gambaran radiografi panoramik telah dijadikan sebagai parameter dalam penentuan estimasi usia. Tujuan: Penulisan jurnal review ini bertujuan untuk membahas radiografi panoramik untuk usia estimasi identifikasi forensik. Metode: Jurnal Review ini disusun dengan metode studi kepustakaan atau literature review serta menggunakan data sekunder. Sumber ilmiah pada jurnal review ini diperoleh dari e-book dan jurnal nasional serta internasional bereputasi 5 tahun terakhir (2017-2022) yang terindeks di PubMed, Google Scholar, Sinta dan DOAJ. Pembahasan: Radiografi panoramik dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam proses estimasi usia identifikasi forensik dengan menghasilkan gambaran tomografi yang memperlihatkan struktur fasial meliput lengkung maksila dan mandibula beserta struktur pendukungnya. Jenis radiografi ini digunakan dapat digunakan dalam penentuan usia individu. Proses identifikasi tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan data ante-mortem serta data post-mortem. Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan odontologi forensik menggunakan radiografi panoramik dapat dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi estimasi usia korban berdasarkan struktur dentomaxillofacial serta tahap pertumbuhannya

    Immobilization of trypsin onto porous methacrylate-based monolith for flow-through protein digestion and its potential application to chiral separation using liquid chromatography

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    Monolithic columns for analytical applications have attracted the researcher’s attention. In this work, the laboratory-made organic-polymer monolithic column is modified with trypsin and further applied as a nanobiocatalyst microreactor and a stationary phase for separating chiral compounds by liquid chromatography. The monolith was synthesized by in-situ copolymerization of glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) or trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) as a crosslinking agent, with porogen of 1,4-butanediol/propanol/water (4:7:1 v/v) and AIBN as the radical polymerization initiator inside PEEK and silicosteel tubings (1.0 mm i.d × 100 mm) at 60oC for 12 h. A total monomer ratio (%T) and crosslinking agent (%C) of 40:25 and 28:12 were applied to prepare poly-(GMA-co-EDMA) and poly-(GMA-co-TRIM), respectively. The produced monoliths were further modified by introducing trypsin (10 mg/L) through the ring-opening reaction of the epoxide group existing in the monolithic column. The trypsin-immobilized poly-(GMA-co-EDMA) monolithic column was applied as the nanobiocatalyst microreactor for online/flow-through and rapid digestion of β-casein sample into its peptide fragments. The trypsin-immobilized poly-(GMA-co-TRIM) column has potential application to be used as the HPLC stationary phase for the separation of R/S-citronellal enantiomers

    Effect of amylose:amylopectin ratio and rice bran addition on starchfilms properties

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    The influence of the amylose:amylopectin ratio on the properties of pea, potato and cassava starch films and the effect of the incorporation of rice bran of two different particle sizes were studied. The structural, mechanical, optical and barrier properties of the films were analyzed after 1 and 5 weeks. The high content of amylose gave rise to stiffer, more resistant to fracture, but less stretchable films, with lower oxygen permeability and greater water binding capacity. Although no changes in the water vapour permeability values of the films were observed during storage, their oxygen permeability decreased. Throughout storage, films became stiffer, more resistant to break, but less stretchable. Rice bran with the smallest particles improved the elastic modulus of the films, especially in high amylose content films, but reduced the film stretchability and its barrier properties, due to the enhancement of the water binding capacity and the introduction of discontinuities.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad throughout the project AGL2010-20694, co-financed with FEDER founds. Amalia Cano also thanks Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte for the FPU grant.Cano Embuena, AI.; Jiménez Marco, A.; Cháfer Nácher, MT.; González Martínez, MC.; Chiralt Boix, MA. (2014). Effect of amylose:amylopectin ratio and rice bran addition on starchfilms properties. Carbohydrate Polymers. 111:543-555. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.04.075S54355511

    Conceptos y temas relacionados a la salud de los adolescentes en la formación en enfermería

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    Objetivo: analizar la estructura de los programas de enseñanza y los contenidos del componente de salud y desarrollo del adolescente en la formación de los estudiantes de enfermería. Método: estudio observacional descriptivo, realizado en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Se aplicó el Instrumento para (auto)evaluar el componente de salud y desarrollo del adolescente en la formación de pregrado de los proveedores de salud. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: participaron 95 escuelas (84,1% del total). De los docentes encargados de la enseñanza de la salud de los adolescentes, el 31,6% no tenía formación específica en la materia y el 18,9% no tenía formación en el ámbito de la educación/pedagogía. Los principales temas que podrían incorporarse a la formación son: comportamiento, identidad de género y orientación sexual, bullying y cyberbullying, uso de las tecnologías digitales, violencia en el noviazgo, paternidad y retraso puberal. Conclusión: el profesorado tiene una formación limitada en temas pedagógicos/educativos y en temas específicos de la salud del adolescente. El plan de estudios debe actualizarse con contenidos del desarrollo y salud del adolescente, incluir conocimientos sobre las leyes y políticas, y ampliar la capacidad de las enfermeras para generar, analizar y utilizar datos para la toma de decisiones.Objective: analyze the structure of teaching programs and contents of the adolescent health and its development in nursing education. Method: descriptive observational study conducted in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Data was collected by the Instrument for (self-)evaluation of the adolescent health and development component in undergraduate nursing programs, and investigated using descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 95 nursing schools participated in the study (84.1% of the total). Of the faculty responsible for teaching contents relating to adolescent health, 31.6% had no specific training on the topic and 18.9% had no educational/pedagogical training. Behavior, gender identity and sexual orientation, bullying and cyberbullying, use of digital technologies, partner violence, parenting, and pubertal delay were the main topics which could be incorporated into nursing education. Conclusion: the faculty of the schools analyzed have limited education in pedagogical/educational topics and specific adolescent health issues. Curricula should be updated, including knowledge of laws and policies, thus expanding nurses’ ability to generate, analyze and use data for decision making.Objetivo: analisar a estrutura dos programas de ensino e os conteúdos do componente Saúde e Desenvolvimento do Adolescente na formação dos estudantes de enfermagem. Método: estudo observacional descritivo, realizado na Colômbia, Equador e Peru. Aplicou-se o Instrumento de (auto)avaliação do componente Saúde e Desenvolvimento do Adolescente na graduação de profissionais de saúde. Utilizou-se estatística descritiva. Resultados: 95 Escolas de Enfermagem participaram (84,1% do total). Dos professores responsáveis pelo ensino da saúde dos adolescentes, 31,6% não tinham formação específica na matéria e 18,9% não tinham formação no campo da educação/pedagogia. Estes são os principais tópicos que poderiam ser incorporados à formação: comportamento, identidade de gênero e orientação sexual, bullying e cyberbullying, uso de tecnologias digitais, violência entre parceiros, paternidade adolescente e puberdade tardia. Conclusão: os professores têm formação limitada em questões pedagógicas/educacionais e em temas específicos da saúde dos adolescentes. O currículo precisa ser atualizado com conteúdos relacionados a saúde e desenvolvimento dos adolescentes; deve-se incluir conhecimento de leis e políticas e expandir a capacidade dos profissionais de enfermagem para que possam gerar, analisar e utilizar dados para a tomada de decisões