49 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal evolution of temperature and fluid flow through a new “thermo-lithological” boundary; the case of a pit crater of Karthala volcano (Comoros archipelago) refilled on January 13th 2007 by a lava flow

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    International audienceOn January 13 th 2007 the effusive eruption of Karthala volcano, in the Comoros islands, emitted a lava flow which has been perfectly constrained inside the cylindrical shape of the Choungou Chagnoumeni pit crater; 225m in diameter and with a thickness of about 7m. The good knowledge of the geometry of this lava flow allowed modeling its cooling, with the Rheolef code, with a good accuracy. The results of the thermal modeling were compared with other measurements performed on the field: (1) a high resolution electrical resistivity tomography profile crossing the boundary of the crater and (2) the thermal monitoring of temperature with eleven sensors, spaced 1 meter apart, at 30 cm depth, perpendicularly to the boundary of the crater. Thanks to this multidisciplinary approach it has been possible to display that, in the first order, the resistivity distribution in the soil 2 years and 5 months after the eruption is directly influenced by the residual temperature and not by the structural boundary. During the first three years of cooling, an inversion in the shallow lateral temperature gradient was observed in temperature data set collected at 30 cm depth

    Fluid circulation pattern inside La Soufrière volcano (Guadeloupe) inferred from combined electrical resistivity tomography, self-potential, soil temperature and diffuse degassing measurements

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    International audienceAfter a drastic decline in 1983, hydrothermal activity at La Soufrière lava dome (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles) has been progressively increasing in the summit area since 1992, raising the threat of a renewed eruptive activity. To better constrain the geometry of the hydrothermal system, an extensive high-resolution self-potential survey was performed on the dome and three multi-method profiles combining electrical resistivity tomography, self-potential, ground thermometry and soil CO 2 diffuse degassing measurements were carried out to cover its southern periphery in January 2011. Results indicate that hydrothermal ascending flows are currently restricted to a proximal area including the dome and its very vicinity. The extension of hydrothermal alteration inferred from electrical resistivity tomography reflects the presence of a heat source just below the dome. A first-order correction of topography-related self-potential variations allows the identification of major hydrothermal fluid circulations pathways, as well as significant meteoric infiltration zones. Local shifting of hydrothermal fluids towards the dome periphery is favored by the presence of major axes. The regional La Ty fault appears as the major axis draining large volumes of hydrothermal and magmatic fluids. However hydrothermal activity remains confined inside a collapse structure surrounding the dome, that formed in the last 9000 years as a result of recurrent edifice collapses, the latest occurring at the onset of the 1530 AD eruption. The combination of these qualitative results with structural analysis leads to a synthetic model of magmatic and hydrothermal fluids circulation inside the dome, which may be useful for the assessment of potential hazards associated with a renewal of fluid pres-surization, and a possibly associated partial flank-failure

    Heat flux-based strategies for the thermal monitoring of sub-fumarolic areas: Examples from Vulcano and La Soufrière de Guadeloupe

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    Although it is relatively easy to set-up, the monitoring of soil temperature in sub-fumarolic areas is quite rarely used to monitor the evolution of hydrothermal systems. Indeed, measurements are highly sensitive to environmental conditions, in particular daily and seasonal variations of atmospheric temperatures and rainfalls, which can be only partially filtered by the established statistical analysis. In this paper, we develop two innovative processingmethods, both based on the computation of the heat flux in the soil. The upward heat flux method (UHF), designed for dry environments, consists in computing both the conductive and convective components of the heat flux between two thermocouples placed vertically. In the cases of wet environments, the excess of total heat method (ETH) allows the integration of rain gauges data in order to correct the heat balance fromthe superficial cooling effect of the precipitations. The performances of both processing techniques are faced to established methods (temperature gradient and coefficient of determination) on soil temperature time series from two test volcanoes. At La Fossa di Vulcano (Italy), the UHF method undoubtedly detects three thermal crises between 2009 and 2012, enabling to quantify not only the intensity but also the precise timing of the heat flux increase with respect to corresponding geochemical and seismic crises. At La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (French Lesser Antilles), despite large rainfalls dramatically influencing the thermal behavior of the soil, a constant geothermal heat flux is retrieved by the ETH method, confirming the absence of fumarolic crisis during the observation period (February–August 2010). Being quantitative, robust, and usable in almost any context of sub-fumarolic zones, our two heat flux-based methods increase the potential of soil temperature for the monitoring, but also the general interpretation of fumarolic crises together with geochemical and seismological observations. A spreadsheet allowing direct computation of UHF and ETH is provided as supplemental material.Published122-1342V. Struttura e sistema di alimentazione dei vulcaniJCR Journa

    Hydrogeology of Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands (Italy) from the interpretation of resistivity tomograms, self-potential, soil temperature and soil CO2 concentration measurements

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    International audienceTo gain a better insight of the hydrogeology and the location of the main tectonic faults of Stromboli volcano in Italy, we collected electrical resistivity measurements, soil CO2 concentrations, temperature and self-potential measurements along two profiles. These two profiles started at the village of Ginostra in the southwest part of the island. The first profile (4.8 km in length) ended up at the village of Scari in the north east part of the volcano and the second one (3.5 km in length) at Forgia Vecchia beach, in the eastern part of the island. These data were used to provide insights regarding the position of shallow aquifers and the extension of the hydrothermal system. This large-scale study is complemented by two high-resolution studies, one at the Pizzo area (near the active vents) and one at Rina Grande where flank collapse areas can be observed. The Pizzo corresponds to one of the main degassing structure of the hydrothermal system. The main degassing area is localized along a higher permeability area corresponding to the head of the gliding plane of the Rina Grande sector collapse. We found that the self-potential data reveal the position of an aquifer above the villages of Scari and San Vincenzo. We provide an estimate of the depth of this aquifer from these data. The lateral extension of the hydrothermal system (resistivity ∼15-60 ohm m) is broader than anticipated extending in the direction of the villages of Scari and San Vincenzo (in agreement with temperature data recorded in shallow wells). The lateral extension of the hydrothermal system reaches the lower third of the Rina Grande sector collapse area in the eastern part of the island. The hydrothermal body in this area is blocked by an old collapse boundary. This position of the hydrothermal body is consistent with low values of the magnetization (<2.5 A m−1) from previously published work. The presence of the hydrothermal body below Rina Grande raises questions about the mechanical stability of this flank of the edifice

    Adventive hydrothermal circulation on Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) revealed by geophysical and geochemical approaches: Implications for general fluid flow models on volcanoes

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    International audienceOn March 15th 2007 a paroxysmal explosion occurred at the Stromboli volcano. This event generated a large amount of products, mostly lithic blocks, some of which impacted the ground as far as down to 200 m a.s.l., about 1.5 km far away from the active vents. Two days after the explosion, a new vapour emission was discovered on the north-eastern flank of the volcanic edifice, at 560 m a.s.l., just above the area called "Nel Cannestrà". This new vapour emission was due to a block impact. In order to investigate the block impact area to understand the appearance of the vapour emission, we conducted on May 2008 a multidisciplinary study involving Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Self-Potential (SP), CO2 soil diffuse degassing and soil temperature surveys. This complementary data set revealed the presence of an anomalous conductive body, probably related to a shallow hydrothermal level, at about 10-15 m depth, more or less parallel to the topography. It is the first time that such a hydrothermal fluid flow, with a temperature close to the water boiling point (76 °C) has been evidenced at Stromboli at this low elevation on the flank of the edifice. The ERT results suggest a possible link between (1) the main central hydrothermal system of Stromboli, located just above the plumbing system feeding the active vents, with a maximum of subsurface soil temperature close to 90 °C and limited by the NeoStromboli summit crater boundary and (2) the investigated area of Nel Cannestrà, at ~ 500 m a.s.l., a buried eruptive fissure active 9 ka ago. In parallel, SP and CO2 soil diffuse degassing measurements suggest in this sector at slightly lower elevation from the block impact crater a magmatic and hydrothermal fluid rising system along the N41° regional fault. A complementary ERT profile, on May 2009, carried out from the NeoStromboli crater boundary down to the block impact crater displayed a flank fluid flow apparently connected to a deeper system. The concept of shallow hydrothermal level have been compared to similar ERT results recently obtained on Mount Etna and La Fossa cone of Vulcano. This information needs to be taken into account in general fluid flow models on volcanoes. In particular, peripheral thermal waters (as those bordering the north-eastern coast of Stromboli) could be contaminated by hydrothermal and magmatic fluids coming from regional faults but also from the summit

    The Huayruro Project: mapping the Calicanto Inca area buried by the A.D. 1600 Huaynaputina eruption, with geophysical imaging and remote sensing

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    We present geophysical and remote sensing observations near the Quinistaquillas town (southern Peru), in the framework of the HUAYRURO Project. This Inca zone was buried during the A.D. 1600 Huaynaputina eruption, the most important volcanic phenomenon of the last 400 years. The eruption had a global impact, due to the volume of emitted ash (2-3 times the one emitted by Vesuvius in A.D. 79). This lead to a 1.13°C cooling of the planet and caused a worlwide agricultural crisis. During the eruption, the Calicanto-Chimpapampa zone was covered by ashes and pyroclastic flows, with a thickness in the range [1 - 20] m. From 2015 to 2017, remote sensing and geophysical methods were deployed to map a ~ 1 km*2 km area, up to 3-m depth

    Physical impacts of the CE 1600 Huaynaputina eruption on the local habitat: Geophysical insights

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    [ESP] El impacto climático global de la erupción del volcán Huaynaputina (IEV6) en 1600 está bien documentado pero las consecuencias regionales sobre las construcciones y los habitantes están poco conocidas. La localización de varios pueblos sepultados bajo los depósitos espesos del Huaynaputina no es claramente mencionada en las crónicas españolas. Investigaciones geofísicas realizadas durante el periodo 2015-2016 sobre diferentes sitios de ruinas a menos de 16 km del cráter constituyen la parte inicial de un proyecto denominado “Huayruro”, cuyo objetivo es entender mejor los impactos físicos y socio-económicos de esta erupción. Varios métodos e instrumentos geofísicos fueron utilizados: un drone y modelos numéricos de terreno de alta resolución, un geo-radar con imágenes 3D del subsuelo, el magnetismo, las imágenes infra-rojas y el electro-magnetismo. Esta investigación geofísica preliminar ha permitido identificar la futura estratégia y la mejor instrumentación para cartografiar el área del antiguo pueblo enterrado de Calicanto, localizando con precisión su extensión y los muros de las habitaciones. Este mapeo servirá para los futuros estudios tefro-estratigráficos y arqueológicos. El objetivo final del proyecto es diseminar los resultados del estudio multidisciplinar al público incluyendo la creación de un museo de sitio

    Variation in Tropical Reef Symbiont Metagenomes Defined by Secondary Metabolism

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    The complex evolution of secondary metabolism is important in biology, drug development, and synthetic biology. To examine this problem at a fine scale, we compared the genomes and chemistry of 24 strains of uncultivated cyanobacteria, Prochloron didemni, that live symbiotically with tropical ascidians and that produce natural products isolated from the animals. Although several animal species were obtained along a >5500 km transect of the Pacific Ocean, P. didemni strains are >97% identical across much of their genomes, with only a few exceptions concentrated in secondary metabolism. Secondary metabolic gene clusters were sporadically present or absent in identical genomic locations with no consistent pattern of co-occurrence. Discrete mutations were observed, leading to new chemicals that we isolated from animals. Functional cassettes encoding diverse chemicals are exchanged among a single population of symbiotic P. didemni that spans the tropical Pacific, providing the host animals with a varying arsenal of secondary metabolites

    Evolution of Symbiotic Bacteria in the Distal Human Intestine

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    The adult human intestine contains trillions of bacteria, representing hundreds of species and thousands of subspecies. Little is known about the selective pressures that have shaped and are shaping this community's component species, which are dominated by members of the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes divisions. To examine how the intestinal environment affects microbial genome evolution, we have sequenced the genomes of two members of the normal distal human gut microbiota, Bacteroides vulgatus and Bacteroides distasonis, and by comparison with the few other sequenced gut and non-gut Bacteroidetes, analyzed their niche and habitat adaptations. The results show that lateral gene transfer, mobile elements, and gene amplification have played important roles in affecting the ability of gut-dwelling Bacteroidetes to vary their cell surface, sense their environment, and harvest nutrient resources present in the distal intestine. Our findings show that these processes have been a driving force in the adaptation of Bacteroidetes to the distal gut environment, and emphasize the importance of considering the evolution of humans from an additional perspective, namely the evolution of our microbiomes