68 research outputs found

    First detection of Gongylonema species in Geotrupes mutator in Europe

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    The detection of three Gongylonema sp. infective larvae in two specimens of the dung beetle Geotrupes mutator (Marsham, 1802) from western Spain is reported here for the first time in Europe. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the analyzed specimens belong to the genus Gongylonema, but it was not possible to determine the species identity by the lack of morphological information in the literature and because many of the phenotypic characteristics had not yet fully developed at this juvenile stage. Nevertheless, a phylogenetic analysis using amplified cox1 nucleotide sequences has revealed that the studied larvae could be clearly discriminated ( 89% identity) from all the other Gongylonema cox1 sequences available in public genetic databases. While our results are limited by the scarcity of genetic information available for this genus, the possibility that the analyzed specimens might correspond to a new species should not be ruled out, and more studies are needed. The results provided in this report indicate that G. mutator is involved in the transmission cycle of Gongylonema sp.To vertebrates in Europe.publishersversionpublishe

    Miasis experimental por Protophormia terraenovae en ovino

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    Recientemente se ha determinado el asentamiento de la mosca invasora Protophormia terraenovae en condiciones naturales en Extremadura. Por tanto, quisimos determinar si esta especie es capaz de provocar miasis traumáticas en la ganadería ovina en las condiciones climáticas de la región. Para ello, se realizó una infestación experimental con distintas dosis de L1 de esta especie (obtenidas del asticot comercializado en tiendas de pesca) en ovejas merinas, para comprobar la patogenicidad de las mismas en el desarrollo de la posible miasis. Los resultados obtenidos determinaron que, en las condiciones experimentales de este proyecto, las L1 de P. terraenovae no provocaron una miasis traumática propiamente dicha, ya que no se produjeron alteraciones patológicas reseñables ni a nivel sistémico ni a nivel local. Más bien, aquellas larvas que fueron capaces de desarrollarse en la zona de la lesión provocaron una reducción significativa del número de bacterias y del tejido necrótico en esta localización, con lo que estos resultados incitan a pensar en el uso de estas larvas para la larvoterapia animal, previa esterilización y control de cría de las mismas.Recently the establishment of the invasive fly Protophormia terraenovae in natural conditions in Extremadura has been confirmed. Therefore, we wanted to determine if this species is able to provoke traumatic myiasis in the ovine hut in the climatic conditions of the region. For this, an experimental infestation with different doses of L1 of this species (obtained from the asticot marketed in fishing shops) was carried out in merino sheep, to verify their pathogenic influence in the development of the possible myiasis. The results determined that, in the experimental conditions of this project, the L1 of P. terraenovae did not provoke a traumatic myiasis, since pathological alterations were observed neither at the systemic level nor at the local one. Rather than that, those larvae that were able to develop in the lesion area, caused a significant reduction in the number of bacteria and necrotic tissue at this location, so these results suggest the use of these larvae for maggot debridement therapy, prior sterilization and breeding control of the same ones

    Culex pipiens as a potential vector for transmission of Dirofilaria immitis and other unclassified Filarioidea in Southwest Spain

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    Dirofilaria immitis is one of the most frequently detected mosquito-transmitted zoonotic filarioid nematode in mammals in Europe, being canine dirofilariosis a major animal health problem, endemic in the Mediterranean area. This study, focused on Southwest Spain, in order to bring new insights into (i) the epidemiology of Dirofilaria spp., (ii) the species of Culicid vectors possibly involved in their transmission and (iii) the genetic variability of those potential vectors. A total of 881 adult female mosquitoes from 11 different species, were captured during 2012–2013, and detection of filarioid DNA was attempted by PCR using specific primers (ITS-2 and COI), followed by DNA sequencing. In a single Culex pipiens specimen D. immitis DNA was detected both in the head-thorax and abdomen sections. Filarioid nematode DNA was also detected in eight additional Cx. pipiens specimens also in both the thorax and the abdomen, but analysis of sequence data did not allow unambiguous assignment of any of the obtained sequences to a previously defined species. All Cx. pipiens with filarioid DNA were individually analysed by CQ11 to discriminate between pipiens, molestus, and hybrid forms. Besides, rDNA ITS-2 sequence analysis revealed the presence of haplotype H1 and H2 of Cx. pipiens. To our knowledge this study revealed, for the first time in Spain, the occurrence of likely mature infection of D.immitis in Cx. pipiens, as well as with other yet uncharacterized nematodes, supporting its role as a potential vector of these filarids.Part of this work was funded through the research project (IB10044) of the ―Consejería de Economía, Comercio e Innovación‖ of the Extremadura regional Government (Spain). DBB holds a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain (FPU grant AP2010-5854). Work done during the stay in the Global Health and Tropical Medicine in Lisbon, funded by Banco Santander, SA through program ―Becas Iberoamérica. Jóvenes Profesores e Investigadores. Santander Universidades 2014.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/vetpar2017-06-30hb2016Immunolog

    Circulation of zoonotic flaviviruses in wild passerine birds in Western Spain

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    We explore the presence of zoonotic flaviviruses (West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV)) neutralizing antibodies in rarely studied passerine bird species. We report, for the first time in Europe, WNV-specific antibodies in red avadavat and cetti's warbler, and USUV in yellow-crowned bishop. The evidence of WNV and USUV circulating in resident and migratory species has implications for both animal and public health. Future outbreaks in avian reservoir hosts may occur and passerines should be considered as priority target species in flavivirus surveillance programmes.This work was funded by Consejería de Economía e Infraestructura of the Junta de Extremadura and the European Regional Development Fund, a Way to Make Europe, through the research project (grant numbers IB20089 and IB16135), and PR (19_ECO_0070) project Aves y Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes: Impacto de las Especies Exóticas y Migratorias en la transmisión de Malaria aviar y el virus del Nilo Occidental - AvEIEs from Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2019. CISA (INIA-CSIC) was funded by INIA projects number E-RTA2015–00002-CO2–01 and AEI PID2020–116768RR-C21. MF was supported by a Juan de la Cierva 2017 Formación contract (FJCI-2017–34394) from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and she is currently funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (grant agreement No 844285, ‘EpiEcoMod’). JM was supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Juan de la Cierva Subprogram (FJCI-2017–34109), with the financial sponsorship of the MICINN. FG-C is supported by Ayudas a la Formación Investigador Predoctoral 2018 (PD18056) from the Extremadura Government. PA-S is supported by an FPI-SGIT predoctoral contract from INIA/CISA.Peer reviewe

    Identification of Usutu Virus Africa 3 Lineage in a Survey of Mosquitoes and Birds from Urban Areas of Western Spain

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    10 Pág.Usutu virus (USUV) is an emerging zoonotic arbovirus that has caused an increasing number of animal and human cases in Europe in recent years. Understanding the vector species and avian hosts involved in the USUV enzootic cycle in an area of active circulation is vital to anticipate potential outbreaks. Mosquitoes were captured in 2020, while wild birds were sampled in both 2020 and 2021 in Extremadura, southwestern Spain. The presence of USUV in the mosquito vectors was assessed by a real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) assay and confirmed by sequencing amplicons from two generic RT-PCR sets for flaviviruses. Sequences were analysed phylogenetically. Bird sera were screened for flavivirus antibodies with a blocking ELISA kit and subsequently tested for virus-specific antibodies with a micro-virus-neutralization test. Overall, 6,004 mosquitoes belonging to 13 species were captured, including some well-known flavivirus vectors (Culex pipiens, Cx. perexiguus, and Cx. univittatus). Of the 438 pools tested, USUV was detected in two pools of Cx. pipiens. Phylogenetic analysis using a fragment of the NS5 gene assigned the USUV detected the Africa 3 lineage. Out of 1,413 wild birds tested, USUV-specific antibodies were detected in 17 birds (1.2%, 10 males and 7 females) from eight species. The first detection of USUV Africa 3 lineage in mosquitoes from Spain, together with serologically positive resident wild birds in urban and rural areas, indicates active circulation and a possible risk of exposure for the human population, with necessity to establish specific surveillance plans.This study was funded from Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2019 (PR (19_ECO_0070)), Research State Agency Project (PID2020-116768RR-C21/C22), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19CIII_00014), Consejería de Economía e Infraestructura of the Junta de Extremadura, and the European Regional Development Fund, a Way to Make Europe, through the research project under grant numbers IB20089, GR21122, and GR21084. MF was supported by a Juan de la Cierva 2017 Formación contract (FJCI-2017-34394) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and she is currently funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 844285, “EpiEcoMod.” CMR was funded by a FPU grant from the Ministry of Universities of Spain (reference: FPU20/01039). FGC was supported by “Ayudas a la Formación Investigador Predoctoral 2018” Formative contract (PD18056) from the Extremadura Regional Government.Peer reviewe

    Modelling the spatial risk of malaria through probability distribution of Anopheles maculipennis s.l. and imported cases

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    Malaria remains one of the most important infectious diseases globally due to its high incidence and mortality rates. The influx of infected cases from endemic to non-endemic malaria regions like Europe has resulted in a public health concern over sporadic local outbreaks. This is facilitated by the continued presence of competent Anopheles vectors in non-endemic countries. We modelled the potential distribution of the main malaria vector across Spain using the ensemble of eight modelling techniques based on environmental parameters and the Anopheles maculipennis s.l. presence/absence data collected from 2000 to 2020. We then combined this map with the number of imported malaria cases in each municipality to detect the geographic hot spots with a higher risk of local malaria transmission. The malaria vector occurred preferentially in irrigated lands characterized by warm climate conditions and moderate annual precipitation. Some areas surrounding irrigated lands in northern Spain (e.g. Zaragoza, Logroño), mainland areas (e.g. Madrid, Toledo) and in the South (e.g. Huelva), presented a significant likelihood of A. maculipennis s.l. occurrence, with a large overlap with the presence of imported cases of malaria. While the risk of malaria re-emergence in Spain is low, it is not evenly distributed throughout the country. The four recorded local cases of mosquito-borne transmission occurred in areas with a high overlap of imported cases and mosquito presence. Integrating mosquito distribution with human incidence cases provides an effective tool for the quantification of large-scale geographic variation in transmission risk and pinpointing priority areas for targeted surveillance and prevention

    Microscopic and molecular detection of piroplasms among sheep in Upper Egypt

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    IntroductionBlood parasites pose a significant threat to livestock production in southern Egypt, yet there is a scarcity of information regarding their circulation and epidemiology in sheep in this region. This study aimed to investigate the seroprevalence of blood parasite infections in sheep in Assiut governorate, Upper Egypt.MethodsA total of 400 blood samples were collected from sheep of varying ages and genders. The preliminary screening for the presence of piroplasms, mainly Babesia and Theileria spp., via microscopic examination, followed by investigation of the potential risk factors linked with the exposure to infection. Moreover, molecular identification of both parasites on some of positive samples was performed using PCR targeting Babesia 18S rRNA and Theileria annulata Tams1 gene.ResultsThe microscopic examination revealed that among the examined sheep, there was an overall prevalence of blood parasites at 44% (176 out of 400), with Babesia spp. observed in 14% (56 out of 400) and Theileria spp. in 30% (120 out of 400). Furthermore, the infection rate was non-significantly higher in young animals (50%) compared to adults (38.5%) (P = 0.246). Male sheep exhibited a significantly higher vulnerability to both parasites' infection (63.3%) compared to females (35.7%) (P = 0.011). Interestingly, the prevalence of both blood parasites was significantly higher during the cold season (66.1%) compared to the hot season (15.9%) (P = < 0.001). The molecular analysis identified the presence of Babesia ovis and Theileria annulata among a subsample of the positive sheep's bloods films. The identified species were recorded in the GenBank™ databases and assigned specific accession numbers (OQ360720 and OQ360719 for B. ovis), and (OP991838 for T. annulata).ConclusionsTaken together, this study confirms a high prevalence of piroplasmosis and offers epidemiological and molecular insights into blood parasites in sheep from Upper Egypt, highlighting the importance of detecting these parasites in various hosts and their competent vectors (ticks)

    AIMSurv: First pan-European harmonized surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases

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    Human and animal vector-borne diseases, particularly mosquito-borne diseases, are emerging or re-emerging worldwide. Six Aedes invasive mosquito (AIM) species were introduced to Europe since the 1970s: Aedes aegypti, Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus, Ae. koreicus, Ae. atropalpus and Ae. triseriatus. Here, we report the results of AIMSurv2020, the first pan-European surveillance effort for AIMs. Implemented by 42 volunteer teams from 24 countries. And presented in the form of a dataset named “AIMSurv Aedes Invasive Mosquito species harmonized surveillance in Europe. AIM-COST Action. Project ID: CA17108”. AIMSurv2020 harmonizes field surveillance methodologies for sampling different AIMs life stages, frequency and minimum length of sampling period, and data reporting. Data include minimum requirements for sample types and recommended requirements for those teams with more resources. Data are published as a Darwin Core archive in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility- Spain, comprising a core file with 19,130 records (EventID) and an occurrences file with 19,743 records (OccurrenceID). AIM species recorded in AIMSurv2020 were Ae. albopictus, Ae. japonicus and Ae. koreicus, as well as native mosquito species