6,636 research outputs found

    Effects of Invertebrate Iridescent Virus 6 in Phyllophaga vandinei and Its Potential as a Biocontrol Delivery System

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    Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 (IIV6) was determined to cause infection in Phyllophaga vandinei Smyth (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) through a range of modes of transmissions. This is the first evidence of IIV6 infection in P. vandinei that caused both patent and sub-lethal infections in larvae and adults. Mortality rates were determined to be ∼30% when virus inoculum was injected into larvae or adults. Adults injected with virus showed dramatically altered behavior; injected beetles were not observed feeding or mating compared with adults injected with buffer or adults that were not injected. Tissue collected from infected adults resulted in infection when injected into healthy adults, as confirmed with PCR. PCR also confirmed that frass of infected larvae and adults contained virus, and when reconstituted frass from infected individuals was injected into healthy adults or larvae they become infected. Healthy adults could be infected by coming into contact with soil or plant material that had been exposed to infected adults as much as two weeks prior to introduction of nonvirus exposed adults. Although relatively low mortality resulted when adults or larvae were injected with the virus, the demonstration of horizontal transmission, potentially through frass of infected individuals, identifies a mode of transmission that may be exploited as a potential management tool to reduce P. vandinei

    Dynamics of Counterion Condensation

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    Using a generalization of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, dynamics of counterion condensation is studied. For a single charged plate in the presence of counterions, it is shown that the approach to equilibrium is diffusive. In the far from equilibrium case of a moving charged plate, a dynamical counterion condensation transition occurs at a critical velocity. The complex dynamic behavior of the counterion cloud is shown to lead to a novel nonlinear force-velocity relation for the moving plate.Comment: 5 pages, 1 ps figure included using eps

    Age and Mass for 920 LMC Clusters Derived from 100 Million Monte Carlo Simulations

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    We present new age and mass estimates for 920 stellar clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on previously published broad-band photometry and the stellar cluster analysis package, MASSCLEANage. Expressed in the generic fitting formula, d^{2}N/dM dt ~ M^{\alpha} t^{\beta}, the distribution of observed clusters is described by \alpha = -1.5 to -1.6 and \beta = -2.1 to -2.2. For 288 of these clusters, ages have recently been determined based on stellar photometric color-magnitude diagrams, allowing us to gauge the confidence of our ages. The results look very promising, opening up the possibility that this sample of 920 clusters, with reliable and consistent age, mass and photometric measures, might be used to constrain important characteristics about the stellar cluster population in the LMC. We also investigate a traditional age determination method that uses a \chi^2 minimization routine to fit observed cluster colors to standard infinite mass limit simple stellar population models. This reveals serious defects in the derived cluster age distribution using this method. The traditional \chi^2 minimization method, due to the variation of U,B,V,R colors, will always produce an overdensity of younger and older clusters, with an underdensity of clusters in the log(age/yr)=[7.0,7.5] range. Finally, we present a unique simulation aimed at illustrating and constraining the fading limit in observed cluster distributions that includes the complex effects of stochastic variations in the observed properties of stellar clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 37 pages, 18 figure

    On the Nonlocal Equations and Nonlocal Charges Associated with the Harry Dym Hierarchy

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    A large class of nonlocal equations and nonlocal charges for the Harry Dym hierarchy is exhibited. They are obtained from nonlocal Casimirs associated with its bi-Hamiltonian structure. The Lax representation for some of these equations is also given.Comment: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 17 pages, Late

    Structural Parameters of Seven SMC Intermediate-Age and Old Star Clusters

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    We present structural parameters for the seven intermediate-age and old star clusters NGC121, Lindsay 1, Kron 3, NGC339, NGC416, Lindsay 38, and NGC419 in the Small Magellanic Cloud. We fit King profiles and Elson, Fall, and Freeman profiles to both surface-brightness and star count data taken with the Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Clusters older than 1 Gyr show a spread in cluster core radii that increases with age, while the youngest clusters have relatively compact cores. No evidence for post core collapse clusters was found. We find no correlation between core radius and distance from the SMC center, although consistent with other studies of dwarf galaxies, some relatively old and massive clusters have low densities. The oldest SMC star cluster, the only globular NGC121, is the most elliptical object of the studied clusters. No correlation is seen between ellipticity and distance from the SMC center. The structures of these massive intermediate-age (1-8 Gyr) SMC star clusters thus appear to primarily result from internal evolutionary processes.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Infrared composition of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    The evolution of galaxies and the history of star formation in the Universe are among the most important topics in today's astrophysics. Especially, the role of small, irregular galaxies in the star-formation history of the Universe is not yet clear. Using the data from the AKARI IRC survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud at 3.2, 7, 11, 15, and 24 {\mu}m wavelengths, i.e., at the mid- and near-infrared, we have constructed a multiwavelength catalog containing data from a cross-correlation with a number of other databases at different wavelengths. We present the separation of different classes of stars in the LMC in color-color, and color-magnitude, diagrams, and analyze their contribution to the total LMC flux, related to point sources at different infrared wavelengths

    Water sorption and diffusion in cellulose acetate: The effect of plasticisers

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    The conservation of cellulose acetate plastics in museum collections presents a significant challenge, due to the material's instability. Several studies have led to an understanding of the role of relative humidity (RH) and temperature in the decay process. It is well established that the first decay mechanism in cellulose acetate museum objects is the loss of plasticiser, and that the main decay mechanism of the polymer chain involves hydrolysis reactions. This leads to the loss of sidechain groups and the breakdown of the main polymer backbone. However, interactions between these decay mechanisms, specifically the way in which the loss of plasticiser can modify the interaction between cellulose acetate and water, has not yet been investigated. This research addresses the role of RH, studying the sorption and diffusion of water in cellulose acetate and how this interaction can be affected by plasticiser concentration using Dynamic Vapour Sorption (DVS)

    The ACS Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury. X. Quantifying the Star Cluster Formation Efficiency of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies

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    We study the relationship between the field star formation and cluster formation properties in a large sample of nearby dwarf galaxies. We use optical data from the Hubble Space Telescope and from ground-based telescopes to derive the ages and masses of the young (t_age < 100Myr) cluster sample. Our data provides the first constraints on two proposed relationships between the star formation rate of galaxies and the properties of their cluster systems in the low star formation rate regime. The data show broad agreement with these relationships, but significant galaxy-to-galaxy scatter exists. In part, this scatter can be accounted for by simulating the small number of clusters detected from stochastically sampling the cluster mass function. However, this stochasticity does not fully account for the observed scatter in our data suggesting there may be true variations in the fraction of stars formed in clusters in dwarf galaxies. Comparison of the cluster formation and the brightest cluster in our sample galaxies also provide constraints on cluster destruction models.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to Ap

    The Extended Main-Sequence Turn-off Clusters of the Large Magellanic Cloud - Missing links in Globular Cluster Evolution

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    Recent observations of intermediate age (1 - 3 Gyr) massive star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have revealed that the majority possess bifurcated or extended main-sequence turn-off (EMSTO) morphologies. This effect can be understood to arise from subsequent star formation amongst the stellar population with age differences between constituent stars amounting to 50 - 300 Myr. Age spreads of this order are similarly invoked to explain the light element abundance variations witnessed in ancient globular clusters. In this paper we explore the proposition that the clusters exhibiting the EMSTO phenomenon are a general phase in the evolution of massive clusters, one that naturally leads to the particular chemical properties of the ancient globular cluster population. We show that the isolation of EMSTO clusters to intermediate ages is the consequence of observational selection effects. In our proposed scenario, the EMSTO phenomenon is identical to that which establishes the light element abundance variations that are ubiquitous in the ancient globular cluster population. Our scenario makes a strong prediction: EMSTO clusters will exhibit abundance variations in the light elements characteristic of the ancient GC population.Comment: ApJ accepted. 33 pages, 5 figure
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