1,422 research outputs found

    Suppressive Therapy In The Control Of Bilharziasis: A Comparative Trial In African School Children

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    A CAJM article on the control of bilharzia-sis in Zimbabwean (Rhodesian) African children.One of the major problems facing the health service in any country which has a high prevalence of bilharziasis is the shortage of medical personnel required for the successful treatment of the large numbers of people who show infection. However, if a totally safe regime involving the administration of relatively innocuous drug at low dosages over long periods of time to control or suppress the level of infection in the person, the administration of the drug could then be left to the teachers or to other responsible members of the community. It is in this context that the policy of suppressive therapy or management of schistosome infections shows its greatest attraction

    Path-dependent initialization of a single quantum dot exciton spin in a nanophotonic waveguide

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    We demonstrate a scheme for in-plane initialization of a single exciton spin in an InGaAs quantum dot (QD) coupled to a GaAs nanobeam waveguide. The chiral coupling of the QD and the optical mode of the nanobeam enables spin initialization fidelity approaching unity in magnetic field B=1 T and >0.9 without the field. We further show that this in-plane excitation scheme is independent of the incident excitation laser polarization and depends solely on the excitation direction. This scheme provides a robust in-plane spin excitation basis for a photon-mediated spin network for quantum information applications

    Higher dimensional inhomogeneous dust collapse and cosmic censorship

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    We investigate the occurrence and nature of a naked singularity in the gravitational collapse of an inhomogeneous dust cloud described by higher dimensional Tolman-Bondi space-times. The naked singularities are found to be gravitationally strong in the sense of Tipler. Higher dimensions seem to favour black holes rather than naked singularities.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, 2 table

    Polariton Pattern Formation and Photon Statistics of the Associated Emission

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    We report on the formation of a diverse family of transverse spatial polygon patterns in a microcavity polariton fluid under coherent driving by a blue-detuned pump. Patterns emerge spontaneously as a result of energy-degenerate polariton-polariton scattering from the pump state to interfering high order vortex and antivortex modes, breaking azimuthal symmetry. The interplay between a multimode parametric instability and intrinsic optical bistability leads to a sharp spike in the value of second order coherence g (2)(0) of the emitted light, which we attribute to the strongly superlinear kinetics of the underlying scattering processes driving the formation of patterns. We show numerically by means of a linear stability analysis how the growth of parametric instabilities in our system can lead to spontaneous symmetry breaking, predicting the formation and competition of different pattern states in good agreement with experimental observations

    Spin Textures of Polariton Condensates in a Tunable Microcavity with Strong Spin-Orbit Interaction

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    We report an extended family of spin textures in coexisting modes of zero-dimensional polariton condensates spatially confined in tunable open microcavity structures. The coupling between photon spin and angular momentum, which is enhanced in the open cavity structures, leads to new eigenstates of the polariton condensates carrying quantised spin vortices. Depending on the strength and anisotropy of the cavity confinement potential and the strength of the spin-orbit coupling, which can be tuned via the excitonic/photonic fractions, the condensate emissions exhibit either spin-vortex-like patterns or linear polarization, in good agreement with theoretical modelling

    Exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice with spin-orbit coupling

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    We study exciton-polaritons in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice of micropillars. The energy spectrum of the system features two flat bands formed from SS and Px,yP_{x,y} photonic orbitals, into which we trigger bosonic condensation under high power excitation. The symmetry of the orbital wave functions combined with photonic spin-orbit coupling gives rise to emission patterns with pseudospin texture in the flat band condensates. Our work shows the potential of polariton lattices for emulating flat band Hamiltonians with spin-orbit coupling, orbital degrees of freedom and interactions

    The effect of tidal flow directionality on tidal turbine performance characteristics

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    With many Tidal Energy Conversion (TEC) devices at full scale prototype stage there are two distinct design groups for Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines (HATTs). Devices with a yaw mechanism allowing the turbine to always face into the flow, and devices with blades that can rotate through 180° to harness a strongly bi-directional flow. As marine turbine technology verges on the realm of economic viability this paper reveals the performance of Cardiff University's concept tidal turbine with its support structure either upstream or downstream and with various proximities between the rotating plane of the turbine and its support stanchion. Through the use of validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling this work shows the optimal proximity between rotor plane and stanchion as well as establishing, in the given context, the use of a yaw mechanism to be superior to a bi-directional system from a performance perspective

    A 24,000-year ancient DNA and pollen record from the Polar Urals reveals temporal dynamics of arctic and boreal plant communities

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    A 24,000-year record of plant community dynamics, based on pollen and ancient DNA from the sediments (sedaDNA) of Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye in the Polar Ural Mountains, provides detailed information on the flora of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and also changes in plant community composition and dominance. It greatly improves on incomplete records from short and fragmented stratigraphic sequences found in exposed sedimentary sections in the western Russian Arctic. In total, 162 plant taxa were detected by sedaDNA and 115 by pollen analysis. Several shifts in dominance between and within plant functional groups occurred over the studied period, but most taxa appear to have survived in situ. A diverse arctic-alpine herb flora characterised the interval ca. 24,000–17,000 cal years BP and persisted into the Holocene. Around 17,000 cal years BP, sedges (e.g. Carex) and bryophytes (e.g. Bryum, Aulacomnium) increased. The establishment of shrub-tundra communities of Dryas and Vaccinium sp., with potentially some Betula pubescens trees (influx ∼290 grains cm2 year−1), followed at ca. 15,000 cal years BP. Forest taxa such as Picea and ferns (e.g. Dryopteris fragrans, Gymnocarpium dryopteris) established near the lake from ca. 10,000 cal years BP, followed by the establishment of Larix trees from ca. 9000 cal years BP. Picea began to decline from ca. 7000 cal years BP. A complete withdrawal of forest tree taxa occurred by ca. 4000 cal years BP, presumably due to decreasing growing-season temperatures, allowing the expansion of dwarf-shrub tundra and a diverse herb community similar to the present-day vegetation mosaic. Contrary to some earlier comparative studies, sedaDNA and pollen from Lake Bolshoye Shchuchye showed high similarity in the timing of compositional changes and the occurrence of key plant taxa. The sedaDNA record revealed several features that the pollen stratigraphy and earlier palaeorecords in the region failed to detect; a sustained, long-term increase in floristic richness since the LGM until the early Holocene, turnover in grass and forb genera over the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, persistence of a diverse arctic-alpine flora over the late Quaternary, and a variable bryophyte flora through time. As pollen records are often limited by taxonomic resolution, differential productivity and dispersal, sedaDNA can provide improved estimates of floristic richness and is better able to distinguish between different plant assemblages. However, pollen remains superior at providing quantitative estimates of plant abundance changes and detecting several diverse groups (e.g. Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Asteraceae) which may be underreported in the sedaDNA. Joint use of the two proxies provided unprecedented floristic detail of past plant communities and helped to distinguish between long-distance transport of pollen and local presence, particularly for woody plant taxa

    Statistics of the contact network in frictional and frictionless granular packings

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    Simulated granular packings with different particle friction coefficient mu are examined. The distribution of the particle-particle and particle-wall normal and tangential contact forces P(f) are computed and compared with existing experimental data. Here f equivalent to F/F-bar is the contact force F normalized by the average value F-bar. P(f) exhibits exponential-like decay at large forces, a plateau/peak near f = 1, with additional features at forces smaller than the average that depend on mu. Computations of the force-force spatial distribution function and the contact point radial distribution function indicate that correlations between forces are only weakly dependent on friction and decay rapidly beyond approximately three particle diameters. Distributions of the particle-particle contact angles show that the contact network is not isotropic and only weakly dependent on friction. High force-bearing structures, or force chains, do not play a dominant role in these three dimensional, unloaded packings.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Higher dimensional dust collapse with a cosmological constant

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    The general solution of the Einstein equation for higher dimensional (HD) spherically symmetric collapse of inhomogeneous dust in presence of a cosmological term, i.e., exact interior solutions of the Einstein field equations is presented for the HD Tolman-Bondi metrics imbedded in a de Sitter background. The solution is then matched to exterior HD Scwarschild-de Sitter. A brief discussion on the causal structure singularities and horizons is provided. It turns out that the collapse proceed in the same way as in the Minkowski background, i.e., the strong curvature naked singularities form and that the higher dimensions seem to favor black holes rather than naked singularities.Comment: 7 Pages, no figure