1,521 research outputs found

    Cálculo estructural y sistema contraincendios de un tanque de gasoil de reserva para alimentación en un ciclo combinado 2×1 de 800 MW

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    Ante situaciones eventuales de suspensión del suministro de gas natural, las centrales de ciclo combinado disponen de tanques de almacenamiento de gasoil en reserva. En caso de ser necesario, las turbinas de gas están preparadas con un sistema de inyección paralelo al de gas natural, de manera que puedan trabajar un máximo de 24 horas con este combustible alternativo. En el presente proyecto se define, calcula y proyecta tanto el Tanque Cilíndrico Vertical de Fondo Plano con techo fijo soportado, como el prescriptivo sistema de protección contra incendios del tanque de reserva de gasoil de la central de ciclo combinado de Iberdrola en Cartagena. Esta central es del tipo 2x1, con dos turbinas de gas y una turbina de vapor, y una potencia total de 800 MW.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Cloud-Based Collaborative 3D Modeling to Train Engineers for the Industry 4.0

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    In the present study, Autodesk Fusion 360 software (which includes the A360 environment) is used to train engineering students for the demands of the industry 4.0. Fusion 360 is a tool that unifies product lifecycle management (PLM) applications and 3D-modeling software (PDLM—product design and life management). The main objective of the research is to deepen the students’ perception of the use of a PDLM application and its dependence on three categorical variables: PLM previous knowledge, individual practices and collaborative engineering perception. Therefore, a collaborative graphic simulation of an engineering project is proposed in the engineering graphics subject at the University of La Laguna with 65 engineering undergraduate students. A scale to measure the perception of the use of PDLM is designed, applied and validated. Subsequently, descriptive analyses, contingency graphical analyses and non-parametric analysis of variance are performed. The results indicate a high overall reception of this type of experience and that it helps them understand how professionals work in collaborative environments. It is concluded that it is possible to respond to the demand of the industry needs in future engineers through training programs of collaborative 3D modeling environments

    SAPHO Syndrome

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    SAPHO syndrome is an entity that associates musculoskeletal disorders with dermatological alterations. The most characteristic clinical manifestation of the SAPHO syndrome is pain in the anterior chest wall, due to the involvement of the sternoclavicular and costochondral joints. The etiology of SAPHO syndrome is unclear. The treatment is not protocolized. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), sulfasalazine, systemic corticosteroids, colchicine, methotrexate, and antibiotics such as tetracyclines have been used with varying results. The use of bisphosphonates has been described as effective. Biological therapy also seems to be effective. More trials with these drugs are needed to evaluate their effectiveness against this disease and to establish the number of doses, the amount, and the interval between them. In this chapter we describe the case of a patient with SAPHO syndrome who had a good response to oral alendronate

    Complete Bell Polynomials and Recurrence Relations for Arithmetic Functions

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    We use the Z-transform to solve a type of recurrence relation satisfied by the number of representations of an integer n as the sum of squares and as the sum of triangular numbers, and also by the color partitions of n; the corresponding solution is in terms of the complete Bell polynomials

    A Three-Gene Expression Signature Identifies a Cluster of Patients with Short Survival in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is a lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by its heterogeneous clinical evolution. Despite the discovery of the most frequent cytogenomic drivers of disease during the last decade, new efforts are needed in order to improve prognostication. In this study, we used gene expression data of CLL samples in order to discover novel transcriptomic patterns associated with patient survival. We observed that a 3-gene expression signature composed of SCGB2A1, KLF4, and PPP1R14B differentiate a group of circa 5% of cases with short survival. This effect was independent of the main cytogenetic markers of adverse prognosis. Finally, this finding was reproduced in an independent retrospective cohort. We believe that this small gene expression pattern will be useful for CLL prognostication and its association with CLL response to novel drugs should be explored in the future

    Feasibility of Using Nanosilanes in a New Hybrid Stabilised Soil Solution in Rural and Low-Volume Roads

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    The application of new materials for soil stabilisation is a growing field of study in recent years. In this work, the effect of two types of silica-based nanomaterials combined with binders (quicklime and cement) are studied to stabilise soils and form structural layers for rural and low volume roads. The physical and chemical properties of the materials have been determined, as well as the mechanical behaviour of the stabilised soil. Three hybrid stabilised soil sections have been designed using a multilayer elastic model, executed at full scale and measuring the evolution of their properties in the medium to short term. The results show that the application of silica-based nanomaterials and two types of binders on the tread layers provide high structural stability and good behaviour of the sections

    O futebol como programa esportivo para crianças com TEA no ensino fundamental

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    The difficulties that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience to perform physical and sports exercises is a reality. This situation causes a low participation in physical and sports activities with their peers. The difficulties they present regarding motor skills hinder their participation in physical activities in groups, also causing less socialization within the sports context itself (Kruger, et al., 2019). Therefore, it is necessary to propose programs oriented to physical and sports practice, encouraging the participation in physical activities and increasing the social relations (Wong et al., 2015). With the intention of promoting sports for this group, a sports training program was designed based on pre-sports football games. The sessions managed to enhance children's physical and social skills in order to attain a general improvement in both skills, and thus transfer their capabilities and learning to other sports contexts. The purpose of this type of sports schools is to promote and encourage physical and sport activities for this group of people with ASD, as well as to prepare all children to participate in any type of sport. Sometimes, the lack of information regarding disability can lead to a rejection of people with disabilities by those responsible of directing sport practices, with the wrong intention of protecting them (González & Sosa, 2008). In order to measure the state of the art regarding sport leisure of children with ASD and the level of satisfaction reached under the sport training program, a questionnaire was distributed to the families of participants. The results obtained at the end of the research were positive, evidencing the need of promoting physical and sports activities as an alternative of leisure for people with ASD.Las dificultades que tienen los niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) para realizar ejercicio físico y deportivo es una realidad. Esta situación provoca una baja participación en actividades físicas y deportivas con sus iguales. Los problemas que presentan a nivel motor dificultan la participación en actividades físicas grupales, provocando también un descenso en la socialización dentro del propio contexto deportivo (Kruger et al., 2019). Por ello es necesario proponer programas orientados a la práctica física y deportiva que favorezcan la participación en actividades físicas y un aumento de las relaciones sociales (Wong et al., 2015). Con la intención de promocionar el deporte para este colectivo se diseñó un programa de entrenamiento deportivo basado en juegos predeportivos de fútbol. Las sesiones sirvieron para potenciar las habilidades físicas y sociales con el fin de producir una mejora generalizada en ambas y, de esta forma, transferir sus capacidades y aprendizajes a otros contextos deportivos. La finalidad de este tipo de escuelas deportivas debe ser la de promover y fomentar la actividad física y deportiva para el colectivo de personas con TEA, además de preparar a todos los niños para que puedan participar en cualquier tipo de deporte. En ocasiones, la falta de información referente a la discapacidad puede provocar un rechazo hacia las personas con discapacidad por parte de los responsables encargados de dirigir la práctica deportiva, buscando la intención errónea de protegerles (González y Sosa, 2008). Para medir el estado de la cuestión referente al ocio deportivo de los niños con TEA y el nivel de satisfacción alcanzado con el programa de entrenamiento deportivo se administró un cuestionario a las familias de los participantes. Los resultados obtenidos al término de la investigación fueron positivos, lo que permitió justificar el impulso de la actividad física y deportiva como una alternativa de ocio para las personas con TEA.É uma realidade as dificuldades que meninos e meninas com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) têm para realizar exercícios físicos e esportes. Essa situação acarreta baixa participação em atividades físicas e esportivas com seus companheiros. Os problemas que apresentam no nível motor dificultam a participação em atividades físicas em grupo, causando também uma diminuição da socialização no próprio contexto esportivo (Kruger, et al., 2019). Portanto, é necessário propor programas voltados para a prática física e esportiva que favoreçam a participação em atividades físicas, bem como o incremento das relações sociais (Wong et al., 2015). Com o intuito de promover o esporte para esse grupo, foi elaborado um programa de treinamento esportivo baseado em jogos de futebol pré-esportivos. As sessões serviram para potencializar as aptidões físicas e sociais de forma a produzir uma melhoria geral em ambas e, dessa maneira, transferir as suas competências e aprendizagem para outros contextos esportivos. A finalidade desse tipo de esporte nas escolas deve ser a promoção e o incentivo à atividade física e esportiva do grupo de pessoas com TEA, além de preparar todas as crianças para que possam praticar qualquer tipo de esporte. Às vezes, a falta de informação sobre a deficiência pode causar uma rejeição por parte dos responsáveis pelo direcionamento da prática esportiva, às pessoas com deficiência, buscando a intenção equivocada de protegê-los (González e Sosa, 2008). Para mensurar o estado da arte em relação ao lazer esportivo de meninos e meninas com TEA e o nível de satisfação atingido com o programa de treinamento esportivo, foi aplicado um questionário às famílias dos participantes. Os resultados obtidos ao final da pesquisa foram positivos, o que permitiu justificar a promoção da atividade física e esportiva como alternativa de lazer para pessoas com TEA

    Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in oral premalignant epithelial lesions

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    [Resumen] Las lesiones premalignas orales incluyen eritroplasias (manchas rojas) y leucoplasias (manchas blancas), las cuales se desarrollan a lo largo de superficies epiteliales. Estas lesiones son considerados marcadores en la “car- cinogénesis de campo” ya que pacientes con lesiones premalignas orales pue- den desarrollar carcinoma de células escamosas (CCS) en el sitio de las lesio- nes, así como en otros lugares de tracto aerodigestivo superior. Se está hacien- do un gran esfuerzo para identificar nuevos biomarcadores SEBs (surrogate endpoint biomarkers) para el carcinoma de células escamosas de cabeza y cue- llo. Los SEBs candidatos para el carcinoma de células escamosas invasivo en el trato aerodigestivo superior deben ser detectables con los cambios molecu- lares celulares y tisulares que tienen lugar durante la formación del tumor. Entre los diferentes marcadores que se han propuesto hasta la actualidad, la ciclo- oxigenasa-2 (COX-2) y el receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGFR) parecen ser los más prometedores. COX-2 se sobre expresa durante el pro- ceso tumoral, desde hiperplasia temprana a enfermedad metastásica. EGFR también está anormalmente activado en tumores epiteliales, pues las células de casi todas estas neoplasias expresan altos niveles de este receptor, una carac- terística asociada con un peor pronóstico clínico. En este sentido el tracto aero- digestivo superior proporciona un sistema o modelo único para el estudio de CCS y para la investigación de nuevos candidatos SEBs[Abstract] Oral premalignant lesions include leukoplakia (white patch) and erythroplakia (red patch), which develop on epithelial surfaces. These lesions are markers for field cancerization because patients with oral premalignancy can develop squamous cell carcinoma at the site of the lesion(s) and at other sites in the upper aerodigestive tract. An effort is being made to identify surrogate endpoint biomarkers (SEBs) for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Candidate SEBs for invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the upper aerodigestive tract are detectable molecular, cellular, and tissue changes that take place during tumorigenesis. Among the markers that have been proposed to date, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) seem to be the most promising. COX-2 is overexpressed during tumor transformation from early hyperplasia to metastasic disease. EGFR is also abnormally activated in epithelial tumors, since cells of almost all these kinds of neoplasm express high levels of this receptor, a characteristic associated with poor clinical outcome. The upper aerodigestive tract provides a unique model for studying the development of squamous cell carcinoma and for investigating candidate SEBs