1,410 research outputs found

    Mujeres, atrocidad y castigo: un estudio de caso sobre las razones del movimiento de mujeres para penalizar el feminicidio en Colombia

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    The women's movement in both Colombia and the world has a long tradition in the use of law. This work, in addition to dialogue with the literature on this subject, aims to analyze another aspect of the relationship of criminal law with women's movements that focuses its gaze, not on the deep criticism raised in criminal law, but in the growing punitive demand by these movements.El movimiento de mujeres tanto en Colombia como en el mundo tiene una larga tradición en el uso del derecho. Este trabajo, además de dialogar con la literatura sobre este tema, pretende analizar otra arista de la relación del derecho penal con los movimientos de mujeres que centra su mirada, ya no en las profundas críticas planteadas al derecho penal, sino en la creciente demanda punitiva por parte de estos movimientos

    Long short-term memory networks for earthquake detection in Venezuelan regions

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    Reliable earthquake detection and location algorithms are necessary to properly catalog and analyze the continuously growing seismic records. This paper reports the results of applying Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks to single-station three-channel waveforms for P-wave earthquake detection in western and north central regions of Venezuela. Precisely, we apply our technique to study the seismicity along the dextral strike-slip Boconó and La Victoria - San Sebastián faults, with complex tectonics driven by the interactions between the South American and Caribbean plates.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    El “fast track”: ¿un mecanismo de flexibilización de la Constitución de 1991?

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    This paper presents a study about the special legislative procedure for peace, popularly known as fast track, and its role in the Colombian political transition. This study faces the interpretation that the fast track was an ineffective mechanism for the legislative implementation of the Peace Agreement, and attempts to explain this through two points of analysis. First, it presents the difficulty of implementing the constitutional amendments that the Agreement needed without activating the constituent power, which made it necessary to make the Constitution more flexible in order to integrate the pillars of the Agreement into the Constitution. Second, it explores the concept of constitutional aporia, that is the logical difficulty of reform the constitution through the categories of original and derived constituent power, and their consequences on the rigidity and flexibility of the Constitution.Este artículo presenta una lectura sobre el Procedimiento Legislativo Especial para la Paz, conocido popularmente como fast track, y su papel dentro de la transición política colombiana. La lectura enfrenta la interpretación de que el fast track fue un mecanismo poco eficaz para la implementación legislativa del Acuerdo de Paz, e intenta explicar esto a través de dos puntos de análisis. El primero presenta la dificultad de implementar las reformas constitucionales que necesitaba el Acuerdo sin activar el poder constituyente originario, lo cual hizo necesario flexibilizar la Constitución para integrar los pilares del Acuerdo a la Carta Política. El segundo ahonda en el concepto de aporía constitucional, es decir en la dificultad lógica de reformar la Constitución a través de la distinción de competencia entre poder constituyente originario y derivado, y sus consecuencias en la rigidez y flexibilidad de la Constitución

    Las Escuelas Infantiles Mucipales (0-3 Años) Aproximación A Un Estudio De Calidad En Canarias

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    The panorama of kindergartens Canary, as a whole today, is uncertain due to lack of subsidies and as a result of the global crisis that took place in our country years ago. In addition, large cuts have been made and are still continuously used to make public administrations which affect sensitive way to education. Furthermore, we have analyzed the reality of municipal kindergartens of the Canary Islands. This analysis was done based on what we have considered to be a minimum quality criteria for the effective functioning of these services. Also, we have tried to catch a glimpse of the reality of these schools so as to offer the keys to a model of educational management. This however guarantees both the quality of service and the user’s satisfaction

    Targeted bacterial conjugation mediated by synthetic cell-to-cell adhesions

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    Genetic interventions on microbiomes, for clinical or biotechnological purposes, remain challenging. Conjugation-based delivery of genetic cargo is still unspecific and limited by low conjugation rates. Here we report an approach to overcome these problems, based on a synthetic bacterial adhesion system. Mating assemblers consist on a synthetic adhesion formed by the expression on the surface of donor and target cells of specific nanobodies (Nb) and their cognate antigen (Ag). The Nb?Ag bridge increased 1?3 logs transfer of a variety of plasmids, especially in liquid media, confirming that cell-cell docking is a main determinant limiting mating efficiency. Synthetic cell-to-cell adhesion allows efficient conjugation to targeted recipients, enhancing delivery of desired genes to a predefined subset of prey species, or even specific pathogenic strains such as enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), within a bacterial community. The synthetic conjugation enhancer presented here optimizes plasmid delivery by selecting the target hosts with high selectivity.FUNDING: Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (MCIN) [PID2020-117923GB-I00 to F.d.l.C.]; MCIN/AEI and FEDER [BIO2017-89081-R]; MCIN/AEI and NextGeneration EU/PRTR [PLEC2021-007739 to L.A.F.]. Conflict of interest statement. None declared ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank R. Fernandez-López for providing us with the BWmKate2 strain and, along with M. P. Garcillan-Barcia, for helpful discussions. We also thank E. Zechner for providing the pAR106 plasmid, and I. Rosenshine for EHEC strains and V. Campa for technical assistance in setting up the microscopy assay

    Confección, comercialización y exportación de braga femenina a Santiago de Chile - Chile, 2018

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    Nuestra empresa LOVEFOREVER S.A.C. conformada por 03 socios, nos dedicamos en confeccionar, comercializar y exportar braga femenina para la generación millennials (18 a 38 años) con la marca LEONOR´S WOMEN. Nuestro mercado objetivo será Santiago de Chile – Chile, que tiene una población de 17 millones de habitantes y que ha sido seleccionado por su cercanía geográfica, facilidad de acceso al mercado, acuerdos comerciales, poder adquisitivo, características sociodemográficas y culturales. Se espera tener una facturación en el primer año S/. 759,335 y obtener una ganancia en el primer año de S/. 90,288. Para lo cual se requiere de una inversión inicial de S/. 143,295. El capital propio de la empresa asciende a S/. 85,977 y cada socio aportará S/. 28,659. La diferencia de S/. 57,318 será financiado mediante un crédito a largo plazo por 5 años con el Banco de Crédito del Perú BCP.Trabajo de suficiencia profesionalCampus Lima Centr

    Dynamic circulating tumor DNA quantificaton for the individualization of non-small-cell lung cancer patients treatment

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    Background: Liquid biopsy has evolved from being a promising line to becoming a validated approach for biomarker testing. However, its utility for individualization of therapy has been scarcely reported. In this study, we show how monitoring levels of EGFR mutation in plasma can be useful for the individualization of treatment. Results: Longitudinal EGFR mutation levels in plasma always correlated with tumor response ascertained by RECIST criteria. Moreover, decreasing EGFR mutation levels were detected in all patients benefiting from locoregional radiotherapy, whereas the opposite occurred when a patient progressed soon after radiotherapy treatment. Similarly, increasing EGFR mutation levels anticipated disease progression after TKI dose reduction, discontinuation of treatment, or reduced bioavailability due to drug interactions. In addition, EGFR mutation levels were useful to monitor treatment outcome of new therapies and constituted a decisive factor when the clinical situation of the patient did not correlate with responses ascertained by radiologist. Finally, our results indicate that cancer associated body fluids (pleural, pericardial or cerebrospinal fluid) are certainly a suitable source for biomarker testing that can extend EGFR mutation detection to biofluids other than blood. Materials and Methods: A total of 180 serial plasma samples from 18 non-smallcell lung cancer patients who carried an activating EGFR mutation were investigated by digital PCR. Conclusions: Monitoring levels of EGFR mutation in plasma allows resolving doubts that frequently arise in daily clinical practice and constitutes a major step towards achieving personalized medicineThis study was supported by Carlos III Institute of Health, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and European Regional Development Fund (grant number: PI16/01818 and PIE14/00064), A Romero is supported by Joan Rodés fellowship (grant number: JR14/00017) and CP pre-doctoral studies are supported by Jose Luís Castaño Foundatio

    Concordance between circulating tumor cells and clinical status during follow-up in anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) non-small-cell lung cancer patients

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    Background: The identification of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) rearrangements is found in approximately 5% of non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs). However, the development of liquid biopsies as a diagnostic tool is less developed in these cases. This study investigates the use of CTCs during treatment, together with an extended follow-up to correlate with clinical evolution. Patients and Methods: A total of 13 patients out of a cohort of 212 patients with lung adenocarcinoma, presented ALK rearrangements (6%) confirmed by tumor biopsy. A total of 60 serial blood samples were collected from these patients who were prospectively enrolled in the study. Results: All patients had a positive CTC count at baseline (mean = 3). The median follow-up was 9 months (range 1-17 months). Three patients underwent surgery and their CTC counts decreased after the procedure but still remained detectable. After radiotherapy, 3 cases showed an average decrease of 5 CTCs. A total of 6 patients were treated with ALK inhibitors and a partial response was observed in 3 of them, who also presented decreased CTC counts. The other 3 patients presented primary resistance, and their CTC counts were higher than those obtained prior to progression. Conclusion: We believe that the use of CTCs for dynamic monitoring of NSCLC with ALK rearrangement and to detect disease persistence or recurrence may be a reliable technique. CTC counts may also have potential use to monitor the efficacy of ALK inhibitors, facilitating detection of resistance to treatmentThis study was supported by Carlos III Institute of Health, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and European Regional Development Fund (grant number: PI16/01818 and PIE14/00064), D. Pérez-Callejo is supported by SEOM-Río-Hortega contract, A Romero is supported by Joan Rodés fellowship (grant number: JR14/00017) and M Sánchez-Beato is supported by Miguel Servet contract (CP11/00018 and CPII16/00024

    Estudio de factibilidad para el uso de drones en el sector agrícola en la región Bogotá Sabana Centro.

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    Diseñar una propuesta de estudio de viabilidad para la creación de una empresa que permita brindar un portafolio de soluciones personalizadas dirigidas al seguimiento de cultivos y fotogrametría mediante el uso de tecnologías (RPAS) o Sistema de Aeronaves Pilotadas a Distancia en el sector agrícola de Bogotá - Sabana Centro.Esta propuesta, el brindar soluciones personalizadas mediante el uso de tecnologías (RPAS) en la región sabana centro y Distrito Capital Bogotá, ofrecería a los diversos agricultores, múltiples beneficios y garantías generales de entrada, en el caso de levantamientos fotogramétricos de medición, pre-cultivos y seguimientos por medio de tomas aéreas pos-cultivo ayudando a los agricultores con una reducción de tiempo y costos en la realización de dichas actividade

    Making Musical Works in Renaissance Spain

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    Producción CientíficaWhy is it that Renaissance musicians (in Spain in this case) could identify as the same work compositions that today might be seen as different? Wherein was the commonality? Current ontologies of music, deeply rooted in modern theories and aesthetics revolve around the notion of musical masterpieces that exist as static monuments of musical art. Not only inadequate from a historical point of view, such a conceptualisation impacts heavily on the way we perform music, how we study it and how we think about it today. Scholars such as Treitler and Strohm have proposed substituting composition over practice to highlight the act of performance over prior creation as a way of shifting the focus in the development of contemporary historiography. In parallel with recent studies on contrapuntal improvisation they have stressed the need to incorporate oral traditions within music history and to stimulate reconsideration conceptualisation of “making musical works” in the Renaissance, and the very nature of the works themselves. Starting with the notion of the Renaissance “musical work” as a group of fluid, dynamic multiplicities, this book explores varied approaches to the “musical work.” It includes lexicological analyses of Renaissance musical terminology, source studies that identify the changing practices and identities of specific works, and broader questions such as interrelationships between music, architecture and rhetoric, o between space and work. The book is further enriched by a study of the 15,000 musical works that resided in the library of Ferdinand Columbus, that survive as indices, never studied or published.Departamento de Música y Expresión MusicalEste trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación “La obra musical renacentista: fundamentos, repertorios y prácticas” HAR 2015-70181-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE