316 research outputs found

    Fine-mapping identifies multiple prostate cancer risk loci at 5p15, one of which associates with TERT expression

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    Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 5p15 and multiple cancer types have been reported. We have previously shown evidence for a strong association between prostate cancer (PrCa) risk and rs2242652 at 5p15, intronic in the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene that encodes TERT. To comprehensively evaluate the association between genetic variation across this region and PrCa, we performed a fine-mapping analysis by genotyping 134 SNPs using a custom Illumina iSelect array or Sequenom MassArray iPlex, followed by imputation of 1094 SNPs in 22 301 PrCa cases and 22 320 controls in The PRACTICAL consortium. Multiple stepwise logistic regression analysis identified four signals in the promoter or intronic regions of TERT that independently associated with PrCa risk. Gene expression analysis of normal prostate tissue showed evidence that SNPs within one of these regions also associated with TERT expression, providing a potential mechanism for predisposition to disease

    From the CMD of Omega Centauri and (super-)AGB stellar models to a Galactic plane passage gas purging chemical evolution scenario

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    [Abbreviated] We have investigated the color-magnitude diagram of Omega Centauri and find that the blue main sequence (bMS) can be reproduced only by models that have a of helium abundance in the range Y=0.35-0.40.Toexplainthefaintsubgiantbranchofthereddeststars("MSa/RGa"sequence),isochronesfortheobservedmetallicity([Fe/H]0.7)appeartorequirebothahighage( 13Gyr)andenhancedCNOabundances([CNO/Fe]0.90.40. To explain the faint subgiant branch of the reddest stars ("MS-a/RG-a" sequence), isochrones for the observed metallicity ([Fe/H]\approx0.7) appear to require both a high age (~13Gyr) and enhanced CNO abundances ([CNO/Fe]\approx0.9). Y~0.35 must also be assumed in order to counteract the effects of high CNO on turnoff colors, and thereby to obtain a good fit to the relatively blue turnoff of this stellar population. This suggest a short chemical evolution period of time (<1Gyr) for Omega Cen. Our intermediate-mass (super-)AGB models are able to reproduce the high helium abundances, along with [N/Fe]~2 and substantial O depletions if uncertainties in the treatment of convection are fully taken into account. These abundance features distinguish the bMS stars from the dominant [Fe/H] 1.7\approx1.7 population. The most massive super-AGB stellar models (M_zams>=6.8M_sun, M_He,core>=1.245M_sun) predict too large N-enhancements, which limits their role in contributing to the extreme populations. We show quantitatively that highly He- and N-enriched AGB ejecta have particularly efficient cooling properties. Based on these results and on the reconstruction of the orbit of Omega Cen with respect to the Milky Way we propose the galactic plane passage gas purging scenario for the chemical evolution of this cluster. Our model addresses the formation and properties of the bMS population (including their central location in the cluster). We follow our model descriptively through four passage events, which could explain not only some key properties of the bMS, but also of the MS-a/RGB-a and the s-enriched stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 10 figures, 5 tables, 21 page

    Catching Element Formation In The Act

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    Gamma-ray astronomy explores the most energetic photons in nature to address some of the most pressing puzzles in contemporary astrophysics. It encompasses a wide range of objects and phenomena: stars, supernovae, novae, neutron stars, stellar-mass black holes, nucleosynthesis, the interstellar medium, cosmic rays and relativistic-particle acceleration, and the evolution of galaxies. MeV gamma-rays provide a unique probe of nuclear processes in astronomy, directly measuring radioactive decay, nuclear de-excitation, and positron annihilation. The substantial information carried by gamma-ray photons allows us to see deeper into these objects, the bulk of the power is often emitted at gamma-ray energies, and radioactivity provides a natural physical clock that adds unique information. New science will be driven by time-domain population studies at gamma-ray energies. This science is enabled by next-generation gamma-ray instruments with one to two orders of magnitude better sensitivity, larger sky coverage, and faster cadence than all previous gamma-ray instruments. This transformative capability permits: (a) the accurate identification of the gamma-ray emitting objects and correlations with observations taken at other wavelengths and with other messengers; (b) construction of new gamma-ray maps of the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies where extended regions are distinguished from point sources; and (c) considerable serendipitous science of scarce events -- nearby neutron star mergers, for example. Advances in technology push the performance of new gamma-ray instruments to address a wide set of astrophysical questions.Comment: 14 pages including 3 figure

    A consensus-based transparency checklist

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    We present a consensus-based checklist to improve and document the transparency of research reports in social and behavioural research. An accompanying online application allows users to complete the form and generate a report that they can submit with their manuscript or post to a public repository