104 research outputs found

    earGram Actors: an interactive audiovisual system based on social behavior

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    In multi-agent systems, local interactions among system components following relatively simple rules often result in complex overall systemic behavior. Complex behavioral and morphological patterns have been used to generate and organize audiovisual systems with artistic purposes. In this work, we propose to use the Actor model of social interactions to drive a concatenative synthesis engine called earGram in real time. The Actor model was originally developed to explore the emergence of complex visual patterns. On the other hand, earGram was originally developed to facilitate the creative exploration of concatenative sound synthesis. The integrated audiovisual system allows a human performer to interact with the system dynamics while receiving visual and auditory feedback. The interaction happens indirectly by disturbing the rules governing the social relationships amongst the actors, which results in a wide range of dynamic spatiotemporal patterns. A performer thus improvises within the behavioural scope of the system while evaluating the apparent connections between parameter values and actual complexity of the system output

    Bifurcations leading to stochasticity in a cyclotron-maser system

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    This paper is concerned with the orbital dynamics of electrons in a cyclotron maser [CO Chen, Phys. Rev. A 46,6654 (1992)] with modulated maser fields. Amplitude modulation is a natural result of wave-particle energy exchanges, and for typical system parameters, the nonlinear bifurcations of periodic orbits are investigated as the modulation level increases. Attention is focused on primary stable orbits exhibiting the same periodicity as the modulation for low modulational levels. This interest is related to the fact that the destruction of these orbits is generally associated with considerable spread of chaos over the phase space. It is found that two groups of such orbits do exist, each group located in a particular region of the phase space. As the modulation level grows, the overall behavior can be classified as a function of the modulation frequency. If this frequency is large there are two orbits in the group; one undergoes an infinite cascade of period doubling bifurcations and the other simply collapses with neighboring unstable orbits. If the frequency is small the number of orbits is larger; the collapsing orbit is still present and some of the others may fail to undergo the period doubling cascade

    Primer registro de ácaros (Arachnida: Acari) foréticos y parásitos asociados con moscas necrófagas en Brasil.

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    Muchas especies de artrópodos principalmente moscas (Diptera) y sus ácaros foréticos son atraídos por la carroña. Este es el primer registro de ácaros foréticos y parásitos Leptus sp., Macrocheles muscaedomesticae y Longoseius brachypoda, en moscas necrófagas en Brasi


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    Este artigo buscou identificar e analisar as características bibliométricas de artigos sobre Controle Interno e Gestão de Riscos apresentados no Congresso USP (de Controladoria e Contabilidade e de Iniciação Científica) e no EnANPAD, entre 2001 e 2011 É uma investigação descritiva e longitudinal, do tipo levantamento, com enfoque quantitativo, apoiada em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. De 9.894 artigos apresentados nos eventos durante o período especificado, foram selecionados 165, por meio de palavras-chave previamente especificadas. Destes, 100 foram apresentados no EnANPAD e 65 no Congresso USP. Constatou-se, por meio da Lei de Lotka, que ainda não há, nos dois eventos, uma elite de pesquisadores contábeis estudando e publicando sobre Controle Interno e Gestão de Riscos, fato constatado em outros temas contábeis. Verificou-se que, no somatório dos eventos, a quantidade de artigos assinada por até dois autores no período alcançou 50,3% do total (44,6%% no Congresso USP e 54 % no EnANPAD); 78,8% % dos autores são homens; 68,3%% professores universitários. Até o término da pesquisa, 38 dos 165 trabalhos da amostra foram publicados em periódicos especializados. O crescimento do volume de trabalhos apresentados no EnANPAD ao longo do período analisado foi mais do que o dobro do ocorrido no Congresso USP. No tema Controle Interno a taxa média de crescimento constatada revelou equilíbrio nos dois eventos. Os resultados favoreceram o Congresso USP quando se trata de Gestão de Riscos, tendo sido constatada sua predominância em relação ao EnANPAD.The aim of this article was to identify and analyse the bibliometric features of articles regarding Internal Control and Risk Management presented in Congresso USP (Controllership and Accountancy and Scientific Initiation) and in ENANPAD, between 2001-2011. It was a descriptive, quantitative and longitudinal research, focused on data collection, based on bibliographic and documental research. Out of 9.894 articles presented in those events in the period above, it was selected 165 by means of previously specified key-words. Out of those 165, 100 were presented in ENANPAD and 65 in Congresso USP. It was verified that, through the Lotka Law, those events still do not have an accountancy research elite to study and publish about Internal Control and Risk Management. This fact was also stated concerning other accountancy matters. It was also demonstrated that regarding the 2 events, the amount of articles written by up to 2 authors in the period was 50,3% of the total (44,6% in Congresso USP and 54% in ENANPAD); 78,8% of the authors are men and 68,3% are university professors. Until the end of the research, 38 of the 165 selected articles were published in specialized journals. The rise in the articles presented in ENANPAD throughout the analysed period more than doubled the amount presented in Congresso USP.  Concerning Internal Control, the average rise tax showed a balance between the 2 events. The results favored Congresso USP regarding Management Risks, for its prevalence over ENANPAD was stated.Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar las características bibliométricas de artículos sobre Control Interno y Gestión de Riesgos presentados en el Congreso USP (de Contraloría y Contabilidad y de Iniciación Científica) y en el EnANPAD, entre 2001 y 2011. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva y longitudinal, analítica y con enfoque cuantitativo, apoyada en un estudio bibliográfico y documental. De 9.894 artículos presentados en los eventos durante el período especificado, se seleccionaron 165 mediante palabras clave previamente especificadas. De estos, 100 se presentaron en el EnANPAD y 65 en el Congreso USP. Se constató por medio de la Ley de Lotka, que aún no existe en ninguno de los dos eventos, una élite de investigadores contables que estudien y publiquen sobre Control Interno y Gestión de Riesgos, hecho constatado en otros temas contables. Se ha demostrado que, en el sumario de los eventos, la cantidad de artículos firmados por hasta dos autores en este período alcanzó el 50,3% del total (44,6%% en el Congreso USP y 54 % en EnANPAD); 78,8% % de los autores son hombres; el 68,3%% profesores universitarios. Hasta el final del estudio, 38 de los 165 trabajos de la muestra se publicaron en publicaciones periódicas especializadas. El crecimiento del volumen de trabajos presentados en EnANPAD a lo largo del período analizado ha sido más del doble de los generados en el Congreso USP. En el tema Control Interno, el índice medio de crecimiento constatado reveló un equilibrio entre los dos eventos. Los resultados muestran la ventaja del Congreso USP cuando se trata de la Gestión de Riesgos, constatándose su predominancia con relación a EnANPAD

    Knowledge about tuberculosis in individuals deprived of liberty of a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil

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    Objective: To evaluate knowledge related to TB and to investigate the predictive factors of the prisoners' knowledge status in a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and institutionally based study that was conducted with 729 individuals deprived of their liberty in a regional penitentiary. A questionnaire was applied and the detainees 'knowledge about tuberculosis was obtained from the participants' answers to questions about tuberculosis prevention, transmission and treatment. For data analysis, multiple logistic regression was used. Results: Approximately 40% of the detainees reported not having knowledge about transmission, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and the lack of knowledge was associated with the following variables: lower education, lower income, closed regime, being the first prison, not having contact with TB outside and inside the prison, not showing symptoms of cough with secretion, weakness and chest pain and not having an HIV test. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about tuberculosis was associated with education, income, prison terms, first prison, contact with TB outside and inside the prison, symptoms of tuberculosis and HIV testing. The recognition of these factors can contribute to the development of educational interventions aimed at controlling tuberculosis in this population.Objective: To evaluate knowledge related to TB and to investigate the predictive factors of the prisoners' knowledge status in a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and institutionally based study that was conducted with 729 individuals deprived of their liberty in a regional penitentiary. A questionnaire was applied and the detainees 'knowledge about tuberculosis was obtained from the participants' answers to questions about tuberculosis prevention, transmission and treatment. For data analysis, multiple logistic regression was used. Results: Approximately 40% of the detainees reported not having knowledge about transmission, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and the lack of knowledge was associated with the following variables: lower education, lower income, closed regime, being the first prison, not having contact with TB outside and inside the prison, not showing symptoms of cough with secretion, weakness and chest pain and not having an HIV test. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about tuberculosis was associated with education, income, prison terms, first prison, contact with TB outside and inside the prison, symptoms of tuberculosis and HIV testing. The recognition of these factors can contribute to the development of educational interventions aimed at controlling tuberculosis in this population

    Prêmio por informação: uma investigação empírica da microestrutura do mercado acionário no Brasil

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    Este artigo estima a probabilidade de informação privilegiada (PIN), para ações do Índice Brasil durante o período de 2006 até 2011. O PIN é uma proxy para informação privada e é incorporado ao método de Fama French (1993) para separar os portfolios e explicar seus retornos. A combinação do PIN com as variáveis valor de mercado e índice book-to-market possibilita, para alguns portfolios, aumento do retorno e diminuição do risco. A significância das variáveis na explicação dos retornos é testada utilizando modelos de Markov-switching. Os resultados demonstram que o PIN é um fator importante na explicação dos retornos dos portfolios.This article makes use of tick-by-tick data to estimate the probability of informed trading (PIN) to IBRX stocks. We add PIN in Fama French (1993) method to separate portfolios and explain their returns. Our evidence points out we may find some portfolios, which have statistically higher return and lower risk in a Markov-switching regression. The results demonstrate PIN is an important factor in explaining portfolio returns


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    Objetivou-se compreender a importância das práticas educativas em saúde na formação deacadêmicos de enfermagem, por meio de um estudo descritivo qualitativo, realizado entre os meses de setembroa outubro de 2014 com cinquenta estudantes de enfermagem. As informações foram coletadas por entrevistasemiestruturada, os depoimentos organizados e analisados conforme o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Foramrespeitadas as normas éticas por meio do parecer 889.504. Emergiram os três discursos-síntese, ancorados nasseguintes ideias centrais: conceito de Educação em Saúde; importância das práticas educativas na formaçãoacadêmica; e, dificuldades ao executar atividades educativas. Nota-se que há convergências entre o modelobiomédico e a execução das atividades educativas, no entanto é evidenciada como importante ferramenta deconstrução profissional. Por fim, conclui-se que a Educação em Saúde ocupa posição de destaque na formaçãode acadêmicos de enfermagem, no entanto, sendo necessário rediscutir seu conceito.The aim of this study was to understand theimportance of health education practices in the trainingof nursing undergraduate students, through a qualitativedescriptive study, conducted between September andOctober 2014 with fifty nursing undergraduates. Datawere collected by means of semi-structured interviews;the statements were organized and analyzed according tothe Collective Subject Discourse. Ethical standards wereapplied by means of opinion 889.504. Three syntheticdiscourses emerged, anchored on the following core ideas:concept of health education; importance of educationalpractices in academic education; and, difficulties inperforming educational activities. It can be noted thatthere are similarities between the biomedical model andthe implementation of educational activities; however,these are evidenced as an important professional buildingtool. Health education occupies a prominent position inthe training of nursing students; however, it is necessaryto rediscuss its concept.El objetivo de la investigación fue comprenderla importancia de las prácticas educativas en salud para laformación de académicos de enfermería, por medio de unestudio descriptivo cualitativo, realizado entre los meses deseptiembre y octubre de 2014 con cincuenta estudiantes deenfermería. Las informaciones fueron obtenidas por entrevistasemiestructurada; los testimonios, organizados y analizadosde acuerdo con el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Fueronrespetadas las normas éticas por medio del parecer 889.504.Surgieron tres discursos síntesis, fundamentados en las siguientesideas centrales: concepto de Educación en Salud; importanciade las prácticas educativas en la formación académica; ydificultades al ejecutar actividades educativas. Se percibe quehay convergencias entre el modelo biomédico y la ejecución delas actividades educativas, pero estas son evidenciadas comoimportantes herramientas de construcción profesional. Así, seconcluye que la Educación en Salud es esencial en la formaciónde académicos de enfermería, siendo necesario, sin embargo,rediscutir su concepto

    Efeito do extrato etanólico de própolis verde sobre a produção de anticorpos após imunização contra parvovírus canino (CPV) e coronavírus canino (CCoV)

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    Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar se extrato etanólico de própolis verde (EEP) pode interferir na produção de anticorpos específicos após imunização contra parvovírus (CPV) e coronavírus canino (CCoV). Camundongos foram vacinados com CPV e CCoV (0.75, 1.5 e 3 x 106 TCID50) com ou sem 400 μg/dose de EEP. Vinte e um dias após a terceira dose foi mensurado IgG sérica. A coadministração de EEP aumentou significativamente os níveis de IgG específica para o CPV em animais inoculados com a maior concentração do antígeno, e não teve influência sobre os níveis de anticorpos para CCoV. Os resultados indicam que o EEP tem ação imunomoduladora intimamente dependente do tipo e concentração do antígeno utilizado, sendo capaz de aumentar os níveis de anticorpos contra CPV.This study was designed to evaluate whether an ethanolic extract of green propolis (EEP) can interfere with production of specific antibodies after immunization against parvovirus (CPV) and canine coronavirus (CCoV). Mice were vaccinated with CPV and CCoV (0.75, 1.5 and 3 x 106 TCID50) with or without 400 μg/dose of the EEP. Twenty one days after the third dose was measured serum IgG. The co-administration of the EEP significantly enhanced serum specific IgG responses to CPV in animals inoculated with the highest concentration of the antigen, and had no influence on levels of antibodies to CCoV. The results indicate that the EEP has immunomodulatory action closely dependent on the type and concentration of antigen used, being able to increase the levels of antibodies to CPV