1,305 research outputs found

    Investigation of stratiform sulphide mineralisation at Meall Mor, South Knapdale, Argyll

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    A co-ordinated geochemical-geophysical-geological investigation of copper mineralisation in the Meal1 ?46r area, South Knapdale, Argyll was carried 0th in 1976 and followed by a drilling programme of 3 shallow holes in early 1977. The mineralisation occursin a zone of weak stratiform sulphide mineralisation (the pyrite zone) with a strike length of 1Okm in the Upper &ins Quartz&e of the Middle Dalradian. The geochemical drainage survey showed the existence of a strongly anomalous distribution of Cu and Sb in the Abhainn Srathain draining south from . Meal1 M&- and detailed soil sampling over the pyrite zone outlined a broad area enriched in copper. Deeper soil sampling confirmed the anomalously high copper values and a coincident IP anomaly was found stretching from Meal1 M& south to the old mine workings on Abhainn Srathain, and is probably caused by a local enrichment of pyrite and chalcopyrite within the pyrite zone. Three boreholes were drilled; two on coincident geochemical and geophysical anomalies, and the third beneath the old mines at Abhainn Srathain. Copper values in the first two holes range up to 0.24% Cu over 4.27m, but up to 1.06% Cu over 2.67m in the third and this enrichment may be related to a later remobilisation of the disseminated chalcopyrite. The results of subsequent drilling at two other sites are given in Appendix III

    Slow polymer diffusion on brush-patterned surfaces in aqueous solution

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    A model system for the investigation of diffusional transport in compartmentalized nanosystems is described. Arrays of “corrals” enclosed within poly[oligo(ethylene glycol)methyl ether methacrylate] (POEGMA) “walls” were fabricated using double-exposure interferometric lithography to deprotect aminosilane films protected by a nitrophenyl group. In exposed regions, removal of the nitrophenyl group enabled attachment of an initiator for the atom-transfer radical polymerization of end-grafted POEGMA (brushes). Diffusion coefficients for poly(ethylene glycol) in these corrals were obtained by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Two modes of surface diffusion were observed: one which is similar to diffusion on the unpatterned surface and a very slow mode of surface diffusion that becomes increasingly important as confinement increases. Diffusion within the POEGMA brushes does not significantly contribute to the results

    Partitioning Sorted Sets: Overcoming Choice Overload While Maintaining Decision Quality

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    We investigate the joint use of partitioning and sorting as a choice architecture to overcome consumer choice overload in large product sets. Partitioning first presents a small initial set of alternatives with the option to click through to see the remaining alternatives. Sorting presents alternatives in order of attractiveness based on a user model that is helpful to the decision-maker. We propose that Sets with Partitioning and Sorting (SPSs) improve consumers’ choice outcomes by increasing their focus on the most attractive alternatives and their use of more compensatory decisions. Results from two controlled survey-based experiments and a field study in the domain of health insurance support this positive impact of SPSs when sorting quality is high. However, there is also a potential harmful effect of partitioning when sorting quality is low. We discuss implications of our findings and propose a practical approach to select partitioning size depending on sorting quality

    Conservatives moral foundations are more densely connected than liberals’ moral foundations

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    We use network psychometrics to map a subsection of moral belief systems predicted by moral foundations theory (MFT). This approach conceptualizes moral systems as networks, with moral beliefs represented as nodes connected by direct relations. As such, it advances a novel test of MFT’s claim that liberals and conservatives have different systems of foundational moral values, which we test in three large datasets (N(Sample1) = 854; N(Sample2) = 679; N(Sample3) = 2,572), from two countries (the United States and New Zealand). Results supported our first hypothesis that liberals’ moral systems show more segregation between individualizing and binding foundations than conservatives. Results showed only weak support for our second hypothesis, that this pattern would be more typical of higher educated than less educated liberals/conservatives. Findings support a systems approach to MFT and show the value of modeling moral belief systems as networks

    Persistence of Various Alfalfa Populations in South Dakota Rangeland

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    Inclusion of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in grasslands has long been valued to increase forage production and quality. Persistence of alfalfa in semiarid rangeland has generally been poor when non‐adapted and/or conventional hay‐type cultivars are utilized, however. Demand exists for alfalfa cultivars that establish readily and persist, particularly under grazing, in semiarid rangelands. A wild population of predominantly yellow‐flowered alfalfa (Medicago sativa subsp. falcata) was found growing and reproducing naturally in the Grand River National Grassland in northwestern South Dakota. This predominantly falcata alfalfa therefore demonstrates persistence in this semiarid environment. We initiated a study in May 2006 at the SDSU Antelope Livestock & Range Field Station near Buffalo, SD to evaluate persistence and vigor of eleven alfalfa populations transplanted into mixed‐grass prairie. Populations consisted of four predominantly falcata experimental populations (three are naturally selected and locally adapted; one is artificially selected), one pure falcata experimental population, one pure falcata cultivar, two pasture‐type cultivars, and three conventional hay‐type cultivars. Greenhouse grown seedlings were transplanted on 1 m‐centers within three exclosures (35 m X 35 m) divided into two sections; one exposed to grazing, the other protected from grazing. Grazing by cattle was initiated in August 2007. During the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons, intense grazing of alfalfa plants and associated vegetation occurred monthly for 1‐2 days. Survival, height, and canopy volume of grazed and protected alfalfa plants were measured before each grazing event. Despite a harsh winter with persistent ice cover, data from May 2009 revealed that falcata‐based populations had the highest survival under grazing (mean survival = 36%). Pasture‐type cultivars and conventional hay‐type cultivars experienced substantial mortality losses under grazing (mean survival = 8%). Low mortality and high vigor of all protected plant populations indicates that grazing weakened the grazed plants, greatly increasing the risk of winterkill and winter injury. These findings reveal that environmental adaptation, in addition to a degree of grazing tolerance, is necessary for persistence under grazing in this semiarid region. Populations that exhibit high persistence under both grazing and severe winter conditions offer great potential for being utilized in the northern Great Plains

    Missed opportunities in full immunization coverage:findings from low- and lower-middle-income countries

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    Background: An estimated 23 million infants are still not being benefitted from routine immunization services. We assessed how many children failed to be fully immunized even though they or their mothers were in contact with health services to receive other interventions. Design: Fourteen countries with Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys carried out after 2000 and with coverage for DPT (Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine below 70% were selected. We defined full immunization coverage (FIC) as having received one dose of BCG (bacille Calmette-Guérin), one dose of measles, three doses of polio, and three doses of DPT vaccines. We tabulated FIC against: antenatal care (ANC), skilled birth attendance (SBA), postnatal care for the mother (PNC), vitamin A supplementation (VitA) for the child, and sleeping under an insecticide-treated bed-net (ITN). Missed opportunities were defined as the percentage of children who failed to be fully immunized among those receiving one or more other interventions. Results: Children who received other health interventions were also more likely to be fully immunized. In nearly all countries, FIC was lowest among children born to mothers who failed to attend ANC, and highest when the mother had four or more ANC visits CÎte d'Ivoire presented the largest difference in FIC: 54 percentage points (pp) between having four or more ANC visits and lack of ANC. SBA was also related with higher FIC. For instance, the coverage in children without SBA was 36 pp lower than for those with SBA in Nigeria. The largest absolute difference on FIC in relation to PNC was observed for Ethiopia: 31 pp between those without and with PNC. FIC was also positively related with having received VitA. The largest absolute difference was observed in DR Congo: 41 pp. The differences in FIC among whether or not children slept under ITN were much smaller than for other interventions. Haiti presented the largest absolute difference: 16 pp. Conclusions: Our results show the need to develop and implement strategies to vaccinate all children who contact health services in order to receive other interventions

    Relative value of ruminally degradable and undegradable protein on the utilization of low-quality prairie hay by steers

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    An experiment was performed to investigate the impact of providing six levels of ruminally degradable protein (RDP; protein that is available to ruminal microbes) in combination with two levels of ruminally undegradable protein (RUP; protein that is not available to the ruminal microbes, but can be digested directly by cattle) on the intake and digestion of low-quality prairie hay. Twelve steers were provided unlimited access to low-quality prairie hay (5.3% crude protein and 71.7% neutral detergent fiber) throughout the trial. To simulate dietary RUP, casein was infused abomasally once daily at either 0 or 0.087% of body weight. To simulate dietary RDP, casein was infused ruminally once daily at 0, 0.029, 0.058, 0.087, 0.116, or 0.145% of body weight. As provision of RDP increased, forage intake and fiber digestion increased. Supplementing with RUP alone increased forage intake but not fiber digestion, although the intake response was not as large as providing the same amount of RDP. In conclusion, RUP is less efficient than RDP in stimulating forage intake and digestion

    Subcritical and supercritical granular flow around an obstacle on a rough inclined plane

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    A blunt obstacle in the path of a rapid granular avalanche generates a bow shock (a jump in the avalanche thickness and velocity), a region of static grains upstream of the obstacle, and a grain-free region downstream. Here, it is shown that this interaction is qualitatively altered if the incline on which the avalanche is flowing is changed from smooth to rough. On a rough incline, the friction between the grains and the incline depends on the flow thickness and speed, which allows both rapid (supercritical) and slow (subcritical) steady uniform avalanches. For supercritical experimental flows, the material is diverted around a blunt obstacle by the formation of a bow shock and a static dead zone upstream of the obstacle. Downslope, a grain-free vacuum region forms, but, in contrast to flows on smooth beds, static levees form at the boundary between the vacuum region and the flow. In slower, subcritical, flows the flow is diverted smoothly around the dead zone and the obstacle without forming a bow shock. After the avalanche stops, signatures of the dead zone, levees and (in subcritical flows) a deeper region upslope of the obstacle are frozen into the deposit. To capture this behaviour, numerical simulations are performed with a depth-averaged avalanche model that includes frictional hysteresis and depth-averaged viscous terms, which are needed to accurately model the flowing and deposited regions. These results may be directly relevant to geophysical mass flows and snow avalanches, which flow over rough terrain and may impact barriers or other infrastructure

    Absorption of Fixed scalars and the D-brane Approach to Black Holes

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    We calculate the emission and absorption rates of fixed scalars by the near-extremal five-dimensional black holes that have recently been modeled using intersecting D-branes. We find agreement between the semi-classical and D-brane computations. At low energies the fixed scalar absorption cross-section is smaller than for ordinary scalars and depends on other properties of the black hole than just the horizon area. In the D-brane description, fixed scalar absorption is suppressed because these scalars must split into at least four, rather than two, open strings running along the D-brane. Consequently, this comparison provides a more sensitive test of the effective string picture of the D-brane bound state than does the cross-section for ordinary scalars. In particular, it allows us to read off the value of the effective string tension. That value is precisely what is needed to reproduce the near-extremal 5-brane entropy.Comment: 33 pages, harvmac, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Probing Orientifold Behavior Near NS Branes

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    The effect of NS 5 branes on an orientifold is studied. The orientifold is allowed to pass through a pile of k NS branes forming a regularized CHS geometry. Its effect on open strings in its vicinity is used to study the change in the orientifold charge induced by the NS branes.Comment: Important references added, 30 pages, 8 figure
