6 research outputs found

    Rotavirus and the emergence of new genotypes: a narrative review

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    Rotavirus infection, which is directly related to the population’s quality of life, can culminate in death, mainly of children. This review discusses the prevalence and distribution of rotavirus genotypes, focusing on the genotypic variation of the virus after the implementation of vaccines and the cross-infection between animal and human species. It was searched the published literature from January 2006 to July 2017 using the Web of Knowledge database and the search terms “rotavirus”, “genotype”, “prevalence post vaccine”, and “emerging genotypes”. It was observed that the predominant genotypes changed in all continents, and that some genotypes are still emerging. Two hypotheses for this global change are the genetic variability of the virus and the emergence of vaccine-resistant genotypes. In addition, the virus can easily infect several animal species other than humans, as evidenced by reports of cross-infection of strains, which have served as warning for the generation of new virus genotypes. Inter-sectoral actions that encompass not only the health sector, but also all the socio-economic sector including the government, researchers, teachers, health agents, and communities contribute to decrease health-related expenditures and reduce mortality caused by the rotavirus, thereby improving health indicators and promoting health around the world.Rotavirus infection, which is directly related to the population’s quality of life, can culminate in death, mainly of children. This review discusses the prevalence and distribution of rotavirus genotypes, focusing on the genotypic variation of the virus after vaccines were implemented and cross-infection between animal and human species took place. We conducted a search of the literature from January 2006 to July 2017 by using the Web of Knowledge database and the search terms “rotavirus”, “genotype”, “prevalence post vaccine”, and “emerging genotypes”. The predominant genotypes changed in all the continents, and some genotypes are still emerging. There are two hypotheses for this global change: the genetics of the virus is variable, and vaccine-resistant genotypes have emerged. In addition, the virus can easily infect several animal species other than humans, as evidenced by reports of cross-infection of strains, which have served as a warning that new virus genotypes have been generated. Inter-sectoral actions that encompass not only the health sector, but also all the socio-economic sector including the government, researchers, teachers, health agents, and communities have contributed to reducing the health-related costs and mortality due to rotavirus infection, thereby improving health indicators and promoting health worldwide

    Chemical composition and in vitro antibacterial activity of essential oils from Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack (Rutaceae) ripe and unripe fruits against bacterial genera Mycobacterium and Streptococcus

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    This study aims to investigate chemical composition of essential oils from Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack (Rutaceae) ripe and unripe fruits and determine their in vitro antibacterial activity. Essential oils were extracted by hydrodistillation from Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack ripe and unripe fruits collected in the Cerrado, in Rio Verde, southwestern Goiás, Brazil. They were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sesquiterpenes, which represent the most abundant class of compounds in oils, predominated in both ripe and unripe fruits. Major constituents of essential oils extracted from ripe fruits (RF-EO) were β-caryophyllene (21.3%), α-ylangene (13.3%), germacrene-D (10.9%) and α-zingiberene (9.7%) whereas the ones of unripe fruits (UF-EO) were sesquithujene (25.0%), α-zingiberene (18.2%), germacrene-D (13.1%) and α-copaene (12.7%). In vitro antibacterial activity of essential oils was evaluated in terms of its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values by the broth microdilution method in 96-well microplates. Both essential oils under investigation showed moderate anti-streptococcal activity against the following bacteria: Streptococcus mutans, S. mitis, S. sanguinis, S. sobrinus and S. salivarius. MIC values ranged between 100 and 400 µg/mL. Regarding the antimycobacterial activity, essential oils from M. paniculata (L.) Jack unripe and ripe fruits were active against Mycobacterium kansasii (MIC = 250 µg/mL), moderately active against M. tuberculosis (MIC = 500 µg/mL) and inactive against M. avium (MIC = 2000 µg/mL). This study was pioneer in revealing similar chemical profiles of both essential oils extracted from Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack unripe and ripe fruits, besides describing their in vitro anti-streptococcal and antimycobacterial activities

    Antifungal Activities of Essential Oils from Protium ovatum Engl. Against Malassezia furfur and Candida Species

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    Fungal opportunistic infections have increased in recent decades due to the increase in the immunosuppressed patients and the indiscriminate use of antifungals. In Brazil, a country with the greatest biodiversity in the world, studies that seek new antifungals from natural sources have been stimulated. Protium ovatum Engl., belongs to the Burseraceae family and is a shrub tree found mainly in Brazil, in the Cerrado biome, and has medicinal, food and aromatic uses. This study aims to investigate the chemical composition and the anti-Malassezia furfur and anticandidal activities of essential oils (EOs) from Protium ovatum ripe fruit (RF-EO) and unripe fruit (UF-EO). The EOs antifungal activities were determined by microdilution broth methodology. GC-FID and GC-MS analyses showed that limonene, α-pinene and myrcene were the major components of both EOs. MIC values of RF-EO and UF-EO against M. furfur were 375 and 1500 µg/mL, respectively. RF-EO exhibited MIC values between 62.5 and 250 µg/mL while UF-EO was slightly active (> 1000 µg/mL) against Candida species. In addition, RF-EO showed antibiofilm activity against Candida species and was not toxic to C. elegans larvae. This study suggests that EOs from P. ovatum could be an alternative therapeutic option for infectious diseases caused by M. furfur and Candida species

    Hidroxichalconas com potencial antibacteriano e antibiofilme frente a bactérias periodontopatogênicas

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    Objectives: Periodontitis is a pathology resulting from complex interaction between the microorganisms present in the biofilm and the host's immune response. Increased use of antibiotics, associated with their inappropriate use has increased the resistance of anaerobic bacteria. Therefore, identifying new antimicrobial substances, such as chalcones, is urgent. This study evaluates the antibacterial activity and the antibiofilm activity of 15 hydroxychalcones against periodontopathogenic bacteria. Methods: The compounds were evaluated by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum inhibitory concentration of biofilm (MICB) tests. Results: Samples T3, Li-6, Li-9, Li-40, Li-42, and LR-72 showed good antibacterial and antibiofilm activity for most of the evaluated bacteria: MIC was lower than or equal to 6.25 μg/mL, biofilm biomass was reduced by 95%, and cell viability was totally inhibited for sample concentrations between 0.78 and 100 μg/mL. Among the tested chalcones, Li-6 stood out: it was effective on all bacteria, as revealed by both MIC and MICB results. Conclusions: Our results have consolidated a base for the development of new studies on the effects of the tested molecules as agents to combat and to prevent periodontitis.CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Objetivo: A periodontite é uma patologia resultante de uma complexa interação entre os microrganismos presentes na formação do biofilme e a resposta imune do hospedeiro. O aumento no uso de antibióticos, associado ao seu uso inadequado tem resultado em um crescimento consistente da resistência em bactérias anaeróbias. Diante deste cenário, torna-se urgente a identificação de novas substâncias naturais com potencial antimicrobiano como tem se demonstrado nas chalconas. O presente estudo avaliou a atividade antibacteriana de 15 hidroxichalconas frente às bactérias periodontopatogênicas bem como sua atividade antibiofilme. Métodos: Para tal, os compostos foram avaliados através dos testes de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração inibitória mínima do biofilme (CIMB). Resultados: As amostras T3, Li-6, Li-9, Li-40, Li-42 e LR-72 demonstraram boa atividade antibacteriana e antibiofilme para a maioria das bactérias avaliadas, com CIM menor ou igual a 6,25 μg/mL, redução de mais de 95% da biomassa do biofilme e inibição total da viabilidade celular entre 0,78 e 100 μg/mL. Entre as chalconas, a Li-6 destacou-se por se mostrar efetiva sobre todas as bactérias, tanto nos testes de CIM como na atividade antibiofilme. Conclusão: Com isso, consolidamos uma base para o desenvolvimento de novos estudos acerca dos efeitos destas moléculas como agentes no combate e prevenção da periodontite.2023-06-1

    Direito como instrumento de emancipação: a experiência dos moradores e moradoras do bairro prolongamento do Jardim Santa Bárbara, Franca SP

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    Introdução: Projeto “Direito Como Instrumento de Emancipação: A experiência dos moradores e moradoras do bairro Prolongamento do Jardim Santa Bárbara”, nasceu a partir do Núcleo de Estudos de Direito Alternativo da Unesp- Franca (NEDA) sob a orientação do Promotor de Justiça e Professor da Unesp-Franca, Dr. Paulo César Corrêa Borges. Tal grupo, que existe desde 1997, propõe-se a questionar o papel do Direito na sociedade, bem como a função social e o compromisso sócio-político do jurista. Após 6 anos o grupo conseguiu atingir um objetivo antigo, partir para a práxis junto à comunidade de Franca, contando com 20 extensionistas dos quatro cursos da FHDSS (Faculdade de História, Direito, Serviço Social e Relações Internacionais), reforçando o caráter interdisciplinar do grupo. Objetivos: Após a escolha da comunidade junto à qual o NEDA se propôs a trabalhar (o bairro Prolongamento do Jardim Santa Bárbara) passamos a fazer visitas regulares ao local, nessas visitas constatamos que garantias e direitos assegurados pela constituição não eram efetivados. O bairro não possui infraestrutura básica, saneamento, asfalto, posto de saúde, delegacia e nem ao menos condições ambientais aceitáveis. Além disso, os moradores não têm identidade entre si, condição que facilitaria a luta pela real dignidade, tanto individual quanto coletiva. Buscando a emancipação dos moradores do Prolongamento o NEDA pretende concretizar em 2006 a construção do Centro Comunitário, através de um mutirão de moradores e extensionistas, bem como uma cooperativa com as moradoras do bairro, que irá produzir bolsas e outros acessórios com as sobras de couro das fábricas de calçado de Franca. Tanto o centro comunitário quanto a cooperativa são meios de aglutinar os moradores e moradoras em torno de problemas em comum, buscando soluções coletivas tanto para a resolução de demandas jurídicas quanto para a geração de renda. Métodos: Para conquistar tais aspirações seguiremos o método dialético, que permitirá a incidência de novos fatores que certamente surgirão dentro da problematização do bairro. O trabalho é constituído por duas frentes, uma de estudos: que dá embasamento para a interação com a comunidade, e a frente prática: composta por visitas propriamente ditas. Resultados: Desenvolvemos um projeto pedagógico com as crianças, sob a orientação da psicóloga e professora da Unesp Franca Ana Cristina Nassif Soares, através do qual são trabalhadas questões do cotidiano dos pequenos moradores, bem como a realidade injusta na qual eles estão inseridos, nas visitas também ocorrem reuniões para traçar com os homens, mulheres e crianças do Prolongamento uma brigada de luta que logo travará a primeira de muitas batalhas por uma vida efetivamente humana e verdadeiramente digna