114 research outputs found

    Uma oportunidade para alavancar a mudança em CI : o Observatório de Ciência da Informação da Universidade do Porto

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    Com o mercado de trabalho a receber um novo perfil profissional, através dos primeiros licenciados em Ciência da Informação (CI) pela Universidade do Porto (U.Porto), e o início da redefinição dos ciclos de estudos no âmbito da implementação do Processo de Bolonha, impôs-se a necessidade de monitorizar o percurso profissional, investigativo e formativo de cada um destes alumni, nomeadamente através da construção de uma infraestrutura tecnológica e informacional a partir da qual fosse possível: 1) recolher, registar e disponibilizar informação sobre o percurso de cada licenciado; 2) garantir a continuidade da sua ligação à Universidade e à CI na U.Porto; 3) promover a comunicação entre os alumni, os estudantes e o corpo docente e investigador, bem como com as instituições e as empresas empregadoras e/ou acolhedoras de estágios curriculares e, já sob o modelo de Bolonha, com os proponentes de projetos de dissertação e de doutoramento; 4) e, ainda, promover e disseminar a produção científica, a organização e participação em eventos científicos e o espírito empreendedor e empresarial de estudantes e alumni de CI. Criado no ano letivo de 2006/2007, o Observatório de Ciência da Informação da Universidade do Porto (OCIUPorto) corporiza estes objetivos e abrange licenciados, mestres e doutores em Ciência da Informação pela U.Porto. Na sua origem e atual gestão estão os estudantes que integram a equipa constituída anualmente no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Gestão de Serviços de Informação, do 3º ano da Licenciatura em Ciência da Informação (LCI). Desenvolvido em meio digital, o OCIUPorto é, hoje, suportado pelo sistema de gestão de conteúdos Joomla!, complementado pela presença nas diversas redes sociais. Se, por um lado, aí se concentra a informação produzida, recolhida e sistematizada ao longo de nove anos, constituindo uma fonte de informação única sobre a CI na U.Porto, por outro lado visa-se o fomento da capacidade colaborativa e comunicacional dos diversos intervenientes e comunidades, bem como a projeção da ainda emergente área da Ciência da Informação.With the job market receiving the first graduates, with a new professional profile and with the redefinition of the education model under the Bologna Process, has established itself the need to monitor the professional, investigative and training career of each alumnus, building a technological and informational infrastructure from which it will be possible: to collect, record and provide information related with each graduate; maintain a continuous connection of the alumni to the University and to the IS (Information Science) at the U.Porto (Oporto University); promote communication among students, alumni, researchers, institutionsand business employers, that harbors traineeships (previous Bologna implementation), dissertation projects and doctoral thesis; and also to promote and disseminate the scientific production, the organization and participation in scientific events and the entrepreneurial and business spirit of students and alumni. Created in the academic year 2006/2007, the Observatory of Information Science at the University of Porto (OCIUPorto) aims to monitor the professional, investigative and formative path of each alumnus, making possible the collection and availability of information about each graduate. This is a project developed by students within the course of Management Information Services, of the 3rd year of the degree in Information Science (IS) and each year a new team has the responsibility of its management and continuous improvement. Supported by the Joomla! content management system, the OCIUPorto encourages the collaborative work, improves the communication capacity through social networks and also stores the information produced and collected in the past nine years, providing an unique source about IS at the U.Porto

    Perfil de consumo de nutrientes nas principais regiões metropolitanas do Brasil

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the pattern of nutrient intake in major metropolitan region of Brazil, seeking to identify the nutrient intake adequacy in the Brazilian families, and their evolution over time. The Almost Ideal System (AIDS) model was employed to estimate the demand for nutrients. The data used are from the Household Budget Survey of 1995 and 2003. The results indicated that the nutrient demand of the population has poor sensitivity to changes in prices. In addition, families tend to demand relatively more fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates than vitamins and minerals. It was found that there was worsening in the pattern of intake for most nutrients from 1995 to 2003, in relation to daily nutrient recommendations. Thus, despite the favorable changes to food consumption that have occurred in last decades, it is perceived deterioration in standards of intake of nutrients.Nutrient demand, Household Budget Survey, Almost Ideal Demand System Model, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Spatio-temporal analysis of prodelta dynamics by means of new satellite generation: the case of Po river by Landsat-8 data

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    Abstract This paper describes a procedure to perform spatio-temporal analysis of river plume dispersion in prodelta areas by multi-temporal Landsat-8-derived products for identifying zones sensitive to water discharge and for providing geostatistical patterns of turbidity linked to different meteo-marine forcings. In particular, we characterized the temporal and spatial variability of turbidity and sea surface temperature (SST) in the Po River prodelta (Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy) during the period 2013–2016. To perform this analysis, a two-pronged processing methodology was implemented and the resulting outputs were analysed through a series of statistical tools. A pixel-based spatial correlation analysis was carried out by comparing temporal curves of turbidity and SST hypercubes with in situ time series of wind speed and water discharge, providing correlation coefficient maps. A geostatistical analysis was performed to determine the spatial dependency of the turbidity datasets per each satellite image, providing maps of correlation and variograms. The results show a linear correlation between water discharge and turbidity variations in the points more affected by the buoyant plumes and along the southern coast of Po River delta. Better inverse correlation was found between turbidity and SST during floods rather than other periods. The correlation maps of wind speed with turbidity show different spatial patterns depending on local or basin-scale wind effects. Variogram maps identify different spatial anisotropy structures of turbidity in response to ambient conditions (i.e. strong Bora or Scirocco winds, floods). Since the implemented processing methodology is based on open source software and free satellite data, it represents a promising tool for the monitoring of maritime ecosystems and to address water quality analyses and the investigations of sediment dynamics in estuarine and coastal waters


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    ELAS - é um espetáculo elaborado para ser falado sobre tabus com o corpo feminino, o qual se baseou no texto Os Monólogos da Vagina de Eve Ensler, propondo uma imensa adaptação de trechos e, principalmente, palavras, tendo como consequência um jogo de palavras e formulações de frases, consequentemente, convidando o espectador a viajar na história junto com a personagem

    Fatores socioeconômicos e comportamentais associados a desigualdade na obesidade de homens e mulheres no Brasil

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    O objetivo do referente trabalho é o de analisar a obesidade, realizando uma abordagem acerca da desigualdade socioeconômica associada a essa morbidade, dado que a obesidade não é apenas uma doença, constituindo-se também como um fenômeno social e econômico. O artigo investiga os fatores que fazem homens e mulheres adultos terem probabilidades distintas de serem obesos no Brasil. Inicialmente, são identificados os indivíduos obesos, a partir da medida de Massa Gorda Relativa (RFM). Em seguida, estima-se o modelo Probit, com a posterior aplicação da decomposição de Fairlie. Os coeficientes obtidos, em geral, exibem os sinais esperados e são estatisticamente significativos. Os principais resultados apontam que as mulheres possuem maiores chances de serem obesas, com a renda, estado civil, atividade física no lazer, consumo de feijão, bebida alcoólica e cigarro sendo variáveis que apresentam maior relação com a desigualdade de gênero na obesidade

    A review of conventional and emerging technologies for hydrogels sterilization

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    Funding This work was financially supported by Fundaçao ˜ para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, through the project STERILAEROGEL – Green method to prepare sterilised biopolymer-based aerogel (POCI01–0145-FEDER-032625) and Strategic Projects FCT-MEC PEst-C/EQB/ UI0102/2019, UIDB/00102/2020 and Programmatic Project UIDP/ 00102/2020 of the CIEPQPF, and UI/05704/2020 of the ciTechCare. C. S. A. Bento acknowledges for PhD grant UI/BD/151008/2021 and M. C. Gaspar acknowledges FCT for the financial support under Scientific Employment Stimulus – Individual and Institutional Calls (CEECIND/ 00527/2017 and CEECINST/00060/2021).Hydrogels are extensively used in the biomedical field, as drug delivery systems, wound dressings, contact lenses or as scaffolds for tissue engineering. Due to their polymeric nature and the presence of high amounts of water in their structure, hydrogels generally present high sensitivity to terminal sterilization. The establishment of an efficient sterilization protocol that does not compromise the functional properties of the hydrogels is one of the challenges faced by researchers when developing a hydrogel for a specific application. Yet, until very recently this aspect was largely ignored in the literature. The present paper reviews the state of literature concerning hydrogels sterilization, compiling the main findings. Conventional terminal sterilization methods (heat sterilization, radiation sterilization, and gas sterilization) as well as emerging sterilization techniques (ozone, supercritical carbon dioxide) are covered. Considerations about aseptic processing are also included. Additionally, and as a framework, hydrogels’ polymeric materials, types of networks, and main biomedical applications are summarily described.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepção das mães sobre os cuidados com o filho submetido ao transplante cardíaco

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    OBJETIVO Conhecer a percepção das mães acerca dos principais cuidados a serem executados após o transplante cardíaco do filho, assim como as principais dificuldades por elas vivenciadas. MÉTODO Estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado em março e abril de 2014 por meio da técnica de grupo focal para a coleta de dados. Participaram 12 mães que estavam acompanhando seu filho em um hospital de referência em doenças cardiopulmonares. Os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos e organizados em torno dos cuidados que as mães realizaram após o transplante cardíaco da criança, das principais dificuldades das mães, da percepção das mães sobre a qualidade de vida das crianças e sobre a utilização de materiais educativos para divulgação dos cuidados após o transplante. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a técnica de análise do conteúdo. RESULTADOS Entre os assuntos abordados destacam-se: o horário das medicações imunossupressoras, a higiene dos alimentos, a limpeza do ambiente, a higiene corporal e oral, o uso de máscara cirúrgica, e o cuidado em manter a criança longe de aglomerados de pessoas. CONCLUSÃO O estudo contribuiu para o diagnóstico situacional quanto aos cuidados realizados pelas mães de crianças transplantadas.OBJETIVO Conocer la percepción de las madres acerca de los principales cuidados que se deben tener después del trasplante cardiaco del hijo, así como las principales dificultades por ellas vividas. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, llevado a cabo en marzo y abril de 2014 por medio de la técnica de grupo focal para la recolección de datos. Participaron 12 madres que estaban acompañando a su hijo en un hospital de referencia en enfermedades cardiopulmonares. Las declaraciones fueron grabadas, transcritas y organizadas acerca de los cuidados que las madres realizaron después del trasplante cardiaco del niño, las principales dificultades de las madres, la percepción de las madres sobre la calidad de vida de los niños y la utilización de materiales educativos para divulgación de los cuidados luego del trasplante. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS Entre los temas abordados se destacan: el horario de los medicamentos inmunosupresores, la higiene de los alimentos, la limpieza del ambiente, la higiene corporal y oral, el uso de mascarilla quirúrgica y el cuidado en mantener al niño lejos de aglomeraciones de personas. CONCLUSIÓN El estudio contribuyó al diagnóstico situacional en cuanto a los cuidados realizados por las madres de niños trasplantados.OBJECTIVE To learn mothers' perceptions of the main care practices that are to be administered after their children's heart transplantation, as well as the main difficulties they experience. METHOD A descriptive qualitative study conducted in March and April 2014, using the focus group technique for data gathering. Participants were 12 mothers who were monitoring their children in a hospital that is a reference for treating cardiopulmonary diseases. Speeches were recorded, transcribed, and organized around the care practices that the mothers performed after the children's heart transplantations, the mothers' main difficulties, their perceptions of their children's quality of life, and the use of educational materials to disseminate post-transplantation care practices. For data analysis, we used the content analysis technique. RESULTS The following were clarified: the schedule of immunosuppressive medication; food, environmental, and bodily and oral hygiene; the use of surgical masks; and keeping the children away from crowds. CONCLUSION The study contributed to the situational diagnosis of the care administered by the mothers of transplanted children

    Yarrowia lipolytica: an industrial workhorse

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    Este resumo faz parte de: Book of abstracts of the Meeting of the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2, Braga, Portugal, 2010. A versão completa do livro de atas está disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/1822/1096

    Biogeochemistry of household dust samples collected from private homes of a portuguese industrial city

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    The main objectives of the present study were to (i) investigate the effects of mineralogy and solid-phase distribution on element bioaccessibility and (ii) perform a risk assessment to calculate the risks to human health via the ingestion pathway. Multiple discriminant analysis showed that the dust chemistry discriminates between indoor and outdoor samples. The solid-phase distribution of the elements in indoor dust indicated that a large proportion of zinc, nickel, lead, copper, and cobalt is associated with an aluminum oxy-hydroxides component, formed by the weathering of aluminum silicates. This component, which seems to influence the mobility of many trace elements, was identified for a group of indoor dust samples that probably had a considerable contribution from outdoor dust. An iron oxide component consisted of the highest percentage of chromium, arsenic, antimony, and tin, indicating low mobility for these elements. The bioaccessible fraction in the stomach phase from the unified BARGE method was generally high in zinc, cadmium, and lead and low in nickel, cobalt, copper, chromium, and antimony. Unlike other potentially toxic elements, copper and nickel associated with aluminum oxy-hydroxides and calcium carbonates were not extracted by the stomach solutions. These trace elements possibly form stable complexes with gastric fluid constituents such as pepsin and amino acid. Lead had a hazard quotient >1, which indicates the risk of non-carcinogenic health effects, especially for children.This research was by funded the LabexDRIIHM,Frenchprogramme“Investissementsd’Avenir”(ANR‐11‐LABX‐0010) which is managed by the ANR, and co‐funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização), projects ICT UIDB/04683/2020 and UIDP/04683/2020, project GeoBioTec (UID/GEO/04035/2019) and national funds provided by the FCT ‐ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia,I.P