189 research outputs found

    The Market Potential for Food and Agricultural Tourism in Utah

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    Utah is a popular tourism destination, evidenced by the 10.7 million visitors who spent $7.5 billion in 2013 (BEBR, 2015). The tourism industry is an important component of Utah’s economy, but who are Utah tourists? A key research purpose of this study is to provide the demographic and psychographic information necessary to improve tourism industry practices through targeted marking and development. Data were collected from Utah tourists in 2013-2014 through an in-person survey in various tourist locations throughout Utah. The characteristics, behaviors, and interests of Utah tourists, especially in regards to food and agricultural tourism, were examined in the context of consumer profiles. Exploratory factor and cluster analysis were used to group tourists according to demographic variables and participation in food and agriculture related activities when at home and while traveling. Seven factors underlying respondents’ perceptions of food and agriculture related practices when at home and while traveling were identified. Four consumer segments were then constructed using cluster analysis. Examining the characteristics of tourists who make repeated return trips to Utah was another research purpose of this study. An ordered logit regression model was used to explore the relationship between return tourism and demographics, travel motivation, destination image, and travel experiences. Results suggested a positive correlation between propensity to return and certain travel motivations, such as traveling for business or to visit culture and heritage related sites, destination image, and travel experiences. Traveler age and traveling with children were negatively correlated with propensity to return. Results suggested that marketers, tourism industry providers, businesses, and local governments may improve their operations through a better understanding of the characteristics and behaviors of specific consumer segments. The consumer segments explored in this study provide the information necessary for the development of targeted marketing campaigns directed towards specific tourist types. The information provided and examined in this study may also be used to develop attractions, activities, and products that encourage Utah tourists to spend their trip budget in ways that are most favorable to local businesses and producers. The importance of quality food and agriculture related offerings in the Utah tourism experience were also highlighted

    Conducting a Market Assessment: Estimating Market Size and Price for Small-Scale Food Tourism Enterprises

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    Assessing the potential market for new products or services is fundamental to the financial success and growth of a business. This fact sheet describes how to estimate market size and price for small-scale food tourism enterprises

    nEUCLID: a new homodyne interferometer with space applications

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    The objective of this project was to design a low-mass, low-power interferometer to be used for space applications. It had to be capable of remaining tilt-immune whilst working at a distance of at least 1 m. This thesis describes the design and subsequent building of a 1550 run homodyne interferometer. Known as nEUCLID, it has a working distance of 660 mm and a working range of± 120 mm. These large distances are made possible by the novel cat's eye design within the interferometer, which also allows tilt immunity of± 0.35° of the target mirror (at the sweet plane). The thesis explains in detail the theory and design of the cat's eye, known as a PCE in the text. The interferometer, nEUCLID, has a sensitivity of 420 pm/√Hz, at 1 Hz in air, tested at the working distance of the current design. It has a mass of 2 kg and an overall power of 1.8 W. Both of these values are due to using standard, off-the-shelf components in the design, and could be reduced with further development. Within this thesis ground-based and space-based applications for nEUCLID within the space industry are discussed and compared with existing technologies

    Toward volume manufacturing of high-performance soft x-ray critical-angle transmission gratings

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    High-resolution (R=λ/Δλ>2000R = \lambda /\Delta \lambda > 2000) x-ray absorption and emission line spectroscopy in the soft x-ray band is a crucial diagnostic for the exploration of the properties of ubiquitous warm and hot plasmas and their dynamics in the cosmic web, galaxy clusters, galaxy halos, intragalactic space, and star atmospheres. Soft x-ray grating spectroscopy with R>10,000R > 10{,}000 has been demonstrated with critical-angle transmission (CAT) gratings. CAT gratings combine the relaxed alignment and temperature tolerances and low mass of transmission gratings with high diffraction efficiency blazed in high orders. They are an enabling technology for the proposed Arcus grating explorer and were selected for the Lynx design reference mission grating spectrometer instrument. Both Arcus and Lynx require the manufacture of hundreds to perhaps ≈2000\approx 2000 large-area CAT gratings. We are developing new patterning and fabrication process sequences that are conducive to large-format volume processing on state-of-the-art 200 mm wafer tools. Recent x-ray tests on 200 nm-period gratings patterned using e-beam-written masks and 4x projection lithography in conjunction with silicon pore focusing optics demonstrated R≈104R \approx 10^4 at 1.49 keV. Extending the grating depth from 4 ÎŒ\mum to 6 ÎŒ\mum is predicted to lead to significant improvements in diffraction efficiency and is part of our current efforts using a combination of deep reactive-ion etching and wet etching in KOH solution. We describe our recent progress in grating fabrication and report our latest diffraction efficiency and modeling results.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Proc. SPIE 1144

    Human population and socioeconomic modulators of conservation performance in 788 Amazonian and Atlantic Forest reserves

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    Protected areas form a quintessential component of the global strategy to perpetuate tropical biodiversity within relatively undisturbed wildlands, but they are becoming increasingly isolated by rapid agricultural encroachment. Here we consider a network of 788 forest protected areas (PAs) in the world’s largest tropical country to examine the degree to which they remain intact, and their responses to multiple biophysical and socioeconomic variables potentially affecting natural habitat loss under varying contexts of rural development. PAs within the complex Brazilian National System of Conservation Units (SNUC) are broken down into two main classes—strictly protected and sustainable use. Collectively, these account for 22.6% of the forest biomes within Brazil’s national territory, primarily within the Amazon and the Atlantic Forest, but are widely variable in size, ecoregional representation, management strategy, and the degree to which they are threatened by human activities both within and outside reserve boundaries. In particular, we examine the variation in habitat conversion rates in both strictly protected and sustainable use reserves as a function of the internal and external human population density, and levels of land-use revenue in adjacent human-dominated landscapes. Our results show that PAs surrounded by heavily settled agro-pastoral landscapes face much greater challenges in retaining their natural vegetation, and that strictly protected areas are considerably less degraded than sustainable use reserves, which can rival levels of habitat degradation within adjacent 10-km buffer areas outside

    Bullied Adolescent's Life Satisfaction: Personal Competencies and School Climate as Protective Factors

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    Although adolescence has been defined as a stage of vulnerability, due to the biopsychosocial changes that happen throughout this developmental stage, it is also one of growth. Some of the core personal competencies that have been identified to promote positive development at this stage while simultaneously preventing risks are: (1) a positive sense of self, (2) self-regulation, (3) decision-making skills, (4) a moral system of belief, and (5) prosocial connectedness. There are many factors and contexts that influence adolescent development. The school climate, for example, has the capacity to promote positive development and life satisfaction, yet on the other hand, it is a context within which different forms of violence, such as bullying, can occur. The principal aim of this study, therefore, is to analyze the influence that bullying has on one's life satisfaction, while taking into account participants' socio-demographic characteristics (i.e., gender and developmental stage), their core personal competencies (i.e., problem solving strategies, empathy, emotional repair, self-esteem, and values), and the school climate. To obtain data, a hierarchical regression analysis was conducted with a sample of 647 Spanish students (53.3% female), ranging in age from preadolescence (10-13 years old; 60.3%) to mid-adolescence (14-18 years old; 39.7%), and belonging to diverse socio-economic contexts (15.3% rural) and schools (32.1% public). After gaining informed consent from both the participants and their parents, students completed the survey voluntarily, and under anonymity. Initially results show that gender, developmental stage, and having been bullied were predictors of participants' levels of life satisfaction. When the core personal competencies were also considered in data analysis process, self-esteem, emotional repair, and social values were those demonstrating significant effects on one's life satisfaction; moreover, being bullied was a significant predictor too. Finally, after taking school climate into account, only this variable as well as self-esteem and emotional repair were significant predictors of life satisfaction: the other assessed variables were no longer found to be significant predictors (i.e., gender, developmental stage, being bullied, and social values). These results have important implications for education objectives, methodologies, and school functioning: school climate, selfesteem and emotional repair seem to be particularly important for promoting student life satisfaction and for preventing the negative consequences associated with being bullied.This work was supported by the Vicerrectorado de InvestigaciĂłn y Transferencia de Conocimiento from the University of Cantabria, Spain (Ref. No. 11.VU04.64662

    The Athena x-ray optics development and accommodation

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    The Athena mission, under study and preparation by ESA as its second Large-class science mission, requires the largest X-ray optics ever flown, building on a novel optics technology based on mono crystalline silicon. Referred to as Silicon Pore Optics technology (SPO), the optics is highly modular and benefits from technology spin-in from the semiconductor industry. The telescope aperture of about 2.5 meters is populated by around 700 mirror modules, accurately co-aligned to produce a common focus. The development of the SPO technology is a joint effort by European industrial and research entities, working together to address the challenges to demonstrate the imaging performance, robustness and efficient series production of the Athena optics. A technology development plan was established and is being regularly updated to reflect the latest developments, and is fully funded by the ESA technology development programmes. An industrial consortium was formed to ensure coherence of the individual technology development activities. The SPO technology uses precision machined mirror plates produced using the latest generation top quality 12 inch silicon wafers, which are assembled into rugged stacks. The surfaces of the mirror plates and the integral support structure is such, that no glue is required to join the individual mirror plates. Once accurately aligned with respect to each other, the surfaces of the mirror plates merge in a physical bonding process. The resultant SPO mirror modules are therefore very accurate and stable and can sustain the harsh conditions encountered during launch and are able to tolerate the space environment expected during operations. The accommodation of the Athena telescope is also innovative, relying on a hexapod mechanism to align the optics to the selected detector instruments located in the focal plane. System studies are complemented by dedicated technology development activities to demonstrate the capabilities before the adoption of the Athena mission

    Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON; outputs from 2023 meeting)

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    Rapports Scientifiques du CIEM. Volume 6, nÂș 12The Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON) was set up to provide ICES and stakeholders with a summary of knowledge on the role of fishing in the process of carbon budgets, sequestration and footprint in the ocean. The workshop addressed the potential impact of fishing on the biological carbon pump (BCP), the possible impacts of bottom trawling on carbon stores in the seabed, as well as considering emissions from fishing vessels. The overall aim was to generate proposals on how to develop an ICES approach to fishing and its role in the ocean carbon budget, and to develop a roadmap for a way forward. The main findings were that knowledge of the BCP in the open ocean was reasonably well developed, but that key gaps existed. In particular, information on the biomass of mesopelagic fish and other biota, and of some of the key processes e.g. fluxes and fish bioenergetics. Knowledge is much weaker for the BCP in shelf seas, where the bulk of fishing occurs. In particular, while biomass of fish was often well quantified, unlike the open ocean, the understanding of the important processes was lacking, particularly for the fate of faecal pellets and deadfall at the seabed. There is extensive scientific knowledge of the impact of fishing on the seabed, but what is un-clear is what it means for seabed carbon storage. There have been numbers of studies, which give a very divided view on this. There has also been open controversy about this in the literature. Physical disturbance to the seabed from fishing can affect sediment transport and has the potential to facilitate remineralization, but precise impacts will depend on habitat, fishing mĂ©tier, and other environmental factors. From this, it is clear that more research is needed to resolve the controversy, and to quantify the impacts from different fishing gears and on different substrates or habitats in terms of carbon storage. There has been much more research on minimizing fuel use by fishing vessels, and hence emissions, but this has mainly focused on fuel efficiency, fuel use per unit of landed catch, and less on the total emissions. Baselines for fuel use are available at the global level, but are lacking at the national and vessel level. There is a need for standardization of methodologies and protocols, and for improving the uptake of fuel conservation measures by industry, as well as for improving the uptake of existing and potential fuel conservation and efficiency measures by industry. Finally, a roadmap was proposed to develop research and synthesis, on the understandings of the processes involved, the metrics and how to translate this into possible advice for policy-makers. To that end, a further workshop was proposed in 2024.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retreatment for hepatitis C virus direct-acting antiviral therapy virological failure in primary and tertiary settings: The REACH-C cohort

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    Virological failure occurs in a small proportion of people treated for hepatitis C virus (HCV) with direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies. This study assessed retreatment for virological failure in a large real-world cohort. REACH-C is an Australian observational study (n = 10,843) evaluating treatment outcomes of sequential DAA initiations across 33 health services between March 2016 to June 2019. Virological failure retreatment data were collected until October 2020. Of 408 people with virological failure (81% male; median age 53; 38% cirrhosis; 56% genotype 3), 213 (54%) were retreated once; 15 were retreated twice. A range of genotype specific and pangenotypic DAAs were used to retreat virological failure in primary (n = 56) and tertiary (n = 157) settings. Following sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir availability in 2019, the proportion retreated in primary care increased from 21% to 40% and median time to retreatment initiation declined from 294 to 152 days. Per protocol (PP) sustained virological response (SVR12) was similar for people retreated in primary and tertiary settings (80% vs 81%; p = 1.000). In regression analysis, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir/voxilaprevir (vs. other regimens) significantly decreased likelihood of second virological failure (PP SVR12 88% vs. 77%; adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 0.29; 95%CI 0.11–0.81); cirrhosis increased likelihood (PP SVR12 69% vs. 91%; AOR 4.26; 95%CI 1.64–11.09). Indigenous Australians had lower likelihood of retreatment initiation (AOR 0.36; 95%CI 0.15–0.81). Treatment setting and prescriber type were not associated with retreatment initiation or outcome. Virological failure can be effectively retreated in primary care. Expanded access to simplified retreatment regimens through decentralized models may increase retreatment uptake and reduce HCV-related mortality
