250 research outputs found

    On the pursuit of Graph Embedding Strategies for Individual Mobility Networks

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    An Individual Mobility Network (IMN) is a graph representation of the mobility history of an individual that highlights the relevant locations visited (nodes of the graph) and the movements across them (edges), also providing a rich set of annotations of both nodes and edges. Extracting representative features from an IMN has proven to be a valuable task for enabling various learning applications. However, it is also a demanding operation that does not guarantee the inclusion of all important aspects from the human perspective. A vast recent literature on graph embedding goes in a similar direction, yet typically aims at general-purpose methods that might not suit specific contexts. In this paper, we discuss the existing approaches to graph embedding and the specificities of IMNs, trying to find the best matching solutions. We experiment with representative algorithms and study the results in relation to IMN characteristics. Tests are performed on a large dataset of real vehicle trajectories

    High precision radial velocities with GIANO spectra

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    Radial velocities (RV) measured from near-infrared (NIR) spectra are a potentially excellent tool to search for extrasolar planets around cool or active stars. High resolution infrared (IR) spectrographs now available are reaching the high precision of visible instruments, with a constant improvement over time. GIANO is an infrared echelle spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) and it is a powerful tool to provide high resolution spectra for accurate RV measurements of exoplanets and for chemical and dynamical studies of stellar or extragalactic objects. No other high spectral resolution IR instrument has GIANO's capability to cover the entire NIR wavelength range (0.95-2.45 micron) in a single exposure. In this paper we describe the ensemble of procedures that we have developed to measure high precision RVs on GIANO spectra acquired during the Science Verification (SV) run, using the telluric lines as wavelength reference. We used the Cross Correlation Function (CCF) method to determine the velocity for both the star and the telluric lines. For this purpose, we constructed two suitable digital masks that include about 2000 stellar lines, and a similar number of telluric lines. The method is applied to various targets with different spectral type, from K2V to M8 stars. We reached different precisions mainly depending on the H -magnitudes: for H ~ 5 we obtain an rms scatter of ~ 10 m s-1, while for H ~ 9 the standard deviation increases to ~ 50 - 80 m s-1. The corresponding theoretical error expectations are ~4 m s-1 and 30 m s-1, respectively. Finally we provide the RVs measured with our procedure for the targets observed during GIANO Science Verification.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, 6 table

    Deep imaging survey of young, nearby austral stars: VLT/NACO near-infrared Lyot-coronographic observations

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    Context. High contrast and high angular resolution imaging is the optimal search technique for substellar companions to nearby stars at physical separations larger than typically 10 AU. Two distinct populations of substellar companions, brown dwarfs and planets, can be probed and characterized. As a result, fossile traces of processes of formation and evolution can be revealed by physical and orbital properties, both for individual systems and as an ensemble. Aims. Since November 2002, we have conducted a large, deep imaging, survey of young, nearby associations of the southern hemisphere. Our goal is detection and characterization of substellar companions with projected separations in the range 10–500 AU. We have observed a sample of 88 stars, primarily G to M dwarfs, younger than 100 Myr, and within 100 pc of Earth. Methods. The VLT/NACO adaptive optics instrument of the ESO Paranal Observatory was used to explore the faint circumstellar environment between typically 0.1 and 10". Diffraction-limited observations in H and K_s-band combined with Lyot-coronagraphy enabled us to reach primary star-companion brightness ratios as small as 10^(-6). The existence of planetary mass companions could therefore be probed. We used a standardized observing sequence to precisely measure the position and flux of all detected sources relative to their visual primary star. Repeated observations at several epochs enabled us to discriminate comoving companions from background objects. Results. We report the discovery of 17 new close (0.1–5.0") multiple systems. HIP 108195 AB and C (F1 III-M6), HIP 84642 AB (a~14 AU, K0-M5) and TWA22 AB (a~1.8 AU; M6-M6) are confirmed comoving systems. TWA22 AB is likely to be a rare astrometric calibrator that can be used to test evolutionary model predictions. Among our complete sample, a total of 65 targets were observed with deep coronagraphic imaging. About 240 faint companion candidates were detected around 36 stars. Follow-up observations with VLT or HST for 83% of these stars enabled us to identify a large fraction of background contaminants. Our latest results that pertain to the substellar companions to GSC 08047-00232, AB Pic and 2M1207 (confirmed during this survey and published earlier), are reviewed. Finally, a statistical analysis of our complete set of coronagraphic detection limits enables us to place constraints on the physical and orbital properties of giant planets between typically 20 and 150 AU

    The LAOG-Planet Imaging Surveys

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    With the development of high contrast imaging techniques and infrared detectors, vast efforts have been devoted during the past decade to detect and characterize lighter, cooler and closer companions to nearby stars, and ultimately image new planetary systems. Complementary to other observing techniques (radial velocity, transit, micro-lensing, pulsar-timing), this approach has opened a new astrophysical window to study the physical properties and the formation mechanisms of brown dwarfs and planets. I here will briefly present the observing challenge, the different observing techniques, strategies and samples of current exoplanet imaging searches that have been selected in the context of the LAOG-Planet Imaging Surveys. I will finally describe the most recent results that led to the discovery of giant planets probably formed like the ones of our solar system, offering exciting and attractive perspectives for the future generation of deep imaging instruments.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Invited talk of "Exoplanets and disks: their formation and diversity" conference, 9-12 March 200

    Characterizing HR3549B using SPHERE

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    Aims. In this work, we characterize the low mass companion of the A0 field star HR3549. Methods. We observed HR3549AB in imaging mode with the the NIR branch (IFS and IRDIS) of SPHERE@VLT, with IFS in YJ mode and IRDIS in the H band. We also acquired a medium resolution spectrum with the IRDIS long slit spectroscopy mode. The data were reduced using the dedicated SPHERE GTO pipeline, purposely designed for this instrument. We employed algorithms such as PCA and TLOCI to reduce the speckle noise. Results. The companion was clearly visible both with IRDIS and IFS.We obtained photometry in four different bands as well as the astrometric position for the companion. Based on our astrometry, we confirm that it is a bound object and put constraints on its orbit. Although several uncertainties are still present, we estimate an age of ~100-150 Myr for this system, yielding a most probable mass for the companion of 40-50MJup and T_eff ~300-2400 K. Comparing with template spectra points to a spectral type between M9 and L0 for the companion, commensurate with its position on the color-magnitude diagram.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 13 pages, 10 Figures (Figures 9 and 10 degraded to reduce the dimension

    VLT/NACO Deep imaging survey of young, nearby austral stars

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    Since November 2002, we have conducted the largest deep imaging survey of the young, nearby associations of the southern hemisphere. Our goal is detection and characterization of substellar companions at intermediate (10--500 AU) physical separations. We have observed a sample of 88 stars, mostly G to M dwarfs, that we essentially identify as younger than 100 Myr and closer to Earth than 100 pc. The VLT/NACO adaptive optics instrument of the ESO Paranal Observatory was used to explore the faint circumstellar environment between typically 0.1 and 10''. We report the discovery of 17 new close (0.1-5.0'') multiple systems. HIP108195AB and C (F1III-M6), HIP84642AB (a~14 AU, K0-M5) and TWA22AB (a~1.8 AU; M6-M6) confirmed comoving systems. TWA22AB is likely to be a astrometric calibrator that can be used to test evolutionary predictions. Among our complete sample, a total of 65 targets observed with deep coronagraphic imaging. About 240 faint candidates were detected around 36 stars. Follow-up observations VLT or HST for 83% of these stars enabled us to identify a fraction of contaminants. The latest results about the substellar companions to GSC08047-00232, AB Pic and 2M1207, confirmed during this survey and published earlier, are reviewed. Finally, the statistical analysis of our complete set of coronagraphic limits enables us to place constraints on the physical and properties of giant planets between typically 20 and 150 AU.Comment: 23 pages; 11 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    The International Deep Planet Survey I. The frequency of wide-orbit massive planets around A-stars

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    Breakthrough direct detections of planetary companions orbiting A-type stars confirm the existence of massive planets at relatively large separations, but dedicated surveys are required to estimate the frequency of similar planetary systems. To measure the first estimation of the giant exoplanetary systems frequency at large orbital separation around A-stars, we have conducted a deep-imaging survey of young (8-400 Myr), nearby (19-84 pc) A- and F-stars to search for substellar companions in the 10-300 AU range. The sample of 42 stars combines all A-stars observed in previous AO planet search surveys reported in the literature with new AO observations from VLT/NaCo and Gemini/NIRI. It represents an initial subset of the International Deep Planet Survey (IDPS) sample of stars covering M- to B-stars. The data were obtained with diffraction-limited observations in H- and Ks-band combined with angular differential imaging to suppress the speckle noise of the central stars, resulting in typical 5-sigma detection limits in magnitude difference of 12 mag at 1", 14 mag at 2" and 16 mag at 5" which is sufficient to detect massive planets. A detailed statistical analysis of the survey results is performed using Monte Carlo simulations. Considering the planet detections, we estimate the fraction of A-stars having at least one massive planet (3-14 MJup) in the range 5-320 AU to be inside 5.9-18.8% at 68% confidence, assuming a flat distribution for the mass of the planets. By comparison, the brown dwarf (15-75 MJup) frequency for the sample is 2.0-8.9% at 68% confidence in the range 5-320 AU. Assuming power law distributions for the mass and semimajor axis of the planet population, the AO data are consistent with a declining number of massive planets with increasing orbital radius which is distinct from the rising slope inferred from radial velocity (RV) surveys around evolved A-stars.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    The GAPS programme with HARPS-N@TNG IV: A planetary system around XO-2S

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    We performed an intensive radial velocity monitoring of XO-2S, the wide companion of the transiting planet-host XO-2N, using HARPS-N at TNG in the framework of the GAPS programme. The radial velocity measurements indicate the presence of a new planetary system formed by a planet that is slightly more massive than Jupiter at 0.48 au and a Saturn-mass planet at 0.13 au. Both planetary orbits are moderately eccentric and were found to be dynamically stable. There are also indications of a long-term trend in the radial velocities. This is the first confirmed case of a wide binary whose components both host planets, one of which is transiting, which makes the XO-2 system a unique laboratory for understanding the diversity of planetary systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted on A&A Lette

    The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N@TNG VI: The Curious Case of TrES-4b

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    We revisit the TrES-4 system parameters based on high-precision HARPS-N radial-velocity measurements and new photometric light curves. A combined spectroscopic and photometric analysis allows us to determine a spectroscopic orbit with an amplitude K=51±3K=51\pm3 m s1^{-1}. The derived mass of TrES-4b is found to be Mp=0.49±0.04MJupM_{\rm p} = 0.49\pm0.04 \rm M_{Jup}, significantly lower than previously reported. Combined with the large radius (Rp=1.840.09+0.08RJupR_{\rm p} = 1.84_{-0.09}^{+0.08} \rm R_{Jup}) inferred from our analysis, TrES-4b becomes the second-lowest density transiting hot Jupiter known. We discuss several scenarios to explain the puzzling discrepancy in the mass of TrES-4b in the context of the exotic class of highly inflated transiting giant planets.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Letter accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic