35 research outputs found

    Mezcal artesanal en Puebla: actores y saberes locales.

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    The objective of this study was to explain the local understanding and knowledge of mezcal producers. The methodology was qualitative: in-depth interviews and participatory observation were used, which allowed a holistic view of the dynamics of mezcal production as well as approaching ancestral stakeholders and knowledge. Data collection from a sample of 42 production units and eight communities was conducted using the snowball method. The producers are 51 years old on average, 70% of them with education of 9 years or less, and they keep a strategy of multiple activities to generate their income: 63% sell mezcal and combine farming and non-farming activities (37%). Mezcal elaboration (artisanal and ancestral) has five processes: agave harvesting, cooking, fermentation, distillation and bottling. The workforce is mainly family members. The activity is carried out by fourth generation producers, 74% of them belong to an organization, and 88% participate in two or more stages of the agave-mezcal chain, where local understanding and knowledge are an essential part of the subsistence and permanence strategies of the households in the territory studied. Support policies, which have been scarce until now, are necessary to strengthen the permanence of mezcal elaboration as generator of social welfare, as well as conservation of the genetic resource, agronomic research, commercial training, and service provision to the communities.El objetivo de esta investigación, fue explicar el conocimiento y saber local de los productores de mezcal. La metodología fue cualitativa; se utilizaron la entrevista en profundidad y la observación participativa, que permitieron una visión holística de la dinámica de la producción de mezcal y el acercamiento a los actores y saberes ancestrales. La recolección de datos de una muestra de 42 unidades de producción y ocho comunida­des, se realizó usando el método de bola de nieve. Los productores tienen edad promedio de 51 años, 70% de ellos, con escolaridad de 9 años o menos y mantienen una estrategia de pluriactividad para generar sus ingre­sos: 63% venta de mezcal y combinan actividades agropecuarias y no agropecuarias (37%). La elaboración de mezcal (artesanal y ancestral) tiene cinco procesos: el acopio de agave, horneado, fermentación, destilación y envasado. La mano de obra, es principalmente familiar. La actividad, la realizan productores de cuarta gene­ración, 74% de ellos, pertenecen a alguna organización y 88%, participan en dos o más etapas de la cadena Agave-mezcal; en donde el conocimiento y saber local, son parte esencial de las estrategias de subsistencia y permanencia de los hogares en el territorio estudiado. Para afianzar la permanencia de la elaboración de mezcal como generadora de bienestar social, son necesarias políticas de apoyo, hasta ahora escasas, la conservación del recurso genético, investigación agronómica, capacitación comercial y dotación de servicios a las comunidades

    Animal extraño

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017Nuestro proyecto consta de un videoclip realizado para el grupo Desiguales, de Castellón y su canción Animal Extraño. Dicho producto ha sido concebido de manera que el vídeo aporte un punto de complejidad a la letra, alejándonos de una visión más comercial. Con ello, pretendíamos adquirir la experiencia en un ámbito audiovisual en el que no nos habíamos introducido nunca, además de aumentar el portfolio de cada integrante del grupo y poder poner a prueba nuestras aptitudes en distintos ámbitos de la producción. El grupo está compuesto por Sara Bort Moreno como directora de fotografía y primera asistente de cámara; Ricardo Mónaco Gauchía como guionista, director y diseñador gráfico; Samuel Benítez López como guionista, director, montador y etalonador; y Cristian Quilis como productor y diseñador gráfico. Contamos con la colaboración en rodaje de Marta González como script, ayudante de dirección y de producción. En el apartado económico, hemos optado por una financiación colectiva tomando como base una rifa. La cual ha sido el único apoyo monetario con el que hemos contar a lo largo del proyecto. El trabajo, cuya base encontramos en la canción Animal Extraño, se ha concebido como una exageración de ese sentimiento amoroso que nos cuenta la letra, estableciendo relación con la religión y la construcción del legado representacional del género femenino como lo Otro1, sometido a la creación de un imaginario social impregnado por la mirada masculina2. Por ello, para la preproducción se ha optado por seguir un guión que parte de una idea en sintonía con la que en su día tenían los autores de la canción. Seguidamente se llevó a cabo la producción y rodaje del mismo proyecto y finalizamos por la postproducción, que engloba tareas como el montaje y etalonaje del producto. Obviamente, todo el proceso de realización del proyecto nos ha exigido poner a prueba nuestros conocimientos en cada uno de los entornos en los que se han trabajado y, a su vez, aprender otras competencias con las que se ha podido dar forma al proyecto de una manera más completa posible. Serían casos como los de una mejor organización de la producción, el uso de la luz en el rodaje o las técnicas de montaje y etalonaje. Nuestra intención con dicho trabajo, además de los ya mencionados motivos de exploración de un proyecto diferente al cortometraje, la adquisición de nuevas competencias y el desarrollo de un videoclip con el que poder contar como una carta de presentación común, tanto para el grupo de música como para la productora; ha sido la de ofrecer una propuesta más acorde a la demanda de hoy en dicho campo.Our project consists of a music video made for the band Desiguales, a music band from Castellón and his song Animal Extraño. This product has been conceived so that the video brings a point that completes the lyrics, away from a more commercial vision. With this, we wanted to acquire the experience in an audiovisual field in which we had never introduced ourselves, in addition to increasing the portfolio of each member of the group and being able to test our skills in different areas of production. The group is composed of Sara Bort Moreno as director of photography and first camera assistant; Ricardo Mónaco Gauchía as scriptwriter, director and graphic designer; Samuel Benítez López as scriptwriter, director, editor and colourist; and Cristian Quilis as producer and graphic designer. We’ve had the collaboration on shooting of Marta González like script, production and director assistant. In the economic section, we have opted for collective financing based on a raffle. This has been the only monetary support we can count on throughout the project. The work, whose basis we find in the song Animal Extraño, has been conceived as an exaggeration of that love feel that tells us the lyrics, establishing relationship with religion and the construction of the representational legacy of the feminine gender as the Other, subjected to creation of a social imaginary impregnated by the masculine gaze. Therefore, for the pre-production we’ve opted to follow a screenplay that starts from an idea agree with the authors’ song. Then the production and filming of the same project was carried out and finished by the post-production, which includes tasks such as editing and color grading of the product. Obviously, the whole process of realization of the project has required us to test our knowledge in each of the environments in which we have worked and, in turn, to learn other competences with which it has been possible to shape the project of a most complete way possible. These would be cases of better organization of production, the use of light during shooting or the editing techniques and color grading. Our intention with this work, in addition to the aforementioned reasons for exploring a project other than the short film, the acquisition of new skills and the development of a music video with which we can count as a common letter of presentation, both for the music group as for us; has been to offer a proposal more in line with today's demand in this field

    Comportamiento agronómico de poblaciones de maíz (Zea mays L.) que segregan al mutante poliembrionía

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    The maize polyembryony (PEm) is phenotypically expressed when the seed germinates in two or more seedlings simultaneously, which in turn develops the capacity to overcome the close competition among sisters and neighboring plants. Because of that, it is thought that the inclusion of PEm in some new maize varieties can be useful looking for high yields and corn grain quality as a response to the global food demand. This research is about the PEm inheritance, the inclusion, recovery of polyembryony in segregating populations, and exploring their performance capacity. The foundation populations were the progenies from crosses among polyembryonic sources and inbred lines, producing several F1 groups, and from each the proper F2, and G3 and G4 generations. The latter two were developed through successive positive assortative matings (AM+). G3 populations were used to generate diallel crossings, Griffing’s method 4, and part of them were evaluated in a performance assay, using a complete block design with a split-split plot arrangement. Results supported a validation of the inheritance model proposed for this sort of polyembryony, which states that the trait is controlled by two independent loci, under epistatic interaction of the type "duplicate gene action". Moreover, the arbitrarily handling of sexual reproduction in F2 plants and in G3 and G4 generations through positive assortative matings (AM+) increased the PEm frequency on an average up to 40 % in G4, departing from the 4.9 % in F2. Also, the performance assay shown a yield potential of the trait. The PEm mutant might be useful in maize production.La poliembrionía de maíz (PEm) se expresa fenotípicamente cuando la semilla germina en dos o más plántulas simultáneamente, lo que a su vez desarrolla la capacidad de superar la competencia cercana entre hermanas y plantas vecinas. Por eso, se cree que la inclusión de PEm en algunas variedades de maíz nuevas puede ser útil en busca de altos rendimientos y calidad de grano de maíz como respuesta a la demanda global de alimentos. Esta investigación trata sobre la herencia de PEm, la inclusión, la recuperación de la poliembrionía en poblaciones segregantes y la exploración de su capacidad de rendimiento. Las poblaciones de base fueron las progenies de cruzamientos entre fuentes poliembriónicas y líneas puras, produciendo varios grupos F1, F2, G3 y G4 apropiados. Los dos últimos se desarrollaron a través de apareamiento preferencial positivo (AM +). Las poblaciones G3 se utilizaron para generar cruzas dialélicas, método 4 de Griffing, y parte de ellas fueron evaluadas en un ensayo de rendimiento, utilizando un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo en parcelas subdivididas. Los resultados respaldaron una validación del modelo de herencia propuesto para este tipo de poliembrionía, en el cual se establece que el rasgo está controlado por dos loci independientes, bajo una interacción epistática del tipo "acción genética duplicada". Además, el manejo arbitrario de la reproducción sexual en plantas F2 y en generaciones G3 y G4 mediante apareamiento preferencial positivo (AM +) aumentó la frecuencia de PEm en un promedio de hasta 40% en G4, partiendo del 4,9% en F2. Además, el ensayo de rendimiento mostró potencial en los rasgos relacionados con el rendimiento. El mutante PEm podría ser útil en la producción de maíz.Fil: Alcalá-Rico, Juan Samuel Guadalupe Jesús. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: Espinoza-Velázquez, José. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: López-Benítez, Alfonso. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Puebla (México)Fil: Borrego-Escalante, Fernando. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro (México)Fil: Rodriguez-Herrera, Raul. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (México)Fil: Hernández-Martínez, Rosendo. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (México

    Substrate-induced dimerization of engineered monomeric variants of triosephosphate isomerase from Trichomonas vaginalis

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    "The dimeric nature of triosephosphate isomerases (TIMs) is maintained by an extensive surface area interface of more than 1600 angstrom 2. TIMs from Trichomonas vaginalis (TvTIM) are held in their dimeric state by two mechanisms: a ball and socket interaction of residue 45 of one subunit that fits into the hydrophobic pocket of the complementary subunit and by swapping of loop 3 between subunits. TvTIMs differ from other TIMs in their unfolding energetics. In TvTIMs the energy necessary to unfold a monomer is greater than the energy necessary to dissociate the dimer. Herein we found that the character of residue I45 controls the dimer-monomer equilibrium in TvTIMs. Unfolding experiments employing monomeric and dimeric mutants led us to conclude that dimeric TvTIMs unfold following a four state model denaturation process whereas monomeric TvTIMs follow a three state model. In contrast to other monomeric TIMs, monomeric variants of TvTIM1 are stable and unexpectedly one of them (I45A) is only 29-fold less active than wild-type TvTIM1. The high enzymatic activity of monomeric TvTIMs contrast with the marginal catalytic activity of diverse monomeric TIMs variants. The stability of the monomeric variants of TvTIM1 and the use of cross-linking and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments permit us to understand the differences between the catalytic activities of TvTIMs and other marginally active monomeric TIMs. As TvTIMs do not unfold upon dimer dissociation, herein we found that the high enzymatic activity of monomeric TvTIM variants is explained by the formation of catalytic dimeric competent species assisted by substrate binding.

    Effects of the combining ability of piquin pepper (Capsicum annuum var. Glabriusculum) from different geographical sites

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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) in agronomic variables of piquin pepper genotypes (Capsicum annuum var. Glabriusculum). Methodology: A total of 36 F1 and nine parental crosses were used as plant material. The genotypes were distributed in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Ten agronomic variables were evaluated. Results: Differences (P≤ 0.01) were found in genotypes as well as in GCA and SCA for all the variables evaluated. Heritability was influenced by additive gene action where the variables days to harvest, chlorophyll, plant height, average fruit weight, fruit equatorial diameter and fruit polar diameter stood out. Regarding GCA, genotypes G6 and G7 stood out for having presented the highest positive values in the yield variable with 143.96 and 66.97 kg ha-1. On the other hand, in SCA, 58% of the crosses had favorable results in the yield variable. However, the highest positive values were found in the crosses G6xG7, G8xG9, G5xG9, G3xG4, G4xG8 and G1xG8 with 427.1, 190.5, 167.4, 146.8, 129.7 and 125.7 kg ha-1, respectively. Conclusions: According to the effects of GCA and SCA on the agronomic variables of piquin pepper, the genotypes G6 and G7 can be used for variety development and the crosses G6xG7, G8xG9 and G5xG9 are recommended for hybrid formation in a breeding program.Objective: To evaluate the effects of the general combining ability (GCA) and the specific combining ability (SCA) on the agronomic variables of piquin pepper (Capsicum annuum var. Glabriusculum) genotypes. Methodology: A total of 36 F1 and nine parental crosses were used as plant material. The genotypes were distributed in a completely randomized block design with three replications. Ten agronomic variables were evaluated. Results: Differences (P≤ 0.01) were found in all the evaluated variables, both in the genotypes and in GCA and SCA. Additive gene action influenced heritability, where following variables stood out: days to harvest (DTH), chlorophyll (CHL), plant height (PH), average fruit weight (AFW), fruit equatorial diameter (FED), and fruit polar diameter (FPD). One the one hand, genotypes G6 and G7 recorded the highest positive yield values for GCA, with 143.96 and 66.97 kg ha-1, respectively. On the other hand, 58% of the SCA crosses obtained favorable yield results. Meanwhile, the highest positive values were obtained by the G6xG7, G8xG9, G5xG9, G3xG4, G4xG8, and G1xG8 crosses, which recorded 427.1, 190.5, 167.4, 146.8, 129.7, and 125.7 kg ha-1, respectively. Conclusions: According to the effects of GCA and SCA on the agronomic variables of piquin pepper, the genotypes G6 and G7 can be used to develop varieties, while the G6xG7, G8xG9, and G5xG9 crosses are recommended for hybrid formation within breeding programs

    Recuperación mutua en la práctica médica: Un estudio narrativo en profesionales de la salud

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    When we think of wellbeing and medicine is not often considered that in the health sector is not only the health of patients what is at stake. Health professionals, doctors, surgeons, nurses or assistants are also exposed to the influence of their patients in their own physical and psychological health. There are not many studies focused on this fact. In this article will be presented data of a doctoral research in which narrative techniques have been employed, through the study of autobiographical memories of a sample of 24 health professionals of different gender and degree of work experience. In particular, data about their most positive memories from their work in the different positions they have occupied, the experiences they have lived in hospitals and health care agencies and the meanings they have develop. Thus, a theoretical and methodological perspective based on the idea of mutual recovery is presented. A perspective that assumes the double influence of medical practice both the patient who comes for consultation as in the "expert" doctor who helps with his knowledge and experience.Cuando pensamos en bienestar y medicina no es frecuente considerar que en el ámbito sanitario lo que está en juego no es únicamente la salud de los pacientes. Los profesionales de la salud, médicos, cirujanos, enfermeros o auxiliares también están expuestos a la influencia de los pacientes en su propia salud física y psicológica. No existen muchas investigaciones al respecto. Presentamos los datos de una investigación en la que se han empleado técnicas narrativas, a través del estudio de recuerdos autobiográficos, de una muestra de 24 profesionales de la salud de diferente género y grado de experiencia profesional. Concretamente se presentan datos relativos a los recuerdos más positivos relativos a su trabajo en los diferentes puestos que han ocupado, las experiencias que han vivido en hospitales y centros de salud y los significados que han construido a lo largo de esta experiencia. De esta forma, se presenta una perspectiva teórica y metodológica basada en la idea de recuperación mutua. Una perspectiva que parte de la base de la doble influencia de la práctica médica tanto en el enfermo que acude a consulta como en el profesional “experto” que aporta su conocimiento y experiencia

    Agronomic performance of maize (Zea mays L.) populations segregating the polyembryony mutant

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    The maize polyembryony (PEm) is phenotypically expressed when the seed germinates in two or more seedlings simultaneously, which in turn develops the capacity to overcome the close competition among sisters and neighboring plants. Because of that, it is thought that the inclusion of PEm in some new maize varieties can be useful looking for high yields and corn grain quality as a response to the global food demand. This research is about the PEm inheritance, the inclusion, recovery of polyembryony in segregating populations, and exploring their performance capacity. The foundation populations were the progenies from crosses among polyembryonic sources and inbred lines, producing several F1 groups, and from each the proper F2, and G3 and G4 generations. The latter two were developed through successive positive assortative matings (AM+). G3 populations were used to generate diallel crossings, Griffing’s method 4, and part of them were evaluated in a performance assay, using a complete block design with a split-split plot arrangement. Results supported a validation of the inheritance model proposed for this sort of polyembryony, which states that the trait is controlled by two independent loci, under epistatic interaction of the type "duplicate gene action". Moreover, the arbitrarily handling of sexual reproduction in F2 plants and in G3 and G4 generations through positive assortative matings (AM+) increased the PEm frequency on an average up to 40 % in G4, departing from the 4.9 % in F2. Also, the performance assay shown a yield potential of the trait. The PEm mutant might be useful in maize production. The maize polyembryony (PEm) is phenotypically expressed when the seed germinates in two or more seedlings simultaneously, which in turn develops the capacity to overcome the close competition among sisters and neighboring plants. Because of that, it is thought that the inclusion of PEm in some new maize varieties can be useful looking for high yields and corn grain quality as a response to the global food demand. This research is about the PEm inheritance, the inclusion, recovery of polyembryony in segregating populations, and exploring their performance capacity. The foundation populations were the progenies from crosses among polyembryonic sources and inbred lines, producing several F1 groups, and from each the proper F2, and G3 and G4 generations. The latter two were developed through successive positive assortative matings (AM+). G3 populations were used to generate diallel crossings, Griffing’s method 4, and part of them were evaluated in a performance assay, using a complete block design with a split-split plot arrangement. Results supported a validation of the inheritance model proposed for this sort of polyembryony, which states that the trait is controlled by two independent loci, under epistatic interaction of the type "duplicate gene action". Moreover, the arbitrarily handling of sexual reproduction in F2 plants and in G3 and G4 generations through positive assortative matings (AM+) increased the PEm frequency on an average up to 40 % in G4, departing from the 4.9 % in F2. Also, the performance assay shown a yield potential of the trait. The PEm mutant might be useful in maize production.&nbsp

    Monitoreo térmico continuo y discreto del volcán Santa Ana, periodo septiembre 2006- septiembre 2017, El Salvador, C. A.

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    The Santa Ana Volcano is located 15 kilometers southeast of the city of Santa Ana, in the western part of El Salvador with a height of 2,381 meters above sea level. At the bottom of the crater there is a lagoon with acidic water and a field of fumaroles. The last eruption occurred on October 1, 2005. The temperature monitoring in the lagoon is carried out continuously (MARN) and in the south east edge of the crater in a discrete way (UES). There is a seismic network (three stations) for monitoring the seismicity associated with the volcano. The results of this monitoring in the period from September 2006 to September 2017 present 2 periods with significant changes in temperature, Real-time Seismic Amplitude (RSAM), earthquakes associated with movement of fluids and color and level of the lagoon. The first change was observed in 2007, which ended with a phreatic eruption and a considerable reduction in the volume of the lagoon. The thermal anomaly in the south-east edge of the crater was 38 oC and in Laguna 61 oC, the RSAM presented significant changes. The second change occurred in 2017 with thermal anomalies of 52 oC at the south-east edge of the crater and 51 oC in the lagoon. In this period, the RSAM values did not show significant changes, only the earthquakes associated with the movement of fluids. According to these results, the temperature anomalies in the southeast sector of the volcano and the lagoon are sensitive to changes in RSAM, earthquakes associated with the movement of fluids and heat flow that the volcano presents.El Volcán de Santa Ana se localiza a 15 kilómetros al sureste de la ciudad de Santa Ana, en la zona occidental de El Salvador con una altura de 2,381 msnm. En el fondo del cráter se encuentra una laguna con agua ácida y un campo de fumarolas. La última erupción ocurrió el 1 de octubre de 2005. El monitoreo de temperatura en la laguna se realiza de manera continua (MARN) y en el borde sur este del cráter de manera discreta (UES). Se cuenta con una red sísmica (tres estaciones) para el monitoreo de la sismicidad asociada al volcán. Los resultados de este monitoreo en el periodo de septiembre de 2006 a septiembre de 2017 presenta 2 periodos con cambios significativos en temperatura, Amplitud Sísmica en tiempo Real (RSAM), sismos asociados a movimiento de fluidos y color y nivel de la laguna. El primer cambio se observó el 2007, el cual concluyó con una erupción freática y la reducción considerable del volumen de la laguna. La anomalía térmica en el borde sur-este del cráter fue de 38 oC y en la Laguna 61 oC, el RSAM presento cambios significativos. El segundo cambio ocurrió en el año 2017 con anomalías térmicas de 52 oC en el borde sur-este del cráter y de 51 oC en la laguna. En este periodo los valores de RSAM no presentaron cambios significativos, solamente los sismos asociados al movimiento de fluidos. Según estos resultados las anomalías de temperatura en el sector sureste del volcán y la laguna, son sensibles a los cambios de RSAM, sismos asociados al movimiento de fluidos y flujo de calor que presenta el volcán

    Intervalo de dobleces

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    Mathematics today becomes a complex and often difficult subject for the students who study it, it is a fact that many times this difficulty is based on the teaching that is given by the teacher for not being able to transmit their knowledge in a simple way, or also due to lack of interest from the students themselves. One strategy that brings great interest to students is folding sheets of paper. Hence, there are different formulas to find the maximum number of folds in a sheet of a material, however, through this article we find a different formula that helps us calculate the folds. In addition, we arrive at some formulas that give us the interval that a sheet of a material must measure to reach a certain number of folds. Then, we check the formulas with sheets of different materials, reaching the folds indicated by the formulas cited in this article. Finally, we managed to break a world record for folding a sheet (the record was 13), achieving 14 numbers of folds.Las matemáticas hoy en día se hacen una materia compleja y muchas veces difícil por parte de los estudiantes que la cursa, es un hecho, que muchas veces esta dificultad se basa en la enseñanza que se da por parte del profesor por no poder transmitir sus conocimientos de una manera sencilla, o también por falta de interés de los mismos estudiantes. Una estrategia qué aporta gran interés a los estudiantes es doblar hojas de papel. De ahí, que existen diferentes fórmulas para encontrar el número de dobleces máximo de una hoja de un material, sin embargo, a través de este artículo encontramos una fórmula distinta que nos ayudan a calcular los dobleces. Además, llegamos a unas fórmulas que nos dan el intervalo que debe de medir una hoja de un material para alcanzar cierto número de dobleces. Luego, comprobamos las fórmulas con hojas de distintos materiales, alcanzando los dobleces señalados por las fórmulas citadas de este artículo. Por último, logramos vencer un récord mundial de dobleces de una hoja (el récord era de 13), logrando 14 número de dobleces

    Bestiarios. Silva de varia invención

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    157 páginas.Con el título Bestiarios se pretende aludir a toda esa genealogía que, a lo largo de su presencia en la Tierra, el ser humano ha concebido como un extremo de lo que él mismo es: la bestia que medra en su sino más íntimo. David Hume (apunte de Luis Villoro) afirmaba que todo acto de ficción partía, necesariamente, de lo ya conocido por hombre o mujer, por mayor que fuera su extravagancia. Si imaginamos un cíclope, pongamos por caso, ese cíclope (más allá de las alegorías que pueda suscitarnos) tiene un ojo; y ese bestial ojo es algo que ya existe como ojo en la realidad. Los cuernos demoniacos son cuernos, así como sus patas de cabrío. La bestia es, pues, un extremo de la realidad conocida, y es en esos extremos donde se centran los autores del presente libro. Así pues, el libro cuenta con obras de la imaginación pictórica, la cual, conjuntada con la imaginación que provee el ensayo (especulación teórica y metódica) da como resultado un producto atractivo e interesante Un halago a la inteligencia abierta.Carlos Gómez Carro, coordinador; Guzo, ilustrador; Nicolás Amoroso y Maximino Javier, obra gráfica