5 research outputs found


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    In 1994, Microsoft founder Bill Gates stated “Banking is necessary; banks are not”. He predicted the direction in which the banking market was going to move and what that would mean for banks. Today, we are watching these predictions unfold and become a reality. Banks, like any other company or institution, are participants and drivers of economic globalisation and must adapt to the changing landscape for financial services in the digital age. Several global trends have forced banks to redefine how they operate, among them demographic, social, economic and technological changes. Demographic and social changes have created a new generation of customers with different needs and wants. Economic changes have brought new market participants, while technological change refers in particular to digitalisation. The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of mobile banking users in Croatia and to define the influence of three key characteristics of mobile banking, i.e. flexibility, security and finance management, on consumers’ motivation to adopt mobile banking. The banking system is slow to adapt to the emerging market trends, in particular to a customer-centric paradigm. To shift to the new paradigm and face the challenges of the digital age successully, banks must gain a deeper understanding of their customers first. This paper aims to identify what motivates consumers to use mobile banking services and their attitudes towards the various aspects of mobile banking. The results show that mobile banking users in Croatia are not overly concerned about the security of mobile applications, but appreciate their flexibility compared to online and traditional modes of banking, and find that they manage their finances more efficiently.Osnivač Microsofta Bill Gates 1994. godine rekao je „Bankarstvo je nužno, ali banke nisu“. Predvidio je tada u kojem se smjeru kreće tržište bankarskih usluga i što to znači za banke. Danas smo svjedoci ostvarenja tih predviđanja. Banke su kao i sve druge tvrtke ili institucije sudionici i pokretači svjetske ekonomske globalizacije i ne mogu biti imune na sve promjene novog doba. Nekoliko je svjetskih trendova koji utječu na ponovno definiranje bankarskog poslovanja: demografske, društvene, ekonomske i tehnološke promjene. Demografske i društvene u smislu novih generacija odraslih u potpuno novom svijetu s novim potrebama i željama. Ekonomske u smislu pojave novih participanata tržištu i tehnološke u smislu digitalizacije. Svrha ovoga rada je identificirati obilježja korisnika mobilnog bankarstva u Hrvatskoj te definirati tri ključne karakteristike mobilnog bankarstva: fleksibilnost, sigurnost i upravljanje financijama u kontekstu motivacije potrošača. Bankarski sustav sporo se prilagođava novonastalim tržišnim uvjetima i posebice novoj paradigmi u kojoj se banke nužno moraju okrenuti svojim potrošačima. No, prije nego to mogu učiniti moraju ih dobro poznavati. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje čiji zadatak je otkriti što motivira potrošače mobilnog bankarstva i kako oni ocjenjuju njegove pojedine aspekte. Rezultati su pokazali da su u Hrvatskoj potrošači mobilnog bankarstva manje zabrinuti za sigurnost mobilnih aplikacija, cijene fleksibilnost aplikacija u odnosu na internetsko i klasično bankarstvo te ocjenjuju da bolje upravljaju svojim financijama

    Identification and motives of mobile banking users

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    Osnivač Microsofta Bill Gates 1994. godine rekao je „Bankarstvo je nužno, ali banke nisu“. Predvidio je tada u kojem se smjeru kreće tržište bankarskih usluga i što to znači za banke. Danas smo svjedoci ostvarenja tih predviđanja. Banke su kao i sve druge tvrtke ili institucije sudionici i pokretači svjetske ekonomske globalizacije i ne mogu biti imune na sve promjene novog doba. Nekoliko je svjetskih trendova koji utječu na ponovno definiranje bankarskog poslovanja: demografske, društvene, ekonomske i tehnološke promjene. Demografske i društvene u smislu novih generacija odraslih u potpuno novom svijetu s novim potrebama i željama. Ekonomske u smislu pojave novih participanata tržištu i tehnološke u smislu digitalizacije. Svrha ovoga rada je identificirati obilježja korisnika mobilnog bankarstva u Hrvatskoj te definirati tri ključne karakteristike mobilnog bankarstva: fleksibilnost, sigurnost i upravljanje financijama u kontekstu motivacije potrošača. Bankarski sustav sporo se prilagođava novonastalim tržišnim uvjetima i posebice novoj paradigmi u kojoj se banke nužno moraju okrenuti svojim potrošačima. No, prije nego to mogu učiniti moraju ih dobro poznavati. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje čiji zadatak je otkriti što motivira potrošače mobilnog bankarstva i kako oni ocjenjuju njegove pojedine aspekte. Rezultati su pokazali da su u Hrvatskoj potrošači mobilnog bankarstva manje zabrinuti za sigurnost mobilnih aplikacija, cijene fleksibilnost aplikacija u odnosu na internetsko i klasično bankarstvo te ocjenjuju da bolje upravljaju svojim financijama.In 1994 Microsoft founder Bill Gates said "Banking is necessary, but banks are not." He then predicted in what direction the banking market was moving and what it meant for banks. Today, we are witnessing the realization of these predictions. Banks, like all other companies or institutions, are participants and drivers of global economic globalization and cannot be immune to all the changes of the new age. There are several global trends that are affecting the redefinition of banking: demographic, social, economic and technological changes. Demographic and social in terms of new generations of adults in a whole new world with new needs and wants. Economic in terms of new market participants and technological in terms of digitalization. The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of mobile banking users in Croatia and to define three key characteristics of mobile banking: flexibility, security and financial management in the context of consumer motivation. The banking system is slowly adapting to the emerging market conditions, and in particular to the new paradigm in which banks must necessarily turn to their customers. But before they can do that, they need to know them well. In this paper, research was conducted to discover what motivates mobile banking consumers and how they evaluate their individual aspects. The results show that in Croatia, mobile banking consumers are less concerned about mobile application security, appreciate the flexibility of applications compared to online and classic banking, and assess that they manage their finances better

    Identification and motives of mobile banking users

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    Osnivač Microsofta Bill Gates 1994. godine rekao je „Bankarstvo je nužno, ali banke nisu“. Predvidio je tada u kojem se smjeru kreće tržište bankarskih usluga i što to znači za banke. Danas smo svjedoci ostvarenja tih predviđanja. Banke su kao i sve druge tvrtke ili institucije sudionici i pokretači svjetske ekonomske globalizacije i ne mogu biti imune na sve promjene novog doba. Nekoliko je svjetskih trendova koji utječu na ponovno definiranje bankarskog poslovanja: demografske, društvene, ekonomske i tehnološke promjene. Demografske i društvene u smislu novih generacija odraslih u potpuno novom svijetu s novim potrebama i željama. Ekonomske u smislu pojave novih participanata tržištu i tehnološke u smislu digitalizacije. Svrha ovoga rada je identificirati obilježja korisnika mobilnog bankarstva u Hrvatskoj te definirati tri ključne karakteristike mobilnog bankarstva: fleksibilnost, sigurnost i upravljanje financijama u kontekstu motivacije potrošača. Bankarski sustav sporo se prilagođava novonastalim tržišnim uvjetima i posebice novoj paradigmi u kojoj se banke nužno moraju okrenuti svojim potrošačima. No, prije nego to mogu učiniti moraju ih dobro poznavati. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje čiji zadatak je otkriti što motivira potrošače mobilnog bankarstva i kako oni ocjenjuju njegove pojedine aspekte. Rezultati su pokazali da su u Hrvatskoj potrošači mobilnog bankarstva manje zabrinuti za sigurnost mobilnih aplikacija, cijene fleksibilnost aplikacija u odnosu na internetsko i klasično bankarstvo te ocjenjuju da bolje upravljaju svojim financijama.In 1994 Microsoft founder Bill Gates said "Banking is necessary, but banks are not." He then predicted in what direction the banking market was moving and what it meant for banks. Today, we are witnessing the realization of these predictions. Banks, like all other companies or institutions, are participants and drivers of global economic globalization and cannot be immune to all the changes of the new age. There are several global trends that are affecting the redefinition of banking: demographic, social, economic and technological changes. Demographic and social in terms of new generations of adults in a whole new world with new needs and wants. Economic in terms of new market participants and technological in terms of digitalization. The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of mobile banking users in Croatia and to define three key characteristics of mobile banking: flexibility, security and financial management in the context of consumer motivation. The banking system is slowly adapting to the emerging market conditions, and in particular to the new paradigm in which banks must necessarily turn to their customers. But before they can do that, they need to know them well. In this paper, research was conducted to discover what motivates mobile banking consumers and how they evaluate their individual aspects. The results show that in Croatia, mobile banking consumers are less concerned about mobile application security, appreciate the flexibility of applications compared to online and classic banking, and assess that they manage their finances better


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    In 1994, Microsoft founder Bill Gates stated “Banking is necessary; banks are not”. He predicted the direction in which the banking market was going to move and what that would mean for banks. Today, we are watching these predictions unfold and become a reality. Banks, like any other company or institution, are participants and drivers of economic globalisation and must adapt to the changing landscape for financial services in the digital age. Several global trends have forced banks to redefine how they operate, among them demographic, social, economic and technological changes. Demographic and social changes have created a new generation of customers with different needs and wants. Economic changes have brought new market participants, while technological change refers in particular to digitalisation. The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of mobile banking users in Croatia and to define the influence of three key characteristics of mobile banking, i.e. flexibility, security and finance management, on consumers’ motivation to adopt mobile banking. The banking system is slow to adapt to the emerging market trends, in particular to a customer-centric paradigm. To shift to the new paradigm and face the challenges of the digital age successully, banks must gain a deeper understanding of their customers first. This paper aims to identify what motivates consumers to use mobile banking services and their attitudes towards the various aspects of mobile banking. The results show that mobile banking users in Croatia are not overly concerned about the security of mobile applications, but appreciate their flexibility compared to online and traditional modes of banking, and find that they manage their finances more efficiently.Osnivač Microsofta Bill Gates 1994. godine rekao je „Bankarstvo je nužno, ali banke nisu“. Predvidio je tada u kojem se smjeru kreće tržište bankarskih usluga i što to znači za banke. Danas smo svjedoci ostvarenja tih predviđanja. Banke su kao i sve druge tvrtke ili institucije sudionici i pokretači svjetske ekonomske globalizacije i ne mogu biti imune na sve promjene novog doba. Nekoliko je svjetskih trendova koji utječu na ponovno definiranje bankarskog poslovanja: demografske, društvene, ekonomske i tehnološke promjene. Demografske i društvene u smislu novih generacija odraslih u potpuno novom svijetu s novim potrebama i željama. Ekonomske u smislu pojave novih participanata tržištu i tehnološke u smislu digitalizacije. Svrha ovoga rada je identificirati obilježja korisnika mobilnog bankarstva u Hrvatskoj te definirati tri ključne karakteristike mobilnog bankarstva: fleksibilnost, sigurnost i upravljanje financijama u kontekstu motivacije potrošača. Bankarski sustav sporo se prilagođava novonastalim tržišnim uvjetima i posebice novoj paradigmi u kojoj se banke nužno moraju okrenuti svojim potrošačima. No, prije nego to mogu učiniti moraju ih dobro poznavati. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje čiji zadatak je otkriti što motivira potrošače mobilnog bankarstva i kako oni ocjenjuju njegove pojedine aspekte. Rezultati su pokazali da su u Hrvatskoj potrošači mobilnog bankarstva manje zabrinuti za sigurnost mobilnih aplikacija, cijene fleksibilnost aplikacija u odnosu na internetsko i klasično bankarstvo te ocjenjuju da bolje upravljaju svojim financijama

    Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age

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    Present-day people from England and Wales harbour more ancestry derived from Early European Farmers (EEF) than people of the Early Bronze Age . To understand this, we generated genome-wide data from 793 individuals, increasing data from the Middle to Late Bronze and Iron Age in Britain by 12-fold, and Western and Central Europe by 3.5-fold. Between 1000 and 875 BC, EEF ancestry increased in southern Britain (England and Wales) but not northern Britain (Scotland) due to incorporation of migrants who arrived at this time and over previous centuries, and who were genetically most similar to ancient individuals from France. These migrants contributed about half the ancestry of Iron Age people of England and Wales, thereby creating a plausible vector for the spread of early Celtic languages into Britain. These patterns are part of a broader trend of EEF ancestry becoming more similar across central and western Europe in the Middle to Late Bronze Age, coincident with archaeological evidence of intensified cultural exchange . There was comparatively less gene flow from continental Europe during the Iron Age, and Britain's independent genetic trajectory is also reflected in the rise of the allele conferring lactase persistence to ~50% by this time compared to ~7% in central Europe where it rose rapidly in frequency only a millennium later. This suggests that dairy products were used in qualitatively different ways in Britain and in central Europe over this period. [Abstract copyright: © 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.