148 research outputs found

    "Aprontando Filhos-de-santo" : um estudo antropológico sobre a transmissão/reinvenção da tradição em uma rede de "Casas de batuque" de Porto Alegre

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    A transmissão/reinvenção da tradição batuqueira dá-se através da construção da pessoa dos praticantes desta religião. Tal processo caracteriza-se por uma intervenção profunda na corporalidade dos sujeitos, expressa através do aprendizado de um conjunto de práticas rituais - compreendidos etnicamente com os "fundamentos do Batuque" - que incorporam a visão de mundo e os valores essenciais desta religiosidade tradicional: a hierarquia e a reciprocidade. O aprendizado destes atos pode ser percebido como uma forma especial de projeto em sua dimensão individual - definida pela conquista de uma posição na hierarquia ritual batuqueira - , e familiar - expresso pelo engajamento em profundidade numa Família-de-santo e sua descendência religiosa. Assim, a construção da pessoa batuqueira consiste num processo de singularização num sistema holista, baseado na performance pública de atos religiosos eficazes.The transmission/reinvention of the "Batuque" occurs through the construction o f the person of the cultists of this religion. Such process characterizes itself by a deep. intervention in the corporality o f the subjects , wich is expressed through the apprenticeship of a set ritual pratices - understood according to the "foudatioris" of "Batuque" - that embodies the points of view and essential values of this traditional religiosity: hierarchy and reciprocity. The learning process of these acts may be seen as a special form of project, both in individual basis - by reachimg a position in the ritual hierarchy of "Batuque" - , and familiar - deeply engaging a "Family of saints" and its r.eligious descent. Therefore, the construction of aperson related to "Batuque" is a process of singularization in a holistic system, based on the public performance of efficient religious acts

    Quality of Life of Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Using Insulin Analog Glargine Compared with NPH Insulin: A Systematic Review and Policy Implications

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    INTRODUCTION: Insulin analogue glargine (GLA) has been available as one of the therapeutic options for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus to enhance glycemic control. Studies have shown that a decrease in the frequency of hypoglycemia episodes improves the Quality of Life (QoL) of diabetic patients. However, there are appreciable acquisition cost differences between different insulins. Consequently, a need to assess their impact on QoL to provide future guidance to health authorities. METHOD: A Systematic review (SR) of multiple databases including Medline, LILACS, Cochrane and EMBASE databases with several combinations of agreed terms involving randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohorts, as well as manual searches and gray literature was undertaken. The primary outcome measure was a change in QoL. The quality of the studies and the risk of bias was also assessed. RESULTS: Eight studies were eventually included in the systematic review out of 634 publications. Eight different QoL instruments were used (2 generic, 2 mixed and 4 specific), in which the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQs) was the most used. The systematic review did not consistently show any significant difference overall in QoL scores whether as part of subsets or combined into a single score with the use of GLA versus NPH insulin. Only in patients’ satisfaction measured by DTSQ was a better result consistently seen with GLA versus NPH insulin but not using the WED scale. However, none of the cohort studies scored a maximum on the Newcastle-Ottawa scale for quality and they generally were of moderate quality with bias in the studies. CONCLUSION: There was no consistent difference in QoL or patient reported outcomes when the findings from the eight studies were collated. In view of this, we believe the current price differential between GLA and NPH insulin in Brazil cannot be justified by these findings


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    Biometric authentication through typing dynamics offers security for more systems, coupled with the traditional login and password, as it associates authentication with biometric factors. This work presents methodologies for biometric authentication performance from the middle of the typing dynamics, techniques for extracting characteristics after capturing the time in which to press and release as keys. The methods used were: Mahalanobis distance classifier (classification and authentication) and Random Forest (classification).A autenticação biométrica por meio da dinâmica da digitação, oferece uma segurança a mais para os sistemas, se associando ao tradicional login e senha, pois associa autenticação com fatores biométricos. Esse trabalho apresenta metodologias para a realização da autenticação biométrica po meio da dinâmica da digitação, utilizando técnicas para a extração de características após capturar o tempo em que se pressionar e soltar as teclas. Os métodos utilizados foram: Classificador baseado na distância de Mahalanobis (classificação e autenticação) e Floresta Aleatória (classificação)

    Profile of patients with rheumatic diseases undergoing treatment with anti-TNF agents in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS), Belo Horizonte - MG

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    The aim of this study was to describe the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics as well as the functional status of a prospective cohort of patients with rheumatic diseases assisted by the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS). Data for 302 patients receiving tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors (anti-TNF agents) was collected through a standard form. Among patients, 229 (75.8%) were female and 155 (51.3%) were Caucasian; the mean age was 50.3 ± 12.8 years, and the mean disease duration was 9.9 ± 8.7 years. Among them 214 patients (70.9%) received adalimumab, 72 (23.8%) etanercept, and 16 (5.3%) infliximab. Mean Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI) was 1.37 ± 0.67 for all participants. Poor functional response was associated with female gender, married patients and with a score of &lt; 0.6 on the EuroQoL-5 dimensions (EQ-5D). Significant correlation was found between the HAQ-DI values, disease activity and quality of life (QOL). The results obtained in this study contribute to a better understanding of the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with rheumatic diseases at the beginning of anti-TNF-agent treatment by SUS. Furthermore, our findings are consistent with another Brazilian and foreign cross-sectional investigations. This knowledge can be of great importance for further studies evaluating the effectiveness of biological agents, as well as, to contribute to improve the well-being of the patients with rheumatic diseases.O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as características demográficas e clínicas iniciais, bem como o estado funcional de uma coorte de pacientes com doenças reumáticas tratados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Dados de 302 pacientes em uso de inibidores do fator de necrose tumoral (agentes anti-TNF) foram coletados por formulário padronizado. Desses, 229 (75.8%) eram mulheres e 155 (51.3%) eram brancos; a idade média foi 50,3 ± 12,8 anos, e a duração média da doença foi de 9,9 ± 8,7 anos. Entre os pacientes 214 (70,9%) usaram adalimumabe, 72 (23,8%) etanercepte e 16 (5,3%) infliximabe. A média do Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI) foi 1,37 ± 0,67 para a população total. Pior resposta funcional estava associada com mulheres, pacientes casados e com um valor de EuroQoL-5 dimensions (EQ-5D) < 0.6. Correlação significativa foi obtida entre os valores de HAQ-DI, atividade das doenças e qualidade de vida. Os resultados obtidos no estudo contribuem para o melhor entendimento das características clínicas e demográficas de pacientes com doenças reumáticas iniciando a terapia com agentes anti-TNF pelo SUS. Além disso, nossos achados são consistentes com resultados obtidos em outros estudos transversais nacionais e estrangeiros. Este conhecimento pode ser de grande importância para estudos futuros que avaliem a eficácia de agentes biológicos, assim como, para contribuir para a melhoria do bem-estar das pessoas com doenças reumáticas

    Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos : métodos

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    A Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (PNAUM) – componente Serviços teve por objetivo caracterizar a organização dos serviços de assistência farmacêutica na Atenção Básica do Sistema Único Saúde. A PNAUM – Serviços foi um estudo transversal, avaliativo, com amostra planejada de 600 municípios, realizado entre 2014 e 2015, composto por uma fase remota, com entrevistas telefônicas com gestores. Desses 600 municípios foram selecionados 300 para um inquérito em serviços de saúde. Foram selecionadas as 27 capitais, 0,5% dos maiores municípios de cada região e realizado um sorteio dos demais municípios. O cálculo do tamanho da amostra representativa nacional considerou três níveis: municípios, serviços de dispensação de medicamentos e usuários. As entrevistas foram realizadas com a utilização de um questionário estruturado específico para: secretário municipal de saúde, responsável pela assistência farmacêutica no município, responsável pela entrega de medicamentos, médico e usuário. Os dados secundários foram obtidos em bases oficiais, na data mais recente de atualização. A PNAUM – Serviços foi a primeira pesquisa de âmbito nacional visando a avaliação e obtenção de indicadores nacionais e regionais acerca de acesso a medicamentos, bem como utilização e uso racional, sob a ótica de variados atores sociais.The Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos –Serviços (PNAUM – National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines – Services) aimed to characterize the organization of pharmaceutical services in the Primary Health Care of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). PNAUM – Services is a cross-sectional and evaluative study, with planned sample of 600 cities, held between 2014 and 2015, composed of a remote phase, with telephone interviews with health managers. Of these 600 cities, 300 were selected for a survey on health services. We selected the 27 capitals, the 0.5% largest cities of each region, and the remaining cities were drawn. The estimate of the representative national sample size considered three levels: cities, medicine dispensing services, and patients. The interviews were carried out with a structured questionnaire specific for: municipal secretaries of health, professionals responsible for pharmaceutical services in the city, professionals responsible for the dispensing of medicines, physicians, and patients. The secondary data were obtained in official databases, in the latest update date. PNAUM – Services was the first nationwide research aimed at the assessment and acquisition of national and regional indicators on access to medicines, as well as use and rational use, from the perspective of various social subjects

    Access to medicines by patients of the primary health care in the Brazilian Unified Health System

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o acesso aos medicamentos na Atenção Primária em Saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde na perspectiva do usuário. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal que utilizou dados da Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional no Brasil – Serviços, 2015, realizado por meio de entrevistas com 8.591 usuários em municípios das cinco regiões do Brasil. A avaliação do acesso aos medicamentos utilizou conceitos propostos por Penshansky e Thomas (1981), segundo as dimensões: disponibilidade, acessibilidade geográfica, adequação, aceitabilidade e capacidade aquisitiva. Cada uma das dimensões foi avaliada por meio de indicadores próprios. RESULTADOS: Para dimensão disponibilidade, 59,8% dos usuários declararam ter acesso total aos medicamentos, sem diferença significante entre regiões. Para acessibilidade geográfica, 60% dos usuários declararam que a unidade básica de saúde não ficava longe de sua residência, 83% afirmaram ser muito fácil/fácil chegar até a unidade e a maioria dos usuários relatou caminhar (64,5%). Para adequação, a unidade foi avaliada como muito bom/bom para os itens conforto (74,2%) e limpeza (90,9%), e 70,8% dos usuários relataram não ter de esperar para retirar seus medicamentos, embora o tempo médio de espera tenha sido 32,9 minutos. Para aceitabilidade: 93,1% dos usuários relataram ser atendidos com respeito e cortesia pelos funcionários das unidades dispensadoras e 90,5% declararam ser muito bom/bom o atendimento das unidades. Para capacidade aquisitiva 13% dos usuários relataram ter deixado de comprar algo importante para cobrir gastos com problemas de saúde, 41,8% dos participantes apontaram a despesa com medicamentos. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram 70%–90% de conformidade, compatível com países desenvolvidos. No entanto, o acesso aos medicamentos continua sendo um desafio pois ainda é fortemente comprometido pela baixa disponibilidade de medicamentos essenciais em unidades públicas de saúde, demonstrando que não ocorre de forma universal, equânime e resolutiva à populaçãoOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the access to medicines in primary health care of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), from the patients’ perspective. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study that used data from the Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos – Services, 2015 (PNAUM – National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines), conducted by interviews with 8,591 patients in cities of the five regions of Brazil. Evaluation of access to medicines used concepts proposed by Penshansky and Thomas (1981), according to the dimensions: availability, accessibility, accommodation, acceptability, and affordability. Each dimension was evaluated by its own indicators. RESULTS: For the “availability” dimension, 59.8% of patients reported having full access to medicines, without significant difference between regions. For “accessibility,” 60% of patients declared that the basic health unit (UBS) was not far from their house, 83% said it was very easy/easy to get to the UBS, and most patients reported that they go walking (64.5%). For “accommodation,” UBS was evaluated as very good/good for the items “comfort” (74.2%) and “cleanliness” (90.9%), and 70.8% of patients reported that they do not wait to receive their medicines, although the average waiting time was 32.9 minutes. For “acceptability,” 93.1% of patients reported to be served with respect and courtesy by the staff of the dispensing units and 90.5% declared that the units’ service was very good/good. For “affordability,” 13% of patients reported not being able to buy something important to cover expenses with health problems, and 41.8% of participants pointed out the expense with medicines. CONCLUSIONS: Results show 70%–90% compliance, which is compatible with developed countries. However, access to medicines remains a challenge, because it is still heavily compromised by the low availability of essential medicines in public health units, showing that it does not occur universally, equally, and decisively to the populatio

    Comparação entre a resposta de crescimento ao tratamento com hormônio de crescimento (GH) em crianças com insensibilidade parcial ao GH ou deficiência de GH leve

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    Objectives: GH therapy is still controversial, except in severe GH deficiency (SGHD). The objective of this study was to compare the response to growth hormone (GH) therapy in children with partial GH insensitivity (PGHIS) and mild GH deficiency (MGHD) with those with SGHD. Subjects and methods: Fifteen PGHIS, 11 MGHD, and 19 SGHD subjects, followed up for more than one year in the Brazilian public care service, were evaluated regarding anthropometric and laboratory data at the beginning of treatment, after one year (1st year) on treatment, and at the last assessment (up to ten years in SGHD, up to four years in MGHD, and up to eight years in PGHIS). Results: Initial height standard deviation score (SDS) in SGHD was lower than in MGHD and PGHIS. Although the increase in 1st year height SDS in comparison to initial height SDS was not different among the groups, height-SDS after the first year of treatment remained lower in SGHD than in MGHD. There was no difference in height-SDS at the last assessment of the children among the three groups. GH therapy, in the entire period of observation, caused a trend towards lower increase in height SDS in PGHIS than SGHD but similar increases were observed in MGHD and SGHD. Conclusion: GH therapy increases height in PGHIS and produces similar height effects in MGHD and SGHD. _________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMO: Objetivos: O tratamento com GH é ainda controverso, salvo na deficiência grave de GH (SGHD). O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a resposta ao tratamento com GH em indivíduos com insensibilidade parcial ao GH (PGHIS) e na deficiência moderada do GH (MGHD) com SGHD. Sujeitos e métodos: Quinze pacientes com PGHIS, 11 com MGHD e 19 com SGHD, seguidos por mais de um ano no Sistema Único de Saúde, foram avaliados antropométrica e laboratorialmente, no início, com um ano de tratamento e na última avaliação (tempo máximo de dez anos na SGHD, quatro anos na MGHD e oito anos na PGHIS). Resultados: O escore de desvio-padrão (EDP) da estatura inicial foi menor nos indivíduos com SGHD do que naqueles com MGHD e PGHIS. Embora o aumento no EDP da estatura no primeiro ano em comparação com o inicial não fosse diferente entre os grupos, o EDP da altura no primeiro ano de tratamento permaneceu menor na SGHD que na MGHD. Não houve diferença no EDP da estatura na última avaliação entre os três grupos. O tratamento com GH, no período completo da observação, provocou uma tendência a menor aumento no EDP da estatura nos pacientes com PGHIS que naqueles com SGHD, entretanto aumentos semelhantes foram encontrados nos grupos MGHD e SGHD. Conclusão: O tratamento com GH aumentou a estatura nos indivíduos com PGHIS e produziu efeitos similares na estatura em MGHD e SGHD

    Profile of patients with rheumatic diseases undergoing treatment with anti-TNF agents in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS), Belo Horizonte - MG

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    The aim of this study was to describe the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics as well as the functional status of a prospective cohort of patients with rheumatic diseases assisted by the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS). Data for 302 patients receiving tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors (anti-TNF agents) was collected through a standard form. Among patients, 229 (75.8%) were female and 155 (51.3%) were Caucasian; the mean age was 50.3 ± 12.8 years, and the mean disease duration was 9.9 ± 8.7 years. Among them 214 patients (70.9%) received adalimumab, 72 (23.8%) etanercept, and 16 (5.3%) infliximab. Mean Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI) was 1.37 ± 0.67 for all participants. Poor functional response was associated with female gender, married patients and with a score of < 0.6 on the EuroQoL-5 dimensions (EQ-5D). Significant correlation was found between the HAQ-DI values, disease activity and quality of life (QOL). The results obtained in this study contribute to a better understanding of the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with rheumatic diseases at the beginning of anti-TNF-agent treatment by SUS. Furthermore, our findings are consistent with another Brazilian and foreign cross-sectional investigations. This knowledge can be of great importance for further studies evaluating the effectiveness of biological agents, as well as, to contribute to improve the well-being of the patients with rheumatic diseases