61 research outputs found

    The Correlation of Psychological Well-Being with Work Engagement for Millennial Workers in Malang City

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    Covid-19 does not only have impact on the psychological well-being but also the work conditions of each individual. Psychological well-being is a concept of happiness that is present in every individual and is formed from various kinds of life experiences, both positive and negative. Psychological well-being is one of the factors that can affect work engagement. Work engagement requires a positive attitude based on vigor, dedication and absorption to be involved emotionally, cognitively, physically in the professional environment. This study aims to determine the relationship between psychological well-being and work engagement for millennial workers during Covid-19 pandemic. The methods used were quantitative and correlational. The research sample was 50 millennial workers who work in Malang City. The sample was taken using the incidental sampling technique. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scales (UWES) and the Psychological Well-being Scales were used. Data analysis was conducted using Pearson product moment correlation. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between psychological well-being and work engagement for millennial workers in Malang. This means that millennial workers tend to have a positive attitude towards a job. Keywords: Psychological well-being, Work Engagement, Millennial Workers, Covid-19 pandemic perio


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    Biomass calculations are useful for knowing the amount of carbon stored in a forest ecosystem and essential steps to mitigate global warming and climate change. Restoration activities at PT Alam Bukit Tigapuluh (PT ABT) have indirectly made efforts to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). This study aimed to analyze and measure carbon storage as well a model and map carbon storage at PT ABT. The method used the survey method of species, diameter at breast height, and vegetation height with a plot size of 20mx20m. The research conducted to analyze carbon storage and build a regression model. The results showed that the average carbon storage of the 30 plots was 259.32 tons/ha and the estimated carbon storage is 5,496,233 tC. The best regression model’s modelling result are Y = -817 + 331.5 MSRVI with the correlation of determination being 76.40%. The distribution of carbon storage in PT ABT is divided into 5 classes, namely, non-vegetated class (<0 tons/ha) of 57 ha, low (0-112.55 tons/ha) of 291 ha, medium (112.55-225.11 tons/ha) covering an area of ​​2,059 ha, high (225.11-337.67 tons/ha) covering an area of ​​18,533 ha and very high (>337.67 tons/ha) covering an area of ​​1,256 ha

    Pengembangan Tanaman Sereh Wangi untuk Bioreklamasi Lahan dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Muaro Jambi

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    Degraded land due to brick industry, piling material, and coal mining activities are widely covered the area of Kebon IX Village, Sungai Gelam Subdistrict, Muaro Jambi District. This service activity was aimed at encouraging collective action by the village community of Kebun IX to apply citronella cultivation and processing technology in order to rehabilitate their land as well as develop productive economic businesses as a substitute for their old businesses that were not environmentally friendly. The method used was the combination of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and collective action model in promotion strategy and technology adoption. Through counseling, training and demonstration plots, four types of integrated businesses, including cultivation, processing and utilization of citronella by-product, have been successfully developed in Kebon IX Village. Citronella plants at aged 6‒8 months produced leaves at a price of IDR 500/kg and after 3 months can be harvested again. One clump of citronella plants can produce 1.5 kg at the first harvest and increase to 2.0 kg after the next harvest. One hectare of land can contain 1000‒1500 clumps of citronella plants. Citronella plant soil costs IDR 250,000/L, the residue of the distillation can be used as animal feed (IDR 150/kg) or used as trichocompost (IDR 1,200/kg). Trichocompost is also needed as organic fertilizer for the continuity of citronella cultivation. The integration of citronella plants cultivation and processing industry has a positive impact on land reclamation efforts as well as to empower the community's economy


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    Color is one of the parameters in determining the value of ornamental fish. Goldfish (Carassius auratus) as one of the popular ornamental fish in Indonesia also requires the best color for its quality. One of the factors that affect the brightness of fish color is pigment-forming materials that can be obtained from feed. Melinjo fruit peel (Gnetum gnemon), which is often a waste, has the potential to be an ingredient to maintain the brightness of fish color with its carotenoid content. Research on the fortification of Melinjo fruit peel extract on goldfish feed used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments, namely (A) untreated feed, (B) feed with the addition of 3.5 ml/100 g of feed extract, (C) 4 ml /100 g feed, and (D) 4.5 ml/100 g feed. The average increase in fish color RGB at the location under the dorsal fin with treatment for 40 days was (A) 5.13, (B) 6.4, (C) 11.1 and (D) 12.77. The four treatments showed significantly different results with the best results being 4 ml and 4.5 ml per 100 grams of feed. Melinjo fruit peel which is an organic waste can be used to increase the color brightness of ornamental fish through the addition of its extract in feed


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    The objectives of this study are to probe  the effects of land area and agricultural investment on labor through district / city GRDP in East Java. This research uses explanatory type by a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study are carried out by means of a literature study. Data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) tool. The results in this study indicate that: (1) Land Area has a significant effect on district / city GRDP of East Java; (2) Agricultural Investment has a significant effect on district / city GRDP of East Java; (3) GRDP has a significant effect on District / City labors of East Java.


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar persentase ekstrak kasar bawang putih yang dibutuhkan dalam proses pembuatan kerupuk kulit ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) dan juga untuk mengetahui lama daya simpan yang terjadi setelah proses perendaman dalam larutan bawang putih. Penelititan ini menggunakan metode eksperimen.Variabel bebas pada penelititan ini adalah perendaman ekstrak kasar bawang putih yang berbeda. Variabel terikat pada penelitian ini adalah daya awet kerupuk kulit ikan. Parameter pengujian dalam penelitian ini meliputi organoleptik, TVB, TPC dan Daya Simpan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 3 kali perlakuan dan 9 kali ulangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelititan ini,dapat disimpulkan bahwa bmberian kadar bawang putih yang berbeda konsentrasi memberikan pengaruh nyara terhadap mutu kulit kakap merah (Lutjanus argentimaculatus). Pada penelitian ini didapatkan perlakuan terpilih pada perlakuan kadar 9 % dengan kadar perhitungan TVB menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata diperoleh dari F hitung = 37,76 > Ftabel 1% = 7

    Laju Pertumbuhan Dan Kecepatan Molting Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) Dengan Pemberian Ekstrak Daun Pakis Hutan (Diplazium caudatum)

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    The cultivation of mud crabs is growing to get crabs in the soft shell condition. But most of the soft shell crab's farmers do not experience sustainable business. The main obstacle is the length of the maintenance period and moulting time does not unison thereby causing the feed and operating costs to be high. The research aimed to examine the effect of injection with forest fern leaf extract on growth rate and moulting speed of mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata) and determine the best dose in the process of injecting forest Fern Leaf extract for mangrove crab (Scylla serrata). Treatment of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) weight ± 100 g with dose: P1 (NaCL 0.9%) P2 (50 mg.L-1) P3 (75 mg.L-1) P4 (100 mg.L-1) P5 (125 mg.L-1) 5 crabs each are cared for 30 days, The research was conducted using a single complete random draft (RAL), the results of various analyses showed the significant forest fern leaf extract against the growth of absolute weights, the rate of Specific growth, and relative growth, but no noticeable effect for molting speed and absolute length growth. The results of this research showed that a dose of 125 mg.L-1produces the highest value with result for moulting speed of 0.50 ± 0.57, length absolute growth of 0.37 ± 0.1 weighted absolute growth of 20 ± 5,74, specific growth rate of 0.54 ± 0.13, and relative growth of 0.64 ± 0.18.The cultivation of mud crabs is growing to get crabs in the soft shell condition. But most of the soft shell crab's farmers do not experience sustainable business. The main obstacle is the length of the maintenance period and moulting time does not unison thereby causing the feed and operating costs to be high. The research aimed to examine the effect of injection with forest fern leaf extract on growth rate and moulting speed of mangrove crabs (Scylla serrata) and determine the best dose in the process of injecting forest Fern Leaf extract for mangrove crab (Scylla serrata). Treatment of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) weight ± 100 g with dose: P1 (NaCL 0.9%) P2 (50 mg.L-1) P3 (75 mg.L-1) P4 (100 mg.L-1) P5 (125 mg.L-1) 5 crabs each are cared for 30 days, The research was conducted using a single complete random draft (RAL), the results of various analyses showed the significant forest fern leaf extract against the growth of absolute weights, the rate of Specific growth, and relative growth, but no noticeable effect for molting speed and absolute length growth. The results of this research showed that a dose of 125 mg.L-1produces the highest value with result for moulting speed of 0.50 ± 0.57, length absolute growth of 0.37 ± 0.1 weighted absolute growth of 20 ± 5,74, specific growth rate of 0.54 ± 0.13, and relative growth of 0.64 ± 0.18


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    Critical land occured as a result of land cover changes from vegetated into non vegetated land or the composition of the vegetation has changed. This study aimed to analyze the distribution of land critical at KPHP Unit XII Batanghari. Critical land analysis was based on the Perdirjen PDASHL Number P.3/PDASHL/SET/KUM.1/7/2018. Land is classified into 5 levels of criticality, namely: non-critical, critical potential, somewhat critical, critical and very critical. The parameters used in determining the level of criticality of the land are: land cover, erosion-prone class, slope class and the presence of land inside or outside the forest function. Spatial analysis used by Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing technology. GIS is able to analyze and represent geographic phenomenon. Landsat 8 imagery was analyzed to obtain land cover clasification. The results of the analysis showed that critical land level of KPHP Unit XI Batanghari consisted of 3,609 ha (4.45%) that classified as very critical and 3,599 ha (4,43%) as critical land. Then, land with a somewhat critical level had the largest area, namely 26,024 ha or 32.07% of the total area of KPHP Unit XII Batanghari. The landcover was the main parameter to determine the level of criticality of the land. The openland cover type had the maximum score 60

    Constructing the Index of Indonesian Monthly Private Consumption Expenditure

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    Private consumption expenditure (PCE) contributes a major share in Indonesian GDP and its growth has been dominating the economic growth. PCE is also linked directly to the welfare of Indonesian people making it even more relevant for its close monitoring. However, despite the high volatility of macroeconomic conditions due to both global and domestic disturbances, indicators that measure PCE in frequency higher than quarterly is not yet existent in Indonesia. This paper is the first attempt to construct a monthly index of private consumption expenditure for Indonesia. Using a methodology based on the experience of other countries and constrained with data availability, we devise the index based on four statistically relevant variables: value added tax revenue, excise tax revenue, electricity consumption, and fuel consumption. Using the weights estimated based on the principal component analysis we found that our monthly PCE index fits well and correlate highly with the quarterly private consumption expenditure from the national accounts data. We hope that our initial attempt to construct the monthly PCE index will encourage others to devise even better measure of monthly consumption indicators.Private consumption expenditure, Macroeconomic Policies, Indonesia


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    Plant biomass is a carbon storage. The amount of biomass depends on the vegetation. This study aimed to analyze and predicted the above ground biomass stock in KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur. Regression analysis was used by correlating the biomass value from field measurement and the NDVI value from Landsat 8 imagery. Some of the regression equations tested were: linear, exponential, quadratic and rank. The best regression equation is used to estimate the biomass stock in KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur. The best model used to estimate above ground biomass stocks based on the NDVI value in East Tebo KPHP is quadratic with the equation Y = 574.05 ((NDVI) 2) - 17.24 (R2 = 85.5%). The analysis results showed that the above ground biomass stock in KPHP Unit X Tebo Timur was 9,695,091.39 tons
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