Journal of Science and Application Technology (JSAT - Institut Teknologi Sumatera)
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508 research outputs found
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Studi Penggunaan Dua Spesies Kuda Laut Hippocampus kuda dan Hippocampus comes untuk Produksi Benih di Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung
Kuda laut merupakan salah satu komoditas ikan yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi karena memiliki bentuk yang unik dan banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional menyebabkan permintaan pasar ekspor akan kuda laut meningkat sehingga saat ini status konservasi tergolong dalam apendiks II dan dibatasi dalam perdagangan internasional. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, dilakukan upaya budidaya untuk pelestarian kuda laut. Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung merupakan unit pelaksana teknis yang melakukan kegiatan budidaya kuda laut karena itu melakukan praktik kerja dengan tujuan membandingkan penggunaan dua jenis kuda laut dalam produksi benih unggul untuk mencapai produksi yang maksimal. Metode pengambilan dan pengolahan data yaitu melalui data primer dengan melakukan observasi dan mengikuti kegiatan di BBPBL dan data sekunder dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur pustaka berupa jurnal artikel dan e-book. Prosedur yang dilakukan meliputi persiapan wadah, pemeliharaan, pengambilan sampel dan pengujian kualitas udara. Hasil yang diperoleh dari sampling Hippocampus kuda betina memiliki rata-rata panjang 17,9 cm dengan rata-rata bobot 13,1 gram dan jantan 18 cm dengan rata-rata bobot 17,65 gram, Hippocampus betina memiliki rata-rata panjang 16, 05 dengan rata-rata bobot 10 gram dan jantan 16,35 dengan rata-rata bobot 8,7 gram. Kelangsungan hidup induk kuda 50% dan datang 96,30% sedangkan kelangsungan hidup benih kuda 48,74% dan benih datang sebesar 90,23%, sehingga spesies yang paling bagus untuk dibudidayakan adalah jenis datang.
Kata kunci: Hippocampus kuda, Hippocampus datang
Smart cities become benchmarks in development cities around the world since the 1990s. In the urban planning context, there are concerns regarding the application of the smart city concept which is considered to only prioritize the progress of cities by technology however no notice to the ecological side of the city. This research discusses the development and arrangement of cities through planning that ensures ecosystem balance, one of which is through open space, which in this case is widely discussed that is green open space. The usual problem that occurs during the development of green open space is not enough land area for available allocation causing an imbalance ecosystem as well as against the sustainability concept. This research method studies literature systematic and bibliometric using Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer from discussion theory and policy about green open space that has been planned in various countries for can applied to cities in Indonesia. The analysis explains the discussion regarding green open space in connection to moving towards a green smart application to cities in Indonesia. Eventually, the findings from this research are discussed related to implementation in the cities in Indonesia which are divided into five aspects, namely political land development, community perception, infrastructure, landscape design, and socio-economic psychology. The final recommendation is that this aspect can be studied further to be applied to cities in Indonesia to realize city smart green future
Indonesia is one of the countries prone to earthquakes with significant damage. An area that is frequently hit by earthquakes is Sumatra Island. Several cities, such as Banda Aceh City and Sibolga City on Sumatra Island, quite often experience tremors. For this reason, mitigation efforts are needed through earthquake insurance in managing disaster risk in earthquake-prone areas such as Banda Aceh City and Sibolga City so that it can reduce the impact caused by earthquake disasters. This research aims to determine the probability of an earthquake occurring in Banda Aceh City and Sibolga City using the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) method. Apart from that, this research also aims to determine the value of the building damage ratio and the estimated value of pure earthquake insurance premiums in Banda Aceh City and Sibolga City. The analysis results show that the estimated pure premium value for residential commercial and industrial building types with less than nine floors in Banda Aceh City is around 2.96 and 21.03 times greater than that of Sibolga City. Meanwhile, the estimated pure premium value for commercial and industrial building types with more than nine floors in Banda Aceh City is more minor, around 6.42 times, compared to Sibolga City
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Motivasi Petani dalam Mempertahankan Lahan Pertanian Tanaman Padi (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Palas, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan)
Palas District is the area that contributes the highest rice production in South Lampung Regency, but land conversion often occurs. This marked by decrease in the area of rice fields and the amount of rice production during 2017-2022. The land conversion will have an impact on reducing the amount of rice production that can pose a threat to food security. Efforts to control land conversion should focused more on farmers because farmers are the first actors involved in exploiting agricultural land. The change of rice fields to other uses determined by farmer's decision, where this decision can driven by motivation originating from internal and external factors. Amid the high flow of agricultural land conversion in Kecamatan Palas, there are still farmers who maintain their agricultural land. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the factors related to farmer’s motivation in maintaining rice farming land in Palas District. The approach used is quantitative deductive using cross tabulation analysis. The research results show that farmers' motivation to maintain agricultural land largely driven by factors originating from the farmers' own conditions
Sosialisasi Perencanaan, Operasional dan Pemeliharaan Saluran Drainase di Desa Sidorejo, Kecamatan Sidomulyo, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan
Banjir merupakan bencana alam yang memberikan dampak negatif pada kehidupan masyarakat. Desa sidorejo merupakan salah satu desa terdampak kejadian banjir pada Oktober 2022. Pengamatan dilapangan menunjukan bahwa saluran drainase di desa tersebut sebagian belum terbangun dan tidak berfungsi optimal. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan langkah pencegahan banjir oleh masyarakat setempat sehingga dapat meminimalisir kejadian banjir. Untuk memberikan pemahaman tersebut maka tim Pkm Institut Teknologi Sumatera berinisiatif untuk melakukan kegiatan edukasi masyarakat melalui sosialisasi perencanaan, operasional dan pemeliharaan saluran drainase. Edukasi kepada masyarakat dilakukan melalui survei kondisi saluran drainase terbangun dan sosialisasi tahapan perencanaan, operasional dan pemeliharaan. Berdasarkan hasil pretest dan post test dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan masyarakat meningkat dari 66,92% menjadi 76,92%
Damselflies Found in Batu Putu Waterfall Nature Park
Batu Putu Waterfall Nature Park is one of the many local tourist destinations in Bandar Lampung City, yet biodiversity data of it is so scarce. Considering the fact that this area focused on its waterfall’s natural beauty and the river alongside it, it was deemed important to conduct a study to better understand local organism that have close relationship with freshwater bodies. This study aims to determine the damselfly species found in Batu Putu Waterfall Nature Park. Specimens were captured using insect nets along the waterfall and riverbed during the daytime in fine weather. These specimens were then preserved in an insectarium and later identified using taxonomic keys. The result found at least four species of damselflies were living in Batu Putu Waterfall Nature Park area. Those are Euphaea variegata, Vestalis luctuosa, Prodasineura sp, and Elattoneura sp
Pengembangan Kawasan Sentra Bisnis sebagai Kawasan TOD dalam Aspek Berjalan Kaki Kelompok Pekerja
The Golden Triangle Setiabudi represents an economic zone characterised by significant worker mobility. The congestion resulting from this high mobility can be alleviated by implementing the concept of Transit-Oriented Development at existing transit hubs with development potential, namely Setiabudi Astra Station and Bendungan Hilir Station. To implement this concept effectively, understanding the walking preferences of the worker demographic, particularly those aligned with utilitarian walking profiles, is essential. By discerning these preferences, it becomes possible to identify which transit points can cater to the walking requirements of the worker group. This research is executed through qualitative method with data and information obtained through questionnaire and field observations. This investigation revealed that connectivity and pedestrian infrastructure are pivotal factors influencing the walking preferences of the worker group. Both transit hubs also satisfy the criteria for these variables. Hence, it can be inferred that the areas surrounding Setiabudi Astra Station and Bendungan Hilir Station have met the walking preferences of the working demographic and possess the potential to evolve into Transit-Oriented Development zones. However, there is a need to address indicators that remain unmet, notably the block perimeter length, to offer more diverse walking route options for the worker group
Dampak Keberadaan Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung Terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi di Kecamatan Sukarame, Kota Bandar Lampung
Regional development is an effort made to encourage economic development in achieving prosperity. Welfare is influenced through supply and demand. One of the supply and demand is the existence of educational facilities. Educational facilities are able to provide positive externalities. The education facility in question is the UIN RIL college located in Sukarame District, Bandar Lampung City. Before changing its status to UIN RIL, the existence of the campus had not affected the surrounding economic activities. However, since the increase in status from 2017 to 2022, slowly there have been many developments such as the conversion of land that was previously empty land such as rice fields and shrubs to turned into built-up land such as stalls, grocery stores, photocopies, and so on. This study aims to determine the impact of the existence of UIN RIL on the economic conditions of the people in Sukarame District. This research was conducted by considering two conditions, namely the conditions in 2017 before the increase in status and the current conditions after the existence of UIN RIL until now, namely 2022. This research uses a quantitative deductive approach that is oriented based on variables obtained from the literature review. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation. The results showed that the existence of UIN RIL had positive and negative impacts on economic conditions. These positive impacts include increasing employment opportunities, increasing basic and additional income, and increasing asset ownership. While the negative impact is the increase in the amount of public spending. This study also identified the level of impact through scalogram analysis which resulted in Sukarame and Way Dadi Sub-Districts being areas with the highest economic impact due to the existence of UIN RIL
Edukasi Pengolahan Pangan Lokal Sumatera dan Penerapan PHBS (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting
Desa Ono Harjo menghasilkan beberapa produk pertanian dan juga memproduksi padi, gabah, jagung, ubi kayu serta memiliki ternak kambing dan sapi . Namun dengan berbagai sumber pangan yang ada, Desa Ono Harjo masih menghadapi masalah gizi, yaitu stunting. Stunting merupakan suatu keadaan yang terjadi akibat malnutrisi kronis yang sudah berlangsung bertahun-tahun. Praktik perawatan kebersihan, kesehatan, dan tingkat konsumsi pangan oleh orang tua terhadap anak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian stunting. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya stunting pada balita di Desa Ono Harjo adalah melakukan edukasi mengenai stunting, penerapan PHBS serta pemanfaatan dan pengolahan pangan lokal pencegah stunting. Kegiatan yang dilakukan terdiri dari serangkaian edukasi yang dikemas dengan perlombaan olahan pangan agar lebih menarik. Perlu dilakukan evaluasi untuk kegiatan pengabdian selanjutnya supaya kegiatan lebih berkelanjutan sehingga output yang dihasilkan lebih besar. Berdasarkan data peningkatan pemahaman mengindikasikan tercapainya tujuan yang diharapkan untuk pemahaman peserta pengabdian
Sumur Resapan Solusi Mengatasi Banjir di Jalan Palapa X Kelurahan Gunung Terang
Banjir kerap terjadi setiap kali hujan turun di Jalan Palapa 10 RT. 05, LK. III, Kelurahan Gunung Terang, Kecamatan Langkapura, Kota Bandar Lampung. Guna mengatasi permasalahan banjir ini, dilaksanakan Program PkM Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) sumur resapan. PkM ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan menerapkan teknologi sumur resapan sebagai solusi berkelanjutan untuk mengurangi risiko banjir. PkM dilakukan di dataran rendah Jalan Palapa 10E. Dari observasi lapangan menunjukkan bahwa sumur resapan sebaiknya ditempatkan di daerah yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan daerah lembah, dikarenakan daerah lembah memiliki air tanah dengan kedalamam 10 cm dan juga untuk mengurangi aliran air banjir ke daerah lembah. Dengan mempertimbangkan curah hujan dan kondisi tanah, direncanakan dan dipasang sumur resapan dengan ketinggian kurang lebih 1,75 meter dan diameter 1 meter. Program ini melibatkan kerjasama(Institut Teknologi Sumatera) ITERA dan masyarakat setempat. Hasil penelitian ini dipublikasikan dan disebarluaskan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas tentang teknologi sumur resapan sebagai penampungan air tanah dan solusi banjir