57 research outputs found

    Tendenser i 30rnes europĂŠiske bogkunst

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    Circulation, retention, and mixing of waters within the Weddell-Scotia Confluence, Southern Ocean:The role of stratified Taylor columns

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    The waters of the Weddell-Scotia Confluence (WSC) lie above the rugged topography of the South Scotia Ridge in the Southern Ocean. Meridional exchanges across the WSC transfer water and tracers between the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) to the north and the subpolar Weddell Gyre to the south. Here, we examine the role of topographic interactions in mediating these exchanges, and in modifying the waters transferred. A case study is presented using data from a free-drifting, intermediate-depth float, which circulated anticyclonically over Discovery Bank on the South Scotia Ridge for close to 4 years. Dimensional analysis indicates that the local conditions are conducive to the formation of Taylor columns. Contemporaneous ship-derived transient tracer data enable estimation of the rate of isopycnal mixing associated with this column, with values of O(1000 m2/s) obtained. Although necessarily coarse, this is of the same order as the rate of isopycnal mixing induced by transient mesoscale eddies within the ACC. A picture emerges of the Taylor column acting as a slow, steady blender, retaining the waters in the vicinity of the WSC for lengthy periods during which they can be subject to significant modification. A full regional float data set, bathymetric data, and a Southern Ocean state estimate are used to identify other potential sites for Taylor column formation. We find that they are likely to be sufficiently widespread to exert a significant influence on water mass modification and meridional fluxes across the southern edge of the ACC in this sector of the Southern Ocean

    Journey of an Arctic ice island

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    In August 2010, a 253 km2 ice island calved from the floating glacial tongue of Petermann Glacier in Northwest Greenland. Petermann Ice Island (PII)-B, a large fragment of this original ice island, is the most intensively observed ice island in recent decades. We chronicle PII-B’s deterioration over four years while it drifted more than 2,400 km south along Canada’s eastern Arctic coast, investigate the ice island’s interactions with surrounding ocean waters, and report on its substantial seafloor scour. Three-dimensional sidewall scans of PII-B taken while it was grounded 130 km southeast of Clyde River, Nunavut, show that prolonged wave erosion at the waterline during sea ice-free conditions created a large underwater protrusion. The resulting buoyancy forces caused a 100 m × 1 km calving event, which was recorded by two GPS units. A field team observed surface waters to be warmer and fresher on the side of PII-B where the calving occurred, which perhaps led to the accelerated growth of the protrusion. PII-B produced up to 3.8 gigatonnes (3.8 × 1012 kg) of ice fragments, known hazards to the shipping and resource extraction industries, monitored over 22 months. Ice island seafloor scour, such as a 850 m long, 3 m deep trench at PII-B’s grounding location, also puts subseafloor installations (e.g., pipelines) at risk. This long-term and interdisciplinary assessment of PII-B is the first such study in the eastern Canadian Arctic and captures the multiple implications and risks that ice islands impose on the natural environment and offshore industries

    Wind-driven upwelling around grounded tabular icebergs

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    Funding was provided by NSF Polar Programs - Grant Number: ARC-1304137.Temperature and salinity data collected around grounded tabular icebergs in Baffin Bay in 2011, 2012 and 2013 indicate wind-induced upwelling at certain locations around the icebergs. These data suggest that along one side of the iceberg, wind forcing leads to Ekman transport away from the iceberg, which causes upwelling of the cool saline water from below. The upwelling water mixes with the water in the thermocline, causing the mixed layer to become cooler and more saline. Along the opposite side of the iceberg, the surface Ekman transport moves towards the iceberg, which causes a sharpening of the thermocline as warm fresh water is trapped near the surface. This results in higher mixed layer temperatures and lower mixed layer salinities on this side of the iceberg. Based on these in situ measurements, we hypothesize that the asymmetries in water properties around the iceberg, caused by the opposing effects of upwelling and sharpening of the thermocline, lead to differential deterioration around the iceberg. Analysis of satellite imagery around iceberg PII-B-1 over a six month monitoring period reveals differential decay around the iceberg, in agreement with this mechanism.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Variability in Basal Melting Beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf on Weekly to Monthly Timescales

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    Ocean‐driven basal melting of Amundsen Sea ice shelves has triggered acceleration, thinning, and grounding line retreat on many West Antarctic outlet glaciers. Here we present the first year‐long (2014) record of basal melt rate at sub‐weekly resolution from a location on the outer Pine Island Ice Shelf. Adjustment of the upper thermocline to local wind forced variability in the vertical Ekman velocity is the dominant control on basal melting at weekly to monthly timescales. Atmosphere‐ice‐ocean surface heat fluxes or changes in advection of modified Circumpolar Deep Water play no discernible role at these timescales. We propose that during other years, a deepening of the thermocline in Pine Island Bay driven by longer timescale processes may have suppressed the impact of local wind forcing on high‐frequency upper thermocline height variability and basal melting. This highlights the complex interplay between the different processes and their timescales that set the basal melt rate beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf

    Terrain-aided navigation for long-range AUVs in dynamic under-mapped environments

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    Deploying long‐range autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) mid‐water column in the deep ocean is one of the most challenging applications for these submersibles. Without external support and speed over the ground measurements, dead‐reckoning (DR) navigation inevitably experiences an error proportional to the mission range and the speed of the water currents. In response to this problem, a computationally feasible and low‐power terrain‐aided navigation (TAN) system is developed. A Rao‐Blackwellized Particle Filter robust to estimation divergence is designed to estimate the vehicle's position and the speed of water currents. To evaluate performance, field data from multiday AUV deployments in the Southern Ocean are used. These form a unique test case for assessing the TAN performance under extremely challenging conditions. Despite the use of a small number of low‐power sensors and a Doppler velocity log to enable TAN, the algorithm limits the localisation error to within a few hundreds of metres, as opposed to a DR error of 40 km, given a 50 m resolution bathymetric map. To evaluate further the effectiveness of the system under a varying map quality, grids of 100, 200, and 400 m resolution are generated by subsampling the original 50 m resolution map. Despite the high complexity of the navigation problem, the filter exhibits robust and relatively accurate behaviour. Given the current aim of the oceanographic community to develop maps of similar resolution, the results of this study suggest that TAN can enable AUV operations of the order of months using global bathymetric models

    Slowdown of Antarctic Bottom Water export driven by climatic wind and sea ice changes

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    Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is pivotal for oceanic heat and carbon sequestrations on multidecadal-to-millennial timescales. The Weddell Sea contributes nearly a half of global AABW through Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) and denser underlying Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) that are form on the continental shelves via sea ice production. Here we report an observed 30% reduction of WSBW volume since 1992, with the largest decrease in the densest classes. This is likely driven by a multidecadal reduction in dense water production over southern continental shelf associated with a >40% decline in the sea ice formation rate. The ice production decrease is driven by northerly wind trend, related to a phase transition of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation since the early 1990s, superposed by Amundsen Sea Low intrinsic variability. These results reveal key influences on exported AABW to the Atlantic abyss and their sensitivity to large-scale, multidecadal climate variability

    Collapse of a giant iceberg in a dynamic Southern Ocean marine ecosystem: In situ observations of A-68A at South Georgia

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    Large icebergs (>20 km long) are responsible for most of the freshwater discharged into the Southern Ocean. We report on in situ and satellite observations made during the break-up phase around South Georgia of the giant tabular iceberg A-68A. The in situ measurements were obtained during a 4-day visit by a research vessel in February 2021, where physical, chemical and biological measurements were made at a range of distances away from the main and subsidiary icebergs. These results were compared to a far-field station 133 km away. Upïżœstream of the iceberg field, water column structure was similar to ambient water although there was evidence of iceberg-associated phytoplankton as a likely remnant of the passage of the icebergs. Nevertheless, enhancement of primary productivity along the path of the icebergs was not resolved in either in situ or monthly mean satellite observations. There was a considerable brash-ice field moving ahead of the icebergs which limited the number of downstream sampling stations. One downstream station within 2 km of iceberg A-68P showed several ice-melt influenced features that distinguished it from most other stations. Firstly, there was a strong stratified meltwater influenced layer that reached to around 120 m. This had the effect of deepening underlying water masses, with the core of the temperature minimum layer around 50 m deeper than elsewhere. Secondly, there was evidence of rapid downward displacement of both particulate material and certain phytoplankton taxa that may be a further result of this water mass deepening. Thirdly, macronutrient profiles were altered, with concentrations of nitrate, silicic acid and phosphate characteristic of deeper layers being found closer to the surface and a dilution of the ambient nutrient pool just above the iceberg draft that we ascribe to meltwater released from basal melting. Meanwhile, nutrient recycling processes associated with organic matter remineralisation were also modified by the physical restructuring of the water column and biotic components. Finally, the ice-associated phytoplankton taxa Pseudo-nitszchia/Nitszchia, found in both upstream and downstream locations, were abundant at this < 2 km-distant station through melting out from the iceberg and subsequent rapid growth. Overall, we resolved alterations to water column structure, nutrient profiles and phytoplankton community composition at fine to medium scales around the iceberg field. Nevertheless, although there may have been longer term and larger scale impacts, the dynamic oceanographic environment, including the presence of a strong oceanographic front and shelf-edge processes, dominated during the collapse of A-68A

    The 'footloose' mechanism: iceberg decay from hydrostatic stresses

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    We study a mechanism of iceberg breakup that may act together with the recognized melt and wave-induced decay processes. Our proposal is based on observations from a recent field experiment on a large ice island in Baffin Bay, East Canada. We observed that successive collapses of the overburden from above an unsupported wavecut at the iceberg waterline created a submerged foot fringing the berg. The buoyancy stresses induced by such a foot may be sufficient to cause moderate-sized bergs to break off from the main berg. A mathematical model is developed to test the feasibility of this mechanism. The results suggest that once the foot reaches a critical length, the induced stresses are sufficient to cause calving. The theoretically predicted maximum stable foot length compares well to the data collected in situ. Further, the model provides analytical expressions for the previously observed “rampart-moat” iceberg surface profiles
