1,163 research outputs found

    Formation and evolution of dusty starburst galaxies I. A new method for deriving spectral energy distribution

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    We present a new numerical code which is designed to derive a spectral energy distribution (SED) for an arbitrary spatial distribution of stellar and gaseous components in a dusty starburst galaxy. We apply a ray tracing method to numerical simulations and thereby estimate extinction and reemission of stellar light by dusty gas in an explicitly self-consistent manner. By using this code, we can investigate simultaneously dynamical and photometric evolution of a dusty galaxy based on stellar and gaseous dynamical simulations. As an example, we demonstrate when and how a major galaxy merger with dusty starburst becomes an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy owing to strong internal dust extinction. We furthermore discuss advantages and disadvantages of the present new code in clarifying the nature and the origin of low and high redshift dusty starburst galaxies.Comment: 44 pages 19 figures (11 color), accepted by Ap

    The irradiated ISM of ULIRGs

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    The nuclei of ULIRGs harbor massive young stars, an accreting central black hole, or both. Results are presented for molecular gas that is exposed to X-rays (1-100 keV, XDRs) and far-ultraviolet radiation (6-13.6 eV, PDRs). Attention is paid to species like HCO+, HCN, HNC, OH, H2O and CO. Line ratios of HCN/HCO+ and HNC/HCN discriminate between PDRs and XDRs. Very high J (>10) CO lines, observable with HIFI/Herschel, discriminate very well between XDRs and PDRs. In XDRs, it is easy to produce large abundances of warm (T>100 K) H2O and OH. In PDRs, only OH is produced similarly well.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to appear in: IAU Symposium 242 Astrophysical Masers and their Environment

    Canopy uptake dominates nighttime carbonyl sulfide fluxes in a boreal forest

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    Nighttime vegetative uptake of carbonyl sulfide (COS) can exist due to the incomplete closure of stomata and the light independence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which complicates the use of COS as a tracer for gross primary productivity (GPP). In this study we derived nighttime COS fluxes in a boreal forest (the SMEAR II station in Hyytiälä, Finland; 61°51′ N, 24°17′ E; 181 m a.s.l.) from June to November 2015 using two different methods: eddy-covariance (EC) measurements (FCOS-EC) and the radon-tracer method (FCOS-Rn). The total nighttime COS fluxes averaged over the whole measurement period were −6.8 ± 2.2 and −7.9 ± 3.8 pmol m−2 s−1 for FCOS-Rn and FCOS-EC, respectively, which is 33–38 % of the average daytime fluxes and 21 % of the total daily COS uptake. The correlation of 222Rn (of which the source is the soil) with COS (average R2  =  0.58) was lower than with CO2 (0.70), suggesting that the main sink of COS is not located at the ground. These observations are supported by soil chamber measurements that show that soil contributes to only 34–40 % of the total nighttime COS uptake. We found a decrease in COS uptake with decreasing nighttime stomatal conductance and increasing vapor-pressure deficit and air temperature, driven by stomatal closure in response to a warm and dry period in August. We also discuss the effect that canopy layer mixing can have on the radon-tracer method and the sensitivity of (FCOS-EC) to atmospheric turbulence. Our results suggest that the nighttime uptake of COS is mainly driven by the tree foliage and is significant in a boreal forest, such that it needs to be taken into account when using COS as a tracer for GPP

    Molecules as tracers of galaxy evolution: an EMIR survey. I. Presentation of the data and first results

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    We investigate the molecular gas properties of a sample of 23 galaxies in order to find and test chemical signatures of galaxy evolution and to compare them to IR evolutionary tracers. Observation at 3 mm wavelengths were obtained with the EMIR broadband receiver, mounted on the IRAM 30 m telescope on Pico Veleta, Spain. We compare the emission of the main molecular species with existing models of chemical evolution by means of line intensity ratios diagrams and principal component analysis. We detect molecular emission in 19 galaxies in two 8 GHz-wide bands centred at 88 and 112 GHz. The main detected transitions are the J=1-0 lines of CO, 13CO, HCN, HNC, HCO+, CN, and C2H. We also detect HC3N J=10-9 in the galaxies IRAS 17208, IC 860, NGC 4418, NGC 7771, and NGC 1068. The only HC3N detections are in objects with HCO+/HCN<1 and warm IRAS colours. Galaxies with the highest HC3N/HCN ratios have warm IRAS colours (60/100 {\mu}m>0.8). The brightest HC3N emission is found in IC 860, where we also detect the molecule in its vibrationally excited state.We find low HNC/HCN line ratios (<0.5), that cannot be explained by existing PDR or XDR chemical models. Bright HC3N emission in HCO+-faint objects may imply that these are not dominated by X-ray chemistry. Thus the HCN/HCO+ line ratio is not, by itself, a reliable tracer of XDRs. Bright HC3N and faint HCO+ could be signatures of embedded starformation, instead of AGN activity

    The population of SNe/SNRs in the starburst galaxy Arp 220. A self-consistent analysis of 20 years of VLBI monitoring

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    The nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) Arp 220 is an excellent laboratory for studies of extreme astrophysical environments. For 20 years, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) has been used to monitor a population of compact sources thought to be supernovae (SNe), supernova remnants (SNRs) and possibly active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Using new and archival VLBI data spanning 20 years, we obtain 23 high-resolution radio images of Arp 220 at wavelengths from 18 cm to 2 cm. From model-fitting to the images we obtain estimates of flux densities and sizes of all detected sources. We detect radio continuum emission from 97 compact sources and present flux densities and sizes for all analysed observation epochs. We find evidence for a LD-relation within Arp 220, with larger sources being less luminous. We find a compact source LF n(L)Lβn(L)\propto L^\beta with β=2.19±0.15\beta=-2.19\pm0.15, similar to SNRs in normal galaxies. Based on simulations we argue that there are many relatively large and weak sources below our detection threshold. The observations can be explained by a mixed population of SNe and SNRs, where the former expand in a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) and the latter interact with the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). Nine sources are likely luminous, type IIn SNe. This number of luminous SNe correspond to few percent of the total number of SNe in Arp 220 which is consistent with a total SN-rate of 4 yr1^{-1} as inferred from the total radio emission given a normal stellar initial mass function (IMF). Based on the fitted luminosity function, we argue that emission from all compact sources, also below our detection threshold, make up at most 20\% of the total radio emission at GHz frequencies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    New insights on the dense molecular gas in NGC253 as traced by HCN and HCO+

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    We have imaged the central ~1kpc of the circumnuclear starburst disk in the galaxy NGC253 in the HCN(1-0), HCO+(1-0), and CO(1-0) transitions at 60pc resolution using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Millimeter-Wavelength Array (OVRO). We have also obtained Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) observations of the HCN(4-3) and the HCO+(4-3) lines of the starburst disk. We find that the emission from the HCN(1-0) and HCO+(1-0) transitions, both indicators of dense molecular gas, trace regions which are non-distinguishable within the uncertainties of our observations. Even though the continuum flux varies by more than a factor 10 across the starburst disk, the HCN/HCO+ ratio is constant throughout the disk, and we derive an average ratio of 1.1+/-0.2. From an excitation analysis we find that all lines from both molecules are subthermally excited and that they are optically thick. This subthermal excitation implies that the observed HCN/HCO+ line ratio is sensitive to the underlying chemistry. The constant line ratio thus implies that there are no strong abundance gradients across the starburst disk of NGC253. This finding may also explain the variations in L'(HCN)/L'(HCO+) between different star forming galaxies both nearby and at high redshifts.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, ApJ in press (volume 666 September

    High-resolution imaging of the molecular outflows in two mergers: IRAS17208-0014 and NGC1614

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    Galaxy evolution scenarios predict that the feedback of star formation and nuclear activity (AGN) can drive the transformation of gas-rich spiral mergers into ULIRGs, and, eventually, lead to the build-up of QSO/elliptical hosts. We study the role that star formation and AGN feedback have in launching and maintaining the molecular outflows in two starburst-dominated advanced mergers, NGC1614 and IRAS17208-0014, by analyzing the distribution and kinematics of their molecular gas reservoirs. We have used the PdBI array to image with high spatial resolution (0.5"-1.2") the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) line emissions in NGC1614 and IRAS17208-0014, respectively. The velocity fields of the gas are analyzed and modeled to find the evidence of molecular outflows in these sources and characterize the mass, momentum and energy of these components. While most (>95%) of the CO emission stems from spatially-resolved (~2-3kpc-diameter) rotating disks, we also detect in both mergers the emission from high-velocity line wings that extend up to +-500-700km/s, well beyond the estimated virial range associated with rotation and turbulence. The kinematic major axis of the line wing emission is tilted by ~90deg in NGC1614 and by ~180deg in IRAS17208-0014 relative to their respective rotating disk major axes. These results can be explained by the existence of non-coplanar molecular outflows in both systems. In stark contrast with NGC1614, where star formation alone can drive its molecular outflow, the mass, energy and momentum budget requirements of the molecular outflow in IRAS17208-0014 can be best accounted for by the existence of a so far undetected (hidden) AGN of L_AGN~7x10^11 L_sun. The geometry of the molecular outflow in IRAS17208-0014 suggests that the outflow is launched by a non-coplanar disk that may be associated with a buried AGN in the western nucleus.Comment: Final version in press, accepted by A&A. Reference list updated. Minor typos correcte

    On carbon and oxygen isotope ratios in starburst galaxies: New data from NGC253 and Mrk231 and their implications

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    Using the IRAM 30-m telescope, CN and CO isotopologues have been measured toward the central regions of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC253 and the prototypical ultraluminous infrared galaxy Mrk231. In NGC253, the 12C/13C ratio is 40+-10. Assuming that the ratio also holds for the CO emitting gas, this yields 16O/18O = 145+-36 and 16O/17O = 1290+-365 and a 32S/34S ratio close to that measured for the local interstellar medium (20-25). No indication for vibrationally excited CN is found. Peak line intensity ratios between NGC253 and Mrk231 are ~100 for 12C16O and 12C18O J=1-0, while the ratio for 13C16O J=1-0 is ~250. This and similar 13CO and C18O line intensities in the J=1-0 and 2-1 transitions of Mrk231 suggest 12C/13C ~ 100 and 16O/18O ~ 100, in agreement with values obtained for the less evolved ultraluminous merger Arp220. Also accounting for other extragalactic data, 12C/13C ratios appear to vary over a full order of magnitude, from >100 in ultraluminous high redshift galaxies to ~100 in more local such galaxies to ~40 in weaker starbursts not undergoing a large scale merger to 25 in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way. With 12C being predominantly synthesized in massive stars, while 13C is mostly ejected by longer lived lower mass stars at later times, this is qualitatively consistent with our results of decreasing carbon isotope ratios with time and rising metallicity. It is emphasized, however, that both infall of poorly processed material, initiating a nuclear starburst, as well as the ejecta from newly formed massive stars (in particular in case of a top-heavy stellar initial mass function) can raise the carbon isotope ratio for a limited amount of time.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics, 6 figures, 4 table

    The analysis of size-segregated cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) data and its implications for cloud droplet activation

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    Ambient aerosol, CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) and hygroscopic properties were measured with a size-segregated CCNC (cloud condensation nuclei counter) in a boreal environment of southern Finland at the SMEAR (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations) II station. The instrumental setup operated at five levels of supersaturation <i>S</i> covering a range from 0.1–1% and measured particles with a size range of 20–300 nm; a total of 29 non-consecutive months of data are presented. The median critical diameter <i>D</i><sub>c</sub> ranged from 150 nm at <i>S</i> of 0.1% to 46 nm at <i>S</i> of 1.0%. The median aerosol hygroscopicity parameter &kappa; ranged from 0.41 at <i>S</i> of 0.1% to 0.14 at <i>S</i> of 1.0%, indicating that ambient aerosol in Hyytiälä is less hygroscopic than the global continental or European continental averages. It is, however, more hygroscopic than the ambient aerosol in an Amazon rainforest, a European high Alpine site or a forested mountainous site. A fairly low hygroscopicity in Hyytiälä is likely a result of a large organic fraction present in the aerosol mass comparative to other locations within Europe. A considerable difference in particle hygroscopicity was found between particles smaller and larger than ~100 nm in diameter, possibly pointing out to the effect of cloud processing increasing &kappa; of particles > 100 nm in diameter. The hygroscopicity of the smaller, ~50 nm particles did not change seasonally, whereas particles with a diameter of ~150 nm showed a decreased hygroscopicity in the summer, likely resulting from the increased VOC emissions of the surrounding boreal forest and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. For the most part, no diurnal patterns of aerosol hygroscopic properties were found. Exceptions to this were the weak diurnal patterns of small, ~50 nm particles in the spring and summer, when a peak in hygroscopicity around noon was observed. No difference in CCN activation and hygroscopic properties was found on days with or without atmospheric new particle formation. During all seasons, except summer, a CCN-inactive fraction was found to be present, rendering the aerosol of 75–300 nm in diameter as internally mixed in the summer and not internally mixed for the rest of the year