107 research outputs found

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    In order to obtain clear salivary gland images, subtraction scintigraphy was attempted in the mouse neck. The purpose of this attempt was to eliminate the unwanted thyroid gland image which appeared overlapped with the salivary gland image. The subtraction procedures were carried out photographically using a thyroid gland scintigram with Na^I and a salivary gland scintigram with ^TcO^-_4. Thyroid gland scintigram was used as a scout image, which was used to make a subtraction mask. Salivary gland scintigram was used as the original image. These two images were superimposed exactly, and were exposed with a spotlight. Subtraction scintigram was obtained as a negative image, which demonstrated only the salivary gland structure

    多発性骨髄腫におけるlong non-cording RNA MALAT1とNEAT1 およびNEAT1_2 の発現

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    Comorbid diabetes and chronic kidney disease is a common problem associated with an increased risk of death and significant health-care costs. Health-care is often suboptimal. This thesis focuses on health-care improvement for this patient population by using multiple research methodologies to address gaps in medical management and identifies key barriers and enablers to optimal health-care. It also includes the largest multi-centre Australian assessment of the needs and possible improvements to health-care delivery for diabetes and kidney disease, through the lens of health-care providers and patients. The findings have informed the development of a new patient-centred model of care


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    症例は69歳男性。平成21年5月頃より呼吸苦、嗄声が出現。同年6月、呼吸器内科および耳鼻咽喉科受診し、喉頭癌の縦隔リンパ節転移と診断された。喉頭癌摘出後、放射線治療および抗癌剤投与によりリンパ節縮小し平成22年3月退院した。平成23年2月より左右の下頸部リンパ節腫脹出現、同年3月より倦怠感、顔面腫脹、食事摂取困難にて4月22日耳鼻咽喉科入院。入院後発作性心房粗動を認め循環器内科初診。心エコー上右心房内に直径約3cm の腫瘍性結節と右心室壁にへばりつくような異常構造物を認めた。入院時からのDIC改善なく5月1日永眠。病理解剖にて喉頭癌転移性心臓腫瘍との診断を得た