103 research outputs found

    Luminescence and formation of alkali-halide ionic excimers in solid Ne and Ar

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    Transitions from ionic states A²⁺X– of alkalihalides CsF, CsCl and RbF isolated in solid Ne and Ar films recorded under pulsed e-beam excitation are studied. The B(²∑₁/₂)-X(²∑₁/₂) and C(²П₃/₂)-A(²П₃/₂) luminescence bands of Cs2+F– (196.5 nm, 227 nm), Cs²⁺Cl– (220.1 nm, 249.2 nm) and Rb²⁺F– (136 nm) in Ne, and a weakerB–X emission of Cs²⁺F– (211.2 nm) in Ar are identified. For CsF the depopulation of the A²⁺X– state is dominated by the radiative decay. A ratio of the recorded exciplex emission intensities of I(CsF)/I(CsCl)/I(RbF) = 20/5/1 reflects the luminescence efficiency and for RbF and CsCl a competitive emission channel due to predissociation in the A²⁺X⁻(B²∑₁/₂) state is observed. For these molecules an efficient formation of the state X*₂ is confirmed through recording the molecular D`(³П₂g)-A`(³П₂u) transition. A strong dependence of the luminescence intensities on the alkalihalide content reveals quenching at concentrations higher than 0.7%

    In vitro assessment of antimicrobial, antioxidant, and cytotoxic properties of Saccharin-Tetrazolyl and-Thiadiazolyl derivatives: the simple dependence of the pH value on antimicrobial activity

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    The antimicrobial, antioxidant, and cytotoxic activities of a series of saccharin-tetrazolyl and -thiadiazolyl analogs were examined. The assessment of the antimicrobial properties of the referred-to molecules was completed through an evaluation of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and yeasts. Scrutiny of the MIC and MBC values of the compounds at pH 4.0, 7.0, and 9.0 against four Gram-positive strains revealed high values for both the MIC and MBC at pH 4.0 (ranging from 0.98 to 125 µg/mL) and moderate values at pH 7.0 and 9.0, exposing strong antimicrobial activities in an acidic medium. An antioxidant activity analysis of the molecules was performed by using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method, which showed high activity for the TSMT (N-(1-methyl-2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-N-(1,1-dioxo-1,2-benzisothiazol-3-yl) amine, 7) derivative (90.29% compared to a butylated hydroxytoluene positive control of 61.96%). Besides, the general toxicity of the saccharin analogs was evaluated in an Artemia salina model, which displayed insignificant toxicity values. In turn, upon an assessment of cell viability, all of the compounds were found to be nontoxic in range concentrations of 0-100 µg/mL in H7PX glioma cells. The tested molecules have inspiring antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that represent potential core structures in the design of new drugs for the treatment of infectious diseases.Funding Agency Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology UID/QUI/00100/2019 UID/MULTI/04326/2019 -CCMAR Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology SFRH/BPD/99851/2014 IST-ID/115/2018info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Luminescence and formation of alkalihalide ionic excimers in solid Ne and Ar

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    Transitions from ionic states A²⁺X– of alkalihalides CsF, CsCl and RbF isolated in solid Ne and Ar films recorded under pulsed e-beam excitation are studied. The B(²∑₁/₂)-X(²∑₁/₂) and C(²П₃/₂)-A(²П₃/₂) luminescence bands of Cs2+F– (196.5 nm, 227 nm), Cs²⁺Cl– (220.1 nm, 249.2 nm) and Rb²⁺F– (136 nm) in Ne, and a weakerB–X emission of Cs²⁺F– (211.2 nm) in Ar are identified. For CsF the depopulation of the A²⁺X– state is dominated by the radiative decay. A ratio of the recorded exciplex emission intensities of I(CsF)/I(CsCl)/I(RbF) = 20/5/1 reflects the luminescence efficiency and for RbF and CsCl a competitive emission channel due to predissociation in the A²⁺X⁻(B²∑₁/₂) state is observed. For these molecules an efficient formation of the state X*₂ is confirmed through recording the molecular D`(³П₂g)-A`(³П₂u) transition. A strong dependence of the luminescence intensities on the alkalihalide content reveals quenching at concentrations higher than 0.7%

    Small airways in obstructive lung diseases

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    Określenie drobne drogi oddechowe (DDO) dotyczy oskrzeli poniżej 7. generacji, o średnicy mniejszej niż 2 mm. W artykule przedstawiono dowody, że ta część drzewa oskrzelowego charakteryzuje się pewnymi odmiennymi cechami zarówno w kontekście budowy, fizjologii, jak i patofizjologii. Szczególnie ważną funkcję odgrywają DDO w chorobach obturacyjnych układu oddechowego. U zdrowych osób opór DDO nie jest większy niż 10% całkowitego oporu dróg oddechowych, natomiast u pacjentów chorych na choroby obturacyjne, poprzez nałożenie się elementu zapalnego i skurczowego ich opór może stanowić nawet 60% oporu całkowitego. Zmiany w DDO w astmie oskrzelowej i przewlekłej obturacyjnej chorobie płuc (POChP) są odpowiedzialne także za powstawanie tak zwanej pułapki powietrznej, szczególnie w POChP. Nie ma obecnie doskonałych metod diagnostyki DDO, w zależności od doświadczeń własnych w różnych ośrodkach przeprowadza się tomografię komputerową wysokiej rozdzielczości, badanie pletyzmograficzne całego ciała (stosunku objętości zalegającej/całkowitej ilości zawartego w płucach powietrza [RV/TLC] lub innych parametrów). Pewne nadzieje wiąże się obecnie z połączeniem oscylometrii impulsacyjnej, testu wypłukiwania azotu w jednym wydechu i pomiaru wydychanego tlenku azotu(eNO). Ze względu na coraz szerszą wiedzę o istotnej roli DDO w patofizjologii chorób obturacyjnych, stworzono superdrobne aerozole, których cząstki zarówno teoretycznie, jak i praktycznie (doświadczenia na impaktorze kaskadowym, skany ozonowe po inhalacjach) mogą wnikać do tej części dróg oddechowych. Autorzy przedstawiają wybrane badania z dwiema grupami leków — agonistami receptora b2-adrenergicznego (BA) i wziewnymi glikokortykosteroidami (wGKS). W przypadku tych pierwszych nie udowodniono, że tak głęboka depozycja w drogach oddechowych przekłada się na poprawę efektu klinicznego. Natomiast w przypadku wGKS, głęboka depozycja ultradrobnego aerozolu powoduje możliwość zmniejszenia dawki leku (nawet ponad dwukrotnej) przy utrzymaniu tego samego efektu terapeutycznego (poprawa indeksu terapeutycznego). Reasumując, DDO wydają się być miejscem podstawowych procesów w rozwoju chorób obturacyjnych i w związku z tym celem potencjalnych terapii.The term small airways (SA) applies to the bronchi below 7th generation with diameter smaller than 2 mm. This paper presents data showing that this part of the respiratory system is distinct in terms of its architecture, physiology and pathophysiology. The most important role SA play in obstructive airway diseases. In healthy subjects SA resistance accounts for 10% of the total airway resistance while in patients with obstructive disease, due to the constriction of the airways together with airway inflammation, SA are responsible even for 60% of the total resistance. Changes in SA in asthma and COPD are responsible for air trapping especially prominent in the latter disease. There are no precise tools to diagnose SA. Depending availability and experience HRCT, body pletysmography (RV/TLS plus other parameters) are frequently used. Some hope for the future is placed in combined use of oscilometry, multiple (or single) breath nitrogen wash-out and eNO concentration measurement. Due to our increasing knowledge on the role of SA in airway obstruction ultra-fine particle aerosols have been developed that penetrate to this compartment of the respiratory system (deposition confirmed in cascade impactors as well as by ozone scans after aerosol inhalation). Authors present selected publications investigating whereas deep drug penetration influences its clinical efficacy. For LABAs deposition in SA doesn’t seem to increase their bronchodilating effect. Using ultrafine CS aerosol allows to maintain clinical effects even with half the dose of the active steroid, however. In summary, SA seem to be crucial in obstructive diseases of the airways and therefore constitute an important target for therapy

    Life satisfaction and risk of burnout among men and women working as physiotherapists

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    Objectives: Recently in Poland as a result of the high rate of aging population and high rates of morbidity, a growing demand for the physiotherapist profession is observed. The results of this study can be used to formulate principles for better organization of physiotherapist's workplace in order to prevent occurrence of burnout. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of gender on satisfaction with life and burnout among active physiotherapists. Material and Methods: The survey was anonymous and voluntary, and involved a group of 200 active physiotherapists working in health care units and educational centers in Poland. The study group was selected randomly and incidentally. Each respondent received a demographic data sheet and a set of self-rating questionnaires (Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, Burnout Scale Inventory). Results: Burnout among men decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's work and occupation, friends, relatives and acquaintances, sexuality, and increased due to greater satisfaction with one's housing status. Burnout among women decreased along with increasing satisfaction with one's health, free time and friends, relatives and acquaintances, and increased due to work at a setting other than a health care unit or educational center. Statistical analysis failed to reveal any significant differences with regard to the BSI domains and with regard to the overall burnout index as well as with regard to the assessment of satisfaction with life between female and male physiotherapists. Conclusions: Satisfaction with children, marriage and partnership, with one's work and occupation, interactions with friends, relatives and acquaintances and sexuality may contribute to reduction of burnout among men. Women who are satisfied with their children, family, health, free time and contacts with friends, relatives and acquaintances are less prone to burnout. Weak financial situation among women and deficiency of free time among men can induce burnout. Improving staff happiness may contribute to decreasing burnout

    Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysis

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    Integrity level verification for safety-related functions

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    This article describes methods for the safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety-related functions with regard to probabilistic criteria given in international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. These functions are realized using the electrical, electronic and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems or safety instrumented systems (SIS). Some methods are proposed for quantitative probabilistic modelling taking into account potential dependent failures in redundant systems with diverse channels within subsystems. The analyses of safety-related systems include testing and maintenance planning of subsystems, in particular the sensors and actuators with regard to the probabilistic criteria defined for given SIL. The methods are illustrated on some examples of systems from industrial hazardous plants