1,208 research outputs found

    Boom, Doom, and Gloom Over The Oceans: The Economic Zone, the Developing Nations, and the Conference on the Law of the Sea

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    The quest for an international ocean regime came with the discovery of the common heritage of mankind. Science had laid bare the hidden environment of the deep oceans and seabeds; technology had put their riches at man\u27s reach. But the wealth of the oceans was beyond the limits of national sovereignty, beyond the limits of the classical concept of ownership. There was no law, national or international, to regulate their uses, because technical advances had made the old law of the sea obsolete. So Either nations would go out there for a grab, and, in the process, they would destroy one another and the oceans as well, or they would get together to make a new law, based on the concept that this was their common property and that it must be managed for the common good of all peoples

    Appellate Division, Fourth Department, People v. McFarley

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    The Role of the International Seabed Authority in the 1980\u27s

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    This Article examines the proposed development of an International Seabed Authority to enforce and monitor the requirements of the Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and in the Subsoil Thereof. The author argues that many of the provisions for the Authority\u27s activities are rendered inoperable by developments beyond the control of the Law of the Sea Conference. The author suggests that there have been significant developments at both the conceptual level and the technical level that hinder the ability of the International Seabed Authority to monitor compliance with the prescriptions of the treaty and proposes various methods to adjust the activities of the Authority, within the terms of the Draft Convention of the Law of the Sea

    Appellate Division, Fourth Department, People v. McFarley

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    A Reply To Mr. Culbertson, by Elisabeth Mann Borgese

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    The New International Economic Order and the Law of the Sea

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    The interrelationship between the development of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) and the new law of the sea oceans play an important and rapidly expanding role in the economic life of nations, it is impossible to build an NIEO without including the oceans. The principles developed by the Sixth and Seventh Special Sessions of the General Assembly and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States must be applied to States and to the international community in their activities both in the seas and on land, or no NIEO can come into existence


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    Twenty years have passed since preparation began for the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea - the longest, largest, and most complex international conference ever held. As regular readers of this journal know, this development was triggered by the now classical address by the Delegate of Malta, Ambassador Arvid Pardo, to the United Nations General Assembly on November 1, 1967

    An Inkjet Printed Chipless RFID Sensor for Wireless Humidity Monitoring

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    A novel chipless RFID humidity sensor based on a finite Artificial Impedance Surface (AIS) is presented. The unit cell of the AIS is composed of three concentric loops thus obtaining three deep and high Q nulls in the electromagnetic response of the tag. The wireless sensor is fabricated using low-cost inkjet printing technology on a thin sheet of commercial coated paper. The patterned surface is placed on a metal backed cardboard layer. The relative humidity information is encoded in the frequency shift of the resonance peaks. Varying the relative humidity level from 50% to 90%, the frequency shift has proven to be up to 270MHz. The position of the resonance peaks has been correlated to the relative humidity level of the environment on the basis of a high number of measurements performed in a climatic chamber, specifically designed for RF measurements of the sensor. A very low error probability of the proposed sensor is demonstrated when the device is used with a 10% RH humidity level discrimination