87 research outputs found

    Interaction of an electron gas with photoexcited electron-hole pairs in modulation-doped GaAs and CdTe quantum wells

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    The nature of the correlated electron gas and its response to photo-injected electron-hole pairs in nominally undoped and modulation-doped multiple quantum-well (MQW) structures was studied by experiment and theory, revealing a new type of optically-active excitation, magnetoplasmons bound to a mobile valence hole. These excitations are blue-shifted from the corresponding transition of the isolated charged magnetoexciton X-. The observed blue-shift of X- is larger than that of two-electron negative donor D-, in agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, EP2DS-14 manuscript, to be published in Physica

    Magnetic quantization of electronic states in d-wave superconductors

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    We derive a general quasiclassical approach for long-range magnetic-field quantization effects in superconductors. The method is applied to superclean d-wave superconductors in the mixed state. We study the delocalized states with energies ϔ≫Δ0H/Hc2\epsilon \gg \Delta_{0}\sqrt{H/H_{c2}}. We find that the energy spectrum consists of narrow energy bands whose centers are located at the Landau levels calculated in absence of the vortex potential. We show that transitions between the states belonging to the different Landau levels give rise to resonances in the a.c. quasiparticle conductivity and in the a.c. vortex friction.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Mid-infrared Hall effect in thin-film metals: Probing the Fermi surface anisotropy in Au and Cu

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    A sensitive mid-infrared (MIR, 900-1100 cm-1, 112-136 meV) photo-elastic polarization modulation technique is used to measure simultaneously Faraday rotation and circular dichroism in thin metal films. These two quantities determine the complex AC Hall conductivity. This novel technique is applied to study Au and Cu thin films at temperatures down to 20 K and magnetic fields up to 8 T. The Hall frequency is consistent with band theory predictions. We report the first measurement of the MIR Hall scattering rate, which is significantly lower than that derived from Drude analysis of zero magnetic field MIR transmission measurements. This difference is qualitatively explained in terms of the anisotropy of the Fermi surface in Au and Cu.Comment: 14 pages of text, 5 figure

    Dose modelling comparison for terrestrial biota: IAEA EMRAS II Biota Working Group's Little Forest Burial Ground scenario

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    Radiological doses to terrestrial biota have been examined in a model inter-comparison study that emphasised the identification of factors causing variability in dose estimation. Radiological dose rates were modelled for ten species representing a diverse range of terrestrial plant and animals with varying behavioural and physical attributes. Dose to these organisms may occur from a range of gamma (Co-60, Cs-137), beta (Sr-90) and alpha (Th-232, U-234 and U-238, Pu-238, Pu-239/240 and Am-241) emitting radionuclides. Whilst the study was based on a specific site - the Little Forest Burial Ground, New South Wales, and Australia - it was intended to be representative of conditions at sites throughout the world where low levels of radionuclides exist in soil due to waste disposal or similar activities

    Optical Conductivity of Manganites: Crossover from Jahn-Teller Small Polaron to Coherent Transport in the Ferromagnetic State

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    We report on the optical properties of the hole-doped manganites Nd_{0.7}Sr _{0.3}MnO_{3}, La_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}, and La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3}. The low-energy optical conductivity in the paramagnetic-insulating state of these materials is characterized by a broad maximum near 1 eV. This feature shifts to lower energy and grows in optical oscillator strength as the temperature is lowered into the ferromagnetic state. It remains identifiable well below Tc and transforms eventually into a Drude-like response. This optical behavior and the activated transport in the paramagnetic state of these materials are consistent with a Jahn-Teller small polaron. The optical spectra and oscillator strength changes compare well with models that include both double exchange and the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in the description of the electronic structure.Comment: 27 pages (Latex), 6 figures (PostScript

    Infrared Hall effect in high Tc superconductors: Evidence for non-Fermi liquid Hall scattering

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    Infrared (20-120 cm-1 and 900-1100 cm-1) Faraday rotation and circular dichroism are measured in high Tc superconductors using sensitive polarization modulation techniques. Optimally doped YBCO thin films are studied at temperatures down to 15 K and magnetic fields up to 8 T. At 1000 cm-1 the Hall conductivity varies strongly with temperature in contrast to the longitudinal conductivity which is nearly independent of temperature. The Hall scattering rate has a T^2 temperature dependence but, unlike a Fermi liquid, depends only weakly on frequency. The experiment puts severe constraints on theories of transport in the normal state of high Tc superconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Best practices for predictions of radionuclide activity concentrations and total absorbed dose rates to freshwater organisms exposed to uranium mining/milling.

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Predictions of radionuclide dose rates to freshwater organisms can be used to evaluate the radiological environmental impacts of releases from uranium mining and milling projects. These predictions help inform decisions on the implementation of mitigation measures. The objective of this study was to identify how dose rate modelling could be improved to reduce uncertainty in predictions to non-human biota. For this purpose, we modelled the activity concentrations of 210Pb, 210Po, 226Ra, 230Th, and 238U downstream of uranium mines and mills in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, together with associated weighted absorbed dose rates for a freshwater food chain using measured activity concentrations in water and sediments. Differences in predictions of radionuclide activity concentrations occurred mainly from the different default partition coefficient and concentration ratio values from one model to another and including all or only some 238U decay daughters in the dose rate assessments. Consequently, we recommend a standardized best-practice approach to calculate weighted absorbed dose rates to freshwater biota whether a facility is at the planning, operating or decommissioned stage. At the initial planning stage, the best-practice approach recommend using conservative site-specific baseline activity concentrations in water, sediments and organisms and predict conservative incremental activity concentrations in these media by selecting concentration ratios based on species similarity and similar water quality conditions to reduce the uncertainty in dose rate calculations. At the operating and decommissioned stages, the best-practice approach recommends relying on measured activity concentrations in water, sediment, fish tissue and whole-body of small organisms to further reduce uncertainty in dose rate estimates. This approach would allow for more realistic but still conservative dose assessments when evaluating impacts from uranium mining projects and making decision on adequate controls of releases

    Identity Leadership, Employee Burnout and the Mediating Role of Team Identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project

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    Do leaders who build a sense of shared social identity in their teams thereby protect them from the adverse effects of workplace stress? This is a question that the present paper explores by testing the hypothesis that identity leadership contributes to stronger team identification among employees and, through this, is associated with reduced burnout. We tested this model with unique datasets from the Global Identity Leadership Development (GILD) project with participants from all inhabited continents. We compared two datasets from 2016/2017 (n = 5290; 20 countries) and 2020/2021 (n = 7294; 28 countries) and found very similar levels of identity leadership, team identification and burnout across the five years. An inspection of the 2020/2021 data at the onset of and later in the COVID-19 pandemic showed stable identity leadership levels and slightly higher levels of both burnout and team identification. Supporting our hypotheses, we found almost identical indirect effects (2016/2017, b = −0.132; 2020/2021, b = −0.133) across the five-year span in both datasets. Using a subset of n = 111 German participants surveyed over two waves, we found the indirect effect confirmed over time with identity leadership (at T1) predicting team identification and, in turn, burnout, three months later. Finally, we explored whether there could be a “too-much-of-a-good-thing” effect for identity leadership. Speaking against this, we found a u-shaped quadratic effect whereby ratings of identity leadership at the upper end of the distribution were related to even stronger team identification and a stronger indirect effect on reduced burnout

    Political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior:The mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality

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    Identity leadership captures leaders efforts to create and promote a sense of shared group membership (i.e., a sense of “we” and of “us”) among followers. The present research report tests this claim by drawing on data from 26 countries that are part of the Global Identity Leadership Development (GILD) project to examine the relationship between political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior (N = 6787). It also examines the contributions of trust and economic inequality to this relationship. Political leaders' identity leadership (PLIL) was positively associated with respondents' people-oriented civic citizenship behaviors (CCB-P) in 20 of 26 countries and civic citizenship behaviors aimed at one's country (CCB-C) in 23 of 26 countries. Mediational analyses also confirmed the indirect effects of PLIL via trust in fellow citizens on both CCB-P (in 25 out of 26 countries) and CCB-C (in all 26 countries). Economic inequality moderated these effects such that the main and indirect effects of trust in one's fellow citizens on CCB-C were stronger in countries with higher economic inequality. This interaction effect was not observed for CCB-P. The study highlights the importance of identity leadership and trust in fellow citizens in promoting civic citizenship behavior, especially in the context of economic inequality.</p
