82 research outputs found

    Feasibility of using neural networks to obtain simplified capacity curves for seismic assessment

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    The selection of a given method for the seismic vulnerability assessment of buildings is mostly dependent on the scale of the analysis. Results obtained in large-scale studies are usually less accurate than the ones obtained in small-scale studies. In this paper a study about the feasibility of using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to carry out fast and accurate large-scale seismic vulnerability studies has been presented. In the proposed approach, an ANN was used to obtain a simplified capacity curve of a building typology, in order to use the N2 method to assess the structural seismic behaviour, as presented in the Annex B of the Eurocode 8. Aiming to study the accuracy of the proposed approach, two ANNs with equal architectures were trained with a different number of vectors, trying to evaluate the ANN capacity to achieve good results in domains of the problem which are not well represented by the training vectors. The case study presented in this work allowed the conclusion that the ANN precision is very dependent on the amount of data used to train the ANN and demonstrated that it is possible to use ANN to obtain simplified capacity curves for seismic assessment purposes with high precision.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Examples of strategies of preservation activities in historic complexes of hospital architecture

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    The paper is an introduction to a broader study, aimed to define the rules of procedure for taking preservation activities in historic hospital architecture. It has, among others, to facilitate the modernization of historic hospitals necessary to carry out in accordance with the requirements set by the legislature, the latest medical technologies and contemporary doctrines and principles of conservation. The article is based on the analysis of the latest solutions implemented in selected hospitals including the historic hospitals in Warsaw, Wroclaw and Lodz. The analysis of proven solutions in conjunction with the collected experiences from other selected projects are the starting material for the definition of a strategy of historic preservation activities in historic hospitals and the development of guidelines assisting in their implementation

    The changes in 19th century European hospital architecture. Selected examples

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    In their long history, hospitals have undergone numerous transformations, both in terms of function and organization, as well as architecture and space. At first they served as shelters for pilgrims, the homeless and the ailing poor. It was not until the turn of the 18th century and 19th century that they began to be understood as organized public institutions devoted solely to the purpose of curing the sick. At the same time, first European clinics began to emerge, which combined the didactic function of universities of medicine with the medicinal function of an ordinary hospital. Until today, there have survived the majority of 19th century European hospital buildings. Many of them still boast a clear composition of spatial structure and valuable forms of architectural detail. Development in medicine, however, has brought about an evolution in health care and consequently functional and spatial programs of hospitals have also began to change. Today, many historical European hospitals experience substantial problems connected with the adaptation to new requirements in terms of equipment necessary in modern-day medicine. Is therefore the passing of historical hospital architecture unavoidable…

    Neural network-based formula for the buckling load prediction of I-section cellular steel beams

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    Cellular beams are an attractive option for the steel construction industry due to their versatility in terms of strength, size, and weight. Further benefits are the integration of services thereby reducing ceiling-to-floor depth (thus, building’s height), which has a great economic impact. Moreover, the complex localized and global failures characterizing those members have led several scientists to focus their research on the development of more efficient design guidelines. This paper aims to propose an artificial neural network (ANN)-based formula to precisely compute the critical elastic buckling load of simply supported cellular beams under uniformly distributed vertical loads. The 3645-point dataset used in ANN design was obtained from an extensive parametric finite element analysis performed in ABAQUS. The independent variables adopted as ANN inputs are the following: beam’s length, opening diameter, web-post width, cross-section height, web thickness, flange width, flange thickness, and the distance between the last opening edge and the end support. The proposed model shows a strong potential as an effective design tool. The maximum and average relative errors among the 3645 data points were found to be 3.7% and 0.4%, respectively, whereas the average computing time per data point is smaller than a millisecond for any current personal computer

    Masonry compressive strength prediction using artificial neural networks

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    The masonry is not only included among the oldest building materials, but it is also the most widely used material due to its simple construction and low cost compared to the other modern building materials. Nevertheless, there is not yet a robust quantitative method, available in the literature, which can reliably predict its strength, based on the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of its components. This limitation is due to the highly nonlinear relation between the compressive strength of masonry and the geometrical and mechanical properties of the components of the masonry. In this paper, the application of artificial neural networks for predicting the compressive strength of masonry has been investigated. Specifically, back-propagation neural network models have been used for predicting the compressive strength of masonry prism based on experimental data available in the literature. The comparison of the derived results with the experimental findings demonstrates the ability of artificial neural networks to approximate the compressive strength of masonry walls in a reliable and robust manner.- (undefined

    Rozwój poglądów na projektowanie XIX-wiecznych szpitali akademickich i jego wpływ na powstanie I Kliniki Chirurgicznej UJ w Krakowie

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    Klinika z naukowego uważana stanowiska, dalszych zaiste sięga celów nad zamiary pospolitych szpitali. Wyższe i liczniejsze niesie pożytki i dlatego też rozmaitych wymaga warunków, bez których nominalną tylko posiada wartość i próżnym chyba pyszni się tytułem. W szeregu nauk lekarskich instytucje kliniczne ostatni zajmują szczebel, do którego dążą wszystkie poprzednie dyscypliny teoretyczne.Department of scientific regarded position, further indeed reaches the purpose of the common intentions hospitals. Higher and carries numerous benefits and therefore requires different conditions, without which only has a nominal value and vain unless the proud title. In a series of clinical medical sciences institutions occupy the last rung pursued by all previous theoretical discipline

    Analysis of some problems of experimental mechanics and biomechanics by means the anfis neuro-fuzzy system

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    The Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) has been applied to the analysis of three problems: prediction of fundamental periods of vibrations of 5-storey prefabricated buildings, estimation of proximal femur strength, estimation of fracture toughness of dense concret. The results obtained by means of ANFIS are compared with those empirical formulae and forward neural networks. The ANFIS results have been proven to be superior.Analiza wybranych zagadnień doświadczalnej mechaniki i biomechaniki za pomocą neuro-rozmytego systemu ANFIS. Adaptacyjny neuro-rozmyty system ANFIS został zastosowany do analizy trzech problemów: określenie podstawowych okresów drgań 5-piętrowych budynków prefabrykowanych, określenie wytrzymałości górnej części kości udowych oraz oszacowanie odporności na zniszczenie betonów ciężkich. Wyniki otrzymane za pomocą systemu ANFIS porównano z wynikami, jakie dają wzory empiryczne i jednokierunkowe sieci neuronowe. Wykazano, że najlepszą dokładność daje system ANFIS

    The 19th century Medical Clinic of Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow An outline of conservation problems in the light of requirements of a modern university hospital

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    W drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX w., wśród licznych założeń ogrodowych oraz bogatej zieleni ulicznej, na terenie dawnego przedmieścia Wesoła w Krakowie utworzony został niezwykle wartościowy zespół monumentalnych klinik Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Od początku swego istnienia był odzwierciedleniem swojej epoki - jej osiągnięć technicznych oraz poglądów estetycznych na sposób kształtowania architektury szpitalnej. W swojej ponad dwuwiekowej historii przeszedł wiele zmian, stopniowo rozbudowując strukturę oraz zasięg działalności. Do dzisiaj przetrwała większość zabytkowych budynków, które nadal współtworzą działający na tym terenie krakowski Szpital Uniwersytecki. Mogą wykazać się jasną kompozycją układu przestrzennego oraz pięknymi formami detalu architektonicznego. Objęte ochroną konserwatorską, stanowią jeden z bardziej interesujących zespołów architektoniczno-urbanistycznych położonych w centrum Krakowa, nadający tożsamość temu miejscu i utrwalający jego szpitalny charakter. Rozwój medycyny powoduje jednak ewoluowanie poglądów na metody leczenia, a w konsekwencji zmianie ulegają również programy funkcjonalno-przestrzenne szpitali. W dniu dzisiejszym wiele krakowskich klinik ma w związku z tym duże problemy związane z adaptacją do wymogów współczesnego szpitala akademickiego.In the second half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, an unusually valuable complex of monumental clinics of Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University was created among numerous garden complexes and lush street greenery, in the area belonging to the former Wesoła suburb in Krakow. Since the very beginning it reflected its epoch - its technical achievements and aesthetic views on the way of shaping hospital architecture. During the two centuries of its history, it has undergone many alterations, gradually expanding both its structure and the range of its activity. The majority of historical buildings, which still constitute the Krakow University Hospital functioning in this area, have survived until the present day. They can display clear composition of spatial layout and beautiful architectural detail. They are under conservation protection as they constitute one of the most interesting architectural and urban complexes, situated in the centre of Krakow, adding identity and preserving the hospital character of the place. However, the advance in medicine triggers evolution of opinions concerning methods of treatment, and consequently the functional and spatial programmes in hospitals also have to change. Nowadays, many clinics in Kraków have to cope with serious problems connected with their adaptation to satisfy the requirements of a modern university hospital

    Tłumaczenie nazw własnych w grach wideo na przykładzie polskiej lokalizacji Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie problemu przekładu nazw własnych w tłumaczeniu gier wideo. W tym celu autor podjął się analizy polskiej lokalizacji gry Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, opierając się na badaniach teoretycznych poświęconych tłumaczeniu nazw własnych oraz gatunku gier wideo. Pierwszy rozdział omawia główne kierunki i tendencje w przekładzie nazw własnych, a także najczęściej stosowane techniki ich tłumaczenia. Rozdział drugi stanowi charakterystykę gatunku gier wideo oraz omówienie wyzwań, z którymi mierzą się autorzy ich tłumaczeń. Trzeci rozdział jest poświęcony analizie lokalizacji gry Hearthstone. Omówiono oraz oceniono zastosowanie każdej z technik tłumaczeniowych. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono temu, jak często zostały użyte poszczególne techniki oraz czy udało się zachować spójność całości przekładu.The present thesis is an attempt to investigate the problem of proper names in video games translation. In order to do it, the author has analysed the Polish localisation of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, based on theoretical research of proper names translation and video game localisation. The first chapter is concerned with the most popular notions in the translation of proper names in general, as well as the strategies that are often employed when dealing with them. The second chapter describes video games as a genre and lists the specific challenges that translators encounter when localising a video game. The final one is devoted to the analysis of the subject text. The application of each technique has been explained and evaluated, with special regard to the distribution of the strategies used and the consistency of the translation as a whole