169 research outputs found

    Anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis effect of Papain, Bromelain, Miswak and Neem containing dentifrice : a randomized controlled trial

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    Patients undergoing fixed orthodontic therapy may have difficulty in maintaining a good oral hygiene due to the difficulty posed by the appliances in accessing such areas. This study aimed to compare anti-plaque and anti-gingivitis efficacy of dentifrice containing Papain, Bromelain, Miswak and Neem with a standard dentifrice among patient?s undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment. Single center, single blind, parallel arm, randomized controlled clinical trial with an allocation ratio of 1:1 was conducted. Evaluation of plaque and gingivitis was done using Williams modification of Silness and Loe Plaque Index (PI) for use in orthodontic subjects and Loe and Silness?s Gingival Index (GI) at baseline and one month. Inter-group comparison showed there was significantly lower mean plaque index in test (0.88 ±0.05) than in control group (1.17 ±0.05) after adjusting for the baseline plaque index (p<0.001). Similarly, there was significantly lower mean gingival index in test (0.87 ±0.04) than in control group (1.14 ±0.04) after adjusting for the baseline gingival index (p<0.001). The efficacy of the test dentifrice in limiting plaque and gingivitis suggests that it can be used as a home based adjunct to clinical therapy in orthodontic patients

    Means of expression in comics

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    Opinnäytetyössäni tutkin mitkä ovat sarjakuvalle taiteenlajina uniikkeja ilmaisukeinoja, tai mitä keinoja sarjakuvalla voi toteuttaa paremmin kuin muilla sitä läheisillä tarinankerronnan muodoilla. Käytän vertailukohtana animaatiota, koska sillä ja sarjakuvalla on paljon samoja ominaisuuksia. Työni koostuu tutkielmasta ja produktiosta. Produktioni on sarjakuva, jossa hyödynnän ja havainnollistan tutkimustuloksiani. Tutkimusosassa käyn lyhyesti läpi sarjakuvan historiaa taiteenlajina ja erittelen löytämiäni visuaalisia ja tarinankerronnallisia elementtejä, jotka ovat sarjakuvalle taiteenlajina uniikkeja tai toimivat siinä erityisen hyvin. Produktioni on 15-sivuisen sarjakuvan suunnitelma, josta viisi ensimmäistä sivua ovat valmiita ja loput kymmenen luonnoksia. Käyn läpi produktion työvaiheita ja kerron miten sovelsin tutkimustuloksiani sen tekemiseen. Sarjakuvan työnimi on Ghosts. Se on lyhyttarina miehestä, joka yrittää tulla toimeen menneisyytensä kanssa.In my thesis I research means of expression that are unique to comics as an artform, or that work particularly well in comics compared to other medias of storytelling. I compare comics to animation because they have lots of common properties. My thesis consists of a dissertation and a production. My production is a comic where I employ and demonstrate the results of my reseach. In the dissertation I briefly visit the history of comics as an artform and then exhibit my findings of visual elements and storytelling elements that are either unique to comics as an artform, or that work particularly well in comics. My Production is the plans for a 15-page short story comic. Five of the first pages are finished and the remaining ten are sketches. I go through the stages of my work and explain how I applied my research in creating it. The comic's working title is Ghosts. It's a short story about a man trying to come to terms with his past

    Factors influencing pregnancy outcome in women with vaginal bleeding before midpregnancy: a prospective case control study

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    Background: Pregnancy complications are observed to be higher among women with first trimester bleeding compared to those without bleeding. We intended to compare the obstetric outcome based on details of bleeding episodes, i) in groups with spotting, bleeding and brown discharge; ii) in those with or without subchorionic haemorrhage; and iii) between single versus recurrent episodes of bleeding.Methods: We conducted a prospective case control study involving the women enrolled for antenatal care before 20 weeks of gestation. Information was collected regarding the details of bleeding, the pregnancy complications and the perinatal outcome. The outcome variables were analysed as per the study objectives using SPSS version 16.0.Results: Pregnancies complicated by bleeding before 20 weeks of gestation were associated with the significant increase in preterm premature rupture of the membranes [P 0.045; RR 4.8 (95% CI 1.5-15)], intrauterine growth restriction [P 0.039; RR 2.5(95% CI 1.1-6.3)], oligohydramnios [RR  4.3 (95% CI 2-9)], hypertension [RR 1.8 (95% CI 1.07-3.09)], small for gestational age babies [P 0.047; RR 2.7 (95% CI 1.2-6.1)] and NICU admissions [P 0.016; RR 2.7 (95% CI 1.1-6.5)]. Fresh bleeding/ spotting were associated with increased pregnancy complications (P 0.048) compared to brownish discharge. Presence of subchorionic hemorrhage on ultrasound in women with vaginal bleeding was associated with increased pregnancy complications (P 0.044). No difference in terms of complications, mean gestational age and mean birth weight was noted depending on the number of episodes of bleeding.Conclusions: Fresh bleeding and presence of subchorionic hemorrhage predict a poor pregnancy outcome in women with bleeding before 20 weeks of pregnancy


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      Recurrent temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation can cause difficulty in swallowing and speech hence can be distressing for the patient. A 79-year-old male patient reported with recurrent dislocation of TMJ since 2 months. He was on antipsychotic medication for schizophrenia which predisposes to recurrent TMJ dislocation due to oromandibular dystonia. Since the patient had undergone tracheostomy, his systemic condition was not suitable for surgical management. Thus a conservative option of chin cup was planned. The chin cup limits the movement of the mandible hence prevents dislaocation of the TMJ. The patient was successfully rehabilitated with no new episodes of TMJ dislocation for the last 4 months. It focuses on conservative management of recurrent TMJ dislocations induced by antipsychotic drugs