102 research outputs found

    Recomendaciones de uso en Castilla y León del Material Forestal de Reproducción (MFR) de las especies Pinus pinaster Ait., Quercus ilex L., Pinus sylvestris L. y Quercus pyrenaica Willd.

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    La correcta utilización de las procedencias forestales tiene gran importancia tanto por la adaptación del material forestal al lugar de utilización como por la conservación de los recursos genéticos. Este trabajo propone unas recomendaciones de uso de regiones de procedencia mediante selección de variables climáticas más influyentes de cada especie. Estas variables son utilizadas en un análisis discriminante para determinar la probabilidad de pertenencia a procedencia más similar climáticamente. Esta metodología se ha aplicado a Pinus pinaster, P. sylvestris, Quercus ilex y Q. pyrenaica, especies ampliamente distribuidas por Castilla y León, ámbito del estudio. Así mismo, se realiza un análisis de similitud entre zonas de utilización y regiones de procedencia mediante la distancia de Mahalanobis, confirmando y matizando los resultados a partir de la información disponible de ensayos de procedencias y de análisis genéticos. Se propone una herramienta sencilla y robusta que puede implementarse al resto de especies forestales.Producción Vegetal y Recursos ForestalesMáster en Investigación en Ingeniería para la Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestale

    Seizures regulate the cation-Cl− cotransporter NKCC1 in a hamster model of epilepsy: implications for GABA neurotransmission

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    BackgroundThe balance between the activity of the Na+/K+/Cl− cotransporter (NKCC1) that introduces Cl− into the cell and the K+/Cl− cotransporter (KCC2) that transports Cl− outside the cell is critical in determining the inhibitory or excitatory outcome of GABA release. Mounting evidence suggests that the impairment of GABAergic inhibitory neurotransmission plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of epilepsy, both in patients and animal models. Previous studies indicate that decreased KCC2 expression is linked to audiogenic seizures in GASH/Sal hamsters, highlighting that Cl− imbalance can cause neuronal hyperexcitability. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the Na+/K+/Cl− cotransporter NKCC1 is also affected by audiogenic seizures and could, therefore, play a role in neuronal hyperexcitability within the GASH/Sal epilepsy model.MethodsNKCC1 protein expression in both the GASH/Sal strain and wild type hamsters was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting techniques. Brain regions examined included cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, inferior colliculus and pons-medulla oblongata, which were evaluated both at rest and after sound-inducing seizures in GASH/Sal hamsters. A complementary analysis of NKCC1 gene slc12a2 expression was conducted by real-time PCR. Finally, protein and mRNA levels of glutamate decarboxylase GAD67 were measured as an indicator of GABA release.ResultsThe induction of seizures caused significant changes in NKCC1 expression in epileptic GASH/Sal hamsters, despite the similar brain expression pattern of NKCC1 in GASH/Sal and wild type hamsters in the absence of seizures. Interestingly, the regulation of brain NKCC1 by seizures demonstrated regional specificity, as protein levels exclusively increased in the hippocampus and hypothalamus. Complementary real-time PCR analysis revealed that NKCC1 regulation was post-transcriptional only in the hypothalamus. In addition, seizures also modulated GAD67 mRNA levels in a brain region-specific manner. The increased GAD67 expression in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of the epileptic hamster brain suggests that NKCC1 upregulation overlaps with GABA release in these regions during seizures.ConclusionsOur results indicate that seizure induction causes dysregulation of NKCC1 expression in GASH/Sal animals, which overlaps with changes in GABA release. These observations provide evidence for the critical role of NKCC1 in how seizures affect neuronal excitability, and support NKCC1 contribution to the development of secondary foci of epileptogenic activity

    Identification of protein-coding sequences using the hybridization of 18S rRNA and mRNA during translation

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    We introduce a new approach in this article to distinguish protein-coding sequences from non-coding sequences utilizing a period-3, free energy signal that arises from the interactions of the 3′-terminal nucleotides of the 18S rRNA with mRNA. We extracted the special features of the amplitude and the phase of the period-3 signal in protein-coding regions, which is not found in non-coding regions, and used them to distinguish protein-coding sequences from non-coding sequences. We tested on all the experimental genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The identification was consistent with the corresponding information from GenBank, and produced better performance compared to existing methods that use a period-3 signal. The primary tests on some fly, mouse and human genes suggests that our method is applicable to higher eukaryotic genes. The tests on pseudogenes indicated that most pseudogenes have no period-3 signal. Some exploration of the 3′-tail of 18S rRNA and pattern analysis of protein-coding sequences supported further our assumption that the 3′-tail of 18S rRNA has a role of synchronization throughout translation elongation process. This, in turn, can be utilized for the identification of protein-coding sequences

    Normativa para la producción y comercialización de planta de castaño en España

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    Biocastanea 2012 - III Feria de la Castañicultura en el Bierzo: Conferencia impartida por Javier Tranque y Jesús Rueda (Servicio de Restauración de la Naturaleza de la Junta de Castilla y León

    Higiene postural en la Escuela. Propuesta de intervención educativa para alumnos de primero de Educación Primaria del Colegio CEIP Elvira Lindo Garrido, durante el curso 2012/2013.

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de intervención educativa sobre la higiene postural para el alumnado de primero de Educación Primaria del colegio CEIP Elvira Lindo Garrido. Se ha probado anteriormente durante el curso académico 2012/2013 en las clases de Educación Física. Previamente, se hace una revisión teórica de los aspectos más significativos sobre la higiene postural más cotidiana en torno a la salud, así se obtienen unas ideas y conclusiones sobre lo trabajado, porque a través de una buena educación postural escolar y concienciación sobre los hábitos posturales, se pueden evitar diversos problemas de espalda en un futuro.Grado en Educación Primari

    Proyecto para la inclusi\uf3n de las personas con diversidad funcional visual en el disfrute art\uedstico del Museo Art Nouveau y Art Dec\uf3 de la ciudad de Salamanca /

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    Trabajo Fin de Grado-Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Facultad de Comunicaci\uf3n, 2020La rama m\ue1s purista perteneciente a la disciplina del dise\uf1o, el denominado Dise\uf1o Universal, aboga por una accesibilidad total que abarque al conjunto de la sociedad, incluyendo a las minor\uedas, y en este caso que ata\uf1e, a las personas con diversidad funcional visual. Si bien esta materia concreta se asienta sobre los derechos fundamentales de los individuos, su puesta en pr\ue1ctica no se encuentra extendida entre los bienes y servicios ofrecidos a la sociedad, tal y como es el caso del Museo Art Nouveau y Art D\ue9co de la ciudad de Salamanca. Por ello, en este proyecto se busca solventar esta problem\ue1tica, dando respuesta a la pregunta principal de investigaci\uf3n, c\uf3mo hacer m\ue1s inclusivo el disfrute del arte expuesto en la Casa Li

    GSK3β Inhibition by Phosphorylation at Ser<sup>389</sup> Controls Neuroinflammation

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    The inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 β (GSK3β) by Ser9 phosphorylation affects many physiological processes, including the immune response. However, the consequences of GSK3β inhibition by alternative Ser389 phosphorylation remain poorly characterized. Here we have examined neuroinflammation in GSK3β Ser389 knock-in (KI) mice, in which the phosphorylation of Ser389 GSK3β is impaired. The number of activated microglia/infiltrated macrophages, astrocytes, and infiltrated neutrophils was significantly higher in these animals compared to C57BL/6J wild-type (WT) counterparts, which suggests that the failure to inactivate GSK3β by Ser389 phosphorylation results in sustained low-grade neuroinflammation. Moreover, glial cell activation and brain infiltration of immune cells in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) failed in GSK3β Ser389 KI mice. Such effects were brain-specific, as peripheral immunity was not similarly affected. Additionally, phosphorylation of the IkB kinase complex (IKK) in response to LPS failed in GSK3β Ser389 KI mice, while STAT3 phosphorylation was fully conserved, suggesting that the NF-κB signaling pathway is specifically affected by this GSK3β regulatory pathway. Overall, our findings indicate that GSK3β inactivation by Ser389 phosphorylation controls the brain inflammatory response, raising the need to evaluate its role in the progression of neuroinflammatory pathologies

    Exploring the function of the LSM2-8 complex through the characterization of a suppressor of the lsm8 mutation

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    1 p.In the last years, results from several laboratories, including our, have revealed that the modulation of RNA splicing is key for adequate response of plants to environmental stresses. We demonstrated that Arabidopsis contains a fully functional LSM2-8 complex with an important role in pre-mRNA splicing. Our data unveiled that this complex displays high functional specificity to shape a correct and specific transcriptome reprogramming when plants are exposed to internal (development) or external (environmental stress) stimuli. To further understand the function of the LSM2-8 complex, we performed a screening of suppressors of the lsm8 mutation in Arabidopsis. We isolated sol8, a mutant with restored wild-type leaf shape and tolerance to freezing temperatures. High-coverage RNA-seq experiments showed that sol8 also suppresses some of the alterations caused by lsm8 mutation in pre-mRNA splicing. We found that the sol8 suppressor phenotype is caused by a null mutation in ARIA, a gene encoding an armadillo repeat protein. Although ARIA null mutants do not display any apparent morphological phenotype, they are more sensitive to freezing temperatures than the wild-type plants. Moreover, RNA-seq analysis revealed that ARIA does not seem to regulate pre-mRNA splicing at 4 °C, but positively controls the expression of 71 genes, being 43 % of them cold-induced genes. Taken together, these data indicate that ARIA positively regulates plant tolerance to freezing temperatures by promoting cold-induced gene expression. The possible roles of ARIA in regulating cold-induced gene expression will be discussed.Peer reviewe