38 research outputs found

    Survivors’ experiences with testifying in trials after gross human rights violations in Argentina

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    In Argentina, persons who were held detained-disappeared during the last military dictatorship (1976 - 1983) now testify in trials related to the military regime’s use of enforced disappearances, torture and other crimes. The trials were re-initiated in 2005, after more than a decade of impunity. Trials have been taking place all over the country since then. Trials are related either to individual perpetrators, individual victims, or to places where the crimes were committed. Many witnesses testify in a number of trials. In this article, I explore experiences with testifying in these trials, based on interviews with 23 persons who were held ‘detained-disappeared’ for political reasons during the dictatorship. The witnesses have testified both to what they themselves have endured, and to crimes committed towards persons who remain forcefully disappeared. The testimonies of persons who were held detained-disappeared are central in the trials, as there is often little evidence besides these testimonies. The interviewees express a strong sense of responsibility related to testifying in court, due to the central role of these testimonies as well as the witnesses’ responsibility towards those who remain forcefully disappeared or were killed. Through testimonies in court, persons who remain forcefully disappeared are presented as persons with agency and often with a political commitment; not only as victims of serious violations of human rights. I discuss testimonies in court as a longer process, which begins before the trial is initiated and where the testimony itself is the main event. To testify in court may lead to distress, and there is a worry about re-traumatisation. Several aspects of trials have an influence on the experience with testifying, among them the presence and attitude of the defendants; the presence of threats, the ways in which questions are asked during testimonies, and how many trials the witness has testified in

    Staff attribution of challenging behaviour and their implicit theories within and outside a positive behavioural support framework

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    Positive behavioural support (PBS) is currently establishing itself as a framework for practice in services for individuals with intellectual disabilities in Norway. This study examines whether training and practising within a positive behavioural support framework may influence staff’s way of thinking. Ways of thinking were measured in terms of staff attribution patterns and implicit theories regarding possibility to change. Qualified staff (n=309) from 15 municipalities in Norway participated. Findings suggest that there were no significant relationships between PBS training, attribution patterns, and implicit theories in this research sample. Implications and limitations are discussed

    Nærast er du når du er borte, noko er borte når du er nær. Chilenske flyktningers tilbake vending.

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    Tema i denne artikkelen er flyktningers tilbakevending, med fokus på situasjonen til chilenske flyktninge

    ¿Del Extranjero a Nacional? Uso del Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje desde una Perspectiva Doméstica

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    This article proposes to use the concept of domestication as an analytic tool to understand patterns of use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and user attitudes towards VLEs. The data gathered includes semistructured interviews with students and members of staff enrolled in or involved with a distance-learning bachelor program at a Scandinavian institution of Higher Education. The analysis highlights the role played by VLEs in shaping the students’ and lecturers’ routines and use of time as regards to lecture preparations, assignment writing, and discussions. It also identifies challenges related to the integration of the VLE with other related systems and sheds light on the nature of the various social processes that take place through and around the VLE.Este artículo propone utilizar el concepto de domesticación como una herramienta analítica para comprender los patrones de uso de un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (VLE) y la actitud del usuario hacia VLE. Los datos recogidos incluyen entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los alumnos y miembros del personal inscritos o que participan en un programa de licenciatura de educación a distancia, en una institución escandinava de educación superior. El análisis resalta el papel desempeñado por la VLE en la formación de rutinas y el uso del tiempo de alumnos y profesores, en lo que respecta a los preparativos de conferencias, tarea escritas, y debates. También identifica los desafíos relacionados con la integración de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (VLE) con otros sistemas relacionados, y clarifica la naturaleza de los diversos procesos sociales que tienen lugar a través y alrededor de VLE

    Energibehandlingssystem for korttidslagring av energi i private boliger

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    Oppgaven er en samling av teoretiske kasusstudier av et energibehandlingssystem (EBS) for ulike forbruksmønstre, strømprissoner, batteripakker, og tilkoblede energikilder. Et energibehandlingssystem (EBS) bestående av et analyseverktøy og en reguleringsmetode for overvåkning og kontroll av sammensatte energisystem utvikles med et overordnet formål om å redusere strømpris, lagre overflødig energi, stabilisere strømtrekk og minske klimaavtrykk. Systemet må produsere en avkastning på en tidshorisont som rettferdiggjør den initiale investeringen. Besparelse innføres som et mål på fortjeneste etter investering relativt til uten installert EBS. Ytelsen til EBS vurderes ut i fra hvilken grad overordnede formål oppnås. Analyseverktøyet presenterer relevant data. Det gir mulighet for sammenlikning og konfigurering av EBS. Reguleringsmetoden bestemmer optimal ladesyklus for en batteripakke installert i en privat bolig. Den tar inn datasett for strømforbruk, tilhørende strømpriser og egen energiproduksjon. Reguleringmetodens kjerne er det lineære optimaliseringsproblemet, bestående av en likning for total kostnad som minimeres innenfor lineære begrensninger. Reguleringsmetoden har to algoritmer. Algoritmene skilles i metoden de behandler samme datasett på, og representerer hvert sitt tilfelle. I det ene tilfellet representerer resultatene som følger et ideelt EBS, og algoritmen har nøyaktige data på fremtidig strømforbruk og produksjon. I det andre tilfellet representerer resultatene som følger et realistisk EBS, og tilgangen på datasettet er begrenset til hva som ville vært tilgjengelig i praksis. I sistnevnte tilfelle forsøker algoritmen å predikere fremtiden med begrenset data, og danner et realistisk EBS kalt Sanntidskjøring i denne oppgaven. Ideelt EBS vektlegges og vurderes i størst grad. Hvordan ytelsen til EBS påvirkes av ulike forbruksmønstre, strømprissoner, batteristørrelser og tilkoblede energikilder brukes for å bestemme om det er mulig med optimal utnyttelse av EBS å oppnå formålet med oppgaven. Informasjonen kan i tilegg brukes under utviklingen og planleggingen av mer avansert sanntidsalgortimer dersom resultatet av ideell optimalisering tilatter lønnsom installasjon. Realistisk EBS tilegnes et eget kapittel Sanntidskjøring. Målet er å komme så nær som mulig den ideelle løsningen, som brukes til sammenlikning med realisitisk EBS. Avvik fra ideell løsning undersøkes for å kartlegge svakhetene og forbedringspotensiale for realistisk løsning. Resultatet ble at reduksjon i strømpris for realistisk EBS uten tilkoblet energikilde avviket fra optimal EBS med 0,05%, og med tilkoblet energikilde avviket med 4,2%. Analyseverktøyet til energibehandlingssystemet (EBS) utviklet i denne oppgaven produserer resultater som tyder på at reguleringsmetoden reduserer årlig strømkostnad mellom 2,9%-22% avhengig av forbruksmønster, strømprissone, batteripakkens størrelse og tilkoblet energikilde. Den årlige besparelsen i EUR varierte fra 111 EUR - 527 EUR. Besparelsen i forhold til å ikke ha EBS installert var større for alle tilfeller med tilkoblet energikilde. Det ble funnet at strømtrekket fra strømnettet var motsyklisk, som betyr at belastningen på strømnettet reduseres når EBS er installert.This paper is a collection of theoretical case-studies of an energy management system (EMS) for different usage patterns, price zones, battery packs and connected energy sources. An energy management system (EMS) comprised of a tool for analysis and a regulating method for surveilliance and control of modular energy systems is developed with an overall goal to reduce electricity prices, store excess energy, stabilize loads and reduce environmental impact. The system must produce a return in a time that justifies the original investments. Saving is introduced as a measure of profitability of the investment relative to not installing EMS. The performance is assessed as the degree to which the overall goals are achieved. The analysis tool presents relevant data. This can be used to compare results or configure EMS. The regulation method decides an optimal charging cycle for a battery pack installed in a private home. Inputs are power-usage, associated power prices and energy production. The core of the regulation method is the linear optimizationproblem, consisting of an equation for total cost which is minimized within linear constraints. The regulating method has two algorithms. The algorithms are separated by different methods of treating the same set of data, and represent different cases. In one case, the results represent what would be an ideal EMS, and the algorithm has access to precise data on future power consumption and production. In the other case, the results represent a realistic EMS, and the access to precise data is restrained to what would be practically availible. In the latter case, the algorithm attempts to predict the future using limited data, and form the realistic EMS refferred to as real-time operation in this paper. The ideal EMS is emphasized and evaluated the most. How the EMS performance is affected by different usage patterns, price zones, battery packs and connected energy sources, is used to determine the possibility of an optimal usage and configuration of EMS to achieve the overall goals. The information can also be used during development and planning of more advanced real-time algorithms given that the results from ideal optimization argue for profitable installation of EMS. Realistic EMS is dedicated to it's own chapter, Real-time operation. The goal is to come as close as possible to the solution of the ideal EMS, which is used to compare to realistic EMS. Deviations from the ideal solution are recorded and investigated in order to map the weaknesses and potential for improvement of realistic EMS. In conclusion, the reduction in electricity cost for realistic EMS without external energy source deviate from the ideal EMS with 0,05%. Adding an external energy source results in a 4,2\% deviation from ideal EMS The analysis tool developed in this paper produces results that suggest that the regulation method reduces yearly electricity prices between 2,9%-22% dependent on usage patter, price zone, size of battery pack and external energy source. The yearly savings in EUR varied from 111 EUR - 527 EUR. Savings compared to not having installed EMS were larger for every case using an external energy source. A countercyclical current draw indicates that the load on the grid is reduced using EMS

    Nærast er du når du er borte, noko er borte når du er nær. Chilenske flyktningers tilbake vending.

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    Tema i denne artikkelen er flyktningers tilbakevending, med fokus på situasjonen til chilenske flyktninge

    Seismic Fault Preserving Diffusion

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    This paper focuses on the denoising and enhancing of 3-D reflection seismic data. We propose a pre-processing step based on a non linear diffusion filtering leading to a better detection of seismic faults. The non linear diffusion approaches are based on the definition of a partial differential equation that allows us to simplify the images without blurring relevant details or discontinuities. Computing the structure tensor which provides information on the local orientation of the geological layers, we propose to drive the diffusion along these layers using a new approach called SFPD (Seismic Fault Preserving Diffusion). In SFPD, the eigenvalues of the tensor are fixed according to a confidence measure that takes into account the regularity of the local seismic structure. Results on both synthesized and real 3-D blocks show the efficiency of the proposed approach.Comment: 10 page

    CO 2 Migration Monitoring Methodology in the Shallow Subsurface: Lessons Learned From the CO 2 FIELDLAB Project

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    International audienceA CO 2 migration field laboratory for testing of monitoring methods has been established in the glaciofluvial-glaciomarine Holocene deposits of the Svelvik ridge, near Oslo. A shallow CO 2 injection experiment was conducted in September 2011 in which approximately 1700 kg of CO 2 was injected at 18 m depth below surface. The objectives of this experiment were to (i) detect and, where possible, quantify migrated CO 2 concentrations, (ii) evaluate the sensitivity of the monitoring tools and (iii) study the impact of the vadose zone on measurements. This paper describes the injection, discusses the joint interpretation of the results and suggests some recommendations for further work

    Machine learning for load prediction for a single transformer

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    Statnett is in a process to improve their algorithms for predicting the need for electrical power. In this thesis I tested the possibility of using machine learning to predict the active and reactive load for transformers up to 48 hours ahead in the future, and see how accurate predictions it creates. This was done by using Gradient Boosting Regression, where the model predicts one hour ahead at a time, and then uses the previously predictions to predict even further ahead. The data used in the model consisted of weather, calendar, and electrical demand data from the time period 2013 – 2018. The model outperformed the baselines for 1, 24, and 48 hours ahead for predicting active effect. It did not for reactive effect. The model performs well when the load follows a recurring pattern, but struggles to predict irregularities and sudden magnitude shifts.submittedVersionM-D