234 research outputs found

    Sustainable Irrigation Management of Ornamental Cordyline Fruticosa “Red Edge” Plants with Saline Water

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    The aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the salinity of the nutrient solution on the transpiration and growth of Cordyline fruticosa var. “Red Edge” plants. A specific irrigation management model was calibrated with the experimental data. An experiment was performed with four treatments. These treatments consisted of the application of four nutrient solutions with different electrical conductivity (ECw) levels ranging from 1.5 dS m−1 (control treatment) to 4.5 dS m−1. The results showed that day-time transpiration decreases when salt concentration in the nutrient solution increases. The transpiration of the plant in the control treatment was modelled by applying a combination method while the effect of the salinity of the nutrient solution was modelled by deriving a saline stress coefficient from the experimental data. The results showed that significant reductions in plant transpiration were observed for increasing values of ECw. The crop development and yield were also affected by the increasing salinity of the nutrient solution. A relationship between the ECw and the relative crop yield was derived

    Forecasted datasets of electric vehicle consumption on the electricity grid of Spain

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    The information included in this study were calculated on the basis of data provided by the Spanish electricity grid, for thirteen years between 2007 and 2019. This data includes: the average consumption demand on the Spanish electricity grid at national level, and its availability. Subsequently, the report looks at the number of electric vehicles that could be supported in the years 2020–2023, depending on the consumption demand and availably of the electricity grid for those future years. The data presented in the article refers to the research study: ‘Electric vehicles in Spain: An overview of charging systems’ and ‘Analysis of charging stations for electric vehicles in Spain

    Traduire la terminologie du bouddhisme à la lumière de la pratique du dharma

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    L'implantation du bouddhisme en Occident comme tradition vivante conduit à reposer le problème de la traduction de sa terminologie sous un éclairage nouveau, ouvrant ainsi un champ d'étude qui apporte de nouvelles données à la traductologie. Le groupe de recherche Marpa du Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació de l'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona présente ici quelques résultats des travaux préliminaires en vue de l'élaboration d'une banque de données terminologique multilingue conçue comme aide à la traduction des textes du bouddhisme tibétain en espagnol et en catalan.The translation of Buddhist terminology has had to be rethought in the light of the practice of Buddhism in the West as a living tradition. This new area of research has already made a contribution to translation studies. In this article, the Marpa research group in the Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació de l'Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona presents the results of some preliminary studies aimed at building a multilingual terminology data bank designed as an aid to translating Tibetan Buddhist texts into Spanish and Catalan


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    This document is an extension of D5.4 as suggested in the second review report. It contains de- tails about the implementation of the nal prototype of the casmacat workbench and outlines the improvements of the workbench with respect of the previous deliverable 5.4. The objective of WP5 is to integrate the translation system and user interface and to develop the casmacat workbench. This deliverable shows the functional components of the workbench and describes their interaction possibilities in the last casmacat prototype. It also describes the most recent additions to the workbench

    Curso MOOC para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes universitarios y autodidactas

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    Este proyecto diseñó e implementó un MOOC, con el objetivo de encontrar respuesta a ¿Cómo el uso de los REA promueve el desarrollo de competencias básicas digitales en alumnos de nivel superior de tres universidades de México y una de Venezuela y de autodidactas ubicados en distintos países de América?, mediante el uso de la herramienta BlackBoard en su versión gratuita de CourseSites se elaboró el REA. La duración del curso fue de quince días, para diseminar en tres unidades de trabajo, el conocimiento respecto al desarrollo de habilidades digitales de búsqueda y filtración de información gráfica, elección y reutilización de imágenes respectando los derechos de autor; para la recolección de datos se realizaron entrevistas a estudiantes, profesores, un experto en REA y un experto en diseño y se analizaron datos de la bitácora, contrastándolos con la teoría. Los resultados muestran las dificultades que se pueden presentar en la implementación de un curso MOOC y que, el grado de apropiación de las herramientas tecnológicas, deviene de su utilización no solo socialmente sino de su utilización en forma sistemática en el proceso de actividades académicas o de aprendizaje autónomo, y en consecuencia el desarrollo de competencias digitales.The aim of this project was to design and implement a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The objective was to determine how the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in academic projects promotes the development of basic digital competencies of university students from three public Mexican universities and one private Venezuelan university. The general objective was to design an OER, which consists of four-week course to disseminate knowledge among university students and self-educated people in order to develop basic digital competencies, specifically, searching and filtering graphic information, selecting and reusing correctively images taking into consideration Copyright. This study sought if it was possible to develop the competencies and abilities to use digital information correctly, by using the Project Based Learning (PBL) in an educational OER context; different sources were reviewed and classified into three different fields of study; online learning, its link and the innovation in educational-professional development, digital competencies and the studies on the field. The methodology implemented was the Case Based Learning, which is qualitative. Some interviews to students, teacher, experts and designers were conducted, information obtained from teacher logs and different important information obtained from the online course were analyzed and contrasted with what the fields of study of this project state. The preliminary results obtained show that the use of OER promotes basic digital competencies development, such as the correct search and selection of images. In addition, when a student knows and has relevant information, which can be used as a scaffolding to construct new knowledge, it is easier to develop the ability to analyze that information. The digital competence to evaluate information can be stimulated by the use of OER and by taking a MOOC course, which allows the development of the student´s autonomy to enhance their abilities to analyze, synthesize and to express information accurately and responsibly.Facultad de Informátic

    Experimental data gathered in Tasks 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5

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    This deliverable describes the experimental data gathered in Tasks 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5, it is related to deliverable D6.5. Numerous translation and post-editing experiments have been conducted during the Cas- MaCat project and many of them have been assembled in a Translation Process Database (TPR-DB) which is hosted at the CRITT1. The current TPR-DB version 2.0 is an extension of the TPR-DB version 1.0 which was described in deliverable D1.1, Appendix 4.5. This deliverable gives an overview of the data collected in TPR-DB version 2.0. A more detailed description of the TPR-DB can be found on the TPR-DB website. A description of the structure and the features is provided in a document on the same site from the link http://bridge.cbs.dk/resources/tpr-db/TPR-DB1.4.pdf

    Curso MOOC para fomentar el desarrollo de competencias digitales en estudiantes universitarios y autodidactas

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    Este proyecto diseñó e implementó un MOOC, con el objetivo de encontrar respuesta a ¿Cómo el uso de los REA promueve el desarrollo de competencias básicas digitales en alumnos de nivel superior de tres universidades de México y una de Venezuela y de autodidactas ubicados en distintos países de América?, mediante el uso de la herramienta BlackBoard en su versión gratuita de CourseSites se elaboró el REA. La duración del curso fue de quince días, para diseminar en tres unidades de trabajo, el conocimiento respecto al desarrollo de habilidades digitales de búsqueda y filtración de información gráfica, elección y reutilización de imágenes respectando los derechos de autor; para la recolección de datos se realizaron entrevistas a estudiantes, profesores, un experto en REA y un experto en diseño y se analizaron datos de la bitácora, contrastándolos con la teoría. Los resultados muestran las dificultades que se pueden presentar en la implementación de un curso MOOC y que, el grado de apropiación de las herramientas tecnológicas, deviene de su utilización no solo socialmente sino de su utilización en forma sistemática en el proceso de actividades académicas o de aprendizaje autónomo, y en consecuencia el desarrollo de competencias digitales.The aim of this project was to design and implement a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The objective was to determine how the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in academic projects promotes the development of basic digital competencies of university students from three public Mexican universities and one private Venezuelan university. The general objective was to design an OER, which consists of four-week course to disseminate knowledge among university students and self-educated people in order to develop basic digital competencies, specifically, searching and filtering graphic information, selecting and reusing correctively images taking into consideration Copyright. This study sought if it was possible to develop the competencies and abilities to use digital information correctly, by using the Project Based Learning (PBL) in an educational OER context; different sources were reviewed and classified into three different fields of study; online learning, its link and the innovation in educational-professional development, digital competencies and the studies on the field. The methodology implemented was the Case Based Learning, which is qualitative. Some interviews to students, teacher, experts and designers were conducted, information obtained from teacher logs and different important information obtained from the online course were analyzed and contrasted with what the fields of study of this project state. The preliminary results obtained show that the use of OER promotes basic digital competencies development, such as the correct search and selection of images. In addition, when a student knows and has relevant information, which can be used as a scaffolding to construct new knowledge, it is easier to develop the ability to analyze that information. The digital competence to evaluate information can be stimulated by the use of OER and by taking a MOOC course, which allows the development of the student´s autonomy to enhance their abilities to analyze, synthesize and to express information accurately and responsibly.Facultad de Informátic

    Radiculopatía lumbosacra por hernia discal. Caracterización clínica electrofisiológica. Bayamo 2006-2011

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    Introduction: radiculopathies by compression of nerve root answer to different causes that can be intervertebral disc displacement, spondylosis, tumors or trauma. Objective: characterizing electrophysiologically and clinically patients with Lumbosacral radiculopathies caused by intervertebral disc displacement in Bayamo city from 2006 to 2011. Methodological design: it was made a retrospective descriptive study on patients admitted by lumbar ache and were diagnosed for intervertebral disc displacement in neurosurgery service at teaching provincial hospital Carlos M. de Cespedes. Population was 293 cases affected in the nerve roots of the lumbosacral region, the sample was constituted by 102 patients which electromyography was performed before surgery. Results: the most represented age group was from 36-46 years old (43, 68 %), male gender (59, 38 %), according to disease evolution prevailed patients with more than three months (66, 8 %), with sciatica (65, 18 %), located at L4-L5 (56, 6 %) y axonal injuries (66, 6 %). Conclusion: it was obtained a high correlation between neurophysiologic clinical diagnoses with postsurgery report about the results of nerve root injuries which agrees with reports from reviewed literature.Introducción: las radiculopatías por la compresión de la raíz nerviosa responden a diversas causas que pueden ser hernias discales, espondilosis, tumoraciones, traumatismos.Objetivo: caracterizar clínica - electrofisiológicamente a pacientes con radiculopatías lumbosacras por hernia discal en Bayamo en el periodo comprendido de 2006-2011.Diseño metodológico: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los pacientes cuyo motivo de ingreso fue el dolor lumbar y fueron diagnosticados con hernia discal en el servicio de neurocirugía del hospital provincial docente Carlos M. de Céspedes, desde enero 2006 hasta enero 2011. El universo estuvo constituido por 293 casos con afecciones de las raíces nerviosas de la  región lumbosacra, la muestra compuesta por 102 pacientes a los que se les realizó electromiografía antes del tratamiento quirúrgico de la discopatía lumbosacra.Resultados: el grupo de edad más representado fue el de 36-46 años (43,68 %), del sexo masculino (59,38 %), en la evolución de la enfermedad predominaron los pacientes con más de tres meses (66,8 %), con lumbociatalgia (65,18 %), localizadas en L4-L5 (56,6 %) y con daño axonal (66,6 %).Conclusión: se obtuvo una alta correlación entre el diagnostico clínico – neurofisiológico con el informe postquirúrgico de los resultados de la alteración de la raíz lo que coincide con lo reportado por la literatura revisada

    Electric vehicle routing problem with backhauls considering the location of charging stations and the operation of the electric power distribution system

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    Las compañías logísticas están altamente motivadas en hacer que sus operaciones sean menos contaminantes a través de una solución eficiente con vehículos eléctricos (VEs). Sin embargo, el rango de conducción es uno de los aspectos limitantes en la inserción de los vehículos eléctricos en las flotas logísticas, debido a la baja capacidad proporcionada por las baterías para completar las rutas. En este sentido, es necesario desarrollar un marco de trabajo para incrementar de forma virtual la capacidad de la batería, por medio de la ubicación de estaciones de recarga a lo largo de la red de transporte, y completar las rutas satisfactoriamente. Por otro lado, los operadores de redes de distribución expresan su preocupación asociada a la inclusión de nuevas cargas eléctricas (estaciones de recarga de VEs), sin desmejorar la gestión óptima de suministro de energía a los usuarios finales. Bajo estas circunstancias, en este artículo se introduce el problema de ruteamiento de vehículos eléctricos con recogidas, formulado como un modelo de programación lineal entera mixta y considerando la operación del sistema de distribución en condiciones de máxima demanda. Se consideran diferentes puntos candidatos a estaciones de recarga de VEs para recargar la batería al final de una ruta linehaul o durante la ruta backhaul. El problema se formula con un enfoque multiobjetivo, donde se modela la operación de las redes de transporte y de distribución de energía eléctrica. El modelo propuesto es evaluado en instancias del VRPB (Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls) junto con sistemas de prueba de distribución de la literatura especializada. Para cada prueba, se presentan los correspondientes frentes de Pareto usando el método ε-constraint. Logistics companies are largely encouraged to make greener their operations through an efficient solution with electric vehicles (EVs). However, the driving range is one of the limiting aspects for the introduction of EVs in logistics fleet, due to the low capacity provided by the batteries to perform the routes. In this regards, it is necessary to set up a framework to virtually increase this battery capacity by locating EV charging stations (EVCSs) along the transportation network for the completion of their routes. By the other side, the Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) express the concern associated with the inclusion of new power demands to be attended (installation of EVCSs) in the Distribution Network (DN), without reducing the optimal power supply management for the end-users. Under these circumstances, in this paper the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls and optimal operation of the Distribution Network (EVRPB-DN) is introduced and formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model, considering the operation of the DN in conditions of maximum power demand. Different candidate points for the EVs charging are considered to recharge the battery at the end of the linehaul route or during the backhaul route. The problem is formulated as a multi-objective approach where the transportation and power distribution networks operation are modeled. The performance and effectiveness of the proposed formulation is tested in VRPB instance datasets and DN test systems from the literature. Pareto fronts for each instance are presented, using the ε-constraint methodology