4,248 research outputs found

    Diffusion local time storage

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    In this paper we study a storage process or a liquid queue in which the input process is the local time of a positively recurrent stationary diffusion in stationary state and the potential output takes place with a constant deterministic rate. For this storage process we find its stationary distribution and compute the joint distribution of the starting and ending times of the busy and idle periods. This work completes and extends to a more general setting the results in Mannersalo, Norros, and Salminen (2003).Comment: 24 pages; to appear in Stoch. Proc. App

    Methodology and calibration for continuous measurements of biogeochemical trace gas and O2 concentrations from a 300-m tall tower in central Siberia

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    We present an integrated system for measuring atmospheric concentrations of CO2, O2, CH4, CO, and N2O in central Siberia. Our project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of establishing long-term, continuous, high precision atmospheric measurements to elucidate greenhouse gas processes from a very remote, mid-continental boreal environment. Air is sampled from five heights on a custom-built 300-m tower. Common features to all species' measurements include air intakes, an air drying system, flushing procedures, and data processing methods. Calibration standards are shared among all five measured species by extending and optimising a proven methodology for long-term O2 calibration. Our system achieves the precision and accuracy requirements specified by the European Union's "CarboEurope" and "ICOS" (Integrated Carbon Observing System) programmes in the case of CO2, O2, and CH4, while CO and N2O require some further improvements. It was found that it is not possible to achieve these high precision measurements without skilled technical assistance on-site, primarily because of 2–3 month delays in access to data and diagnostic information. We present results on the stability of reference standards in high pressure cylinders. It was also found that some previous methods do not mitigate fractionation of O2 in a sample airstream to a satisfactory level

    A memoryless, stochastic mechanism of timing of phases of behavior by a neural network controller

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    For a sensorimotor network to generate adaptive behavior in the environment, the phases of the behavior must be appropriately timed. When the behavior is driven simply by the sensory stimuli from the environment, these can supply the timing. But when the behavior is driven by an internal "goal" that ignores and perhaps even opposes the immediate sensory stimuli, the timing must be generated internally by the network. We have modeled a realistic behavioral scenario that requires such internal timing.

When the sea slug Aplysia feeds, it incrementally ingests long strips of seaweed, driven by ingestive stimuli emanating from the seaweed. But if, having ingested a strip, the animal fails to break the strip off the substrate, it must incrementally egest the entire strip again. To do this, it must ignore the inherent ingestiveness of the seaweed and generate the opposite, egestive behavior, driven by an internal egestive goal, for a length of time that is appropriate for the length of the strip to be egested.

In previous work, we found that a differential-equation model of the Aplysia feeding network, with dynamics like those experimentally observed, performed this task extremely well. In this model, the goal-driven egestion was appropriately timed by a slowly decaying dynamical transient that "remembered" the time elapsed since the beginning of the egestion.

We have now used genetic algorithms to evolve very simple artificial neural network controllers that perform the task equally well. But these networks time the egestion by a completely different mechanism. Their dynamics are characterized by discrete ingestive and egestive attractors, to which they switch in response to ingestive and egestive stimuli. However, the switch in behavior follows the switch in stimulus only with a considerable delay, during which the network continues to generate the old behavior. Existing always near an attractor, the network has no long-term memory. Instead, the switch in behavior finally occurs when a sufficiently high local stimulus density appears in the stochastic stimulus input stream. This complex event occurs rarely. To perform the task, the evolution of the network tunes its connection weights so that the switch requires a density that occurs, on average, about as often as the time that is required to egest the typical length of seaweed strip with which the network is evolved. Thus a simple memoryless network, aware of only the local stimulus, is nevertheless able to organize behavior over arbitrarily long time scales

    Прибуток і рентабельність підприємства - обліково-аналітичний аспект

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    The economic essence of the concept of "profit" and "profitability" of the enterprise is considered. Profit is the part of the revenues remaining after covering all expenses for production and non-productive activities, serves as a means of reproduction and an important motive for realizing such activity of the enterprise in the current and prospective period. Modern accounting and analytical provision of profit management is in the process of systematization and structuring of information generated by accounting and economic analysis systems in order to use and dist ribute financial results of an enterprise. The accounting of financial results of the enterprise is considered, namely the reflection by the debit and the credit of the result from the operating activity, the calculation of the tax on profit, the write-off of the profit tax on the financial results and the reflection of profit in the accounting of the enterprise. In the analysis of production, profitability indicators are more complete than profit, characterizing the final results of management, because their magnitude shows the ratio between available and used resources. The indicator of profitability reflects the ratio of company profits and factors that are prerequisites for its occurrence. Accounting allows you to calculate a large number of indicators of profitability, so they need to be systematized in the analytical groups in order to streamline and ensure optimality in the conduct of analytical procedures. The approaches to the estimation of profitability and ways of its increase are analyzed. Proposed increase in profitability of the enterprise as a result magnification production volumes and reduction of all expenses. In order to obtain the maximum strategic effect of the enterprise, the enterprise should effectively use the profit received in past periods and conduct accounting policy.Розглянуто економічну сутність поняття "прибуток" і "рентабельність" підприємства. Прибуток – це та частина виторгу, яка залишається після покриття усіх витрат на виробничу і невиробничу діяльність, слугує засобом відтворення та важливим мотивом здійснення саме такої діяльності підприємства в поточному та перспективному періоді. Сучасне обліково-аналітичне забезпечення управління прибутком полягає в процесі систематизації та структурування інформації, який генерується системами бухгалтерського обліку та економічного аналізу, з метою використання та розподілу фінансових результатів підприємства. Розглянуто бухгалтерський облік фінансових результатів підприємства, а саме відображення за дебетом і кредитом результату від операційної діяльності, нарахування податку на прибуток, списання податку на прибуток на фінансові результати й відображення прибутку у бухгалтерському обліку підприємства. При аналізі виробництва показники рентабельності більш повно, ніж прибуток, характеризують кінцеві результати господарювання, тому що їх величина показує співвідношення між наявними та використаними ресурсами. Показник рентабельності відбиває співвідношення прибутку підприємства і факторів, які є передумовами його виникнення. Бухгалтерська звітність дозволяє розрахувати велику кількість показників рентабельності, тому їх необхідно систематизувати в аналітичні групи з метою впорядковування і забезпечення оптимальності при виконанні аналітичних процедур. Проаналізовано підходи до оцінки рентабельності та шляхи її підвищення. Зроблено висновки про трактування прибутку й рентабельності підприємства. Запропоновано підвищення рентабельності підприємства завдяки збільшенню обсягу виробництва продукції та зменшення всіх статей витрат. Для отримання максимального стратегічного ефекту діяльності підприємства підприємство має ефективно використовувати прибуток отриманий у минулих періодах й проводити облікову політику


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    Influence of time of microwave fluctuations on organoleptic indicators, chemical composition, exit and periods of storage of a meat product is investigated. It is established that the use of microwave technology in the beef delicacy reduces the salting by 3 times, and baking by 1,2 times. The yield of finished products increased by 2 times

    Temperature Dependence Cancellation of the Cs Clock Frequency in the Presence of Ne Buffer Gas

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    The temperature dependence of the Cs clock transition frequency in a vapor cell filled with Ne buffer gas has been measured. The experimental setup is based on the coherent population trapping (CPT) technique and a temporal Ramsey interrogation allowing a high resolution. A quadratic dependence of the frequency shift is shown. The temperature of the shift cancellation is evaluated. The actual Ne pressure in the cell is determined from the frequency shift of the 895nm optical transition. We can then determine the Cs-Ne collisional temperature coefficients of the clock frequency. These results can be useful for vapor cell clocks and especially for future micro-clocks

    Competencia instrumental en la reproducción textual en lengua extranjera : procesos de consulta léxica en fuentes externas /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de la competencia instrumental, que se entiende como suma del conocimiento y del dominio de recursos externos. En el curso de nuestra anterior investigación sobre recursos concretos hemos llegado a la conclusión de que se podría hablar de un mecanismo universal de consulta, que tendría sus orígenes en los procesos mentales y sería aplicable por tanto a cualquier recurso. Explicamos este mecanismo de consulta a partir de rasgos conceptuales sirviéndonos de la teoría conexionista. Además, situamos la consulta en el marco de la resolución de problemas, pudiendo así relacionar el apoyo interno, que consiste en el uso de la memoria, con el apoyo externo, que consiste en el empleo de recursos externos. Siguiendo los recientes descubrimientos en psicolingüística, nos proponemos a explicar cómo los problemas conceptuales o léxicos, identificados y definidos en términos propios de la memoria humana, se transforman en preguntas concretas dirigidas a los recursos y formuladas en sus términos. Para llevar a cabo la parte teórica de nuestro estudio, empezamos analizando cómo el conocimiento está representado en la memoria, prestando especial atención al proceso de recuperación léxica. Paralelamente describimos cómo el mismo conocimiento se encuentra representado en diversos recursos externos, según el tipo de acceso y de contenido que ofrece cada uno de ellos. Nuestro objetivo final es llegar a entender cómo funciona el proceso de recuperación léxica de los recursos. Primero, no obstante, es necesario averiguar qué es lo que impulsa al usuario a realizar una consulta léxica. Para ello, tenemos que analizar en detalle los dos subprocesos de la reproducción textual en lengua extranjera: la comprensión y la producción. En este trabajo de tesis desarrollamos modelos de estos procesos basados en rasgos conceptuales. A partir de aquí, establecemos los tipos de problemas que pueden solucionarse con estrategias de apoyo interno y que, en cambio, necesitan consultas en recursos externos. Los modelos de los procesos de comprensión y de producción se van completando a lo largo del trabajo, llegando a explicar cómo se recuperan las posibles variantes alternativas de la memoria y de los recursos y cómo se evalúan. Finalmente, definimos la competencia instrumental y creamos un modelo de recuperación léxica de los recursos que se sostiene sobre tres pilares: el papel de la tarea, el papel de la clave del acceso y el papel de los criterios de búsqueda. La parte práctica de esta tesis pretende validar el mencionado modelo de consulta. Nuestro corpus está constituido por las conversaciones que nuestros sujetos mantuvieron por escrito a través del programa Messenger mientras realizaban una tarea de corrección de errores en grupos. Se corrigieron unos resúmenes compuestos por estudiantes como parte de su proyecto semestral. El profesor únicamente marcó los errores, dejando que los estudiantes realizaran todo el proceso de resolución de estos problemas, buscando respuestas tanto en su memoria como en los recursos, en este caso diccionarios electrónicos. Las conversaciones se analizaron y se establecieron cadenas de acciones, lo que nos permitió verificar una serie de hipótesis. Hemos descubierto que una mayor implicación cognitiva por sí misma no lleva a mejores resultados, al contrario que una mayor profundidad de búsqueda en recursos. Además, identificamos algunas de las razones del éxito y del fracaso de una consulta. Palabras claves: recursos, diccionarios, consulta, competencia, proceso, memoriaThe object of the present study is instrumental competence, understood as a sum of theoretical knowledge and practical command of external reference sources. In the course of our previous investigation in specific resources we've come to the conclusion that it is possible to speak of some universal reference mechanism that would have its origins in mental processes and thus would be applicable to any resource. We explain this reference mechanism as based on conceptual features according to the connexionist theory. In addition, we situate the reference process into a solving problem framework, which allows us to establish relationship between internal support, understood as the use of memory, and external support, consisting in the use of reference sources. Following recent developments in psycholinguistics, we want to explain how lexical problems, identified and defined in terms of our memory, get transformed into specific inquiries addressed to resources and formulated in their terms. We start the theoretical part of our study analyzing knowledge representation in human memory, paying special attention to the process of lexical retrieval. At the same time, we describe how this very knowledge is represented in various external resources, according to the access and content possibilities each of them offers. Our final aim is to come to understand how the process of lexical retrieval from resources works. First, however, we need to find what makes the user take the decision about the use of resources. With this objective in mind, we study in detail the two subprocesses that form part of text reproduction in foreign language: comprehension and production. In this paper we develop models of these two processes based on conceptual features. This makes possible for us to establish the problem types that can be solved with internal support strategies only and those that, on the contrary, require use of resources. The models of comprehension and production processes are being completed throughout the paper, getting to explain how we generate alternative variants from our memory and from external resources and how we evaluate them. Finally, we define the instrumental competence and create a model of lexical retrieval from reference sources based on three axes: the task function, the access key function and the search criteria function. The practical part of this thesis aims at validating the mentioned model of reference. Our corpus is composed by Messenger chat conversations our subjects had in groups while engaged in the task of correcting mistakes. The texts to be corrected were composed by students as summaries and formed part of their semester project. The teacher had previously marked the mistakes, leaving it to the students to follow with the problem solving process. The subjects could look for answers in their memory as well as in the resources, electronic dictionaries in our case. The resulting chat conversations were analyzed and action sequences were established, which allowed us to verify several hypotheses. We've discovered that a deeper cognitive implication was not directly related to better results, while a deeper search in resources was. Moreover, we identified some of the causes of look-up success and failure. Key words: resources, dictionaries, reference, competence, process, memor