2,397 research outputs found

    Improving the Naive Bayes Classifier via a Quick Variable Selection Method Using Maximum of Entropy

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    Variable selection methods play an important role in the field of attribute mining. The Naive Bayes (NB) classifier is a very simple and popular classification method that yields good results in a short processing time. Hence, it is a very appropriate classifier for very large datasets. The method has a high dependence on the relationships between the variables. The Info-Gain (IG) measure, which is based on general entropy, can be used as a quick variable selection method. This measure ranks the importance of the attribute variables on a variable under study via the information obtained from a dataset. The main drawback is that it is always non-negative and it requires setting the information threshold to select the set of most important variables for each dataset. We introduce here a new quick variable selection method that generalizes the method based on the Info-Gain measure. It uses imprecise probabilities and the maximum entropy measure to select the most informative variables without setting a threshold. This new variable selection method, combined with the Naive Bayes classifier, improves the original method and provides a valuable tool for handling datasets with a very large number of features and a huge amount of data, where more complex methods are not computationally feasible.This work has been supported by the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and by “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER) under Project TEC2015-69496-R

    Fuzzy maintenance costs of a wind turbine pitch control device

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    This paper deals with the problem of estimation maintenance costs for the case of the pitch controls system of wind farms turbines. Previous investigations have estimated these costs as (traditional) “crisp” values, simply ignoring the uncertainty nature of data and information available. This paper purposes an extended version of the estimation model by making use of the Fuzzy Set Theory. The results alert decision-makers to consequent uncertainty of the estimations along with their overall level, thus improving the information given to the mainte-nance support system.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Project: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02267

    Hematološki pokazatelji ovaca tijekom laktacije u ekološkom uzgoju

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    The aim of this investigation is to determine haematological parameters of ewes during lactation in organic farming. Research was carried out with 32 Merinolandschaf ewes in age of 4 years and in third lactation. Sampling of blood from the same ewes was conducted on 20th, 60th and 100th day of lactation. Feeding was based on feed mixture and meadow hay from organic farming. Haematological parameters (number of leukocyte-WBC, erythrocytes-RBC, and platelet-PLT, as well as content of haemoglobin-HGB, haematocrit-HCT, mean corpuscular volume-MCV, the average haemoglobin content in erythrocytes-MCH and mean haemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes-MCHC) in whole blood of ewes and differential blood test (segmented neutrophils-SEG, band cells-NESEG, lymphocytes-LYM, eosinophils- EOS, monocytes-MON and basophils-BAS) were determined. During the lactation significant decrease of RBC (9.36-8.62×1012 L-1), HGB (92.59-86.25 g L-1) and number of BAS (0.41-0.03%) was determined, while MON (0.53-0.06%) decreased until 60th day of lactation. Significant correlations were determined between most of the haematological parameters in blood of ewes in lactation. Significant positive total correlation was determined between RBC and HGB (0.96), very strong correlation between HCT:HGB, RBC:HCT and MON:MCH (0.82, 0.76 and 0.80), as well as strong negative correlation between MCH:MCHC (-0.63). The abovementioned indicated significant interdependence of the most of haematological parameters in ewes during lactation in organic farming.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi promjene hematoloških pokazatelja u ovaca tijekom laktacije u ekološkom uzgoju. Istraživanje je provedeno na 32 Merinolandschaf ovce, dobi od 4 godine, u 3. laktaciji. Uzimanje uzoraka krvi provedeno je u istih ovaca 20., 60. i 100. dan laktacije. Ovce su bile hranjene krmnom smjesom i livadnim sijenom ekološkoga podrijetla. Utvrđeni su hematološki pokazatelji (broj leukocita-WBC, broj eritrocita-RBC, broj trombocita-PLT te sadržaj hemoglobina-HGB, hematokrit-HCT, prosječni volumen eritrocita-MCV, prosječni sadržaj hemoglobina u eritrocitima-MCH, prosječna koncentracija hemoglobina u eritrocitima-MCHC) u punoj krvi ovaca te diferencijalna krvna slika (segmentirani neutrofili-SEG, nesegmentirani neutrofili-NESEG, limfociti-LYM, eozinofili-EOZ, monociti-MON i bazofili-BAS). Tijekom laktacije utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje broja RBC-a (9,36-8,62×1012 L-1) i sadržaja HGB-a (92,59-86,25 g L-1) te broja BAS-a (0,41-0,03%), dok se broj MON-a (0,53-0,06%) smanjivao do 60. dana laktacije. Utvrđene su značajne korelacije između većega broja hematoloških pokazatelja u krvi ovaca u laktaciji. Značajno pozitivna i potpuna korelacija utvrđena je između sadržaja RBC-a i HGB-a (0,96), a vrlo jaka pozitivna korelacija između HCT:HGB-a, RBC:HCT-a te MON:MCH-a (0,82, 0,76 i 0,80) i jaka negativna između MCH:MCHC-a (-0,63). Navedeno ukazuje na značajnu međuovisnost većine hematoloških pokazatelja u ovaca tijekom laktacije u ekološkom uzgoju

    Comparison of Milk Production Traits by Istrian Pramenka between Conventional and Organic Systems in Slovenia

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    The aim of the present study was to determine differences of amount and composition of milk between conventional and organic systems in Istrian pramenka breed of sheep. Sum of the data included 838 conventional and 9238 organic samples of ewes´ milk. Each farm is classified as organic from the date of entering in organic production. Before that date farms didn´t show characteristics of organic production, therefore they were classified as conventional. The results of the present study included higher amount of morning (353.10 g) and evening milk (361.39 g) in conventional compared to morning (342.76 g) and evening milk (345.69) in organic system, significantly influenced by number of lactation (P<0.001), breeding system and breeder interaction (P<0.001). Higher content of fat in conventional system was significantly influenced by breeding system (P<0.05), breeding system and breeder interaction (P<0.001), number of lactation (P<0.01) and lactation length (P<0.001). Lower protein content in conventional system was influenced significantly by breeding system and breeder interaction (P<0.001), litter size (P<0.05) and lactation length (P<0.001). Content of lactose was higher in organic system (3.93%) compared to conventional system (3.84%) significantly influenced by breeding system (P<0.01) and number of lactation (P<0.001). According to results, differences between conventional and organic systems are the mostly influenced by breeder in Slovenia


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    In the world, there is an increasing demand for sheep milk and breeding of dairy breeds of sheep. The aim of this work is to present the production of sheep milk and the state and perspectives of Lacaune sheep breeding in the Republic of Croatia. In the world, EU countries and even in Croatia, the production of sheep milk is constantly increasing, which is evidenced by the growing interest in sheep milk and the breeding of dairy breeds of sheep, including Lacaune sheep. Lacaune sheep are bred in the Republic of Croatia by 10 farmers (2,254 breeding heads) and the number is constantly increasing. In the control of milk production of Lacaune sheep in the 3rd lactation, an average daily milk production of 2 kg was determined, and a total milk production of 400 kg in a lactation of 197 days, with an average of 6.3% fat and 6.0% protein. The production and chemical composition of Lacaune sheep in the Republic of Croatia is very similar if we compare it with available research throughout Europe. The abovementioned indicated the appropriate feeding and rearing of Lacaune sheep, but also their good adaptability. The perspective of Lacaune breeding in the Republic of Croatia is promising, and an increase in their number is expected. In addition to the improvement of feeding and rearing conditions, a higher production of milk will be achieved and the economy of production will increase

    Assessment of the quality of life in diabetic patients in primary care

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    Cilj: Cilj je istraživanja utvrditi kvalitetu života dijabetičkih bolesnika te utvrditi postoji li razlika s obzirom na dob, spol, trajanje dijabetesa, tip dijabetesa, terapiju i komorbiditete. Nacrt studije: Provedena je presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 165 dijabetičkih bolesnika ordinacija obiteljske medicine Doma zdravlja Osijek. Za prikupljanje osnovnih podataka koristio se opći anketni upitnik, dok se za određivanje indeksa kvalitete života koristio standardizirani Ferrans i Powers anketni upitnik koji mjeri rezultate za sveukupnu kvalitetu života i 4 domene: zdravlje i funkcioniranje, socijalna i ekonomska, psihološka i duhovna domena i obitelj. Rezultati: Medijan ukupne kvalitete života je 23,2 (skala je od 0 do 30). Nema značajne razlike u ukupnoj skali kvalitete života ni pojedinim domenama u odnosu na spol ispitanika, duljinu trajanja dijabetesa te terapiju. Dob je značajno povezana s ukupnom kvalitetom života i domenom obitelji, odnosno povećanjem dobi smanjuje se kvaliteta života i kvaliteta domene obitelji. Slabiju kvalitetu zdravlja i funkcioniranja imaju ispitanici s dijabetesom tipa II i makroangiopatijom. Zaključak: Kvaliteta života zadovoljavajuća je kod osoba oboljelih od dijabetesa. Čimbenici koji smanjuju kvalitetu života jesu starija dob, dijabetes tipa II te prisutnost makroangiopatija.Objectives: The aim of the research is to determine the quality of life of diabetic patients and to determine whether there is a difference in age, sex, duration of diabetes, type of diabetes, therapy and comorbidities. Study design: The study is a cross-sectional study. Participants and methods: The study included 165 Diabetic Patients of the General Practicioners Department of the Osijek Health Centre. The general questionnaire was used to collect the basic questionnaire, while the standardized Ferrans and Powers questionnaire was used to determine the quality of life index, which measures the results of the overall quality of life and the quality of life in 4 domains: health and functioning, social and economic, psychological and spiritual domains and families. Results: Median of the overall quality of life is 23.2 (scale ranges from 0 to 30). There is no significant difference in the overall quality of life or individual domains as compared to sex, duration of diabetes and therapy. The age is significantly associated with the overall quality of life and the family domain, which means that by increasing age the quality of life and quality of the family domain decreases. Minor health and functioning quality have patients with type II diabetes and patients with macroangiopathy. Conclusion: Quality of life is satisfactory in people with diabetes. Factors that reduce the quality of life are age, type II diabetes and the presence of macroangiopathy. Key words: comorbidity, diabetes mellitus, quality of life, questionnair

    Using level-2 fuzzy sets to combine uncertainty and imprecision in fuzzy regions

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    In many applications, spatial data need to be considered but are prone to uncertainty or imprecision. A fuzzy region - a fuzzy set over a two dimensional domain - allows the representation of such imperfect spatial data. In the original model, points of the fuzzy region where treated independently, making it impossible to model regions where groups of points should be considered as one basic element or subregion. A first extension overcame this, but required points within a group to have the same membership grade. In this contribution, we will extend this further, allowing a fuzzy region to contain subregions in which not all points have the same membership grades. The concept can be used as an underlying model in spatial applications, e.g. websites showing maps and requiring representation of imprecise features or websites with routing functions needing to handle concepts as walking distance or closeby