917 research outputs found

    Role ambiguity and job performance of employees in the service sector SMEs in Malaysia

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    Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the economic development of Malaysia, of which the majority are in the service sector.Employees of the service sector SMEs have often been associated with low level of job performance and past research has shown that there are many factors that can contribute to employee poor performance such as role ambiguity.Thus the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between role ambiguity and job performance of employees in the service sector SMEs in Malaysia.1500 questionnaires were distributed and 300 were returned resulting in a 20% response rate.The result revealed that there was a significant relationship between role ambiguity and job performance of employees


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    ABSTRACT HAMY SEVILA, The Relationship Between Service Quality With Reading Interest Of College Student At Library Technical Service Unit Of State University Of Jakarta. This research was conducted in library UPT of UNJ. This research starting starting from March 2016 to June 2016. The purpose of this study is to determine Relationship Between Service Quality With Reading Interest Of College Student At Library Technical Service Unit Of State University Of Jakarta. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach, population used are all State University of Jakarta college student. The sampling technique used technique of purposive sampling as many as 51 people. The resulting regression equation is Y = 32,58 + 0,6X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with test Liliefors produce Lcount = 0,103, while Ltable for n = 51 at 0.05 significant level is 0.124. Because L count Ftable which, 12,27 > 4,04, meaning that the regression equation is significant. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product moment generating (rxy) = 0,448, then performed the test significance correlation coefficient using t test and the resulting tcount > ttable, tcount = 3,50 and ttable = 1.67 .It can conclude that the correlation coefficient (r xy) = 0.448 posstive and significant. It can concude that the Relationship Between Service Quality With Reading Interest Of College Student At Library Technical Service Unit Of State University Of Jakarta posstive and significant. The coefficient of determination obtain for is 0,2003 which show that 20,03% of the variant of Service Quality is determined by Reading Interest. Keywords : Service Quality, Library, Reading Interes

    Gambaran Derajat Keasaman (pH), Volume, Viskositas dan Kapasitas Buffer Saliva pada Anak Down Syndrome di Sekolah Luar Biasa Kabupaten Jember

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    Down syndrome is a congenital disorder that results in the inhibition of mental and physical development. People with down syndrome experience physiological changes in the flow rate of saliva and its composition. These changes will reduce the function of saliva in protecting teeth. The purpose of this study was to examine the salivary pH, volume, viscosity, and buffer capacity of children with down syndrome in Special Needs School Jember. This study was an observational study on 18 children from 3 Special Schools in Jember. The unstimulated saliva volume was determined by spitting methods, saliva viscosity using Ostwald viscosimeter, and salivary buffer capacity by Erricson methods. The results were the salivary pH was normal tends to be alkaline, the saliva volume was normal tends to low, the saliva viscosity was normal, and the buffer capacity of saliva was good. This will be useful to be taken into consideration for the dental and oral health program of down syndrome childre

    Improving Accuracy of Information Extraction from Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Quantitative MRI offers the possibility to produce objective measurements of tissue physiology at different scales. Such measurements are highly valuable in applications such as drug development, treatment monitoring or early diagnosis of cancer. From microstructural information in diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) or local perfusion and permeability in dynamic contrast (DCE-) MRI to more macroscopic observations of the local intestinal contraction, a number of aspects of quantitative MRI are considered in this thesis. The main objective of the presented work is to provide pre-processing techniques and model modification in order to improve the reliability of image analysis in quantitative MRI. Firstly, the challenge of clinical DWI signal modelling is investigated to overcome the biasing effect due to noise in the data. Several methods with increasing level of complexity are applied to simulations and a series of clinical datasets. Secondly, a novel Robust Data Decomposition Registration technique is introduced to tackle the problem of image registration in DCE-MRI. The technique allows the separation of tissue enhancement from motion effects so that the latter can be corrected independently. It is successfully applied to DCE-MRI datasets of different organs. This application is extended to the correction of respiratory motion in small bowel motility quantification in dynamic MRI data acquired during free breathing. Finally, a new local model for the arterial input function (AIF) is proposed. The estimation of the arterial blood contrast agent concentration in DCE-MRI is augmented using prior knowledge on local tissue structure from DWI. This work explores several types of imaging using MRI. It contributes to clinical quantitative MRI analysis providing practical solutions aimed at improving the accuracy and consistency of the parameters derived from image data


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai mutu air susu pasteurisasi dari tiga produsen berbeda d1 daerah kotamadya Surabaya. Pada penelitian ini dipakai '4 samp.l air susu pasteurisasi dari tiga produsen berbedamelalui para pengecer yang menjualnya oi pinggir-pinggir jalan. Dari masing-masing pengec~r tiga produsen berbeda tarsebut diambil 19 sampel yang diperiksa Kadar lemak, berat jenis, Kadar bahan kering tanpa lemak. darajat keasaman dan jumlah kumannya. Dengan demikian yang dimaksud perlakuan di dalam penelitian ini adalah penanganan air susu pasteurisasi mula! dari produsen sampat para pengecar dl pinggir jalan. Rancangan percobaan yang dipakai dalam penelitian in1 adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan menggunakan uji F dengan tarat signi1ikasl SY.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air susu pasteurisasl dari t~ga produsen berbeda. yang dijual di pinggir jalan oleh para peng.car tidak berbeda nyata dan masih berada dalam batas-batas yang Iayak dikonsumsi sebaga1mana disyaratkan oleh SK D1rjen Paternakan no.17/Kpts/DJP/Deptan/93
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