8 research outputs found

    Photo-detectors integrated with resonant tunneling diodes

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    We report on photo-detectors consisting of an optical waveguide that incorporates a resonant tunneling diode (RTD). Operating at wavelengths around 1.55 m in the optical communications C band we achieve maximum sensitivities of around 0.29 A/W which is dependent on the bias voltage. This is due to the nature of RTD nonlinear current-voltage characteristic that has a negative differential resistance (NDR) region. The resonant tunneling diode photo-detector (RTD-PD) can be operated in either non-oscillating or oscillating regimes depending on the bias voltage quiescent point. The oscillating regime is apparent when the RTD-PD is biased in the NDR region giving rise to electrical gain and microwave self-sustained oscillations Taking advantage of the RTD's NDR distinctive characteristics, we demonstrate efficient detection of gigahertz (GHz) modulated optical carriers and optical control of a RTD GHz oscillator. RTD-PD based devices can have applications in generation and optical control of GHz low-phase noise oscillators, clock recovery systems, and fiber optic enabled radio frequency communication systems.FCT under the project WOWi [PTDC/EEA-TEL/100755/2008]; programme POCTI/FEDER [REEQ/1272/EEI/2005]; FCT Portugal [SFRH/BPD/84466/2012]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fósforo microbiano do solo sob sistema plantio direto em resposta à adição de fosfato solúvel Microbial phosphorus in a soil under no-tillage as affected by soluble phosphorus addition

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    O ciclo do P é controlado por processos físico-químicos, como a adsorção e a dessorção, e biológicos, como a imobilização e a mineralização. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a variação temporal no conteúdo de P da biomassa microbiana do solo (Pm) de acordo com doses e épocas de aplicação de fosfato solúvel na superfície de um Latossolo Vermelho sob sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi instalado em maio de 2002 em uma lavoura manejada sob plantio direto por sete anos, no município de Ibirubá, RS. Foram aplicadas cinco doses de superfosfato triplo, equivalentes a 0, 40, 80, 120 e 160 kg ha-1 de P2O5, em duas épocas, na semeadura do azevém (Lolium multiflorum) e da soja (Glicine max). Os teores de Pm e P extraído por resina trocadora de ânions do solo da camada de 0-10 cm foram avaliados aos 14, 49, 91, 133, 147, 203 e 267 dias após a semeadura do azevém. A aplicação de fosfato aumentou o teor de Pm, com maior intensidade quando aplicado na semeadura da soja, sobre os resíduos do azevém. A imobilização do P na biomassa microbiana foi temporária, diminuindo ao longo do ciclo das culturas, e sua variação temporal não foi acompanhada por variações no teor de P extraído por resina trocadora de ânions.<br>The phosphorus cycle in the soil is controlled by physicochemical processes, such as adsorption and desorption, and by biological processes, such as immobilization and mineralization. This study was carried out to evaluate the seasonal variation of phosphorus in the soil microbial biomass (Pm) as related to rates and timing of soluble phosphate application. The experiment was carried out in May 2002 on an Oxisol under no-till for seven years, in Ibirubá, in the southern Brazil. Five rates of soluble phosphate (0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg ha-1 of P2O5) were applied twice in a Lolium multiflorum/Glicine max cultivation cycle; the first one in the winter at Lolium multiflorum sowing and the second in the summer at Glicine max sowing. Microbial phosphorus and available phosphorus by anion exchange resin were evaluated in the 0-10 cm soil layer 91, 133, 147, 203, and 267 days after Lolium multiflorum sowing. Phosphate application increased microbial phosphorus, more intensely when applied at soybean sowing over the Lolium multiflorum residues. P immobilization in the microbial biomass was temporary and decreased over the course of the crop cycle; these variations were not correlated with variations in P extracted by anion-exchange resin