78 research outputs found

    Consumption Behaviours in the Market of Tourist Services. Motivations and Needs for Holiday Trips of Tourism and Recreation Students

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    The aim of this article is to identify students’ holiday trips. Particular attention is paid to the issue of needs, motives and tourist behaviours of this social group. Students as a specific community due to limited financial resources, while having a relatively large amount of free time, are an important market segment of tourist trips. Recognition of this specificity is important both for the people involved in the organization of tourism, as well as those providing services necessary for the operation of tourism

    Dializa otrzewnowa u pacjentów poddawanych zabiegom kardiochirurgicznym: za i przeciw

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    Schorzenie układu sercowo-naczyniowego jest główną przyczyną zgonów pacjentów ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek. Liczba pacjentów dializowanych poddawanych zabiegom kardiochirurgicznym stale się zwiększa. Decyzja o wyborze optymalnej metody leczenia nerkozastępczego jest przedmiotem dyskusji. Dializa otrzewnowa ma pewne zalety w okresie okołooperacyjnym. Przedstawiono opis 3 przypadków chorych z przewlekłą niewydolnością nerek, których poddano operacjom kardiochirurgicznym i kontynuowali dializę otrzewnową w okresie okołooperacyjnym. Zaprezentowano analizę problemów pojawiających się po zabiegu, uwzględniając przewodnienie i hiperkaliemię. Należy przypuszczać, że pacjenci dializowani otrzewnowo poddawani zabiegom kardiochirurgicznym mogą kontynuować poprzednią metodę dializ w okresie okołooperacyjnym. Forum Nefrologiczne 2011, tom 4, nr 1, 14–1

    A rewiring model of intratumoral interaction networks.

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    Intratumoral heterogeneity (ITH) has been regarded as a key cause of the failure and resistance of cancer therapy, but how it behaves and functions remains unclear. Advances in single-cell analysis have facilitated the collection of a massive amount of data about genetic and molecular states of individual cancer cells, providing a fuel to dissect the mechanistic organization of ITH at the molecular, metabolic and positional level. Taking advantage of these data, we propose a computational model to rewire up a topological network of cell-cell interdependences and interactions that operate within a tumor mass. The model is grounded on the premise of game theory that each interactive cell (player) strives to maximize its fitness by pursuing a rational self-interest strategy, war or peace, in a way that senses and alters other cells to respond properly. By integrating this idea with genome-wide association studies for intratumoral cells, the model is equipped with a capacity to visualize, annotate and quantify how somatic mutations mediate ITH and the network of intratumoral interactions. Taken together, the model provides a topological flow by which cancer cells within a tumor cooperate or compete with each other to downstream pathogenesis. This topological flow can be potentially used as a blueprint for genetically intervening the pattern and strength of cell-cell interactions towards cancer control

    Immature stages of Palearctic Mecinus species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Curculioninae): morphological characters diagnostic at genus and species levels

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    The immature stages of ten Mecinus species are described for the first time and those of two other species are redescribed, adding important chaetotaxy characters that were missing from previous descriptions. These species belong to six of the nine assemblages of Mecinus species previously established according to a phylogenetic analysis. All these groupings are confirmed on the basis of several characters of mature larvae and pupae. Moreover, all the species show several characters that are useful for distinguishing them from each other, including cryptic species that previously had few differential characters. Some characters that may be useful for separating Mecinus from other genera in the tribe are suggested. To confirm the taxonomic identification of some larvae, the mtCOII gene was obtained and compared with sequences from identified adult specimens. The most important characters for separating the immature stages of the genera and species groups in Mecinus are the number of palpomeres of the labial palpi (1 or 2), the number of air tubes of the thoracic and abdominal spiracles (unicameral or bicameral), and the number of epipharyngeal setae. The species studied herein were compared with those known from other genera in the tribe Mecinini. Two keys, one to the described larvae and the other to the pupae, are provided. Detailed biological data, several of which are new, on some species are reported

    Description of immature stages of Gymnetron species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Curculioninae), with particular emphasis on the diagnostic morphological characters at the generic and specific levels

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    The immature stages of the following five Palaearctic Gymnetron species are described for the first time: G. tibiellum Desbrochers des Loges, 1900, G. veronicae (Germar, 1821), G. rotundicolle Gyllenhal, 1838, G. melanarium (Germar, 1821), and G. villosulum Gyllenhal, 1838. These species belong to four different groups previously established according to a phylogenetic analysis: the first two belong to the G. veronicae group and the other three to groups respectively bearing their name (G. rotundicolle, G. melanarium, and G. villosulum groups). All these species exhibit several diagnostic characters distinguishing them from each other. Some characters that can be used to separate Gymnetron from other genera in the tribe are also suggested. Three highly significant characters for the larvae and three for the pupae were identified. For the larvae they are: (1) labial palpi with single palpomeres, (2) all spiracles unicameral, and (3) epipharynx with a single pair of mes or none at all. For the pupae they are: (1) the pronotum with prominent pronotal protuberances, (2) abdominal segment VIII with a conical abdominal protuberance dorsally, and (3) very short or even reduced urogomphi. The species studied here are compared with those Gymnetron species already known and with other genera in the tribe Mecinini. Keys to the larvae and pupae described here are provided. All the characters used for identification are illustrated by photographs or drawings

    Developmental Biology and Identification of a Garden Pest, Otiorhynchus (Podoropelmus) smreczynskii Cmoluch, 1968 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), with Comments on Its Origin and Distribution

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    The mature larva and pupa of Otiorhynchus smreczynskii are described and illustrated with complete chaetotaxy for the first time. Five larval instars and the factors for larval growth are determined, and the larval development of this species is comprehensively described. In order to confirm species affiliation, selected larvae were subjected to genetic analysis (mtCOI). Host plants and unique feeding signs of some Entiminae species are presented, and all available data on development are documented and interpreted. Additionally, the morphometry of 78 specimens (48 of O. smreczynskii and 30 of O. rotundus) was examined in order to verify the usefulness of morphological features in distinguishing both species. The female genitalia of both species are illustrated, described and compared with each other for the first time. Finally, the updated distribution of O. smreczynskii is given, and a possible origin of O. smreczynskii and O. rotundus is proposed

    Zabieg pomostowania tętnic wieńcowych u pacjenta dializowanego otrzewnowo

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    Choroba niedokrwienna serca pozostaje jedną z najważniejszych przyczyn zgonów u pacjentów ze schyłkową niewydolnością nerek. Z roku na rok rośnie liczba pacjentów leczonych nerkozastępczo, którzy są poddawani zabiegowi pomostowania aortalno- wieńcowego. Mimo postępu, jaki dokonał się w kardiochirurgii, chorobowość i umieralność okołooperacyjna u pacjentów dializowanych utrzymują się na wysokim poziomie. W pracy przedstawiono satysprzypadek pacjenta dializowanego otrzewnowo, u którego wykonano zabieg pomostowania aortalno- -wieńcowego. W okresie okołooperacyjnym kontynuowano poprzednią metodę dializoterapii. Można zatem przypuszczać, że pacjenci dializowani otrzewnowo, poddawani zabiegom kardiochirurgicznym, mogą w okresie okołozabiegowym stosować dializę otrzewnową. Forum Nefrologiczne 2011, tom 4, nr 1, 33–3