134 research outputs found

    L'interpretazione telefonica nell'azienda Dualia: Una prospettiva di interpreti e clienti

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    Da una riflessione sul multilinguismo e sul diritto di immigrati e turisti, o più in generale residenti stranieri, di accedere ai servizi pubblici nella propria lingua, nasce l’idea di questo elaborato. Ci si è voluti concentrare sull’interpretazione telefonica (IT) in quanto mezzo utile per accedere a un interprete rapidamente, soprattutto in caso di emergenza. L’elaborato presenta inizialmente un excursus storico sull’interpretazione grazie al quale si giunge a trattare dell’interpretazione a distanza, che viene divisa in videoconference interpreting e interpretazione telefonica (IT): Di quest’ultima, tema dell’elaborato,si analizza l’implementazione e si espongono le controversie che la riguardano. A seguire ci si dedica alla ricerca sull’IT che viene svolta in una realtà aziendale basca di punta nel settore spagnolo: Dualia. Viene descritta l’azienda, la sua storia, i servizi che fornisce, e le modalità di lavoro degli interpreti. La seconda parte dell’elaborato tratta dell’esposizione e analisi dei risultati della ricerca. L’obiettivo dello studio è quello di ricavare la prospettiva di interpreti e clienti sull’IT e trarne spunti di miglioramento per il servizio. La ricerca è avvenuta per mezzo di due tipi di questionari indirizzati uno ai clienti dell’IT, e l’altro agli interpreti telefonici che lavorano con Dualia. Il questionario per i clienti ha riscontrato che essi utilizzano facilmente l’IT, che è un grande aiuto nel loro lavoro e che gli interpreti sono considerati professionali. Il questionario per gli interpreti ha creato un profilo dell’interprete telefonico, ha riscontrato una propensione degli interpreti e ha mostrato le problematiche principali dell’interprete telefonico

    Learned Pre-Processing for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection on Eye Fundus Images

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    Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population of the world. The main aim of this paper is to improve the accuracy of Diabetic Retinopathy detection by implementing a shadow removal and color correction step as a preprocessing stage from eye fundus images. For this, we rely on recent findings indicating that application of image dehazing on the inverted intensity domain amounts to illumination compensation. Inspired by this work, we propose a Shadow Removal Layer that allows us to learn the pre-processing function for a particular task. We show that learning the pre-processing function improves the performance of the network on the Diabetic Retinopathy detection task.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition ICIAR 2019 Published at https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27272-2_3

    An efficient intelligent analysis system for confocal corneal endothelium images

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    A confocal microscope provides a sequence of images of the corneal layers and structures at different depths from which medical clinicians can extract clinical information on the state of health of the patient's cornea. A hybrid model based on snake and particle swarm optimisation (S-PSO) is proposed in this paper to analyse the confocal endothelium images. The proposed system is able to pre-process images (including quality enhancement and noise reduction), detect cells, measure cell densities and identify abnormalities in the analysed data sets. Three normal corneal data sets acquired using a confocal microscope, and three abnormal confocal endothelium images associated with diseases have been investigated in the proposed system. Promising results are presented and the performance of this system is compared with manual and two morphological based approaches. The average differences between the manual and the automatic cell densities calculated using S-PSO and two other morphological based approaches is 5%, 7% and 13% respectively. The developed system will be deployable as a clinical tool to underpin the expertise of ophthalmologists in analysing confocal corneal images

    A fully automated cell segmentation and morphometric parameter system for quantifying corneal endothelial cell morphology

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    YesBackground and Objective Corneal endothelial cell abnormalities may be associated with a number of corneal and systemic diseases. Damage to the endothelial cells can significantly affect corneal transparency by altering hydration of the corneal stroma, which can lead to irreversible endothelial cell pathology requiring corneal transplantation. To date, quantitative analysis of endothelial cell abnormalities has been manually performed by ophthalmologists using time consuming and highly subjective semi-automatic tools, which require an operator interaction. We developed and applied a fully-automated and real-time system, termed the Corneal Endothelium Analysis System (CEAS) for the segmentation and computation of endothelial cells in images of the human cornea obtained by in vivo corneal confocal microscopy. Methods First, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Band-pass filter is applied to reduce noise and enhance the image quality to make the cells more visible. Secondly, endothelial cell boundaries are detected using watershed transformations and Voronoi tessellations to accurately quantify the morphological parameters of the human corneal endothelial cells. The performance of the automated segmentation system was tested against manually traced ground-truth images based on a database consisting of 40 corneal confocal endothelial cell images in terms of segmentation accuracy and obtained clinical features. In addition, the robustness and efficiency of the proposed CEAS system were compared with manually obtained cell densities using a separate database of 40 images from controls (n = 11), obese subjects (n = 16) and patients with diabetes (n = 13). Results The Pearson correlation coefficient between automated and manual endothelial cell densities is 0.9 (p < 0.0001) and a Bland–Altman plot shows that 95% of the data are between the 2SD agreement lines. Conclusions We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the CEAS system, and the possibility of utilizing it in a real world clinical setting to enable rapid diagnosis and for patient follow-up, with an execution time of only 6 seconds per image

    Localization and segmentation of optic disc in retinal images using circular Hough transform and grow-cut algorithm

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    Automated retinal image analysis has been emerging as an important diagnostic tool for early detection of eye-related diseases such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. In this paper, we have presented a robust methodology for optic disc detection and boundary segmentation, which can be seen as the preliminary step in the development of a computer-assisted diagnostic system for glaucoma in retinal images. The proposed method is based on morphological operations, the circular Hough transform and the grow-cut algorithm. The morphological operators are used to enhance the optic disc and remove the retinal vasculature and other pathologies. The optic disc center is approximated using the circular Hough transform, and the grow-cut algorithm is employed to precisely segment the optic disc boundary. The method is quantitatively evaluated on five publicly available retinal image databases DRIVE, DIARETDB1, CHASE_DB1, DRIONS-DB, Messidor and one local Shifa Hospital Database. The method achieves an optic disc detection success rate of 100% for these databases with the exception of 99.09% and 99.25% for the DRIONS-DB, Messidor, and ONHSD databases, respectively. The optic disc boundary detection achieved an average spatial overlap of 78.6%, 85.12%, 83.23%, 85.1%, 87.93%, 80.1%, and 86.1%, respectively, for these databases. This unique method has shown significant improvement over existing methods in terms of detection and boundary extraction of the optic disc