208 research outputs found

    Un fanum en Turgalium

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    El descubrimiento en Turgalium (Trujillo, Cáceres) de un fragmento de una placa de mármol inscrita (s. II dC) a propósito de un acto de evergetismo llevado a cabo por un individuo perteneciente probablemente a la élite municipal, desvela por primera vez con seguridad la existencia de un recinto sagrado en la ciudad. El estudio lingüístico nos permite postular que se trata de la construcción o restauración de un triclinium asociado a un fanum dedicado a una divinidad (Belona?), hecho que encontraría paralelos morfológicos y epigráficos en el santuario de Leno Marte de Augusta Treverorum.A fragment of marble block with inscription (II AD) that recently came to light in Turgalium (Trujillo, Cáceres. Spain) with regard to an evergetic deed probably carried out by a member of the municipal élite, gives us evidence for the first time of a sanctuary in the city. The study of some linguistic and formal aspects enables us to state that the inscription deals with the construction or restoration of a triclinium related to a fanum that was devoted probably to Belona, what might bear relation to some epigraphical and morphological examples of Leno Mars' sanctuary in Augusta Treverorum

    A vueltas con la placa de Nativola (CIL II5/5, 652). Nuevos elementos para la reflexión

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    El artículo revisa la historiografía relacionada con la inscripción CIL II5/5, 652 (placa de Nativola) y pone al descubierto nuevos elementos que pueden ayudar a esclarecer su origen, su localización primigenia, su descubrimiento y los avatares de su conservación. Asimismo, un nuevo análisis filológico paralelo ayuda a interpretar aspectos oscuros del texto que contiene.This article reviews the history concerning the inscription CIL II5/5, 652 (plate of Nativola) and reveals new information that may help to throw light on its origin, its location, its unveiling and the up and downs of its preservation. Also a new parallel philological analysis helps us to interpret some abstruse aspects of the text it contains

    The training in the prps process implementation: a case study

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    El presente artículo examina la valoración que realizaron los profesores participantes en un curso de formación orientado a mejorar la implementación del Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social (PRPS) (Escartí, Pascual y Gutiérrez, 2005) en la escuela. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa a través de un doble estudio de casos. Las participantes fueron dos profesoras generalistas de Educación Primaria. La obtención de los datos se realizó a través de diarios personales y entrevistas. Para las participantes las fortalezas de la formación fueron: el intercambio de experiencias entre los participantes, el efecto motivador que tuvo que el facilitador del curso fuera un experto profesor de una universidad extranjera y la presentación de un nuevo enfoque metodológico más flexible en la aplicación del PRPS. Los puntos débiles de la formación fueron: la corta duración de la formación y una oferta insuficiente de actividades prácticas para el desarrollo de la responsabilidad en los niños. Las propuestas de mejora hechas por los participantes contemplaron el incremento de actividades prácticas específicas para el desarrollo del liderazgo y la transferencia, así como la utilización de una metodología basada en el active learning (Bonwell y Eison, 1991).This paper examines the assessment that the teachers participating in a training course did to improve the implementation of Personal and Social Responsibility Program (PSRP) (Escartí, Pascual and Gutierrez, 2005) at school. This is a qualitative research through a double case study. Participants were two primary school teachers. Data were collected from teacher’s diaries and interviews. Findings: For the participants the strengths of the teacher training were: the exchange of experiences between participants, the motivating effect of the fact that the training facilitator was an expert teacher in a foreign university, and the presentation of a new more flexible methodological approach to implement PSRP. The teacher training weaknesses were: the short duration of training and the insufficient supply of practical activities to develop responsibility in children. In order to improve teacher training in PRPS the participants proposed specific practical activities to develop leadership and transference, and the use of a methodology based on active learning (Bonwell and Eison, 1991)

    Application of Hellison's teaching personal and social responsibility model in physical education to improve self-efficacy for adolescents at risk of dropping-out of school

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    This study evaluated improvement in self-efficacy and personal and social responsibility among at-risk of dropping-out of school adolescents participating in a program in which Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model was applied in physical education classes during the course of an academic year. Thirty atrisk adolescents aged 13-14 years old (23 boys, 7 girls) were assigned to an intervention group (12 boys and 3 girls) or a comparison group (11 boys, 4 girls), the latter of which did not participate in the program. Quantitative results showed a significant improvement in the students´ self-efficacy for enlisting social resources and in self-efficacy for self-regulated learning. Qualitative results showed an improvement in responsibility behaviors of participants in the intervention group. This suggests that the model could be effective for improving psychological and social development in at-risk adolescents, and that physical education classes may be an appropriate arena for working with these young people

    Agripina always stayed in Moura: aPproaching the conclusive ending to CIL II 963

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    La reciente publicación (2016) de la memoria de excavación de los restos de la Igreja de Santiago en el Castelo de Moura (Portugal) aporta un argumento definitivo a la cuestión del eventual traslado del pedestal CIL II 963 de Aroche a Moura.The recent publication (2016) of the excavation’s report of the remains of the Igreja de Santiago in the Castelo de Moura (Portugal) provides us a final argument to the question of the eventual transfer of CIL II 963 from Aroche to Moura.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FFI2012-39395-C02-01 FFI2012-39395-C02-0

    Analysis of the internal load in training women’s futsal of first national division

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo (RPE) en los entrenamientos de fútbol sala en jugadoras (25.42±4.42 años, 166.57±7.14 cm, 56.50±4.95 kg y 22.23±0.97 IMC) de un equipo de primera división de la liga nacional española. Se registraron, mediante monitores de ritmo cardiaco y la escala de Foster, ocho sesiones de entrenamiento de tipo técnico-táctico, físico y partidos modificados, distribuidas durante la mitad de la temporada. Los resultados de la FC máxima y media obtenida son 174.03±4.15 y 128.29±0.81 ppm en sesiones técnico-tácticas, 179.75±2.05 y 132±2.12 ppm en sesiones físicas, 180.99±1.06 y 133.63±5.52 ppm en partidos modificados, respectivamente. Habiendo diferencias significativas en los resultados de la FC máxima entre las sesiones técnico-tácticas y los partidos modificados (p=0.03) y entre la sesiones físicas y las técnico-tácticas (p=0.04). En cuanto a los resultados de la carga de entrenamiento y la RPE en las sesiones técnico-tácticas son 381.22±16.42 y 6.21±0.12 rpe, en las sesiones físicas 533.25±5.59 y 7.90±0.0 rpe, y en los partidos modificados 531.18±4.21 y 7.97±0.22 rpe, respectivamente. Encontrando diferencias significativas entre los resultados de la RPE y la magnitud de la carga de entrenamiento de las sesiones técnico-tácticas y los partidos modificados (p=0.00) y entre la sesiones físicas y las técnico-tácticas (p=0.00). Estos resultados muestran que la sesión de partido modificado obtiene unos valores de frecuencia cardiaca y de percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo mayor que las sesiones técnico-tácticas y las de trabajo físico.The aim of this study is to analyze the heart rate (HR) and the rating perception of effort (RPE) in training women futsal players (age 25.42±4.42 years, height 166.57±7.14 cm, body mass 56.50±4.95 kg and 22.23±0.97 BMI) from the first division team of the Spanish league. They were recorded by heart rate monitors and Foster scale, eight training sessions (technical-tactical, physiological and modified games). The results of maximum HR and average HR obtained are 174.03 ± 4.15 and 128.29 ± 0.81 ppm in technical-tactical sessions, 179.75 ± 2.05 and 2.12 ± 132 ppm in physiological sessions, and 180.99 ± 1.06 and 133.63 ± 5.52 ppm in modified games respectively. Having significant differences in the results of maximum heart rate between technical-tactical sessions and modified games (p = 0.03) and between the physiological and technical-tactical sessions (p = 0.04). As for the results of the training load and the RPE: are 381.22 ± 16.42 and 6.21 ± 0.12 in technical-tactical sessions; 533.25 ± 5.59 and 7.90 ± 0.0 in physiological sessions, and 531.18 ± 4.21 and 7.97 ± 0.22 in modified games. Finding significant differences between the results of the RPE and the magnitude of the training load technical-tactical sessions and modified games (p = 0.00) and between the physiological and technical-tactical sessions (p = 0.00). These results show that the modified games session obtains values of heart rate and the rating perception of effort greater than the technical-tactical and physiological work sessions

    A preliminary study of printed electronics through flexography impression on flexible substrates

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    [EN] The work is framed within Printed Electronics, an emerging technology for the manufacture of electronic products. Among the different printing methods, the roll-to-roll flexography technique is used because it allows continuous manufacturing and high productivity at low cost. Apart from the process parameters, the ink and the substrate properties are some of the variables associated with the flexographic printing. Specifically, this study investigates the ink penetration, the print uniformity, the adhesion, the fastness, and the electrical behaviour of the same conductive silver ink printed on different flexible substrates through the flexography process. In addition to polymeric and siliconized paper substrates, which are typical used in printed electronics, two substrates were also chosen for the study: woven and nonwoven fabric. Optical, scanning electronic microscope (SEM), 4-point Kelvin and colour fastness to wash and rubbing analyses have been performed. The results concluded that, regarding the conductivity behaviour, porous substrates like textiles and nonwoven fabrics without pre and post treatments do not present acceptable results, whereas polymers or silicone papers do. Nevertheless, woven and nonwoven fabrics are a suitable early option regarding colour fastness to wash instead of thin polymeric and paper substrates that tear at the wash machine. A solution for an optimal printing on textiles would be the surface substrates pre-treatment by applying different chemical compounds that increase the adhesion of the ink on the fabricThis research is part of HYBRID project that is funded by the Conselleria d¿Economia Sostenible, Sectors Productius i Treball, through IVACE. Application No.: IMAMCI/2020/1Rodes Carbonell, AM.; Ferri Pascual, J.; Garcia-Breijo, E.; Bou-Belda, E. (2021). A preliminary study of printed electronics through flexography impression on flexible substrates. Industria Textila. 72(2):133-137. https://doi.org/10.35530/it.072.02.20202413313772

    La percepción del profesorado de Educación Física sobre los efectos del programa de responsabilidad personal y social (PRPS) en los estudiantes

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects that five elementary school physical education teachers observed in their students applying the Personal and Social Responsibility Program (PRPS). The design of this study was a qualitative one and their guide-questions: The PRPS had effects on students? What kinds of effects? There were differences among students regarding the degree of influence of the PRPS? The �purposeful sampling� consisted of five physical education elementary public school teachers (4 men and 1 woman) from Comunidad Valenciana, (Spain), with a mean age of 29.4 years. Data collection included two semi-structured interviews (total 10) and a focus group with teachers who applied the PRPS with the purpose to know and deep about the program's impact on students. For analysis the data we identified the following categories: 1. General effects of PRPS; 2 Thematic effects; and 3. Individual differential effects. Findings indicate that all teachers participating in the programperceived benefits on the vast majority of their students, especially at Level I of PRPS: �Respect the rights and feelings of others�. They also noted that the effects of PRPS were higher in those students who had not internalized positive or negative models in their behaviours.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos que percibieron en sus alumnos cinco maestros de educación física de Educación Primaria que implementaron el Programa de Responsabilidad Personal y Social (PRPS) en sus clases durante dos cursos escolares. El diseño del estudio fue cualitativo y sus cuestiones: ¿El PRPS tuvo efectos en los estudiantes? ¿Qué tipo de efectos?, ¿Se observaron diferencias entre los estudiantes respecto al grado de influencia del PRPS? La muestra �a propósito� estuvo formada por cinco maestros de educación física (4 hombres y 1 mujer) de Educación Primaria de cinco centros escolares públicos de la Comunidad Valenciana, con una media de edad de 29,4 años. Los datos se obtuvieron a través de dos entrevistas semiestructuradas (total 10) y un focus group al profesorado que aplicó el PRPS con el objeto de conocer y profundizar sobre los efectos del programa en los estudiantes. Para el análisis de los datos se establecieron las siguientes categorías: 1. Efectos generales del PRPS; 2.Efectos temáticos y 3. Efectos diferenciales individuales. Todos los maestros participantes en el programa percibieron beneficios sobre la gran mayoría de sus alumnos, sobre todo respecto a los objetivos del Nivel I del PRPS �Respetar los derechos y sentimientos de los demás�, a saber:resolver los conflictos a través del diálogo, evitar exclusiones de los compañeros y hablar respetando el turno de palabra. Además, observaron que los efectos del PRPS son mayores en aquellos estudiantes que no tienen unos modelos de comportamiento bien interiorizados sean éstos positivos o negativos