170 research outputs found

    Modelling of reinforced concrete in the serviceability limit state: A study of cracking, stiffness and deflection in flexural members

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    The objective of the present thesis is to advance the understanding of the behaviour related to cracking in reinforced concrete, as well as improve modelling of flexural members in the serviceability limit state. This should create a stronger connection between modelling of the two limit states of design, and lead to better utilisation of both concrete and reinforcement. One of the main issues within the subject of reinforced concrete in the serviceability limit state, addressed in this thesis, is that focus has for many years primarily been on investigations concerning the ultimate limit state. Research within the serviceability limit state thus lags behind, where models lack physical transparency and are merely conservative estimates. Furthermore, the different aspects of the serviceability limit state, namely the estimation of crack widths, stiffness, and deformation are not coherently modelled with a general way of interpreting the physical behaviour. This particularly concerns the effect of tension-stiffening on the flexural stiffness, which is addressed empirically or sometimes even ignored. The thesis proposes an approach to evaluate all the important aspects of the serviceability limit state which was developed from one requirement; that both crack widths, flexural stiffness, and deflection, can be estimated from coherent physical considerations of how flexural members behave, analogue to the models for designing reinforced concrete in the ultimate limit state. This requirement resulted in an approach based on the knowledge of one single parameter; the crack spacing. The approach assumes that all deformation takes place solely in the cracks, which means that crack widths can be estimated from the crack spacing and the mean strain in the reinforcement. Since the crack spacing is the foundation of the entire approach, it was considered crucial to gain as much knowledge as possible about this parameter. This is achieved, firstly, through a thorough literature review and, secondly, a comprehensive empirical study of crack spacings in 142 tensile tests and 462 flexural tests from the literature which are treated statistically. To minimise the influence of the randomness associated with cracking in concrete, a large amount of data was required. From the ambition of establishing a database of comparable data and to avoid subjectivity, all crack spacings have been collected in the same manner; by consistently measuring them from photos of the crack patterns. For regression analysis of the crack spacings, the beams are grouped into two categories; laboratory beams, smaller than 300mm in effective depth, and structural beams, larger than 300mm. From both the empirical study and the results of a series of conducted tests, the two categories are observed to behave differently with respect to the crack patterns and crack spacings. Both categories of beams are analysed with respect to two different types of cracks; the secondary cracks and the primary cracks which individual crack spacings are measured at the level of the reinforcement and at mid-height of the members, respectively. The results of the regression analysis showed that only one type of crack develops in the laboratory beams with a spacing controlled primarily by the bond parameter; phi_s/rho_s. However, a large random scatter is associated with the crack spacing in laboratory beams, whereas the conclusions for the structural beams is much clearer. In these beams, the primary crack spacing is found to be linearly proportional to the effective depth, while the secondary crack spacing showed dependency on both the cover and the phi_s/rho_s-ratio. Nevertheless, these two parameters are found to largely describe the same variation in the crack spacing and their relation is therefore investigated further. The proposed approach is seen to agree well with the test results of beams subjected to four-point-bending as well as it shows slightly better results than the Eurocode model for predicting deflections. From these positive results of the approach, a potential for future studies is seen in using the same fundamental assumptions for modelling other aspects of the behaviour of reinforced concrete

    Time-varying auditory gain control in response to double-pulse stimuli in harbour porpoises is not mediated by a stapedial reflex

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    Echolocating animals reduce their output level and hearing sensitivity with decreasing echo delays, presumably to stabilize the perceived echo intensity during target approaches. In bats, this variation in hearing sensitivity is formed by a call-induced stapedial reflex that tapers off over time after the call. Here, we test the hypothesis that a similar mechanism exists in toothed whales by subjecting a trained harbour porpoise to a series of double sound pulses varying in delay and frequency, while measuring the magnitudes of the evoked auditory brainstem responses (ABRs). We find that the recovery of the ABR to the second pulse is frequency dependent, and that a stapedial reflex therefore cannot account for the reduced hearing sensitivity at short pulse delays. We propose that toothed whale auditory time-varying gain control during echolocation is not enabled by the middle ear as in bats, but rather by frequency-dependent mechanisms such as forward masking and perhaps higher-order control of efferent feedback to the outer hair cells

    Characteristics and propagation of airgun pulses in shallow water with implications for effects on small marine mammals

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    Airguns used in seismic surveys are among the most prevalent and powerful anthropogenic noise sources in marine habitats. They are designed to produce most energy below 100 Hz, but the pulses have also been reported to contain medium-to-high frequency components with the potential to affect small marine mammals, which have their best hearing sensitivity at higher frequencies. In shallow water environments, inhabited by many of such species, the impact of airgun noise may be particularly challenging to assess due to complex propagation conditions. To alleviate the current lack of knowledge on the characteristics and propagation of airgun pulses in shallow water with implications for effects on small marine mammals, we recorded pulses from a single airgun with three operating volumes (10 in3, 25 in3 and 40 in3) at six ranges (6, 120, 200, 400, 800 and 1300 m) in a uniform shallow water habitat using two calibrated Reson 4014 hydrophones and four DSG-Ocean acoustic data recorders. We show that airgun pulses in this shallow habitat propagated out to 1300 meters in a way that can be approximated by a 18log(r) geometric transmission loss model, but with a high pass filter effect from the shallow water depth. Source levels were back-calculated to 192 dB re µPa2s (sound exposure level) and 200 dB re 1 µPa dB Leq-fast (rms over 125 ms duration), and the pulses contained substantial energy up to 10 kHz, even at the furthest recording station at 1300 meters. We conclude that the risk of causing hearing damage when using single airguns in shallow waters is small for both pinnipeds and porpoises. However, there is substantial potential for significant behavioral responses out to several km from the airgun, well beyond the commonly used shut-down zone of 500 meters

    Energy compensation and received echo level dynamics in constant-frequency bats during active target approaches

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    This work was supported by the Semper Arden Carlsberg grant to P.T.M., by a National Science Foundation grant [1658620] to R.M. and by a National Natural Science Foundation of China [11574183] to R.M.Bats have been reported to adjust the energy of their outgoing vocalizations to target range (R) in a logarithmic fashion close to 20log10R which has been interpreted as providing one-way compensation for increasing echo levels during target approaches. However, it remains unknown how species using high-frequency calls, which are strongly affected by absorption, adjust their vocal outputs during approaches to point targets. We hypothesized that such species should compensate less than the 20log10R model predicts at longer distances and more at shorter distances as a consequence of the significant influence of absorption at longer ranges. Using a microphone array and an acoustic recording tag, we show that the output adjustments of two Hipposideros pratti and one Hipposideros armiger do not decrease logarithmically during approaches to different-sized targets. Consequently, received echo levels increase dramatically early in the approach phase with near-constant output levels, but level off late in the approach phase as a result of substantial output reductions. To improve echo-to-noise ratio, we suggest that bats using higher frequency vocalizations compensate less at longer ranges, where they are strongly affected by absorption. Close to the target, they decrease their output levels dramatically to mitigate reception of very high echo levels. This strategy maintains received echo levels between 6 and 40 dB re. 20 µPa2 s across different target sizes. The bats partially compensated for target size, but not in a one-to-one dB fashion, showing that these bats do not seek to stabilize perceived echo levels, but may instead use them to gauge target size.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Echolocation click source parameters of Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni)

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (2018): 2564, doi: 10.1121/1.5034174.The Australian snubfin dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni) is endemic to Australian waters, yet little is known about its abundance and habitat use. To investigate the feasibility of Passive Acoustic Monitoring for snubfin dolphins, biosonar clicks were recorded in Cygnet Bay, Australia, using a four-element hydrophone array. Clicks had a mean source level of 200 ± 5 dB re 1 μPa pp, transmission directivity index of 24 dB, mean centroid frequency of 98 ± 9 kHz, and a root-mean-square bandwidth of 31 ± 3 kHz. Such properties lend themselves to passive acoustic monitoring, but are comparable to similarly-sized delphinids, thus requiring additional cues to discriminate between snubfins and sympatric species.We thank the Fitzroy Basin Association for funding fieldwork in Gladstone May 2013 as well as the Australian Marine Mammal Centre who funded J.N.S. with the Bill Dawbin Fellowship and provided fieldwork funding. P.T.M. was funded by a Sir Walter Murdoch Honorary Professorship from Murdoch University and frame grants from FNU. F.H.J. was supported by the office of naval research (N00014-1410410) and an AIAS-COFUND fellowship from Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, under EU's FP7 programme (Agreement No. 609033)

    Single-click beam patterns suggest dynamic changes to the field of view of echolocating Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the wild

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    The study was funded by frame grants from the Danish Natural Science Foundation to P.T.M. and M.W., and by the National Oceanographic Partnership Programme via a research agreement between La Laguna University (N.A.d.S.) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (M.J.). F.H.J. was supported by the Danish Council for Independent Research | Natural Sciences, and is currently funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Carlsberg FoundationEcholocating animals exercise an extensive control over the spectral and temporal properties of their biosonar signals to facilitate perception of their actively generated auditory scene when homing in on prey. The intensity and directionality of the biosonar beam defines the field of view of echolocating animals by affecting the acoustic detection range and angular coverage. However, the spatial relationship between an echolocating predator and its prey changes rapidly, resulting in different biosonar requirements throughout prey pursuit and capture. Here, we measured single-click beam patterns using a parametric fit procedure to test whether free-ranging Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) modify their biosonar beam width. We recorded echolocation clicks using a linear array of receivers and estimated the beam width of individual clicks using a parametric spectral fit, cross-validated with well-established composite beam pattern estimates. The dolphins apparently increased the biosonar beam width, to a large degree without changing the signal frequency, when they approached the recording array. This is comparable to bats that also expand their field of view during prey capture, but achieve this by decreasing biosonar frequency. This behaviour may serve to decrease the risk that rapid escape movements of prey take them outside the biosonar beam of the predator. It is likely that shared sensory requirements have resulted in bats and toothed whales expanding their acoustic field of view at close range to increase the likelihood of successfully acquiring prey using echolocation, representing a case of convergent evolution of echolocation behaviour between these two taxa.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Hunting bats adjust their echolocation to receive weak prey echoes for clutter reduction

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    This study was funded by the Carlsberg Semper Ardens grant to P.T.M. and by the Emmy Noether program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation, grant no. 241711556) to H.R.G. All experiments were carried out under the following licenses: 721/12.06.2017, 180/07.08.2018, and 795/17.05.2019.How animals extract information from their surroundings to guide motor patterns is central to their survival. Here, we use echo-recording tags to show how wild hunting bats adjust their sensory strategies to their prey and natural environment. When searching, bats maximize the chances of detecting small prey by using large sensory volumes. During prey pursuit, they trade spatial for temporal information by reducing sensory volumes while increasing update rate and redundancy of their sensory scenes. These adjustments lead to very weak prey echoes that bats protect from interference by segregating prey sensory streams from the background using a combination of fast-acting sensory and motor strategies. Counterintuitively, these weak sensory scenes allow bats to be efficient hunters close to background clutter broadening the niches available to hunt for insects.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Open-source workflow approaches to passive acoustic monitoring of bats

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    The work was funded by grants to PTM from Carlsberg Semper Ardens Research Projects and the Independent Research Fund Denmark.The affordability, storage and power capacity of compact modern recording hardware have evolved passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) of animals and soundscapes into a non-invasive, cost-effective tool for research and ecological management particularly useful for bats and toothed whales that orient and forage using ultrasonic echolocation. The use of PAM at large scales hinges on effective automated detectors and species classifiers which, combined with distance sampling approaches, have enabled species abundance estimation of toothed whales. But standardized, user-friendly and open access automated detection and classification workflows are in demand for this key conservation metric to be realized for bats. We used the PAMGuard toolbox including its new deep learning classification module to test the performance of four open-source workflows for automated analyses of acoustic datasets from bats. Each workflow used a different initial detection algorithm followed by the same deep learning classification algorithm and was evaluated against the performance of an expert manual analyst. Workflow performance depended strongly on the signal-to-noise ratio and detection algorithm used: the full deep learning workflow had the best classification accuracy (≤67%) but was computationally too slow for practical large-scale bat PAM. Workflows using PAMGuard's detection module or triggers onboard an SM4BAT or AudioMoth accurately classified up to 47%, 59% and 34%, respectively, of calls to species. Not all workflows included noise sampling critical to estimating changes in detection probability over time, a vital parameter for abundance estimation. The workflow using PAMGuard's detection module was 40 times faster than the full deep learning workflow and missed as few calls (recall for both ~0.6), thus balancing computational speed and performance. We show that complete acoustic detection and classification workflows for bat PAM data can be efficiently automated using open-source software such as PAMGuard and exemplify how detection choices, whether pre- or post-deployment, hardware or software-driven, affect the performance of deep learning classification and the downstream ecological information that can be extracted from acoustic recordings. In particular, understanding and quantifying detection/classification accuracy and the probability of detection are key to avoid introducing biases that may ultimately affect the quality of data for ecological management.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Range-dependent flexibility in the acoustic field of view of echolocating porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

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    Funding: Det Frie Forskningsrad (MJ)Toothed whales use sonar to detect, locate, and track prey. They adjust emitted sound intensity, auditory sensitivity and click rate to target range, and terminate prey pursuits with high-repetition-rate, low-intensity buzzes. However, their narrow acoustic field of view (FOV) is considered stable throughout target approach, which could facilitate prey escape at close-range. Here we show that, like some bats, harbour porpoises can broaden their biosonar beam during the terminal phase of attack but, unlike bats, maintain the ability to change beamwidth within this phase. Based on video, MRI, and acoustic-tag recordings, we propose this flexibility is modulated by the melon and implemented to accommodate dynamic spatial relationships with prey and acoustic complexity of surroundings. Despite independent evolution and different means of sound generation and transmission, whales and bats adaptively change their FOV, suggesting that beamwidth flexibility has been an important driver in the evolution of echolocation for prey tracking.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Recreational vessels without Automatic Identification System (AIS) dominate anthropogenic noise contributions to a shallow water soundscape

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    This study was funded by FNU and Semper Ardens Carlsberg Grants to P.T.M., and support from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency to J.T.Recreational boating is an increasing activity in coastal areas and its spatiotemporal overlap with key habitats of marine species pose a risk for negative noise impacts. Yet, recreational vessels are currently unaccounted for in vessel noise models using Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Here we conduct a case study investigating noise contributions from vessels with and without AIS (non-AIS) in a shallow coastal area within the Inner Danish waters. By tracking vessels with theodolite and AIS, while recording ambient noise levels, we find that non-AIS vessels have a higher occurrence (83%) than AIS vessels, and that motorised recreational vessels can elevate third-octave band noise centred at 0.125, 2 and 16 kHz by 47–51 dB. Accordingly, these vessels dominated the soundscape in the study site due to their high numbers, high speeds and proximity to the coast. Furthermore, recreational vessels caused 49–85% of noise events potentially eliciting behavioural responses in harbour porpoises (AIS vessels caused 5–24%). We therefore conclude that AIS data would poorly predict vessel noise pollution and its impacts in this and other similar marine environments. We suggest to improve vessel noise models and impact assessments by requiring that faster and more powerful recreational vessels carry AIS-transmitters.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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