2,395 research outputs found

    Inter-vehicular communication using wireless ad-hoc networks.

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    This thesis proposes a new routing algorithm to allow communication in highly mobile, wireless ad-hoc networks, which in nature are wireless and infrastructureless. In motorway environments, the topology of the network changes frequently and unpredictable due to the mobility of the nodes. We investigate a new reactive routing algorithm based in location information in the context of inter-vehicular communication. In such a scenario, the originator of the communication does not know the position of its communication partner in advance. Rapid topology changes and scarce bandwidth prevent the nodes from exchanging positions regularly throughout the network. Therefore, we focus on reactive algorithms and explore several mechanisms limiting the flooding of discoveries location packets. The originator of a message uses scoped and controlled flooding to reach the destination. The receivers of the flooded message use their knowledge of the local environment to decide whether they can reach the intended destination of the message or retransmit the message to their neighbours. To evaluate our communication algorithm, we first validate it in a small scale network with the results o f a test bed. Then for large scale networks, our protocol is compared with the models of two prominent reactive routing algorithms: Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) on a multi-lane rectangular and circular dual carriageway representative of city and motorway driving. Finally, our algorithm is analysed on a multi-lane circular carriageway representative of a six lane motorway driving with one location-based routing algorithm: Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR). The mobility of the vehicles on a Motorway using a Microscopic traffic model developed in OPNET has been used to evaluate the performance of each protocol in terms of: Route Discovery Time (RDT), End to End Delay (EED), Routing Overhead (RO), Overhead (O), Routing Load (RL) and Delivery Ratio (DR)

    Negotiating the Spectre and Spectatorship of Trauma in Rithy Panh’s S-21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine (2003)

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    Examination of the aesthetics of testimony in Rithy Panh's documentary S-21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine and issues of the spectatorship of traum

    As representações sociais acerca do ensino superior a distância da UFES : a percepção de egressos dos Cursos de Administração e Física

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    A pesquisa com egressos tem se mostrado uma ferramenta de grande importância para as instituições de ensino. Em grande parte, sua utilização é motivada pela necessidade de se obter informações que permitam estabelecer um vínculo entre a instituição e sua clientela acadêmica. Esse conhecimento do egresso bem como de suas manifestações permitem o desenvolvimento de melhorias na qualidade dos cursos ofertados a partir de informações sobre onde foram trabalhar, de como o mercado os recebeu, da satisfação pessoal ou mesmo de como avaliam sua formação. Esta pesquisa buscou retratar o processo de formação, no que diz respeito à trajetória formativa vivenciada pelos alunos da EaD/Ufes e a repercussão desta experiência em suas vidas pessoais e profissionais. Três dimensões de análise foram utilizadas na delimitação deste trabalho: a perspectiva da inclusão no mercado de trabalho, a motivação da escolha pelo ensino EaD e a identidade discente/docente na EaD. Assim, o objetivo foi interpretar as representações sociais, dos egressos dos cursos de Física e de Administração da EaD/Ufes, formados entre 2010/01 e 2014/01, acerca da formação superior recebida. A metodologia teve caráter qualitativo e consistiu na aplicação de entrevistas face a face junto aos alunos egressos. A análise dos dados foi feita com base na análise léxica e de conteúdo, com o apoio do software IRaMuTeQ. O referencial teórico que sustentou o trabalho foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS) de Moscovici e a Teoria do Núcleo Central (TNC) de Abric. Os resultados indicaram que as escolhas tanto do curso específico como da modalidade EaD, por parte dos alunos, levam em consideração aptidões e necessidades bastante específicas, culminando com um grande sentimento de realização pessoal e profissional. Por fim, emergiram percepções que suscitam a necessidade de a Ufes aprimorar determinados aspectos pedagógicos e administrativos para consolidar a qualidade e reduzir ainda mais o preconceito latente no âmbito desta modalidade de ensinoThe research with graduates has proved to be an important tool for educational institutions. Mostly, its use is motivated by the need of obtaining information to establish a connection between the institution and its academic clients. This knowledge about graduates, as well as its evidences, allows the development of improvements in the quality of the courses offered, when one considers information about where students get their jobs, how the labor market welcomed them, their personal satisfaction or even how they assess their own education. This research sought to describe the process of education, with regard to the educational path of e-learning students from UFES and the consequence of this experience in their personal and professional lives. Three aspects of analysis were used to guide this work: the perspective of taking part in the labor market, the motivation of the choice for e-learning and the identity of student/professor in e-learning. Thus, the objective was to understand the social representations of students from the e-learning courses of Physics and Management at UFES, who graduated between the first semester of 2010 and the first semester of 2014, concerning their higher education. The methodology was qualitative and was accomplished through face-to-face interviews with graduates. Data analysis was done with lexical analysis and content analysis, using the software IRaMuTeQ. Theoretical support for this work was the Theory of Social Representations (TSR) from Moscovici and the Central Core Theory (CCT) from Abric. Results indicate that students' choices for a specific course, as well as the e-learning type of education, were done taking into account their own skills and very specific needs, resulting in a great feeling of personal and professional accomplishment. Finally, some perceptions were noticed, which indicate that it is necessary for UFES to improve some pedagogical and administrative aspects, in order to promote quality and to decrease the existing prejudice related to this type of educatio

    Prevenção ao uso de entorpecentes no colégio municipal Stela Camara Dubois - Jequie - BA

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    O consumo de substancia psicoativas é uma situação crescente e que acompanha a civilização, ou seja sempre existiu em todos os níveis culturais da humanidade e nas ultimas décadas houve um crescimento significativo e com essa crescência destacamos as drogas lícitas e não lícitas dentro do ambiente escolar, motivo este que optamos pela execução deste Projeto de Intervenção, buscaremos desenvolver um trabalho com diversos atores destando como principal os alunos da escola, e seus respectivos professores, além da participação de pais familiares e comunidades. Procurando esclarecer estes assuntos abordando de forma didática e de fácil entendimento e procurando incentivar a reprodução social a que se refere este Projeto, desta forma possibilitando que a escola, alunos e familiares percebam que quando unidos fica muito mais fácil enfrentear e resolver o problema do consumo de drogas o qual afeta todos os segmentos da vida destes usuários.15 PáginasGovernanç

    Detecting the optic disc boundary in digital fundus images using morphological, edge detection, and feature extraction techniques

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    Optic disc (OD) detection is an important step in developing systems for automated diagnosis of various serious ophthalmic pathologies. This paper presents a new template-based methodology for segmenting the OD from digital retinal images. This methodology uses morphological and edge detection techniques followed by the Circular Hough Transform to obtain a circular OD boundary approximation. It requires a pixel located within the OD as initial information. For this purpose, a location methodology based on a voting-type algorithm is also proposed. The algorithms were evaluated on the 1200 images of the publicly available MESSIDOR database. The location procedure succeeded in 99% of cases, taking an average computational time of 1.67 s. with a standard deviation of 0.14 s. On the other hand, the segmentation algorithm rendered an average common area overlapping between automated segmentations and true OD regions of 86%. The average computational time was 5.69 s with a standard deviation of 0.54 s. Moreover, a discussion on advantages and disadvantages of the models more generally used for OD segmentation is also presented in this paper

    La inteligencia emocional y la habilidad emprendedora en los estudiantes de la escuela de ciencias empresariales, de la Universidad “César Vallejo” SJL- 2014

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como problema general:¿Qué relación existe entre la inteligencia emocional y la habilidad emprendedora en los estudiantes de la escuela de ciencias empresariales de la Universidad César Vallejo SJL - 2014? Y el objetivo general fue: Determinar la relación que existe entre La Inteligencia Emocional y la Habilidad Emprendedora en los Estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad César Vallejo SJL -2014. El tipo de investigación fue básica, el diseño no experimental – correlacional – transversal. La población fue todos los estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad César Vallejo – SJL 2014; tomándose de estos una muestra de 130 estudiantes. Se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta con cuestionarios tipo escala de Likert para ambas variables. Los resultados del análisis descriptivo de ambas variables Inteligencia Emocional y sus dimensiones así como de Habilidad Emprendedora y sus dimensiones se realizó tomado una escala valorativa de medición; así también se usaron las tablas y las figuras estadísticas. En cuanto al análisis inferencial en la prueba de hipótesis se obtuvo un resultado según la correlación de Spearman,de 0.27 representando esta una correlación positiva baja entre las variables y siendo significativa ( P-valor = ,002<& = 0.05) de esta forma rechazándose la hipótesis nula y aceptándose la hipótesis alterna