1,563 research outputs found

    Typyfications of the names of Iberian accepted species of Narcissus L. (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Tipificación de los nombres aceptados de las especies ibéricas del género Narcissus (Amaryllidaceae). En el curso de la preparación del tratamiento taxonómico del género Narcissus para Flora Ibérica, catorce nombres de taxa aceptados han sido encontrados sin designación de tipo nomenclatural. Trece lectotipos y un neotipo han sido designados para estos taxa. Adicionalmente, cinco epitipos se han seleccionado para las especies aceptadas con ilustración como tipos y uno para un nombre de Linneo que presenta un deficiente especímen como lectotipo

    A model for hypermedia learning environments based on electronic books

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    Designers of hypermedia learning environments could take advantage of a theoretical scheme which takes into account various kinds of learning activities and solves some of the problems associated with them. In this paper, we present a model which inherits a number of characteristics from hypermedia and electronic books. It can provide designers with the tools for creating hypermedia learning systems, by allowing the elements and functions involved in the definition of a specific application to be formally represented A practical example, CESAR, a hypermedia learning environment for hearing‐impaired children, is presented, and some conclusions derived from the use of the model are also shown

    Technical efficiency in the Chilean agribusiness sector

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    The reform-process towards a higher world-market orientation has a long tradition in Chile, with all its strengths and weaknesses. The food processing industry is highly competitive on the worldmarket. The following paper investigates the technical efficiency of the Chilean food processing industry between 2001 and 2007. We used a data-set from the 5,941 of firms in food processing industry. The observations are taken of the 'Annual National Industrial Survey'. The method of stochastic frontier analysis is applied; the heteroscedasticity-model is used in order to analyze the determinants of technical efficiency. We included variables capturing different effects before and after the introduction of a liberalization policy in 2004. Raw materials and labor have to largest impact on the output. We could show that technical efficiency is different in the periods before and after 2004. The region with the highest level of efficiency is the metropolitan region around Santiago de Chile. --Technical Efficiency,Food Processing Industry,Chile

    Organización industrial de la prestación de servicios sociales (Chile)

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    El objetivo del estudio es analizar de qué manera la estructura de los subsistemas de educación municipalizada y de educación privada bajo financiamiento público explica las diferencias existentes en la eficiencia, tanto externa como interna, que presentan ambos tipos de establecimientos educacionales. Se pone especial énfasis en identificar de qué manera aspectos como el entorno legal e institucional, el clima organizacional, la propiedad de los establecimientos, la autonomía financiera, las obligaciones constitucionales, la supervisión y control de los establecimientos, y la regulación del mercado de insumos, entre otros, generan distintos incentivos que condicionan la calidad y costo de los servicios que ellos entregan.

    The River, the Residents, and the City: A Holistic Vision Study for Logan River\u27s Upper Reach

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    The three-mile Upper Reach of the Logan River starting at the USU Water Lab to the 100 East bridge has been negatively impacted by residential development and diversion for agriculture and industry. A task force comprised of faculty at USU, professionals, government and city officials, and concerned residents has developed a Conservation Action Plan focused on twenty-two baseline indicators which, if improved, can help rehabilitate the river. This thesis looks at the factors that created the current challenges and seeks to provide a holistic vision with design solutions to address said challenges in alignment with that Plan. A literature review focused on Stephenson’s Cultural Values Model (2012) serves to understand the different perspectives applicable to the river. The Urban Stream Renovation (USR) model proposed by Smith et al (2016) helps clarify the interplay between social and ecological interests. The review also includes elements of Utah’s water laws and governmental practices that have contributed to water issues that affect the Logan River. Public consultations via community meetings and surveys between 2016 and 2019 consider the current interests and concerns of the residents. By looking at the Upper Reach from a social, policy, and environmental perspective, the project proposal designs aim to provide holistic and sustainable solutions that include the voices of the river, the residents, and the city

    Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies

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    Providing alert communication in emergency situations is vital to reduce the number of victims. However, this is a challenging goal for researchers and professionals due to the diverse pool of prospective users, e.g. people with disabilities as well as other vulnerable groups. Moreover, in the event of an emergency situation, many people could become vulnerable because of exceptional circumstances such as stress, an unknown environment or even visual impairment (e.g. fire causing smoke). Within this scope, a crucial activity is to notify affected people about safe places and available evacuation routes. In order to address this need, we propose to extend an ontology, called SEMA4A (Simple EMergency Alert 4 [for] All), developed in a previous work for managing knowledge about accessibility guidelines, emergency situations and communication technologies. In this paper, we introduce a semi-automatic technique for knowledge acquisition and modeling on accessible evacuation routes. We introduce a use case to show applications of the ontology and conclude with an evaluation involving several experts in evacuation procedures. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Hablar y oír -Saber y poder. La poesía de Juana de Ibarbourou

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    Esta investigación estudia la poesía de Juana de Ibarbourou desde Las lenguas de diamante (1919) hasta Mensajes del escriba (1953), en sus relaciones con las redes de fuerza de los discursos patriarcales. Describimos las estrategias lingüísticas propias del discurso ibarbouriano y el modo en que van configurando un decir y un saber distintos, que desarticulan la imagen convencional de mujer construida por los elementos fundamentales del saber-poder patriarcal, desenmascaran sus efectos de dominación y problematizan las posiciones establecidas para constituirse en sujeto discursivo en el marco de las relaciones de poder y de saber imperantes. This reseach studies Juana de Ibarbourou's poetry from Las lenguas de diamante (1919) to Mensajes del Escriba (1953), in their relation with the patriarchal discourse of strengths. We describe the own ibarbourian discourse and the way in which it configures different saying and known. Furthermore, it desarticulates the wonen's conventional image built by the fundamental elements of patriarchal knowledge and power, unmasking the dominance and problematic effects at stablished social position. All this in order to constitute a discoursive subject within the knowledge -power imperative relations