16 research outputs found

    February 6th, Kahramanmaraş earthquakes and the disaster management algorithm of adult emergency medicine in Turkey: An experience review

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    This compilation covers emergency medical management lessons from the February 6th Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. The objective is to review relevant literature on emergency services patient management, focusing on Koenig s 1996 Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) and Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint (SAVE) frameworks. Establishing a comprehensive seismic and mass casualty incident (MCI) protocol chain is the goal. The prehospital phase of seismic MCIs treats hypovolemia and gets patients to the nearest hospital. START-A plans to expedite emergency patient triage and pain management. The SAVE algorithm is crucial for the emergency patient secondary assessment. It advises using Glasgow Coma Scale, Mangled Extremity Severity Score, Burn Triage Score, and Safe Quake Score for admission, surgery, transfer, discharge, and outcomes. This compilation emphasizes the importance of using diagnostic tools like bedside blood gas analyzers and ultrasound devices during the assessment process, drawing from 6 February earthquake research. The findings create a solid framework for improving emergency medical response strategies, making them applicable in similar situations

    Comparison of short-term results of open and laparoscopic surgery in gastric cancer at a new regional hospital: A single surgeon experience

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    Aim: To compare the short-term results of open and laparoscopic gastrectomy in gastric cancer surgery. Material and Method: From 15 May 2018 to 28 June 2021, patients who underwent open and laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer by a single surgeon between were retrospectively analyzed from a prospectively maintained database. Patients were compared in terms of early intraoperative and postoperative outcomes. Both surgical methods were compared in terms of early intraoperative and postoperative outcomes. Results: A total of 34 patients (open n=23, laparoscopic n=11) were included in the study. While the mean number of lymph nodes was similar between the groups, more metastatic lymph nodes and more advanced disease were detected in the open group (p=0.007, p=0.002, respectively). According to tumor location, patients who underwent laparoscopic gastrectomy were more distally located (p=0.01). The mean operative time was shorter in the open group (171.5 min and 206 min, p=0.006, respectively), while the estimated blood loss was less in the laparoscopic group (158.2 mL vs 186.7 mL, p=0.003). Four patients (17.4%) in the open group and two patients (18%) in the laparoscopic group had at least Clavien-Dindo grade III complications (p=0.96). Earlier gas output was seen in the laparoscopic group (p=0.002), while other postoperative outcomes were similar between the groups. Mean follow-up time was longer in the open group (13.4 months and 7.6 months, respectively, p=0.004). Conclusion: Until sufficient experience is reached in laparoscopic gastrectomy, choosing earlier stage and distally located tumors is a safe method with postoperative results similar to open gastrectomy

    The effect of mind games on the reasoning skill and mathematical attitude of 7th grades

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziYapılandırmacı öğretimin temel alındığı eğitim sistemimizde matematiğin temel taşı sayılan akıl yürütme becerisinin öğrencilerde geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Araştırmamızın amacı ilköğretim yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin, akıl ve zekâ oyunlarının akıl yürütme becerilerine ve matematiksel tutumlarına etkisini belirlemek ve bu süreçten yansımaları aktarmaktır. Karma yapılı yaklaşımın kullanıldığı bu çalışma Dedeler İmam Hatip Ortaokulunda okuyan 26 yedinci sınıf öğrencisi üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırma tek grup deneysel desen şeklindedir. Araştırma 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılı 2.dönemin de 7/B sınıfında hafta içi günlük 1 saat olmak üzere 6 hafta toplam 30 saat olarak sürdürülmüştür. Süreç boyunca belirlenen akıl ve zekâ oyunlarından yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri öğrencilerin Matematiksel Muhakeme Testi (MMT) ve Matematiksel Tutum Ölçeği (MTÖ) öntest ve sontestte verdikleri yanıtlar, öğrenci görüşmeleri ve araştırmayı yapan öğretmenin süreç boyunca yazmış olduğu günlük tarafında elde edilmiştir. MMT ve MTÖ öntest ve sontest olarak uygulanması sonucu elde edilen veriler SPSS 22.0 paket programı yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. MMT sontest puanlarına göre öğrencilerin matematiksel akıl yürütme düzeyleri düşük, orta ve yüksek kategorilerine ayrılarak belirlenmiştir. Her bir kategoriden 3 öğrenciyle süreç sonunda görüşme yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin incelenmesinde betimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Öğretmen günlüğünden bilgiler doğrudan aktarılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda akıl ve zekâ oyunlarının kullanılması öğrencilerin matematiksel akıl yürütme becerilerinin gelişmesinde MMT sontest lehine anlamlı bir fark ortaya çıkarmıştır. Matematiğe karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmelerinde ise öğrencilerde gelişme olmuştur ama anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmemiştir.In our constructivist teaching based education system,reasoning,the cornerstone of mathematics, needs to be improved in students.The aim of this study is to determine the effects of mind games on reasoning skills and mathematical attitudes of 7th grades and to convey the reflections.This study, which uses a mixed structure research approach, was conducted on 26 seventh grade students attending Dedeler İHO.The research design was in the form of a single group experimental design. The research was carried out in the second semester of the 2018-2019 academic year for a total of 30 hours for 6 weeks in the 7B class. Throughout the process,specific mind games were used.The data were obtained from the students' responses to the Mathematical Reasoning Test and the Mathematical Attitude Scale in the pre-test and post-test, student interviews and the diary written by the teacher.The data obtained from MRT and the MAS as pre-test and post-test were analyzed with the help of SPSS 22.0 package program.According to the post-test scores of the MRT, mathematical reasoning levels of the students were determined in low, medium and high categories. Three students from each category were interviewed. Descriptive analysis was used in the analysis of the data. Information from the teacher diary was directly transferred.As a result of the research, the use of mind games in the development of mathematical reasoning skills of students revealed a significant difference in favor of the post-test of MRT. There was an improvement in students' positive attitudes towards mathematics, but no significant difference was detected

    Hakkâri İli Akçalı Yatılı İlköğretim Bölge Okulu (Yibo) Öğrencilerinde Bağırsak Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığı

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    msufbdThis study was performed with purpose of detect the distribution of intestinal parasites among students aged between 7-16 years training in Akcali Regional Primary Boarding School away 20 km from Hakkâri province in 2008. In this study, from 236 male and 35 female students, totaly 271 stool samples and from 193 male and 32 female totaly 225 students anal-band sample was collected. Faecal samples were examined by using, nativlugol, flotasyon and trichrome technique. In 127 (46.86%) student were examined stool sample from 271 were detected one or more parasites, in cellophane tape samples analyz, 46 students (20.44%) from 225 were found to be infected with the Enterobius vermicularis. In faecal examination in 98 students (41.52%) from 236 male students, in 29 (82.85%) students from 35 female students and in cellophane tape examination in 40 (20.72%) students from 193 male students, in 6 (18.75%) students from 32 female students were detected parasitic factors. The most common type of parasite examination of stool Blastocystis hominis (19.18%), respectively. * Sorumlu Yazar/Corresponding Author: Yalçın DİCLE, Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi, Sağlık Yüksekokulu, Hemşirelik Bölümü, Tel: +90 0436 213 49 49/3581, Muş/ 49250, E-mail: [email protected] parasites were Entamoeba coli (17.71%), Ascaris lumbricoides (8.85%), Giardia intestinalis (8:48%), Hymenolepis nana (6.64%), Iodamoeba butschlii (% 4.05), Entamoeba histolytica/ Entamoeba dispar (1.84%), Entamoeba hartmanni (1.47% ), Chilomastix mesnili (1.10%) and Enterobius vermicularis (0.36%) were found. Our findings indicate that elementary students should be educated in the prevention of parasitic infectionsBu çalışma 2008 yılında Hakkâri iline 20 km uzaklıktaki Akçalı köyünde bulunan Akçalı Yatılı İlköğretim Bölge Okulunda öğrenim gören 7-16 yaş grubundaki öğrencilerde bağırsak parazitlerinin dağılımlarını saptamak amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 236’sı erkek, 35’i kız olmak üzere toplam 271 öğrenciden dışkı örnekleri; 193’u erkek 32’si kız olmak üzere toplam 225 öğrenciden ise anal bant örnekleri toplandı. Dışkı örneklerinin incelenmesinde nativ-lugol, flotasyon ve trikrom yöntemleri uygulandı. Dışkı örneği incelenen 271 öğrencinin 127’sinin (% 46.86) bir ve birden fazla parazit ile enfekte olduğu, selofan bant örneği incelenen 225 öğrencinin 46’sının (% 20.44) ise Enterobius vermicularis ile enfekte olduğu saptandı. Koprolojik incelemede 236 erkek öğrencinin 98’inde (% 41.52), 35 kız öğrencinin ise 29’unda (% 82.85); selofan bant incelemesinde 193 erkek öğrencinin 40’ında (%20.72), 32 kız öğrencinin 6’sında (%18.75) paraziter etkenler saptandı. Dışkı incelemesinde en çok rastlanan parazit türünün Blastocystis hominis (%19.18) olduğu görüldü. Diğer parazitler sırasıyla Entamoeba coli (% 17.71), Ascaris lumbricoides (% 8.85), Giardia intestinalis (%8.48), Hymenolepis nana (% 6.64), Iodamoeba butschlii (% 4.05), Entamoeba histolytica/ Entamoeba dispar (% 1.84), Entamoeba hartmanni (% 1.47), Chilomastix mesnili (% 1.10) ve Enterobius vermicularis (% 0. 36) olarak saptandı. Bulgularımız ilköğretim çağında etkili ve yeterli bir düzeyde sağlık eğitimi verilmesiningerekli olduğunu göstermektedir.20987

    A multicenter randomized trial for the effectiveness of structured discharge and follow-up protocol on readmission rate in COPD patients receiving LTOT/NIV: one-year interim analysis.

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    28th International Congress of the European-Respiratory-Society (ERS) -- SEP 15-19, 2018 -- Paris, FRANCEGemicioglu, Bilun/0000-0001-5953-4881; Ergun, Recai/0000-0002-6702-9188; Demirci, Nilgun Yilmaz/0000-0001-6160-3778; Akgun, Metin/0000-0003-3404-4274WOS: 000455567101063…European Respiratory So