358 research outputs found

    Threshold indicators of primary production in the north-east Atlantic for assessing environmental disturbances using 21 years of satellite ocean colour

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    Primary production (PP) is highly sensitive to changes in the ecosystem and can be used as an early warning indicator for disturbance in the marine environment. Historic indicators of good environmental status of the north-east (NE) Atlantic and north-west (NW) European Seas suggested that daily PP should not exceed 2–3gCm−2 d−1 during phytoplankton blooms and that annual rates should be <300 g C m−2 yr−1 . We use 21 years of Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) Ocean Colour data from September 1997 to December 2018 to assess areas in the NE Atlantic with similar peak, climatology, phenology and annual PP values. Daily and annual thresholds of the 90th percentile (P90) of PP are defined for these areas and PP values above these thresholds indicate disturbances, both natural and anthropogenic, in the marine environment. Two case studies are used to test the validity and accuracy of these thresholds. The first is the eruption of the volcano Eyjafjallajökull, which deposited large volumes of volcanic dust (and therefore iron) into the NE Atlantic during April and May 2010. A clear signature in both PP and chlorophyll-a (Chl a) was evident from 28th April to 6th May and from 18th to 27th May 2010, when PP exceeded the PP P90 threshold for the region, which was comparatively more sensitive than Chl a P90 as an indicator of this disturbance. The second case study was for the riverine input of total nitrogen and phosphorus, along the Wadden Sea coast in the North Sea. During years when total nitrogen and phosphorus were above the climatology maximum, there was a lag signature in both PP and Chl a when PP exceeded the PP P90 threshold defined for the study area which was slightly more sensitive than Chl a P90. This technique represents an accurate means of determining disturbances in the environment both in the coastal and offshore waters in the NE Atlantic using remotely sensed ocean colour data

    Galaxy Zoo: the dependence of morphology and colour on environment

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    We analyse the relationships between galaxy morphology, colour, environment and stellar mass using data for over 100,000 objects from Galaxy Zoo, the largest sample of visually classified morphologies yet compiled. We conclusively show that colour and morphology fractions are very different functions of environment. Both are sensitive to stellar mass; however, at fixed stellar mass, while colour is also highly sensitive to environment, morphology displays much weaker environmental trends. Only a small part of both relations can be attributed to variation in the stellar mass function with environment. Galaxies with high stellar masses are mostly red, in all environments and irrespective of their morphology. Low stellar-mass galaxies are mostly blue in low-density environments, but mostly red in high-density environments, again irrespective of their morphology. The colour-density relation is primarily driven by variations in colour fractions at fixed morphology, in particular the fraction of spiral galaxies that have red colours, and especially at low stellar masses. We demonstrate that our red spirals primarily include galaxies with true spiral morphology. We clearly show there is an environmental dependence for colour beyond that for morphology. Before using the Galaxy Zoo morphologies to produce the above results, we first quantify a luminosity-, size- and redshift-dependent classification bias that affects this dataset, and probably most other studies of galaxy population morphology. A correction for this bias is derived and applied to produce a sample of galaxies with reliable morphological type likelihoods, on which we base our analysis.Comment: 25 pages, 20 figures (+ 6 pages, 11 figures in appendices); moderately revised following referee's comments; accepted by MNRA

    Visual Search Strategies of Soccer Players Executing a Power vs. Placement Penalty Kick

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    Introduction: When taking a soccer penalty kick, there are two distinct kicking techniques that can be adopted; a ‘power’ penalty or a ‘placement’ penalty. The current study investigated how the type of penalty kick being taken affected the kicker’s visual search strategy and where the ball hit the goal (end ball location). Method: Wearing a portable eye tracker, 12 university footballers executed 2 power and placement penalty kicks, indoors, both with and without the presence of a goalkeeper. Video cameras were used to determine initial ball velocity and end ball location. Results: When taking the power penalty, the football was kicked significantly harder and more centrally in the goal compared to the placement penalty. During the power penalty, players fixated on the football for longer and more often at the goalkeeper (and by implication the middle of the goal), whereas in the placement penalty, fixated longer at the goal, specifically the edges. Findings remained consistent irrespective of goalkeeper presence. Discussion/conclusion: Findings indicate differences in visual search strategy and end ball location as a function of type of penalty kick. When taking the placement penalty, players fixated and kicked the football to the edges of the goal in an attempt to direct the ball to an area that the goalkeeper would have difficulty reaching and saving. Fixating significantly longer on the football when taking the power compared to placement penalty indicates a greater importance of obtaining visual information from the football. This can be attributed to ensuring accurate foot-to-ball contact and subsequent generation of ball velocity. Aligning gaze and kicking the football centrally in the goal when executing the power compared to placement penalty may have been a strategy to reduce the risk of kicking wide of the goal altogether

    Looking to Score: The Dissociation of Goal Influence on Eye Movement and Meta-Attentional Allocation in a Complex Dynamic Natural Scene

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    Several studies have reported that task instructions influence eye-movement behavior during static image observation. In contrast, during dynamic scene observation we show that while the specificity of the goal of a task influences observers’ beliefs about where they look, the goal does not in turn influence eye-movement patterns. In our study observers watched short video clips of a single tennis match and were asked to make subjective judgments about the allocation of visual attention to the items presented in the clip (e.g., ball, players, court lines, and umpire). However, before attending to the clips, observers were either told to simply watch clips (non-specific goal), or they were told to watch the clips with a view to judging which of the two tennis players was awarded the point (specific goal). The results of subjective reports suggest that observers believed that they allocated their attention more to goal-related items (e.g. court lines) if they performed the goal-specific task. However, we did not find the effect of goal specificity on major eye-movement parameters (i.e., saccadic amplitudes, inter-saccadic intervals, and gaze coherence). We conclude that the specificity of a task goal can alter observer’s beliefs about their attention allocation strategy, but such task-driven meta-attentional modulation does not necessarily correlate with eye-movement behavior

    Marine Macroalgal Diversity Assessment of Saba Bank, Netherlands Antilles

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    Background: Located in the Dutch Windward Islands, Saba Bank is a flat-topped seamount (20–45 m deep in the shallower regions). The primary goals of the survey were to improve knowledge of biodiversity for one of the world’s most significant, but little-known, seamounts and to increase basic data and analyses to promote the development of an improved management plan. Methodology/Principal Findings: Our team of three divers used scuba to collect algal samples to depths of 50 m at 17 dive sites. Over 360 macrophyte specimens (12 putative new species) were collected, more than 1,000 photographs were taken in truly exceptional habitats, and three astonishing new seaweed community types were discovered. These included: (1) ‘‘Field of Greens’ ’ (N 17u30.6209, W63u27.7079) dominated by green seaweeds as well as some filamentous reds, (2) ‘‘Brown Town’ ’ (N 17u28.0279, W63u14.9449) dominated by large brown algae, and (3) ‘‘Seaweed City’ ’ (N 17u26.4859, W63u16.8509) with a diversity of spectacular fleshy red algae. Conclusions/Significance: Dives to 30 m in the more two-dimensional interior habitats revealed particularly robust specimens of algae typical of shallower seagrass beds, but here in the total absence of any seagrasses (seagrasses generally do not grow below 20 m). Our preliminary estimate of the number of total seaweed species on Saba Bank ranges from a minimum of 150 to 200. Few filamentous and thin sheet forms indicative of stressed or physically disturbed environments were observed. A more precise number still awaits further microscopic and molecular examinations in the laboratory. The expedition, while intensive, has only scratched the surface of this unique submerged seamount/atoll

    The sustainability conundrum of fishmeal substitution by plant ingredients in shrimp feeds

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    Aquaculture is central in meeting expanding global demands for shrimp consumption. Consequently, increasing feed use is mainly responsible for the overall environmental impact of aquaculture production. Significant amounts of fishmeal are included in shrimp diets, causing dependency on finite marine resources. Driven by economic incentives, terrestrial plant ingredients are widely viewed as sustainable alternatives. Incremental fishmeal substitution by plant ingredients in shrimp feed was modeled and effects on marine and terrestrial resources such as fish, land, freshwater, nitrogen, and phosphorus were assessed. We find that complete substitution of 20–30% fishmeal totals could lead to increasing demand for freshwater (up to 63%), land (up to 81%), and phosphorus (up to 83%), while other substitution rates lead to proportionally lower impacts. These findings suggest additional pressures on essential agricultural resources with associated socio-economic and environmental effects as a trade-off to pressures on finite marine resources. Even though the production of shrimp feed (or aquafeed in general) utilizes only a small percentage of the global crop production, the findings indicate that the sustainability of substituting fishmeal by plant ingredients should not be taken for granted, especially since aquaculture has been one of the fastest growing food sectors. Therefore, the importance of utilizing by-products and novel ingredients such as microbial biomass, algae, and insect meals in mitigating the use of marine and terrestrial resources is discussed

    Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Regeneration Profile in Treated B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patients:Association with MRD Status and Patient Outcome

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: For the last 20 years, measurable residual disease (MRD) has proven to be a strong prognostic factor in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL). However, the effects of therapy on the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment and their potential relationship with MRD and patient outcome still remain to be evaluated. Here, we show that mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and endothelial cells (EC) are constantly present at relatively low frequencies in normal BM and in most follow-up BM samples from treated BCP-ALL patients. Of note, their levels are independent of the MRD status. From the prognostic point of view, an increased percentage of EC among stromal cells (EC plus MSC) at day +78 of therapy was associated with shorter disease free survival (DFS), independently of the MRD status both in childhood and in adult BCP-ALL. Thus, an abnormally high EC/MSC distribution at day +78 of therapy emerges as an adverse prognostic factor, independent of MRD in BCP-ALL. ABSTRACT: For the last two decades, measurable residual disease (MRD) has become one of the most powerful independent prognostic factors in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL). However, the effect of therapy on the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment and its potential relationship with the MRD status and disease free survival (DFS) still remain to be investigated. Here we analyzed the distribution of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and endothelial cells (EC) in the BM of treated BCP-ALL patients, and its relationship with the BM MRD status and patient outcome. For this purpose, the BM MRD status and EC/MSC regeneration profile were analyzed by multiparameter flow cytometry (MFC) in 16 control BM (10 children; 6 adults) and 1204 BM samples from 347 children and 100 adult BCP-ALL patients studied at diagnosis (129 children; 100 adults) and follow-up (824 childhood samples; 151 adult samples). Patients were grouped into a discovery cohort (116 pediatric BCP-ALL patients; 338 samples) and two validation cohorts (74 pediatric BCP-ALL, 211 samples; and 74 adult BCP-ALL patients; 134 samples). Stromal cells (i.e., EC and MSC) were detected at relatively low frequencies in all control BM (16/16; 100%) and in most BCP-ALL follow-up samples (874/975; 90%), while they were undetected in BCP-ALL BM at diagnosis. In control BM samples, the overall percentage of EC plus MSC was higher in children than adults (p = 0.011), but with a similar EC/MSC ratio in both groups. According to the MRD status similar frequencies of both types of BM stromal cells were detected in BCP-ALL BM studied at different time points during the follow-up. Univariate analysis (including all relevant prognostic factors together with the percentage of stromal cells) performed in the discovery cohort was used to select covariates for a multivariate Cox regression model for predicting patient DFS. Of note, an increased percentage of EC (>32%) within the BCP-ALL BM stromal cell compartment at day +78 of therapy emerged as an independent unfavorable prognostic factor for DFS in childhood BCP-ALL in the discovery cohort—hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 2.50 (1–9.66); p = 0.05—together with the BM MRD status (p = 0.031). Further investigation of the predictive value of the combination of these two variables (%EC within stromal cells and MRD status at day +78) allowed classification of BCP-ALL into three risk groups with median DFS of: 3.9, 3.1 and 1.1 years, respectively (p = 0.001). These results were confirmed in two validation cohorts of childhood BCP-ALL (n = 74) (p = 0.001) and adult BCP-ALL (n = 40) (p = 0.004) treated at different centers. In summary, our findings suggest that an imbalanced EC/MSC ratio in BM at day +78 of therapy is associated with a shorter DFS of BCP-ALL patients, independently of their MRD status. Further prospective studies are needed to better understand the pathogenic mechanisms involved

    The CD14 functional gene polymorphism -260 C>T is not involved in either the susceptibility to Chlamydia trachomatis infection or the development of tubal pathology

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    BACKGROUND: The functional polymorphism -260 C>T in the LPS sensing TLR4 co-receptor CD14 gene enhances the transcriptional activity and results in a higher CD14 receptor density. Individuals carrying the T/T genotype also have significantly higher serum levels of soluble CD14. The T allele of this polymorphism has recently been linked to Chlamydia pneumoniae infection. We investigated the role of the CD14 -260 C>T polymorphism in the susceptibility to and severity (defined as subfertility and/or tubal pathology) of C. trachomatis infection in Dutch Caucasian women. METHODS: The different CD14 -260 C>T genotypes were assessed by PCR-based RFLP analysis in three cohorts: 1) A cohort (n = 576) of women attending a STD clinic, 2) a cohort (n = 253) of women with subfertility, and 3) an ethnically matched control cohort (n = 170). The following variables were used in the analysis: In cohort 1 the CT-DNA status, CT IgG serology status, self-reported symptoms and in cohort 2, the CT IgG serology status and the tubal status at laparoscopy. RESULTS: In the control cohort the CC, CT and TT genotype distribution was: 28.2%, 48.2%, and 23.5% respectively. No differences were found in the overall prevalence of CD14 -260 genotypes (28.1%, 50.7%, and 21.2%) in cohort 1 when compared to the control cohort. Also no differences were observed in women with or without CT-DNA, with or without serological CT responses, with or without symptoms, or in combinations of these three variables. In subfertile women with tubal pathology (cohort 2, n = 50) the genotype distribution was 28.0%, 48.0%, and 24.0% and in subfertile women without tubal pathology (n = 203), 27.6%, 49.3% and 23.2%. The genotype distribution was unchanged when CT IgG status was introduced in the analyses. CONCLUSION: The CD14 -260 C>T genotype distributions were identical in all three cohorts, showing that this polymorphism is not involved in the susceptibility to or severity of sequelae of C. trachomatis infection
