11 research outputs found

    Kepercayaan (Trust) Terhadap Pengurus Organisasi dan Komitmen Afektif pada Organisasi Mahasiswa Daerah di Yogyakarta

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepercayaan terhadap komitmen afektif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa daerah yang berada di Yogyakarta dan tergabung dalam organisasi mahasiswa daerah. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala komitmen afektif dan skala kepercayaan. Data dianalisis dengan teknik korelasi product moment dari Pearson dengan SPSS 16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif antara kepercayaan terhadap pengurus organisasi dengan komitmen afektif pada organisasi mahasiswa daerah di Yogyakarta dengan nilai r 0,758 dan p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). Kata kunci: komitmen afektif, kepercayaan, mahasiswa daerah ABSTRACT This research is written to know the possitive relation between trust and affective commitment. The independent variable that is used in this research is trust, and the dependent variable is affective commitment. The subject in this research is local student organizations in Yogyakarta. Method of collecting data that is used in this research is scale of affective commitment and scale trust, all of the data that the writer get are analyzed by statistical analysis SPSS 16.0. for windows. Quantitative data is analyzed by product moment analysis technique. The result shows that there is positive relation significant between trust variable and affective commitment in local student organizations in Yogyakarta. The result of data analysis is correlation coefficient with r as 0,758 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.05). It means that there is significant positive relation between trust with affective commitment in local student organizations in Yogyakarta, which higher the trust of a local student organizations is higher the affective commitment. It also means that the lower trust of a local student organizations is lower the affective commitment. Keyword: Affective commitment, trust, local student organization


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    Research on visitors’ landscape preferences in a botanical garden is useful for understanding what visitors see while they visit the site. Analyzing visitors’ preference by using GPS tracking data and Visitors’-Employed Photography (VEP) is one of approach that successfully implemented in some studies. GPS loggers and visitors’ photos were used in this study to identify and locate features considered impressive by visitors. This research involved 35 normal visitors of Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) as respondents, who were asked to capture impressive landscape features while visiting the BBG. Each respondent used their own smartphone or camera to take photographs and recorded their actual positions using a GPS logger.  The data of GPS tracking and geo-tagged photos were exported into ArcGIS. The 20 by 20 meters square cell were joined with points' data to calculate density of tracking points and photos points. A cell was categorized as hotspots if the number of points more than 2.5 times of standard deviation. The results show that respondents were concentrated on several geographic locations within the BBG; the most-photographed features were water, structures, and plants. Interestingly, the most-photographed plants were those arranged for recreational (rather than botanical or educational) purposes, suggesting new considerations for managers of botanical gardens

    Penerapan Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Berbasis E-Kinerja Terhadap Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    This study aims to knowing the influence of performance appraisal system based on e-performance on employee achievement through job satisfaction as an intervening variable on Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Banyuwangi. This study is causal research, it means problem characteristics research in a form cause-effect between two variables or more. Population is employees of Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatatn Sipil Kabupaten Banyuwangi with the amount 80 employees. The sampling method for this study was doing with purposive sampling technique and it has been gotten 37 respondents as samples. Data analysis method is Path Analysis. The hypothesis of research are performance appraisal based on e-performance has significantly affected job achievement, performance appraisal based on e-performance has significantly affected job satisfaction, and job satisfaction has significantly affected job achievement. The result of study was performance appraisal based on e-performance has positive and significantly affected employees achevement. It means performance appraisal based on e-performance can increase employee achievement. Performance appraisal based on e-performance has positive and significantly affected job satisfaction on employees. It means performance appraisal based on e-performance can increase job satisfaction on employees. Job satisfaction has positive and significantly affected employees achievement. It means the employees successfully in doing the tasks which have been given by company can increase job satisfaction which got. Keywords: Performance Appraisal, E-Performance, Job Saticfaction, employee acievement

    The Selection of Ornamental Plant for Landscape Design of Pollination Garden at Bogor Botanic Gardens

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       Bogor Botanic Gardens is one of the outstanding green areas in Bogor City. Thousands of plant species are growing and providing suitable habitats and feed for various pollinators, such as butterflies, bees, and wasps. A well-designed pollination garden will benefit the pollinators and also create an educational facility for the community. This study aimed to select and characterize species of flowering plants that effectively attract pollinators, particularly Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, in the pollination garden candidate area. The observa-tion had been carried out on 12 ornamental plant species: Pennisetum purpureum, Cosmos sp., Pachystachys lutea, Cuphea hyssopifolia, Orthosiphon aristatus, Lantana camara, Citrus aurantifolia, Buddleja davidii, Ixora javanica, Nerium oleander, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, and Aglaia odorata. The method for observing pollinators was a standard walking method. Pollinator photos, its number, its visit time, and the plants it visited were recorded. A total of 23 species of Lepidoptera (20 species from 4 families and 3 species were unidentified) and 9 species of Hymenoptera (4 families) were found in the area with the best obser-vation time at 08.30-09.30 (GMT+7). The most visited plants by pollinators were Cuphea hyssopifolia, Lantana camara and Orthosiphon aristatus. Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera preferred blue-purple and bright-orange-yellow flowers. In addition, the flower characters that might influence pollinator visits are also described. The result would be an essential recommendation for plant selection, landscape design, and construction of the pollination garden in Bogor Botanic Gardens.


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    Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex Blume is a heritage tree in the Bogor Botanic Gardens, planted in 1892 (130 years old in 2022). Only one specimen in the Garden has a unique trunk shape. Trees that are a match for the heritage category need to be preserved by paying attention to its health condition. The study aimed to analyze tree health conditions based on visual tree assessment (VTA), tomographic technology, and recommendations for its maintenance. The method used is VTA using the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and tomographic technology using PiCUS 3 Sonic Tomograph. The results showed that visually E. alba had a low fall/break potential on the main stem. However, using tomographic technology found that decaying on the main stem at various height levels was as follows: 50 cm (95%), 140 cm (76%), 550 cm (18%), and 810 cm (11%). Therefore, E. alba has a high potential to fall on the lower stems because the percentage of decay exceeds 70% with a large diameter (275 cm). Some recommendations are provided, such as maintaining the physiological process of trees by keeping soil fertility, installing termite bait, making a circular fence to the north, periodically decaying measurements (once a year), and providing information boards related to current tree conditions as well as hazard mitigation. Complete or partial logging is not recommended, given the status of E. alba as a heritage tree.Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex Blume merupakan pohon pusaka di Kebun Raya Bogor yang ditanam pada tahun 1892 (umur 130 tahun di tahun 2022), hanya ada satu spesimen, dan memiliki bentuk batang yang unik. Pohon dengan kategori pusaka ini perlu dilestarikan dengan memperhatikan kondisi kesehatannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi kesehatan pohon secara visual dan teknologi tomografi serta rekomendasi penanganannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengamatan visual berdasarkan International Society of Arboriculture dan teknologi tomografi menggunakan PiCUS 3 Sonic Tomograph. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara visual E. alba memiliki potensi tumbang/patah yang rendah pada batang utama. Namun setelah dilakukan pengukuran pelapukan pada batang utama di berbagai level ketinggian dengan teknologi tomografi, hasilnya adalah di ketinggian 50 cm (95%), 140 cm (76%), 550 cm (18%), dan 810 cm (11%). Oleh karena itu, E. alba memiliki potensi tumbang yang besar pada batang bagian bawah karena persentase pelapukan yang melebihi 70% dengan diameter yang besar (275 cm). Rekomendasi penanganan pohon berisiko adalah mempertahankan proses fisiologis pohon dengan menjaga kesuburan tanah, pemasangan umpan rayap, pembuatan pagar melingkar ke arah utara, pengukuran pelapukan berkala (satu tahun sekali), dan pemberian papan informasi terkait kondisi terkini dan mitigasi bahayanya. Penebangan total atau sebagian tidak direkomendasikan mengingat status E. alba sebagai pohon pusaka


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    Hadirnya Covid-19 membawa kabar buruk tetapi sekaligus membawa kabar baik karena menemukan strategi baru untuk masa depan pendidikan. Termasuk strategi kepemimpinan dan strategi pembelajaran. Kedua poin ini sebagai jantungnya lembaga pendidikan, jika tidak maksimal akan memengaruhi dan berdampak ke semua element pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, di saat krisis karena pandemi Covid-19 ini dibutuhkan strategi yang pas. Pemimpin atau dalam hal ini kepala sekolah harus mencari strategi, begitupun dengan guru harus mencari metode dan media apa yang cocok untuk peserta didik di saat ini. Dari berbagai penelitian ditemukanlah beberapa strategi kepemimpinan dan pembelajaran. Strategi kepemimpinan yang dulunya menggunakan cara tradisional tetapi saat ini harus diganti dengan gaya kepemimpinan yang terdistribusi, kolaboratif, kreatif, dan berjejaring Misalnya dengan membuat semacam website yang di dalamnya mencakupi semua kegiatan pembelajaran. Kemudian untuk strategi pembelajaran, dikarenakan. banyak kendala yang dialami oleh guru akhirnya beberapa sekolah mengadakan pelatihan untuk guru yang belum begitu mahir dengan teknologi. Termasuk di dalamnya mempelajari cara melakukan dan memeriksa kehadiran secara onlin


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    Since the establishment of the Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) in 1817, the protection of the tree collections, even the loss of aging trees (> 100 years old), has been one of its most important tasks. Abiotic factors such as intense extreme events, i.e., heavy rainfall and strong winds, as well as biotic factors from human activities, pests and diseases, and the deterioration of the health of the plant collection with age, has threatened the survival of the old tree collections. As the BBG has many functions for conservation and human ecological activities, tree fall accidents have become a primary concern in preventing the loss of biodiversity and human life. Therefore, disaster map zonation is required to prevent and minimize such accident together with a prediction of which individual specimen is likely to fall. We examined the health of 154 to determine the falling probability of 1106 aged trees based on several factors that might cause the fall in the past and to make model predictions generated by nine supervised machine learning algorithms to get a binary value of falling probability and then classified into four categories (neglectable, low, moderate, and high probability of falling). Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation method was used to depict a zone map of trees prone to fall in BBG. We found 885 susceptible trees, of which 358 individual trees were highly susceptible to fall (red zone color), dominated by families from Fabaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Meliaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Sapindaceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae, Araucariaceae, Malvaceae, and Anacardiaceae. This result was based on Random Forest model due to its highest accuracy among algorithms and its lowest false negative (FN) value. The FN value was important to minimize error calculation on aged trees that were not prone to fall but turned out to be prone to fall. The dominant factor contributing to high falling intensity was hollow and brittle on the tree trunks where many were found to have pests inside damaged parts such as termites, wood-borers, and bark-eaters. Several trees were found to have combined damages with more than a single causative factor that exacerbated tree’s health and increased falling probability

    Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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    Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values

    Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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    Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values

    Studi Deskripsi Pemaknaan Hidup Pada Tuna Rungu Dewasa Awal

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    Seorang penyandang tuna rungu terkadang mengalami keterbatasan dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari. Keterbatasan ini dikarenakan masalah komunikasi. Sehingga disamping tidak dimengerti orang lain, mereka juga sukar memahami orang lain. Bila hal ini berlanjut akan menimbulkan tekanan pada emosinya dan menghambat perkembangan kepribadiannya yang menampilkan perilaku seperti menutup diri. Seseorang yang mengalami keadaan ini terkadang memilih untuk mengasingkan diri karena merasa dirinya tidak diterima masyarakat. Keterbatasan dan perasaan dikucilkan pada penyandang tunarungu oleh masyarakat ini akan mengakibatkan makna hidup seseorang mengarah pada keadaan hidup yang apatis, bosan, tidak bergairah (vacuum eksistensi). Setelah dilakukan survey awal terhadap penyandang tunarungu usia dewasa awal, penyandang nmanmgu yang mampu merealisasikan makna hidupnya dipengaruhi oleh makna yang dihayati oleh setiap penyandang tunarungu terhadap peristiwa dalam hidupnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengenal dan mengetahui dinamika kehidupan penyandang tuarungu untuk mengetahui makna hidupnya dan mengetahui relasi dengan orang normal. Subjek penelitian ini adalah tiga orang penyandang tunarungu dengan usia 18-40 tahun, dua orang wanita, satu laki-laki, dengan jenis ketulian dua orang karena herediter dan satu orang non herediter. Data yang diperoleh dipaparkan secara deskriptif kuatitatif. Metode pengumpulao data wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan babwa dari tiga subjek penelitian menunjukkan kecenderungan dapat memaknai hidupnya. Aspek pola asuh, penerimaan diri dan dukungan sosial sangat terkait dengan pembentukan kepribadiao tunarungu, hal ini terkait dengan pengembangan potensi diri untuk merealisasikan nilai-nilai kepada makna yang sesungguhnya Hasil dari penelitian ini melihat bahwa pada subjek I pemenuhan makna bidup lebih diwujudkan dengan merealisasikan nilai kreatif, pada subjek II pemenuhan makna hidup lebih diwujudkan dengan merealisasikan nilai penghayatan melalui keindahan alam dan cinta pada sesama, sedangkan pada subjek III pemenuhan makna hidup lebih diwujudkan dengan merealisasikan nilai penghayatan melalui kebenaran (spiritual). Relasi dengan orang nonnal dipengaruhi oleh persepsi terhadap orang normal dan cara mengatasi hambatan "komunikasi" dengan orang normal