346 research outputs found

    Seeking to enhance the bioenergy of municipal sludge: Effect of alkali pre-treatment and soluble organic matter supplementation

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    The aim of this research is to enhance the mesophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge from Cadiz-San Fernando (Spain) wastewater treatment plant at 20 days hydraulic retention time (HRT). Two different strategies were tested to improve the process: co-digestion with the addition of soluble organic matter (1% v/v); and alkali sludge pre-treatment (NaOH) prior to co-digestion with glycerine (1% v/v). Methane production (MP) was substantially enhanced (from 0.36 ± 0.09 L CH4 l/d to 0.85 ± 0.16 L CH4 l/d), as was specific methane production (SMP) (from 0.20 ± 0.05 L CH4/g VS to 0.49 ± 0.09 L CH4/g VS) when glycerine was added. The addition of glycerine does not seem to affect sludge stability, the quality of the effluent in terms of pH and organic matter content, i.e. volatile fatty acids (VFA), soluble organic matter and total volatile solid, or process stability (VFA/Alkalinity ratio < 0.4). Alkali pre-treatment prior to co-digestion resulted in a high increase in soluble organic loading rates (more than 20%) and acidification yield (more than 50%). At 20 days HRT, however, it led to overload of the system and total destabilization of the mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and glycerine

    Mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with glycerine: Effect of solids retention time

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    The main objective of this paper is to examine the effect of the increase in organic loading rates (OLRs), by reducing the solids retention time (SRT) from 20 d to 5 d, in single-phase mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with glycerine (1% v/v). It was experimentally confirmed that anaerobic co-digestion of these biowastes under steady-state conditions can achieve an 85 ± 5% reduction in volatile fatty acids (VFA) at SRTs of between 20 and 9 d, with a methane production yield of around 0.8 l CH4/l/d. Decreases in the SRT not only allow the sludge stability and biogas production to be maintained, but also lead to an increase in the waste that could be treated and lower operating costs. Therefore, mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and glycerin at a SRT lower than 20 d is possible and preferable due to being more economical and environmentally friendl

    Advertising strategies for young people: Advergaming, social networking and augmented reality

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    El nuevo contexto digital está condicionando los recursos y estrategias que las marcas utilizan para atraer a los jóvenes, apostando por el entretenimiento, creando formatos híbridos como advergames, aprovechando la interconectividad de las redes sociales y ofreciendo experiencias interactivas con realidad aumentada (RA). La presente investigación -de corte cualitativo- analiza 9 campañas publicitarias apoyadas en RA y dirigidas a jóvenes, utilizando un instrumento de análisis de contenido que identifica las tácticas persuasivas y los recursos tecnológicos empleados. Resaltando las oportunidades que ofrece la interacción y “manipulación” virtual de productos 3D, y reflexionando sobre las amenazas derivadas de su potencial inmersivo, capaz de atrapar a los menores e incrementar la asimilación inconsciente de los mensajes publicitarios. Finalmente, se enuncian las claves para una alfabetización publicitaria que minimice el impacto de estas atractivas experiencias lúdicas publicitarias en los jóvenes, formando su espíritu crítico para un consumo saludable.The digital environment is conditioning the resources and strategies that brands use to attract young, relying on entertainment, creating hybrid formats like advergames, taking advantage of the interconnectivity of social networks and offering interactive experiences with augmented reality (AR). This qualitative research analyzes 9 advertising campaigns supported by AR, aimed at young people and using a content analysis tool that identifies the persuasive tactics and resources used. The opportunities offered by virtual interaction and "manipulation" with 3D are highlighted, as well as the threats posed by their immersive power, able to catch children and increase the unconscious assimilation of its messages. Finally, some keys for an advertising literacy are presented, aimed at minimizing its impact and promote a healthy consumption

    Sistema de simulación de transformaciones lluvia-caudal (SSTLC)

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    Se presenta un modelo de simulación que permite calcular hidrogramas de proyecto una vez seleccionados los procedimientos hidrológicos y definidos los distintos escenarios meteorológicos de interés. Además, permite elegir el mejor conjunto de algoritmos en cada fase del proceso de transformación lluvia-caudal, en función de la información disponible. Se diseñó y desarrolló el sistema computacional en un lenguaje de programación visual (Visual FoxPro para Windows), para lograr interactividad con el usuario. Se programó cada uno de los diferentes algoritmos involucrados y se realizó el testeo correspondiente. Se aplicó el modelo a la cuenca superior del río Gualeguaychú, entre otras, para un evento de elevada precipitación, obteniéndose un buen ajuste entre los caudales observados y calculados, con la consecuente validación del sistemaA simulation model is presented that calculates project hydrograms once hydrological procedures have been selected and several meteorological scenes of interest have been defined. In addition, in each stage of the precipitation – flood transformation process, it is possible to choose the best set of algorithms, depending on the available data. The computational system has been designed and developed using a visual programming language (Visual FoxPro for Windows), in order to achieve good user interactivity. The algorithms involved have been programmed and tested. The model has been applied to the upper basin of the Gualeguaychú River, among others, using an event with intense precipitation, getting a good fitting between observed and calculated flows, resulting in the consequent system validation.III Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Sistema de simulación de transformaciones lluvia-caudal (SSTLC)

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    Se presenta un modelo de simulación que permite calcular hidrogramas de proyecto una vez seleccionados los procedimientos hidrológicos y definidos los distintos escenarios meteorológicos de interés. Además, permite elegir el mejor conjunto de algoritmos en cada fase del proceso de transformación lluvia-caudal, en función de la información disponible. Se diseñó y desarrolló el sistema computacional en un lenguaje de programación visual (Visual FoxPro para Windows), para lograr interactividad con el usuario. Se programó cada uno de los diferentes algoritmos involucrados y se realizó el testeo correspondiente. Se aplicó el modelo a la cuenca superior del río Gualeguaychú, entre otras, para un evento de elevada precipitación, obteniéndose un buen ajuste entre los caudales observados y calculados, con la consecuente validación del sistemaA simulation model is presented that calculates project hydrograms once hydrological procedures have been selected and several meteorological scenes of interest have been defined. In addition, in each stage of the precipitation – flood transformation process, it is possible to choose the best set of algorithms, depending on the available data. The computational system has been designed and developed using a visual programming language (Visual FoxPro for Windows), in order to achieve good user interactivity. The algorithms involved have been programmed and tested. The model has been applied to the upper basin of the Gualeguaychú River, among others, using an event with intense precipitation, getting a good fitting between observed and calculated flows, resulting in the consequent system validation.III Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    Collaborative digital storytelling design can become an effective strategyto promote multiple abilities and competences in schoolchildren, providingthem the opportunity to create their own stories, using digital tools. Morespecifically, this research verifies: a) the change perceived by instructorsregarding emotional and creative development reached by preschool and primary students (N=282), after taking part in a collaborative digital storytelling project, supported by the Education Department; b) the level of emotional and creative expression showed in the final stories. The descriptive analysis shows the qualitative teachers’ assessment related to the change perceived in emotional and creative abilities level developed by the students, making use of 13 qualitative indicators. Afterwards, the level of emotional and creative expression of the stories created (N=14) is analysed by means of an expert evaluation. The results point out that –according instructors’ opinion– this digital collaborative narrative has fostered emotional abilities in preschool children. However, girls stand out because they empathise and carry about others, and achieve what they resolve to do. Likewise, taking into account their emotional abilities, girls adapt better to new situations and identify and resolve problems creatively. Similarly, primary girls stand out because of their emotionaland creative development, and higher stages students show a greaterempathy, caring about other people, critical thinking and aesthetic sensibility.After analyzing the final stories, the experts recognise that all of them show originality and adequacy to its purpose. Nevertheless, they are mainly logo centric whilst their emotional impact is reduced. They point out the characters’ persuasive power and their ability to generate empathy, especially in Primary Education. It can be stated that the topics, the audiovisual techniques adopted and the collaborative performance provided a suitable environment to practise emotional and creative abilities.El diseño colaborativo de digital storytelling (DST) puede convertirse en una estrategia eficaz para potenciar múltiples habilidades y competencias en escolares, al ofrecerles la oportunidad de crear sus propias historias apoyándose en herramientas digitales. Concretamente, esta investigación constata: a) el cambio percibido por el profesorado sobre el desarrollo emocional y creativo alcanzado por el alumnado de Educación Infantil y Primaria (N=282), tras participar en un proyecto colaborativo de narración digital impulsado por la Consejería de Educación; y b) el nivel de expresión emocional y creativa plasmada en los relatos finales elaborados. El análisis descriptivo muestra las valoraciones cualitativas del profesorado relativas al cambio percibido en el nivel de habilidades emocionales y creativas desarrollado por los escolares tras el diseño de DST, utilizando 13 indicadores cualitativos. Igualmente, el nivel de expresión emocional y creativa plasmada en los relatos elaborados (N=14) es sometido a evaluación experta. Los resultados subrayan que – a juicio de los docentes– esta narrativa digital colaborativa ha potenciado las habilidades emocionales del alumnado de Infantil, destacando las alumnas por su capacidad empática y por preocuparse por los demás, así como por cumplir lo que se proponen. Respecto a las habilidades emocionales, ellas se adaptan mejor a las situaciones nuevas e identifican y resuelven problemas creativamente. Asimismo, las alumnas de Primaria sobresalen por su desarrollo emocional y creativo, y los cursos superiores presentan más empatía y preocupación por los demás, reflexión crítica y sensibilidad estética. Tras analizar los relatos finales, los expertos reconocen que todos poseen originalidad y son adecuados a su intencionalidad, aunque prima el carácter logocéntrico que minimiza su impacto emocional. Resaltan la empatía y poder persuasivo de los personajes, especialmente en Primaria. Se puede afirmar que las temáticas abordadas, las técnicas audiovisuales adoptadas y la ejecución colaborativa proporcionaron un escenario adecuado para ejercitar habilidades emocionales y creativas

    Constraining self-interacting fermionic dark matter in admixed neutron stars using multimessenger astronomy

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    We investigate the structure of admixed neutron stars with a regular hadronic component and a fraction of fermionic self-interacting dark matter. Using two limiting equations of state for the dense baryonic interior, constructed from piecewise generalised polytropes, and an asymmetric self-interacting fermionic dark component, we analyse different scenarios of admixed neutron stars depending on the mass of dark fermions mχm_\chi, interaction mediators mϕm_\phi, and self-interacting strengths gg. We find that the contribution of dark matter to the masses and radii of neutron stars leads to tension with mass estimates of the pulsar J0453+1559, the least massive neutron star, and with the constraints coming from the GW170817 event. We discuss the possibilities of constraining dark matter model parameters gg and ymχ/mϕy \equiv m_\chi/m_\phi, using current existing knowledge on neutron star estimations of mass, radius, and tidal deformability, along with the accepted cosmological dark matter freeze-out values and self-interaction cross-section to mass ratio, σSI/mχ\sigma_\mathrm{SI}/m_\chi, fitted to explain Bullet, Abell, and dwarf galaxy cluster dynamics. By assuming the most restrictive upper limit, σSI/mχ<0.1\sigma_\mathrm{SI}/m_\chi < 0.1 cm2^2/g, along with dark matter freeze-out range values, the allowed gg-yy region is 0.01g0.10.01 \lesssim g \lesssim 0.1, with 0.5y2000.5 \lesssim y \lesssim 200. For the first time, the combination of updated complementary restrictions is used to set constraints on self-interacting dark matter.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Comments are welcom

    Habilidades sociales y creativas promovidas con el diseño colaborativo de digital storytelling en el aula

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    This research analyses the contribution of CINEMA project, -promoted by the Asturian Regional Department of Education -, focused on the the collaborative design of digital storytelling (DST) and aimed at promoting social skills and creativity in schoolchildren (N=282). Thus, two dimensions have been assessed on the basis of 10 qualitative indicators, measured with a Likert scale: a) the social and creative skills activated by preschool and primary education children, after finishing the project, according to their teachers, and b) the creativity of the 14 stories, according to the opinion of experts. The results show a significant increase in social skills amongst primary education children, such as socializing with classmates and peer helping, especially in girls. Besides, mediation skills have been increased in preschool education. Regarding creativity development, DST has fostered the ability to identify and solve problems creatively amongst all the students and the creative integration of several languages. The most outstanding aspect in primary is the flexibility to adapt to new situations, and the girls significantly stand out in creative skills. In conclusion, this experience has been very rewarding, having contributed to the development of creative thinking and social skills and to promote the children’s motivation and digital literacy.Esta investigación analiza la contribución del proyecto CINEMA- impulsado por la Consejería de Educación asturiana (2014-15), orientado al diseño colaborativo de digital storytelling (DST)-, para promover la sociabilidad y creatividad en los escolares participantes (N=282). Para ello, a partir de 10 indicadores cualitativos -medidos con escala Likert- se evalúan: a) las habilidades sociales y creativas activadas por el alumnado de educación infantil y primaria -según sus docentes- concluido el proyecto y b) la plasmación creativa de los 14 relatos elaborados, a juicio de expertos. Los resultados muestran, en general, un incremento significativo en las habilidades sociales en los alumnos de primaria, como socialización entre compañeros y ayuda mutua, especialmente en las niñas, así como el desarrollo de habilidades de mediación en infantil. Respecto al desarrollo de la creatividad, los DST han potenciado en todos la capacidad para identificar y resolver problemas creativamente junto a la integración creativa de distintos lenguajes. En primaria destaca la flexibilidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones, siendo las niñas las que sobresalen significativamente en las habilidades creativas. En conclusión, esta experiencia ha sido muy enriquecedora, contribuyendo al desarrollo del pensamiento creativo y las destrezas sociales, además de motivar al alumnado y promover su alfabetización digital.

    Niveles de fósforo disponible aparente en pollas Leghorn blanca durante las etapas de iniciación, crecimiento, desarrollo e inicio de postura

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    Phosphorus (P) is important for the growth and metabolism of pullets and young laying hens, although the requeriments of this mineral could be overvalued. An experiment was conducted with 750 Hy-line W-36 pullets to evaluate the effects of apparent available phosphorus (aaP) levels during starter (1 d to 6 wk), growing (7 to 12 wk), development (13 to 18 wk), and initial laying period. The analyzed variables were: body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), percentage of P in excreta (PPE) and tibia bone (TBP), tibia breaking strength (TBS), egg mass (EM), and specific gravity (SG). The evaluated aaP levels had no effect (P>0.05) on FI, FP, TBP, RB, or EM in the stages under study. There was a difference (P0.05) in the starter period, the optimum biological levels for growing and finishing stages were 0.28 and 0.26 % of aaP, respectively. It was concluded that the requirements of apparent available phosphorus could be lower than the value suggested by NRC (1994) for the growth stages and the variables measured, without affecting the body condition and bone mineralization of pullets.El fósforo es importante en el metabolismo y desarrollo de las pollitas de reemplazo, aunque las necesidades de este mineral pueden estar sobrevaloradas. Se realizó un experimento con 750 pollas de la lí­nea Hy-line W-36, para evaluar los efectos de niveles de fósforo disponible aparente (Pda) durante las etapas de iniciación (1 dí­a a 6 semanas), crecimiento (7 a 12 semanas), desarrollo (13 a 18 semanas) y de inicio a pico de postura. Las caracterí­sticas estudiadas fueron: peso vivo (PV), consumo de alimento (CA), porcentaje de fósforo total en excretas y tibias (PTE y PT), resistencia a ruptura de tibias (RR), masa de huevo (MH) y gravedad especí­fica (GE). El nivel de Pda no afectó (P>0.05) el CA, PTE, PT, RR y MH en las etapas estudiadas. Hubo diferencias (P0.05), mientras que los niveles óptimos biológicos para PV en crecimiento fueron con 0.28 % y desarrollo 0.26 %. Se concluye que las necesidades de fósforo disponible aparente pueden ser menores a lo sugerido por el NRC (1994), durante las etapas y caracterí­sticas medidas, sin afectar la condición corporal y mineralización ósea de las aves

    Association between physiological stress and skin temperature response after a half marathon

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the association between skin temperature response and the physiological stress after a half marathon. APPROACH: Seventeen runners were measured 48 h before, 24 h before, 24 h after and 48 h after completing a half marathon. The measurements on each day of testing included blood markers (creatine kinase [CK] and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase [GOT]), perception of pain and fatigue (using a visual analogue scale), skin temperature (using infrared thermography), and jump performance (using countermovement jump test). MAIN RESULTS: CK (p     1.0) increased 24 h after the half marathon, whereas jump performance decreased (p   <  0.01 and ES  =  0.4). No increase of skin temperature was observed in the tests after the competition and no regression model was able to predict physiological stress using skin temperature. Only a bivariate correlation was observed between the 24 h variation (pre-24 h) of CK and the skin temperature of the posterior upper limb (p   =  0.04 and r  =  0.5), and between the 48 h variation (pre-48 h) of pain perceived and the skin temperature of the knee (p   <  0.01 and r  =  0.6). SIGNIFICANCE: In conclusion, follow-up on basal skin temperatures does not seem to be an adequate method to detect physiological stress after a half marathon. In line with the observed results, we recommend caution when interpreting peaks in basal skin temperature in field sports assessments