11 research outputs found

    La escultura pública en Valencia. Estudio y catálogo

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    RESUMEN Estudio de la escultura monumental en la ciudad de Valencia, aproximándose al contexto histórico que la hizo posible, a los criterios estéticos de la época y al espacio urbano para el que fue concebida. El marco cronológico abarca desde el período gótico, con los primeros testimonios escultóricos documentados, símbolos sagrados del cristianismo, hasta la época contemporánea, con los hitos escultóricos de la urbe moderna, tan ajenos a los planteamientos estéticos y los procedimientos materiales de la tradicion estatuaria. El estudio está dividido en cinco capítulos, y describe un proceso ininterrumpido cuya trayectoria se identifica con las divisiones consensuadas en la Historia del Arte en España. Esta parte de la Tesis contempla las esculturas existentes en el espacio público actual, y aquellas destruidas, desaparecidas o retiradas e, incluso, los proyectos monumentales de carácter efímero. Catálogo de las esculturas públicas existentes en la ciudad, ordenado cronológicamente desde el año 1694, fecha en que se erigían las más antiguas estatuas conservadas, hasta el año 1980, fecha límite adoptada en razón de los cambios constatados en la práctica monumental valenciana a partir de esa fecha. Los textos señalan las particularidades que singularizaron al personaje o figura representada para merecer tal homenaje público, y abordan el proyecto monumental, desde el surgimiento de la iniciativa y su patrocinio, la elección del artista y la obra, así como su filiación artística, hasta la ejecución definitiva y su consiguiente inauguración. En determinados casos se trata la vida posterior del Monumento, esto es, lo relativo a traslados, variaciones en la configuración formal de la obra, restituciones y restauraciones. El Catálogo incluye un total de 107 obras escultóricas, con su correspondiente imagen gráfica, y se presenta ordenado cronológicamente en base a la fecha de emplazamiento o inauguración del monumento, ya que este hecho data la entrega de la escultura a la ciudad y por tanto el momento en que la obra adquiere estatus público. Dos estatuas monumentales del siglo XVII, otra del XVIII, catorce obras del siglo XIX, y el resto correspondientes al siglo XX, con límite en el año 1980. Aporta un Inventario de todas las obras escultóricas emplazadas en el espacio urbano entre 1982 y el año 2002, que sigue el orden cronológico y numérico establecido en el catálogo. Un total de noventa y siete obras, todas reproducidas, con indicación del título, material, autor, fecha y lugar de ubicación. Dedica un capítulo a las Tipologías Escultóricas, representativas de la tradición estatuaria, constatadas en el repertorio monumental valenciano: estatuas, estatuas ecuestres, grupos escultóricos, bustos, relieves y monolitos, tipos modelo a los que se adscriben las obras con objeto de obtener datos complementarios. Hay otro breve apartado dedicado a las Figuras y/ o valores representados, evidenciando una jerarquía de valores, religiosos, políticos, intelectuales o estéticos, y la distinta estimación social según las épocas. En el apéndice figura un Cuadro-resumen del Catálogo que estimamos sumamente elocuente, y un Listado de todos los Escultores autores de la escultura pública existente en el espacio urbano actual, ordenado cronológicamente por fecha de nacimiento, con indicación de las obras y año de ejecución que hace patente el periodo activo del artista a nivel público. __________________________________________________________________________________________________A Study of monumental sculpture in the city of Valencia, against the background of the historical context that made them possible, the aesthetic criteria of he era and the urban space for which they were initially conceived. The time frame begins in the gothic era with the earliest documented sculptural testimony, and continues right up to the contemporary period. It covers sculptures still on view in the present public space as well as those no longer existing, disappeared or retired while also contemplating ephemeral monumental projects. The study includes a Catalogue of the existing sculptures in the urban space, chronologically ordered from 1694, the year from which the oldest conserved statutes date, continuing up until 1980, the cut-off date chosen in view of the changes adopted in monumental practice in Valencia after this date. The catalogue entries with their corresponding image, centre on the sepecificities differentiating the represented character or figure who has deserved this public tribute and describe the monument project, from the beginning of the initiative and its sponsorship, the choice of artist and work, as well as its artistic affiliation, until the final execution and corresponding unveiling. On certain occasions it deals with the later life of the Monument, that is, reporting changes in placement, variation in the formal configuration of the work, restitutions and restorations. The study contains an Inventory of all the sculptural works to be found in the urban space between 1982 and 2002, with the corresponding image, title, material, author, date and location. A chapter han been set aside for Sculptural Typologies, representative of statuary tradition, an another for Figures and/or represented values, outlining a hierarchy of religious, political, intellectual or aesthetic values and the shifting social opinions according to the era. The appendix includes a concise Summary-chart of de Catalogue, and a List of all the Sculptors who have made the public scuptures existing in the city, with their works and dat of execution

    Post-fire Management Effects on Sediment (Dis)Connectivity in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems: Channel and Catchment Response

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    [Abstract] Forest fires and post-fire practices influence sediment connectivity (SC). In this study, we use the ‘aggregated index of connectivity’ (AIC) to assess SC in five Mediterranean catchments (198–1090 ha) affected by a wildfire in 2012 in south-eastern Spain. Two temporal scenarios were considered, immediately after the fire and before post-fire management, and 2 years after the fire including all practices (hillslope barriers, check-dams, afforestation, salvage logging and skid trails). One LiDAR (light detection and ranging)-derived digital elevation model (DEM, 2 m × 2 m resolution) was generated, per scenario. The five catchment outlets were established as the computation target (AICоᴜᴛ), and structural and functional SC were calculated. Index outputs were normalized to make the results of the non-nested catchments comparable (AICɴ₋оᴜᴛ). The output analysis includes the SC distribution along the catchments and at local scale (929 sub-catchments, 677 in the burned area), the hillslope and channel measures' effect on SC, and a sedimentological analysis using observed area-specific sediment yield (SSY) at 10 new (built after post-fire practices) concrete check-dams located in the catchments (SSY = 1.94 Mg ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹; σ = 1.22). The catchments with more circular shapes and steeper slopes were those with higher AICɴ₋оᴜᴛ. The structural SC maps – removing the rainfall erosivity influence – allowed evaluating the actual role played by the post-fire practices that reduced SC (x̅ = − 1.19%; σ = 0.41); while functional SC was linked to the actual change of SC (x̅ = + 5.32%; σ = 0.62). Hillslope treatments resulted in significant changes on AICɴ₋оᴜᴛ at sub-catchment scale with certain disconnectivity. A good and positive correlation was found between the SSY and the changes of AICɴ₋оᴜᴛ. However, the coarse DEM resolution explained the lack of effect of the rock check-dams – located on the secondary channels – on AICɴ₋оᴜᴛ. AICɴ₋оᴜᴛ proved to be a useful tool for decision making in post-fire restoration, but an optimal input data is still necessary to refine calculations.European Cooperation in Science and Technology; CA18135Gobierno de Castilla-la Mancha; Sbply/16/180501/ 000109This study was supported by funds provided to the VIS4FIRE Spanish R&D project (RTA2017-00042-C05-00) co-funded by the “Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria” (INIA) and FEDER programme. This study was done in the frame of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action CA18135 ‘FIRElinks’ (Fire in the Earth System:Science & Society). J. González-Romero holds a scholarship (Sbply/16/180501/000109) from the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha/European Social Fund (ESF, EU)

    Post-fire Management Effects on Hillslope-Stream Sediment Connectivity in a Mediterranean Forest Ecosystem

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    [Abstract] Forest fires intensify sediment transport and aggravate local and off-site consequences of soil erosion. This study evaluates the influence of post-fire measures on structural and functional sediment connectivity (SC) in five fire-affected Mediterranean catchments, which include 929 sub-catchments, by using the “aggregated index of connectivity” (AIC) at two temporal scenarios: I) immediately after the fire and before implementing post-fire practices (‘Pre-man’), and II) two years after the fire (‘Post-man’). The latter includes all the emergency stabilization practices, that are hillslope barriers, check-dams and afforestation. The stream system was set as the target of the computation (STR), to be representative of intense rainfall-runoff events with effective sediment delivery outside the catchments. Output normalization (AICN) allows comparing the results of the five basins between them. The sedimentological analysis is based on specific sediment yield (SSY) –measured at the check-dams installed after the fire –, and this data is used for output evaluation. Stream density and slope variables were the most influential factors on AICN-STR results at the sub-catchment scale. Post-fire hillslope treatments (barriers when built in high densities and afforestation) significantly reduced AICN-STR in comparison with untreated areas in both structural and functional approaches. Despite the presence of hillslope treatments, the higher erosive rainfall conditions resulted in higher AICN-STR values in the Post-man scenario (functional approach). A positive and good correlation was found between the measured SSY and the AICN-STR changes due to the post-fire practices and vegetation recovery, showing the good correspondence of the computation results and the real sediment dynamics of the studied catchments. Overall, AICN demonstrated to be a useful and versatile tool for post-fire management, which needs further research to optimize its applicability.The authors thank the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha) for supporting the study and providing information about the undertaken measures in the burned area. This study was supported by funds provided to the VIS4FIRE Spanish R&D project (RTA 2017-00042-C05-00) co-funded by the “Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria” (INIA) and FEDER programme. This study was done in the frame of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action CA18135 ‘FIRElinks’ (Fire in the Earth System: Science & Society). J. González-Romero holds a postdoctoral contract supported by the European Social Fund (ESF, EU). The authors declare no conflict of interest. E. Peña holds a scholarship (2020-PREUCLM-16032) from the UCLM and the European Social Fund (FSE). Pedro Antonio Plaza Álvarez holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU16/03296)Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; 2020-PREUCLM-1603

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Efecto de los trabajos de restauración forestal en ladera después de incendio sobre la recuperación de la vegetación

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    Postfire restoration practices encompass those, which aim to reduce negative wildfire impacts and to improve burned area rehabilitation. Soil and vegetation are highly affected by wildfires due to direct effect and subsequent erosion processes. This work aims to evaluate the effect on vegetation recovery after wildfire of two different soil restoration techniques (Contour-felled log erosion barrier and contour-felled log debris) used at slope scale. Results showed similar species coverage and grass or shrubs species. Wildfire affected areas without any intervention and unaffected areas by fire presented different grass or shrubs species (but pioneer species) and lower species coverage. Species diversity and richness were similar comparing all the study plots. This work highlights that postfire restoration practices are important for recovering forest vegetation after wildfires.Las actuaciones en materia de restauración post-incendio engloban trabajos destinados a minimizar los impactos negativos del fuego, así como la rehabilitación ecológica de la zona quemada. El suelo y la vegetación se ven muy afectados y son muy vulnerables al paso del fuego, tanto por la degradación sufrida a causa del incendio, como por los procesos erosivos que origina. El presente trabajo pretende evaluar el efecto que las técnicas de restauración post-incendio utilizadas a nivel ladera (acordonado y fajinas) tienen sobre la recuperación de la vegetación. Los resultados indican que las zonas en las que se realizaron las fajinas y cordones presentan niveles equivalentes de cobertura y aparecen similares especies herbáceas y arbustivas. Las zonas quemadas sin actuación y zonas sin quemar cercanas a la zona de estudio presentan menores niveles de cobertura y aparecen especies diferentes, aunque todas pertenecientes al grupo de especies colonizadoras. La diversidad vegetal y la riqueza florística es similar comparando todas las zonas de estudio. El presente trabajo demuestra la importancia de las medidas de restauración para recuperar la vegetación después de incendio

    Efecto de los trabajos de restauración forestal post-incendio en ladera sobre la recuperación de la funcionalidad del suelo

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    This work aims to evaluate the effect of two different soil restoration techniques at slope scale (Contourfelled log erosion barrier and contour-felled log debris) on soil functionality, which was assessed using different soil physicochemical and microbiological soil properties and soil nutrient content. Our results indicate that plots under Contour-felled log erosion barriers presented higher soil organic matter in comparison to plots under contour-felled log debris, wildfire-affected areas without any intervention or unaffected areas by fire. Postfire restoration practices generate microbiological soil properties recovery, reaching similar values to those found at control plots. This work highlights that postfire restoration practices are important for recovering soil multifunctionality after wildfires.El presente trabajo pretende evaluar el efecto de las técnicas de restauración post-incendio utilizadas a nivel ladera (acordonado y fajinas) sobre la funcionalidad del suelo, medida ésta a partir de las propiedades físico-químicas y microbiológicas y del contenido de nutrientes del suelo. Los resultados indican que las zonas en las que se realizaron las fajinas presentan unos valores más altos de materia orgánica en comparación con zonas donde se realizaron cordones, zonas quemadas sin actuación y zonas sin quemar. Las propiedades microbiologías se recuperan en las zonas restauradas y son similares a los valores encontrados en las zonas control. El presente trabajo demuestra la importancia de las medidas de restauración para recuperar la funcionalidad de los suelos después de incendio

    Efecto de los trabajos post-incendio sobre el suelo y la vegetación en la sierra de Los Donceles (Hellín, Albacete)

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    Las actuaciones en materia de restauración post-incendio engloban trabajos destinados a minimizar los impactos negativos del fuego, así como la rehabilitación ecológica de la zona quemada. El suelo y la vegetación se ven muy afectados y son muy vulnerables al paso del fuego, tanto por los efectos directos, como por los procesos erosivos que origina. El presente trabajo pretende evaluar el efecto que las técnicas de restauración post-incendio utilizadas a nivel de ladera (acordonado y fajinas) tienen sobre la funcionalidad del suelo y la recuperación de la vegetación 5 años después del incendio.Postfire restoration practices encompass those, which aim to reduce negative wildfire impacts and to improve burned area rehabilitation. Soil and vegetation are highly affected by wildfires due to direct effect and subsequent erosion processes. This work aims to evaluate the effect on soil functionality and vegetation recovery after wildfire of two different soil restoration techniques (Contour-felled log erosion barrier and contourfelled log debris) used at slope scale and after 5 years of the wildfire event

    Down syndrome as risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization : A prospective multicenter epidemiological study

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in childhood, particularly in premature infants, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. To compare the hospitalization rates due to RSV infection and severity of disease between infants with and without Down syndrome (DS) born at term and without other associated risk factors for severe RSV infection. In a prospective multicentre epidemiological study, 93 infants were included in the DS cohort and 68 matched by sex and data of birth (±1 week) and were followed up to 1 year of age and during a complete RSV season. The hospitalization rate for all acute respiratory infection was significantly higher in the DS cohort than in the non-DS cohort (44.1% vs 7.7%, P<.0001). Hospitalizations due to RSV were significantly more frequent in the DH cohort than in the non-DS cohort (9.7% vs 1.5%, P=.03). RSV prophylaxis was recorded in 33 (35.5%) infants with DS. The rate of hospitalization according to presence or absence of RSV immunoprophylaxis was 3.0% vs 15%, respectively. Infants with DS showed a higher rate of hospitalization due to acute lower respiratory tract infection and RSV infection compared to non-DS infants. Including DS infants in recommendations for immunoprophylaxis of RSV disease should be considered

    Long-term effect of a practice-based intervention (HAPPY AUDIT) aimed at reducing antibiotic prescribing in patients with respiratory tract infections

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