111 research outputs found

    Groundwater Depletion in the Middle East from GRACE with Implications for Transboundary Water Management in the Tigris-Euphrates-Western Iran Region

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    In this study, we use observations from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission to evaluate freshwater storage trends in the north-central Middle East, including portions of the Tigris and Euphrates River Basins and western Iran, from January 2003 to December 2009. GRACE data show an alarming rate of decrease in total water storage of approximately -27.2 plus or minus 0.6 millimeters per year equivalent water height, equal to a volume of 143.6 cubic kimometers during the course of the study period. Additional remote-sensing information and output from land surface models were used to identify that groundwater losses are the major source of this trend. The approach used in this study provides an example of ''best current capabilities'' in regions like the Middle East, where data access can be severely limited. Results indicate that the region lost 17.3 plus or minus 2.1 millimeters per year equivalent water height of groundwater during the study period, or 91.3 plus or minus 10.9 cubic kilometers in volume. Furthermore, results raise important issues regarding water use in transboundary river basins and aquifers, including the necessity of international water use treaties and resolving discrepancies in international water law, while amplifying the need for increased monitoring for core components of the water budget

    El asiento de avería y el origen de la compañía privilegiada en España

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    El presente artículo analiza cómo la autonomía patrimonial del capital destinado a la organización de las flotas con América acabó adquiriendo la forma de una verdadera compañía privilegiada de comercio, antecedente directo de la actual sociedad anónima, cuando la Corona dejó por entero a los particulares la administración de la avería a través del sistema de asientos. Los paralelismos de los asientos con las compañías llegaron a ser tan grandes que los funcionarios a quienes el conde-duque de Olivares encomendó el estudio de las compañías extranjeras, con objeto de introducirlas en España, vieron en los asientos una verdadera compañía privilegiada.This paper analyses how the progressive autonomy of the capital used to arrange the treasure fleets from Seville to America derived in a real chartered company, a precedent of today’s joint-stock company, when the Crown finally privatised it through the asientos de avería. The parallelism among the asientos and the companies were so noticeable that the public officers appointed by the Count-Duke of Olivares to study the foreign companies couldn’t detect any difference between both institutions.Publicad

    Artesãos, cartografia e império. A produção social de um instrumento náutico no mundo ibérico, 1500-1650

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    Explicar cómo y en qué condiciones fueron construidos algunos de los instrumentos científicos más emblemáticos del mundo moderno sigue siendo un desafío para los historiadores de la ciencia y de la tecnología. Este principio afecta también a los instrumentos náuticos. Así, el objetivo del presente artículo es considerar el “cómo” y el “en qué condiciones”, en un sentido amplio, analizando uno de estos artefactos: las cartas náuticas construidas durante la expansión marítima europea. Originalidad: La originalidad del texto no reside únicamente en llevar a cabo una reconstrucción de este instrumento en Portugal y España que aporte nuevos datos sobre su proceso de fabricación y sus fabricantes, sino también en arrojar luz sobre antiguos debates historiográficos que subyacen a la génesis de la ciencia moderna, tales como la difícil colaboración entre hombres prácticos y hombres teóricos; la aportación de comunidades de artesanos al mundo del conocimiento; el papel que los saberes prácticos tuvieron en el establecimiento de nuevas formas de estandarización en ciencia; la adopción de una metodología empírica para el dominio del mundo o la construcción de grandes imperios globales cimentados sobre la base del trabajo manual. Metodología: El análisis de estos debates requiere una aproximación metodológica que atienda a las categorías y los conceptos principales puestos en circulación tanto por la historia como por la filosofía de la ciencia más reciente. En definitiva, se trata de atender a las condiciones que permitieron el establecimiento de acuerdos (y también de controversias) epistemológicos entre diferentes comunidades de conocimiento tomando un instrumento náutico como “mediador”. Conclusiones: El artículo concluye que la consideración de las culturas empíricas del conocimiento y sus realizaciones materiales son una condición sine qua non para entender la génesis de la modernidad científica europea y la construcción de un mundo globalExplaining how and under what conditions some of the most emblematic scientific instruments of the modern world were built remains a challenge for historians of science and technology. This principle also affects nautical instruments. Thus, the objective of this article is to consider the “how” and the “under what conditions”, in a broad sense, by examining one of these devices: the nautical charts developed during the European maritime expansion. Originality: The originality of this article lies not only in the reconstruction of this instrument in Portugal and Spain, providing new information about its development process and its manufacturers, but also in shedding light on old historiographical debates that underlie the genesis of modern science, such as the difficult collaboration between practical men and theoretical men; the contribution of artisan communities to the world of knowledge; the role that practical knowledge played in the establishment of new forms of standardization in science; the adoption of an empirical methodology for achieving mastery of the world or the construction of large global empires founded upon manual labor. Methodology: Analyzing these debates requires a methodological approach that addresses the main categories and concepts put into circulation by the most recent history and philosophy of science. In short, unveiling the conditions that enabled the establishment of epistemological agreements (and also disputes) between different knowledge communities by taking a nautical instrument as “mediator.” Conclusions: The article concludes that examining empirical knowledge cultures and their material achievements are a sine qua non condition to understand the genesis of European scientific modernity and the construction of a global worldExplicar como e em que condições foram construídos alguns dos instrumentos científicos mais emblemáticos do mundo moderno continua sendo um desafio para os historiadores da ciência e da tecnologia. Esse princípio afeta também os instrumentos náuticos. Assim, o objetivo do presente artigo é considerar o “como” e o “em que condições”, em um sentido amplo, e analisar um desses artefatos: as cartas náuticas construídas durante a expansão marítima europeia. Originalidade: A originalidade do texto não reside unicamente na realização de uma reconstrução desse instrumento em Portugal e na Espanha de forma que traga novos dados sobre seu processo de fabricação e de seus fabricantes, mas também em lançar luz sobre antigos debates historiográficos que subjazem à gênese da ciência moderna, tais como a difícil colaboração entre homens práticos e homens teóricos, a contribuição de comunidades de artesãos ao mundo do conhecimento; o papel que os saberes práticos tiveram no estabelecimento de novas formas de padronização na ciência, a adoção de uma metodologia empírica para o domínio do mundo ou a construção de grandes impérios globais cimentados sobre a base do trabalho manual. Metodologia: A análise desses debates requer uma aproximação metodológica que atenda às categorias e aos principais conceitos colocados em circulação tanto pela história quanto pela filosofia da ciência mais recente. Definitivamente, trata-se de atender às condições que permitiram o estabelecimento de acordos (e também de controvérsias) epistemológicos entre diferentes comunidades de conhecimento tomando o instrumento náutico como “mediador”. Conclusões: O artigo conclui que a consideração das culturas empíricas do conhecimento e suas realizações materiais são uma condição sine qua non para entender a gênese da modernidade científica europeia e a construção de um mundo globa

    Moraines et terrasses du Bochaîne

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    de Linage J. Moraines et terrasses du Bochaîne. In: Revue de géographie alpine, tome 18, n°4, 1930. pp. 731-805

    Mesures gravimétriques au sol et satellitaires: étude du rapport entre variation de pesanteur et déplacement vertical et apport de la mission spatiale GRACE à l'étude des surcharges hydrologiques et des très grands séismes

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    We model the ratio between gravity variation and ground vertical displacement that are due to a load located at the surface of a stratified, spherically symmetric and elastic earth model. Theoretical results are compared to numerical values found for different loads by using outputs of global models. We assess the resolution and the accuracy of the temporal variations of the water content in the ground estimated by the GRACE space gravity mission. These are compared to the seasonal variations predicted by several hydrological models. In Europe, the validation of the GRACE measurements by those of the GGP network gravimeters is based on a principal component analysis and highlights the drought of summer 2003. The gravitational coseismic and postseismic signatures of the Sumatra earthquake (2004) are extracted from the GRACE data. A modelling of the coseismic effect shows that the static response of the ocean must not be neglected.Nous modélisons le rapport entre variation de pesanteur et déplacement vertical du sol dus à une surcharge à la surface d'un modèle de Terre à symétrie sphérique, stratifié et élastique. Les résultats théoriques sont comparés aux valeurs numériques trouvées pour diverses charges à partir des sorties de modèles globaux. Nous évaluons la résolution et la précision des variations temporelles du contenu en eau du sol estimées par la mission de gravimétrie spatiale GRACE. Celles-ci sont comparées aux prédictions des variations saisonnières de plusieurs modèles hydrologiques. En Europe, la validation des mesures GRACE par les mesures des gravimètres du reseau GGP repose sur une analyse en composantes principales et met en évidence la sécheresse de l'été 2003. Les signatures gravitationnelles cosismique et postsismique associées au séisme de Sumatra (2004) sont extraites des données GRACE. Une modélisation de l'effet cosismique montre que la réponse statique de l'océan ne peut être negligée

    Ground and space gravity measurements : study of the ratio between gravity variation and vertical displacement and contribution of the GRACE space mission to the study of hydrological loadings and very large earthquakes

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    Nous modélisons le rapport entre variation de pesanteur et déplacement vertical du sol dus à une surcharge à la surface d'un modèle de Terre à symétrie sphérique, stratifié et élastique. Les résultats théoriques sont comparés aux valeurs numériques trouvées pour diverses charges à partir des sorties de modèles globaux. Nous évaluons la résolution et la précision des variations temporelles du contenu en eau du sol estimées par la mission de gravimétrie spatiale GRACE. Celles-ci sont comparées aux prédictions des variations saisonnières de plusieurs modèles hydrologiques. En Europe, la validation des mesures GRACE par les mesures des gravimètres du réseau GGP repose sur une analyse en composantes principales et met en évidence la sécheresse de l'été 2003. Les signatures gravitationnelles cosismique et postsismique associées au séisme de Sumatra (2004) sont extraites des données GRACE. Une modélisation de l'effet cosismique montre que la réponse statique de l'océan ne peut être négligée.We model the ratio between gravity variation and ground vertical displacement that are due to a load located at the surface of a stratified, spherically symmetric and elastic earth model. Theoretical results are compared to numerical values found for different loads by using outputs of global models. We assess the resolution and the accuracy of the temporal variations of the water content in the ground estimated by the GRACE space gravity mission. These are compared to the seasonal variations predicted by several hydrological models. In Europe, the validation of the GRACE measurements by those of the GGP network gravimeters is based on a principal component analysis and highlights the drought of summer 2003. The gravitational coseismic and postseismic signatures of the Sumatra earthquake (2004) are extracted from the GRACE data. A modelling of the coseismic effect shows that the static response of the ocean must not be neglected

    Ground and space gravity measurements : study of the ratio between gravity variation and vertical displacement and contribution of the GRACE space mission to the study of hydrological loadings and very large earthquakes

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    Nous modélisons le rapport entre variation de pesanteur et déplacement vertical du sol dus à une surcharge à la surface d'un modèle de Terre à symétrie sphérique, stratifié et élastique. Les résultats théoriques sont comparés aux valeurs numériques trouvéWe model the ratio between gravity variation and ground vertical displacement that are due to a load located at the surface of a stratified, spherically symmetric and elastic earth model. Theoretical results are compared to numerical values found for dif