446 research outputs found

    Gaia astrometric science performance - post-launch predictions

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    The standard errors of the end-of-mission Gaia astrometry have been re-assessed after conclusion of the in-orbit commissioning phase of the mission. An analytical relation is provided for the parallax standard error as function of Gaia G magnitude (and V-I colour) which supersedes the pre-launch relation provided in de Bruijne (2012).Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the GREAT-ITN conference "The Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia: GREAT Science from the Gaia Data Releases", 1-5 December 2014, University of Barcelona, Spain, EAS Publications Series, eds Nicholas Walton, Francesca Figueras, and Caroline Soubira

    Radial velocities of early-type stars in the Perseus OB2 association

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    We present radial velocities for 29 B- and A-type stars in the field of the nearby association Perseus OB2. The velocities are derived from spectra obtained with AURELIE, via cross correlation with radial velocity standards matched as closely as possible in spectral type. The resulting accuracy is ~2 - 3 km s1^{-1}. We use these measurements, together with published values for a few other early-type stars, to study membership of the association. The mean radial velocity (and measured velocity dispersion) of Per OB2 is 23.5 \pm 3.9 km s1^{-1}, and lies ~15 km s1^{-1} away from the mean velocity of the local disk field stars. We identify a number of interlopers in the list of possible late-B- and A-type members which was based on Hipparcos parallaxes and proper motions, and discuss the colour-magnitude diagram of the association.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, minor revision

    Direction of light propagation to order G^2 in static, spherically symmetric spacetimes: a new derivation

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    A procedure avoiding any integration of the null geodesic equations is used to derive the direction of light propagation in a three-parameter family of static, spherically symmetric spacetimes within the post-post-Minkowskian approximation. Quasi-Cartesian isotropic coordinates adapted to the symmetries of spacetime are systematically used. It is found that the expression of the angle formed by two light rays as measured by a static observer staying at a given point is remarkably simple in these coordinates. The attention is mainly focused on the null geodesic paths that we call the "quasi-Minkowskian light rays". The vector-like functions characterizing the direction of propagation of such light rays at their points of emission and reception are firstly obtained in the generic case where these points are both located at a finite distance from the centre of symmetry. The direction of propagation of the quasi-Minkowskian light rays emitted at infinity is then straightforwardly deduced. An intrinsic definition of the gravitational deflection angle relative to a static observer located at a finite distance is proposed for these rays. The expression inferred from this definition extends the formula currently used in VLBI astrometry up to the second order in the gravitational constant G.Comment: 19 pages; revised introduction; added references for introduction; corrected typos; published in Class. Quantum Gra

    Comparison of anthropometric body features of highclass volleyball players

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    One of the factors determining skills of athletes in certain sport is body build features. Sport result depends a lot on morphologic features of the sportsman, that is one of the selective factors determining the sportsman's perspective. Purpose of research is studying of peculiarities anthropomentric and somatometric indices of super league, premier league and first league teams

    Spectra disentangling applied to the Hyades binary Theta^2 Tau AB: new orbit, orbital parallax and component properties

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    Theta^2 Tauri is a detached and single-lined interferometric-spectroscopic binary as well as the most massive binary system of the Hyades cluster. The system revolves in an eccentric orbit with a periodicity of 140.7 days. The secondary has a similar temperature but is less evolved and fainter than the primary. It is also rotating more rapidly. Since the composite spectra are heavily blended, the direct extraction of radial velocities over the orbit of component B was hitherto unsuccessful. Using high-resolution spectroscopic data recently obtained with the Elodie (OHP, France) and Hermes (ORM, La Palma, Spain) spectrographs, and applying a spectra disentangling algorithm to three independent data sets including spectra from the Oak Ridge Observatory (USA), we derived an improved spectroscopic orbit and refined the solution by performing a combined astrometric-spectroscopic analysis based on the new spectroscopy and the long-baseline data from the Mark III optical interferometer. As a result, the velocity amplitude of the fainter component is obtained in a direct and objective way. Major progress based on this new determination includes an improved computation of the orbital parallax. Our mass ratio is in good agreement with the older estimates of Peterson et al. (1991, 1993), but the mass of the primary is 15-25% higher than the more recent estimates by Torres et al. (1997) and Armstrong et al. (2006). Due to the strategic position of the components in the turnoff region of the cluster, these new determinations imply stricter constraints for the age and the metallicity of the Hyades cluster. The location of component B can be explained by current evolutionary models, but the location of the more evolved component A is not trivially explained and requires a detailed abundance analysis of its disentangled spectrum.Comment: in press, 13 pages, 10 Postscript figures, 5 tables. Table~4 is available as online material. Keywords: astrometry - techniques: high angular resolution - stars: binaries: visual - stars: binaries: spectroscopic - stars: fundamental parameter

    Diagnosis of bronchiectasis and airway wall thickening in children with cystic fibrosis: Objective airway-artery quantification

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    Objectives: To quantify airway and artery (AA)-dimensions in cystic fibrosis (CF) and control patients for objective CT diagnosis of bronchiectasis and airway wall thickness (AWT). Methods: Spirometer-guided inspiratory and expiratory CTs of 11 CF and 12 control patients were collected retrospectively. Airway pathways were annotated semi-automatically to reconstruct three-dimensional bronchial trees. All visible AA-pairs were measured perpendicular to the airway axis. Inner, outer and AWT (outer−inner) diameter were divided by the adjacent artery diameter to compute AinA-, AoutA- and AWTA-ratios. AA-ratios were predicted using mixed-effects models including disease status, lung volume, gender, height and age as covariates. Results: Demographics did not differ significantly between cohorts. Mean AA-pairs CF: 299 inspiratory; 82 expiratory. Controls: 131 inspiratory; 58 expiratory. All ratios were significantly larger in inspiratory compared to expiratory CTs for both groups (p<0.001). AoutA- and AWTA-ratios were larger in CF than in controls, independent of lung volume (p<0.01). Difference of AoutA- and AWTA-ratios between patients with CF and controls increased significantly for every following airway generation (p<0.001). Conclusion: Diagnosis of bronchiectasis is highly dependent on lung volume and more reliably diagnosed using outer airway diameter. Difference in bronchiectasis and AWT severity between the two cohorts increased with each airway generation. Key points: • More peripheral airways are visible in CF patients compared to controls.• Structural lung changes in CF patients are greater with each airway generation.• Number of airways visualized on CT could quantify CF lung disease.• For objective airway disease quantification on CT, lung volume standardization is required

    The evolution of faint AGN between z~1 and z~5 from the COMBO-17 survey

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    We present a determination of the optical/UV AGN luminosity function and its evolution, based on a large sample of faint (R<24) QSOs identified in the COMBO-17 survey. Using multi-band photometry in 17 filters within 350nm < lambda_obs < 930nm, we could simultaneously determine photometric redshifts with an accuracy of sigma_z<0.03 and obtain spectral energy distributions. The redshift range covered by the sample is 1.2<z<4.8, which implies that even at z~3, the sample reaches below luminosities corresponding to M_B = -23, conventionally employed to distinguish between Seyfert galaxies and quasars. We clearly detect a broad plateau-like maximum of quasar activity around z~2 and map out the smooth turnover between z~1 and z~4. The shape of the LF is characterised by some mild curvature, but no sharp `break' is present within the range of luminosities covered. Using only the COMBO-17 data, the evolving LF can be adequately described by either a pure density evolution (PDE) or a pure luminosity evolution (PLE) model. However, the absence of a strong L*-like feature in the shape of the LF inhibits a robust distinction between these modes. We present a robust estimate for the integrated UV luminosity generation by AGN as a function of redshift. We find that the LF continues to rise even at the lowest luminosities probed by our survey, but that the slope is sufficiently shallow that the contribution of low-luminosity AGN to the UV luminosity density is negligible. Although our sample reaches much fainter flux levels than previous data sets, our results on space densities and LF slopes are completely consistent with extrapolations from recent major surveys such as SDSS and 2QZ.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in print, revised versio

    Lung MRI and impairment of diaphragmatic function in Pompe disease

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    Background: Pompe disease is a progressive metabolic myopathy. Involvement of respiratory muscles leads to progressive pulmonary dysfunction, particularly in supine position. Diaphragmatic weakness is considered to be the most important component. Standard spirometry is to some extent indicative but provides too little insight into diaphragmatic dynamics. We used lung MRI to study diaphragmatic and chest-wall movements in Pompe disease. Methods: In ten adult Pompe patients and six volunteers, we acquired two static spirometer-controlled MRI scans during maximum inspiration and expiration. Images were manually segmented. After normalization for lung size, changes in lung dimensions between inspiration and expiration were used for analysis; normalization was based on the cranial-caudal length ratio (representing vertical diaphragmatic displacement), and the anterior-posterior and left-right length ratios (representing chest-wall movements due to thoracic muscles). Results: We observed striking dysfunction of the diaphragm in Pompe patients; in some patients the diaphragm did not show any displacement. Patients had smaller cranial-caudal length ratios than volunteers (p &lt; 0.001), indicating diaphragmatic weakness. This variable strongly correlated with forced vital capacity in supine position (r = 0.88) and postural drop (r = 0.89). While anterior-posterior length ratios also differed between patients and volunteers (p = 0.04), left-right length ratios did not (p = 0.1). Conclusions: MRI is an innovative tool to visualize diaphragmatic dynamics in Pompe patients and to study chest-walland diaphragmatic movements in more detail. Our data indicate that diaphragmatic displacement may be severely disturbed in patients with Pompe disease