523 research outputs found

    Using the Portuguese case to establish lines of differentiation

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    UID/CCI/04667/2016While a far from recent phenomenon, fake news has acquired a very special significance in the wake of the latest US elections. Against a broad background of different definitions and subtypes that require us to find a new, broader definition of the concept of fake news, the main debate about it concerns its scope and reach, which vary primarily in terms of intentionality and exactly how it disrupts the information process. With the discussion also focusing on the threats to (McChesney, 2014; Fisher, 2018) and opportunities for (Beckett, 2017) journalism itself, we seek to expand the debate on fake news to its impact on the dimension of trust in news. The starting point is Fletcher and Nielsen’s (2017) idea that, because they don’t make a clear distinction between real and fake news, Internet users feel a generalised sense of distrust in the media. Using data from the latest (2018) Reuters Digital News Report survey of a representative sample of the Portuguese Internet-using population, we describe the main reasons why the Portuguese (increasingly familiar with fake news and disinformation and their impacts) have been displaying higher levels of trust in news than counterparts in other countries, such as the United States –reasons that are linked to Portugal’s media system and historical context.publishersversionpublishe

    Optimization of state assignment in a finite state machine: evaluation of a simulated annealing approach

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    In this research, the application of the Simulated Annealing algorithm to solve the state assignment problem in finite state machines is investigated. The state assignment is a classic NP-Complete problem in digital systems design and impacts directly on both area and power costs as well as on the design time. The solutions found in the literature uses population-based methods that consume additional computer resources. The Simulated Annealing algorithm has been chosen because it does not use populations while seeking a solution. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the impact on the quality of the solution when using the Simulated Annealing approach. The proposed solution is evaluated using the LGSynth89 benchmark and compared with other approaches in the state-of-the-art. The experimental simulations point out an average loss in solution quality of 11%, while an average processing performance of 86%. The results indicate that it is possible to have few quality losses with a significant increase in processing performance

    Let's Talk About Stereochemistry for a Moment: a Home Experiment Conducted with College Students in Social Isolation

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    Due to COVID-19, we are adjusting to a new educational environment while also being socially isolated. By combining previously established ways of remote education with video conferences, the world is creating a new sector termed techno-pedagogy. The concept of stereochemistry in Organic Chemistry is frequently difficult to understand even in classroom teaching. Plane-polarized light rotation is difficult to describe because it needs a high level of abstraction in the mental exercise. As a result, we propose in this work that technology be developed to teach stereochemistry remotely. As a result, we prepared a training video that shows college students how to execute a hand-made stereochemistry experiment. Lecturers, undergraduates, and graduate students all gave the video great scores

    Embedded server to automatic control of wireless transducer network for irrigation based on Internet of things

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    The growth of the Internet of Things, as well as the optimization needs for agriculture, have opened many opportunities for projects with the integration of these two areas. This paper shows the development of a solution to monitoring crops using the Internet of Things. The sensors and actuators for this precision agriculture design are able to exchange data with an embedded server, which runs on an Intel Edison device. Therefore, an ad-hoc wireless sensor network is established among the devices, using the MQTT protocol. As a result, the monitoring and control of a watering crop project were possible using the proposed solution. In addition, the embedded server allowed the creation of a web interface for the farmer, which can interact with the whole system throughout a web browser.Keywords: Embedded server. Internet of things. Precision agriculture. Wireless sensor network

    Lugar e Memória:: uma poética de Porto Velho em Ernesto de Melo e a Fina Flor do Samba

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    Dissertação de mestrado para defesa apresentado ao Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Geografia – PPGG da Universidade Federal de Rondônia, como requisito parcial para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Geografia.Lugar e Memória: uma poética de Porto Velho em Ernesto Melo e a Fina Flor do Samba teve como objetivo geral dar visibilidade a uma poética da cidade de Porto Velho a partir de nuanças da obra de Ernesto Melo, um dos maiores nomes do samba amazônico. A hipótese, confirmada, foi de que a música produzida por Ernesto Melo e a Fina Flor do Samba é uma forma de edificar como “monumentos da memória” os lugares de Porto Velho que foram marcantes nas experiências individuais e coletivas do grupo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base no método Fenomenológico, utilizou-se de ferramentas e procedimentos da Análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, da História Oral e da Semiótica através das letras de músicas. Fundamentou-se, teoricamente em autores como Tuan (1983, 2012), Tatit (2001, 2010), Nora (1993), Von Simson (2000) e Kozel et al (2007). Como resultado, temos que Ernesto Melo e a Fina Flor do Samba posicionam-se como o mais fértil grupo de samba da cena urbana de Porto Velho. Este samba, embora marginal em relação à produção nacional, é central para a preservação de uma história e de uma geografia da memória relativa à capital do Estado de Rondônia

    Do VHDL ao VHDL-AMS em 1 dia

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    EDUFTLinguagens de descrição de hardware são elementos indispensáveis em qualquer projeto ou pesquisa sobre hardware. E muitas vezes é trabalhoso aprender a gramática de uma nova linguagem, ou mesmo nos esquecemos de certos detalhes. Assim, decidimos produzir esse material para auxiliar os iniciantes, ou mesmo servir como material de consulta para usuários intermediários. O VHDL é a escolha mais óbvia para ser aprendida devido a sua simplicidade e sua ampla utilização nas universidades. Já o VHDL-AMS é uma extensão muito poderosa do VHDL e não poderia ser deixado de lado nessa obra

    Fake news and its impact on trust in the news. Using the Portuguese case to establish lines of differentiation

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    While a far from recent phenomenon, fake news has acquired a very special significance in the wake of the latest US elections. Against a broad background of different definitions and subtypes that require us to find a new, broader definition of the concept of fake news, the main debate about it concerns its scope and reach, which vary primarily in terms of intentionality and exactly how it disrupts the information process. With the discussion also focusing on the threats to (McChesney, 2014; Fisher, 2018) and opportunities for (Beckett, 2017) journalism itself, we seek to expand the debate on fake news to its impact on the dimension of trust in news. The starting point is Fletcher and Nielsen’s (2017) idea that, because they don’t make a clear distinction between real and fake news, Internet users feel a generalised sense of distrust in the media. Using data from the latest (2018) Reuters Digital News Report survey of a representative sample of the Portuguese Internet-using population, we describe the main reasons why the Portuguese (increasingly familiar with fake news and disinformation and their impacts) have been displaying higher levels of trust in news than counterparts in other countries, such as the United States –reasons that are linked to Portugal’s media system and historical context

    Sense geographic location: experiences and experiences of Border River Border Life characters (1965), by Francisco de Assis Almeida Brasil

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    O estudo do espaço e do lugar retratado nas obras literárias apresentada um perfil de subjetividade, somado a realidade que as cerca, ou seja, as características simbólicas do lugar retratado na ficção. Dessa forma, verifica-se que as obras literárias descrevem conjunturas que permitem a identificação das experiências vividas em contextos diversos, mas que perpassa recortes temporais previamente estabelecidos, permitindo a leitura de processos que se efetivam na atualidade. O presente estudo vislumbra como objetivo geral analisar o sentido do lugar geográfico, expressado no cotidiano dos personagens de Beira Rio Beira Vida (1965), produção literária de Francisco de Assis Almeida Brasil, a partir da compreensão da articulação entre os personagens, o cais e o enredo textual. Com a Literatura, pode-se analisar e compreender o espaço geográfico e suas categorias. A Geografia, por sua vez, substantiva-se com a possibilidade da leitura literária do espaço a partir da ótica do contado pela experiência do romancista, que conta um espaço por ele vivido e possível de ser replicado para outros contextos e situações espaciais. A pesquisa possui um cunho qualitativo. Usou-se como metodologia a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Esta construção relaciona-se intensamente com o movimento do Beira Rio, em especial ao cais, principal espaço de articulação dos personagens na trama. Os personagens desta história estão na Beira Vida, marginalizados no cais, visto pela sociedade conservadora como um lado negativo da cidade, como pessoas incapazes de inter-relações com outros meios e "presas" ao ambiente da vivência no cais. Diante das discussões levantadas, conclui-se que o desenvolvimento de análises que congregam os conhecimentos produzidos em ramos distintos do conhecimento auxilia na ampliação das perspectivas de entendimento das dinâmicas abordadas.The study of space and place portrayed in literary works presented one subjectivity profile, coupled with the reality that surrounds them, that is, the symbolic characteristics of the place portrayed in fiction. Thus, it appears that literary works describe situations that allow the identification of experiences in different contexts, but that permeates temporal clippings previously established, allowing the reading processes that take place today. This study sees as a general objective to analyze the sense of geographic place, expressed in the daily lives of the characters in Beira Rio Beira Life (1965), literary production Francis Almeida Brazil, from the understanding of the relationship between the characters, the pier and the textual plot. With the literature, one can analyze and understand the geographical space and their categories. Geography, in turn, substantive with the possibility of literary reading of space from the perspective of counted by the novelist's experience, which has a space for him lived and can be replicated to other contexts and spatial situations. The research has a qualitative nature. Was used as methodology the Bardin content analysis technique. This construction relates strongly with the movement of the Beira Rio, especially the pier, the main space of articulation of the characters in the plot. The characters in this story are in Beira Life, marginalized on the dock, seen by the conservative society as a negative side of the city, as people unable to interrelations with other media and "stuck" to the living room on the pier. Before the discussions raised, it is concluded that the development of analyzes that bring together the knowledge generated in different branches of knowledge helps in broadening the perspectives of understanding the dynamics addressed.El estudio del espacio y del lugar descrito en las obras literarias presenta un modelo de subjetividad, sumado a la realidad que las rodea, o sea, las características simbólicas del lugar descrito en la ficción. De esta forma, se nota que las obras literarias describen coyunturas que permiten la identificación de las experiencias vividas en contextos distintos, pero que se trasluce recortes temporales previamente establecidos, permitiendo la lectura de procesos que se hacen efectivo actualmente. El presente estudio vislumbra como objetivo general analizar el sentido del lugar geográfico, expresado en el cotidiano de los personajes de Beira Rio Beira Vida (1965), producción literaria de Francisco de Assis Almeida Brasil, a partir de la comprensión de la articulación entre los personajes, el muelle y el enredo textual. Con la Literatura, se puede analizar y comprender el espacio geográfico y sus categorías. La Geografía, por su vez, se sustantiva con la posibilidad de lectura literaria del espacio a partir de una mirada de lo contado por la experiencia del romanticismo, que narra un espacio por él vivido y con posibilidad que sea replicado a otros contextos y situaciones espaciales. La investigación posee un cuño cualitativo. Se utilizó como metodología la técnica de Análisis de Contenido de Bardin. Esta construcción se relaciona intensamente con el movimiento de Beira Rio, en especial el muelle, principal espacio de articulación de los personajes en la trama. Los personajes de esta historia están en la Beira Vida, marginalizados en el muelle, visto por la sociedad conservadora, como un lado negativo de la ciudad, como personas incapaces de interrelacionarse con otros medios y “detenidas” en el ambiente de vivencia en el muelle. Ante las discusiones sostenidas, se incluye que el desarrollo de análisis que congregan los conocimientos producidos en áreas distintas del conocimiento auxilia en la expansión de las perspectivas de entendimiento de las dinámicas abordadas.